Grasping Evil

The 427th chapter slaughter tower (3)

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The golden shadow condenses and lasts for a long time. For Ning Fan, a single stick of incense can do too much. [;Starting]

With a flash of light, he was like a flash of lightning, and he took a look at the other two Lei Gong who were fighting with the puppet.

Ning Fan separated two golden shadows and killed Li Gui with two breaths. This incident shocked all the undead.

Even Zhu Feng, who had a hard battle with Lei Shiyi, couldn't help but feel fear.

"What kind of spell is that! To be able to separate the golden phantom, this spell is so defiant, it can never be unknown, why have I never heard of it!"

This idea also breeds in Lei Shiyi's heart, but he already knows Ning Fan's life and is not as shocked as Zhufeng.

Judging from Ning Fan's inexperience with spells, he has only just mastered this spell.

Judging from the fluctuation of this technique, Lei Shiyi faintly felt familiar, and he had already made a conclusion in his heart, and said with a wry smile,

"You can't be wrong! This spell is the spell recorded in the inheritance crystal! The crystal is my undead body. Although I can't open it, I have sensed its contents. Even if I can't see it through, I still remember a trace of mana fluctuations... This technique is so defiant, it seems that the old man has been taken advantage of once again, but there is nothing I can do. This technique cannot be opened for thousands of years in my hands, but it can be carried forward in his hands. This is also due to luck... The luck of the old man is far less than that."

Even the two Wen Xu were amazed by this technique, so how could the others not know how powerful this technique is?

A golden body can be compared to a glimpse, two golden body illusions, plus the strength of Ning Fan, who is already against the sky, in this Zhongshan Thunder Palace, who can stop Ning Fan's footsteps?

Yan Daozi and Lonely meet. They are attacking three puppets together.

The two were weak in the Thunder Palace's refining, and only dared to bully mere puppets.

The two were proficient in joint strikes, and with two-on-three strikes, they gradually began to gain the upper hand.

It's just that the two are not happy with each other. I was startled to realize that Li Gui had fallen, and was even more shocked to discover that Ning Fan, who had killed Li Gui, was rushing to kill him, with a suffocating energy!

"not good!"

The two of them froze in unison, each offered the strongest magic weapon, and called Ning Fan head on, leaving the three puppets at the same time, but they didn't even look back and wanted to escape.

Two peeps,

He didn't have the courage to fight against Ning Fan!

In the state of one person and two shadows. Ning Fan's combat power is equivalent to three peeps. Can instantly kill and see the virtual. Who dares to fight against it!

The magic weapon sacrificed by the two is the sword of flying lightning, which is of the rank of low-ranking ordinary people. When flying away, there is only electric light, but no sword shadow, which shows the speed of this sword.

Another treasure is a stone of five lights, which is also the rank of the lower grades of the virtual world. Once it is sacrificed, it will immediately evolve into a multi-colored mountain, which will be suppressed by Ningfan.

"The magic weapon is good, but unfortunately, you can't leave!"

boom! boom!

Ning Fan just finished his words, two golden figure Arhats. They each took one step and threw a golden fist towards the two treasures in the sky. The fist was strong enough to shake the sky and crack the earth. The void collapsed everywhere, crushing the mountains and rivers everywhere.

The Sword of Flying Lightning was knocked flying by a punch, and the Stone of Five Lights was rolled back by a punch.

The two golden shadows blasted away the magic weapon, and they also suffered some injuries, but the injuries were not enough to make them fatal.

After the wounds were healed, the two golden shadows waved their hands together, took the flying sword and the five-light stone into their hands, and wiped away the imprint of the magic weapon with a swipe of golden light.


Before the two escaped, they realized that the magic weapon attack had been broken, and they were all horrified when they saw the scene of Jin Ying's self-healing.

This golden shadow healed itself, and unless one hit is fatal, no one can kill!

This golden shadow is so strange that it can actually erase the imprint of the magic weapon and steal the magic weapon for personal use!

"Want to go?"

Ning Fan's Fuli Wing called out, and when he escaped, Yu was one point faster than the two of them escaped, blocking the way for the two of them to retreat.

Both fists were swung together, with the power to shake the mountains and rivers, and slammed into the chests of the two, making a series of crashing noises.


The two of them spurted blood together, and received a huge punch from Ning Fan, both of which were seriously injured.

Although he was not killed instantly by Ning Fan, but was dragged by Ning Fan's fist, three puppets and two golden shadows all took the opportunity to besiege them.

In an instant, Yan Daozi and Gufeng were surrounded by Ning Fan.

One person, two shadows, and three puppets, all of them were punched out by fists, and a six-path peeping blow was enough to level Zhongshan. The attack hit in front of Yan Gu and the two people, and there was no defense at all, only hard support.

boom! boom! boom!

With a punch on the body-protecting treasure light, the two of them only have the share of dying, so how can they fight back?

As time went on, the two became unable to support each other.

Ten punches, the armor is all broken.

Hundred fists, the flesh is riddled with holes, the muscles and bones are broken, and the blood flows into rivers.

Thousands of fists, the two souls were killed by a fistful of fists!

As the two screams came out, the two finally died after holding on to a stick of incense.

Relying on the two shadows and three puppets, Ning Fan slaughtered two more people, two Yuan Lei, and two golden jades in his pocket!

The undead present were all shocked by Ning Fan's fierce might to the point where they couldn't be added.

The five spectators watching from a distance all felt an irresistible power from Ning Fan.

"The puppet is owned by this son, and Jin Ying is transformed by this son. This means that this son's combat power is comparable to that of six peeps! Horseman King, Li Gui, Yan Daozi, Gu Feng! This son has a short time. Inside, I have already killed four Gu Jingxu in a row, this son's methods are shocking, unstoppable, retreat quickly, it is absolutely not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

The five of them looked at each other, but they didn't even have the heart to pick up any leaks, and they all turned into shredded tobacco and escaped desperately.

They don't care whether Zhong Shan wins or loses, their fear of Ning Fan has reached the point where they cannot be added.

A stick of incense arrived, and the golden shadow dissipated.

Ning Fan lost two golden shadows, and in a short period of time, he could not use the technique of my appearance again.

However, at the moment, Ning Fan has one person and three puppets, and he is still invincible.

Zhongshan Lei Palace still has five Jingxu left, and they are fighting with Chu Nanfeng and other Wanbao Pavilion Jingxu respectively.

At first, they were still able to fight against Chu Nanfeng and the others without distinction, but as Ning Fan killed several people in a row, they felt fear in their hearts.

"This child is only half a step into the virtual world, and he is already so powerful. If he is allowed to enter the virtual world, even if it is only a glimpse of the virtual, it must be invincible! No, if he enters the virtual reality. Fight!"

The five people were thinking in their hearts, but they were suddenly shocked, and they felt the four roaring lights behind them from far to near, as if they were asking for the life of the King of Hell, it was Ning Fan who was three puppets.

"not good!"

Lei Gong, who was fighting against Mo Feiyun, had no time to react, and was already attacked by Ning Fan. The three puppets punched at the same time, breaking all the defenses of this person, and Ning Fan raised his sword. Cut off and die. Pierce into the dantian.

next moment. Hundreds of millions of sword threads were drawn out to destroy their primordial spirit!

Swallow Yuanlei, receive gold and jade!

"Thank you Daoist Zhou for your help..." Mo Feiyun's eyes were complicated. The opponent he needed to fight with all his strength was instantly killed by Ning Fan. This huge sense of gap made him more deeply aware of how tyrannical Ning Fan was.

Ning Fan nodded, and with a flash of light, he fled towards Chu Nanfeng's battlefield.

Chu Nanfeng's opponent is a undead with demon blood, who is evolving into a black dragon demon, showing off his power.

This shemale blood is mixed and impure. The demon phase he transformed was also clumsy, and that was the case. The black dragon demon phase attacked so strongly that Chu Nanfeng was unable to defeat this person.

In the midst of a hard fight, I suddenly saw four escaping lights from far to near.

The black dragon pressed Chu Nanfeng and was quite arrogant. Seeing Ning Fan and the others coming, he was full of disdain even though he was afraid.

"Shuzi is arrogant! Relying on the power of puppets and illusions, do you think that you are comparable to refining the void? It's ridiculous! The black dragon swallows the sky!"

The black dragon opened its huge mouth, and the power of the void evolved in its mouth, like chaos, like a black hole, and it seemed to swallow Ning Fan in one bite.

Most of this technique is a secret technique of the Black Dragon Clan, but I am afraid that the Black Dragon in front of him is the worst caster in the history of the Black Dragon Clan.


Ning Fan uttered only one word and grasped with five fingers, but it seemed enough to tear the world apart.

The void in the black dragon's giant mouth was torn to pieces by Ning Fan, and the technique was broken from the front.


The black dragon spell was brutally destroyed, how could he feel better, and he vomited blood.

He looked at Ning Fan, and his blood shivered.

At this moment, his mind was calm, and he gradually sensed the power of demon blood that suffocated Ning Fan.

His blood of the black dragon, I don't know where to find it, and it is extremely clumsy after a little refining.

But the demon blood in Ning Fan's body was pure and supreme.

That tyrannical bloodline was the only one seen in Heilong's life. Even the rumored king Yinglong, who had the bloodline of a true-blood Huanglong dragon, would never have the bloodline pressure of Ning Fan's level.

Without giving the black dragon too much time to think, Ning Fan immediately burst into flames, and with a flash of light, he stood on the black dragon's head.

At such a close distance, Ning Fanzu's blood pressure was fully released, and the black dragon was unable to contend, and was directly immobilized, dazed and sluggish!

Black Dragon is residual blood, Ning Fan is ancestral blood, the bloodline difference between the two... is too big!

With only his bloodline, Ning Fan can suppress the black dragon! If there is no such deterrence, how can he match the identity of his ancestor Fuli!

And in Ning Fan's eyes, there was a hint of joy that could not be detected.

The technique of swallowing the sky by the black dragon... This technique is not bad, it seems to be a secret technique for the medium and high-quality blood of the black dragon to devour low-quality blood.

This technique is not difficult to master, but it must use the blood of the black dragon above the blood of the king to truly exert its power.

This technique can not only swallow the black dragon, but also the dragon in the world! In ancient times, the reason why the black dragon was domineering was because it could swallow the blood of other dragons and strengthen itself.

The so-called five dragons die, black dragons live, that's exactly what it means!

"You, how are you willing to let the old man go! As long as you let the old man go, the old man is willing to defect and help you kill Zhufeng!" Heilong pleaded.

"Let go of you? It's ridiculous! Although your bloodline is inferior, this cultivation base is a real glimpse of the virtual... In this case, it should not be wasted."

Ning Fan slapped the storage bag and took out the black dragon that had not been used for a long time to refine the corpse. With a change of fingertips, he manipulated the dragon corpse to transform into a giant, opened his mouth to evolve into the void, and swallowed the bloody black dragon in one bite.

"no, do not want!"

The bloody black dragon was frightened, and he could naturally see that Ning Fan was carrying a black dragon refining corpse, and he had to use that corpse refining technique to imitate the black dragon swallowing the sky in order to devour himself!

Terrible, terrible!

If he was not mistaken, the black dragon refining the corpse turned out to be the long-extinct black dragon of king blood!

There is someone in the world who dares to use the king's blood black dragon to make a corpse, and this person is even more daring to devour him, he will surely die!

"Let go, let me go... ah!"

He screamed and died, and every trace of blood and flesh was swallowed up by the black dragon refining corpse.

Ning Fan secretly learned the black dragon swallowing the sky, and used the black dragon to refine the corpse to swallow the opponent's black dragon.

Devoured the peeping black dragon. The dragon's corpse, which was originally half-stepped, suddenly rose in rank, breaking through to the peeping rank almost in an instant.

Ning Fan. One more peeping thug!

Chu Nanfeng was shocked. The black dragon that made him feel so devastated was overwhelmed by Ning Fan's supernatural powers and easily killed.

"Chongxu! It must be Chongxu! Even if you ask Xu, you can't kill this black dragon in an instant!" He firmly believed that Ning Fan was an old monster of Chongxu.

Swallowing Yuan Lei and accepting Jin Yu, Ning Fan took a deep look at Chu Nanfeng and turned around to go to other battlefields.

Everywhere I go, there is a Lei Gong who sees the virtual and faces catastrophe.

Ning Fan at this moment. One person is equivalent to the combat power of five voyeurs. Plus the five people from Wanbao Pavilion. The three remaining members of the siege of the Thunder Palace are almost a sure-fire situation.

After just a stick of incense, the three of them fell one after another. And this also indicates that from this moment on, the Thunder Palace of Zhongshan has only Zhufeng's last battle power, and this battle power is still being suppressed by Lei Eleven indefinitely.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Why is a mere half-step virtuosity enough to stir up the battle? This is not true, I don't believe it!" Nine of Zhufeng's specter's subordinates died in Zhongshan.

3 peeping under the virtual. Died on the outskirts of Zhongshan.

The foundation of his life was almost destroyed by the hands of Ning Fan alone. Even if he used the sky-defying means to slaughter Zhong Shan's enemies today, he would no longer be able to hold the position of Thunder Master.

"Zhufeng, you underestimate Zhou Ming, this son is more powerful than you can imagine, if the old man is not bad, he has not used his real trump cards in this battle at all, and his trump cards are mostly reserved for countermeasures. Dragon's."

Lei Shiyi no longer called Ying Longzi king. In his heart, he had confidence in Ning Fan. He was convinced that in a short time, Ning Fan would go all the way to the twenty-fourth floor and kill Ying Long. !

"Zhufeng, when you swallowed my wife back then, you never imagined that today would come! Even if you have three heads and six arms, I will teach you to die in Zhongshan today! Illusory Techniques, Illusory Lightning Counting Pearls!"

Lei Eleven pointed to the sky, and the power of the void in the sky was entangled, forming a black thunder form, evolving a black thunder abacus with a huge mountain.

The abacus suddenly collapsed, and fifty black thunder beads were like black thunder fireballs, each of which was tens of thousands of feet in size.

Falling from the sky, like fifty black meteors, every blow is enough to injure the Void Cultivator!

Fifty strikes in one, even if it is Xu Xu, you will be injured!

Such a terrifying technique was far beyond Zhufeng's expectations. He hurriedly pinched his hands and turned into layers of golden thunder light curtains, trying to block the technique.

But the heavy metal thunder light curtain was broken by Lei Eleven in just a split second.

Fifty black meteors slammed into Zhufeng's chest without exception.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another, the black thunder and fire that destroyed the sky and the earth flattened the earth, and the mountains and rivers of 100,000 miles became rotten!

The thunder and fire burned the earth, and on the vast earth, Zhu Feng was half-kneeling on the ground, and his breath was weak.

He looked at Lei Shiyi angrily. He was finally defeated by Lei Shiyi. At this moment, it was difficult for Zhufeng to have the power to fight again.

He also knew that he could not escape.

If he was about to die, his dignified eleventh-level thunder technique was about to die.

Do not! He wants to drag Lei Shiyi and Ning Fan to hell together!

"Zhongshan's wind and rain is ranked among the immortals. In addition to breaking the stealth, there is also a 'Life and Death Array' hidden in it. Once the life and death two tribulations are opened, I need to sacrifice my life, but it will definitely kill you! Thunder! Eleven, you... forced me! Let's die together!"

Zhufeng showed a crazy smile, he crushed the formation plate and ignited the primordial spirit at this moment.

At the moment when he ignited his primordial spirit, within Zhongshan, a drop of thunderstorm suddenly entwined with shreds of electric light.

Countless electric lights turned into ten thunder dragons, five were blue dragons, and five were yellow dragons!

Ten thunder dragons, all of which are based on virtual cultivation!

"The first calamity, the formation of the killing calamity! The wind and rain in Zhongshan... turn yellow!"

Once the technique was completed, the complexion of Wanbao Pavilion's group repairers changed greatly.

No one would have expected that such a murderous calamity would be hidden in the Zhongshan Great Array, which could transform into ten questioning illusory thunder dragons!

Even Lei Shiyi's complexion changed greatly. Every Thunder Dragon here is not weaker than him. He can't stop ten Thunder Dragons!

"Thunder Dragon, so what!"

When the group of cultivators were afraid, Ning Fan looked up at the sky, his black hair danced wildly, his eyes were like the sun and the moon, as if the god of thunder had descended.

Under his feet, a huge blood-colored Retu opened.

Lei Tu was propped up by Ning Fan in a range of 100,000 miles. Within 100,000 miles, the attack of the Ten Tiaowen Void Thunder Dragon could not break through Lei Tu at all.

At the moment when Lei Tu was completely stretched out, all the Thunder-type undead felt a tremor.

Even the ten-headed Void Thunder Dragon panicked.

"A mere thunder dragon, asking the rank of emptiness, dares to disobey this emperor and seek death!"

Ning Fan's tone, imitated, is Taisu!

Stepping on Leitu, he despised Thunder Dragon, as if he despised ants.

If this Thunder Dragon has the cultivation base of rushing to the virtual, that's all, just ask the virtual, how much will come, how much will Ning Fan swallow!


As Ning Fan uttered the word, Lei Tu suddenly burst out with an unimaginable tearing force, sucking the ten Thunder Dragons into Lei Tu one by one.

Then, ten shrill screams came out, and all the ten dragons were swallowed by Lei Tu, and the huge power of Yuan Lei was refined into the Thunder Armor, making the Thunder Armor move a lot towards the third-order Golden Armor again.

Inside Zhongshan, there was dead silence!

Zhu Feng's eyes were about to split, and his sneer was still frozen on his face. He couldn't believe that the ten black dragons he summoned at the cost of burning the primordial spirit were so vulnerable!

The ten thunder dragons, all of which are illusory, all are all-powerful existences, but they have just shown their faces, and they have been killed by Ning Fan one by one before they show their power. How is this possible!

When did Thunder Dragon become so weak?

No, it's not Thunder Dragon Ruoxia, it's the technique of Lei Tu, too powerful!

What kind of Leitu is that, what kind of technique is that!

"Difficult, could it be... one of Taisu Lei Di's strongest magical powers... Taisu Leitu! No, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Taisu Lei Di, order ten thousand thunders, don't dare to disobey, and only Lei Di is qualified to swallow the thunder dragon like a child's play! This technique has long been lost since Lei Di, even if it is a true immortal, no one can learn it, just one It is absolutely impossible for the juniors who are half-stepped to learn this technique!"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Zhufeng roared again and again, like laughing and crying, he was really crazy.

Lei Shiyi couldn't help but show a look of sigh. He fought against Zhufeng all his life, and when he finally won, seeing Zhufeng end in such a madness, it is inevitable that there is a sense of empty emptiness.

"Be careful, that Zhufeng said, this Zhongshan Wind and Rain Formation has a total of two life and death formations. The Thunder Dragon just now is a killing formation. I am afraid that there are still life and disaster formations hidden here, so don't remind Zhufeng any more. Opportunity to move."

Lei Shiyi's voice transmission reminded him that with a flash of light, he stabbed towards Zhufeng without showing any mercy.

"Yeah." Ning Fan nodded, stepping on Lei Tu, killing the candle wind step by step.

The other Wanbao Pavilion's Void Refinement were also excited one by one, and launched their final attack on Zhufeng.

Once Zhu Feng is killed, from today, Wanbao Pavilion will be the master of the eleventh floor, and Lei Shiyi will be the new Lei master!

As Lei Eleven's confidants, they were naturally willing to see this situation.

"You want to kill me? Do you want to prevent the formation of Life Tribulation from opening? Haha, you are wrong, wrong! The formation of Life Tribulation has already been opened, but you don't know it! It's too late, you will eventually die with me!"

Zhufeng laughed like a madman, attacking him with any attack, but he couldn't avoid it.

Every spell is enough to kill Zhufeng in a state of residual blood, but the strange thing is that when he was hit by these spells, Zhufeng was only injured and did not die.

After a while, his injuries healed at a strange speed.

Including Ning Fan, all the masters of Wanbao Pavilion and Lei Gong all began to turn pale.

Everyone's life essence was taken away by strangeness, so that Zhufeng could heal his wounds alone!

"The second calamity, the formation of life calamity! If the sky has love... the sky is also old!"

As soon as Zhu Feng's words fell, everyone's life essence flowed away rapidly.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, the mystery of this Immortal Void Formation was completely beyond his expectations.

And if he didn't perceive it wrong, this Immortal Void Formation took away the life essence, just because a trace of the power of time was integrated into the array of light!

In his body, a trace of blood of time, eager to try...

He is not afraid of the power of time!




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