Grasping Evil

Chapter 435: The Begonia Sword

() Zhou Chen's sword is like a dragon, and Ning Fan's suffocating aura is overwhelming. On the Thunder Bamboo Island, the situation changed for a while, Wan Xiu was shocked, and countless monks came to the forbidden area of ​​Lei Chen Pavilion.

Hongyi suddenly stood up, holding a token, urging the Leichen Pavilion formation, covering all the fluctuations of the fighting technique.

The three Jingxu were instructed by the red clothes to immediately leave the Leichen Pavilion to stabilize the situation on the island.

Ning Fan didn't care about other people's behavior. In his eyes, there was only one Zhou Chen.

This Zhou Chen is far less powerful than Yun Tianjue, but among the Void Refining Old Monsters, he is definitely a first-class sword cultivator.

His sword intent is fundamentally different from Yun Tianjue's sword.

Ning Fan added his sword intent, savoring the tyrannical sword intent coming from Zhou Chen, and gradually realized in his heart.

"The sword of love! And the love in this sword is the love of men and women. If it is further subdivided, it is the love of 'sadness'!"

As soon as his words fell, Zhou Chen was slightly startled, surprised that Ning Fan could see the essence of his sword intent at first glance!

Yes, the sword intent he comprehended was the sentient sword. Compared with most ruthless sword cultivators, Zhou Chen was an outlier.

The love he placed in the sword was a love between men and women, and that love ended in tragedy...

In his lifetime, Zhou Chen has fought against countless sword cultivators in the Rain Realm, and among those who can see at a glance that their swords are sentient swords, all of them are illusory sword cultivators!

Those who can see through the love between men and women on the basis of the sentient sword, at least ask Xu Jianxiu.

Those who can see the sadness in the sword must be a sword cultivator with a broken vision. Zhou Chen I only met three people!

Among those three, there was one person, Yun Tianjue. The other two are the Sword Emperor of the Rain Realm and the Four Heavenly Wandering Loose Immortals. Ning Fan, the fourth person!

This is not surprising. Ning Fan's swordsmanship is not the strongest in the Nine Realms, but among countless swordsmen, his vision is definitely extremely high.

"The old man has underestimated you. Although your cultivation base is low, your understanding of the sword is unparalleled in the rain world, under the white-robed sword god... If it weren't for the 100,000-year elixir, the old man would definitely be willing to use the sword to make friends and make friends. You friend! A servant of others, a matter of loyalty. Offended! As compensation. You can see the sword that this old man cherishes most in his life!"

Zhou Chen gritted his teeth slightly. Point your finger a little,

A clear chant suddenly rang out from the sword box behind it, unmatched in the past and present. Suddenly, Zhou Chen had a long sword in his hand, a wooden sword.

The wood of the wooden sword revealed a hint of the fragrance of begonias, if Ning Fan smelled it right, it was the wood of drooping begonias.

This sword is very ordinary, as if it will break with a slight stroke.

But Ning Fan understood that an extremely ordinary sword would fall into the hands of a swordsman of Zhou Chen's level. It will turn into the most unusual sword.

When he was in Suzhou, he once understood the sword, and he already understood the truth of "a weak sword is strong, and a strong sword is weak".

If it is a flying sword, naturally the stronger and lighter the material, the better, after all, it will inevitably collide with magic weapons.

If it is an epee, it also needs to pay attention to the material, and it needs to be opened and closed to sweep thousands of troops.

Zhou Chen's sword was obviously not a flying sword, let alone an epee.

This sword is an Intent Sword, which makes the sword body infinitely weak, and the Intent Sword that exerts the strongest Sword Intent!

What Ning Fan needed to defend was not Zhou Chen's sword brilliance, but his sword intent.

Sword Intent is pervasive, and even Thunder Armor cannot completely defend against it.

His eyes sank slightly. Originally, Ning Fan was planning to use tricks to summon the Thunder Armor to defend against the enemy, but now it seems that he can't use tricks.

The three Jingxu stabilized the situation and had already returned. Seeing that Zhou Chen actually used the wooden sword, their eyes changed drastically.

"What! The third elder actually used the 'Begonia Wooden Sword'! This sword kills bloodless people. It is rumored that the third elder has always used this sword to kill the old monster Wenxu. There are ten people who died of this sword. Unexpectedly, the three elders used this sword in the face of a mere Zhou Ming!"

"Merely Zhou Ming..." Ning Fan's brows were slightly wrinkled, these three peeping old monsters were really pretentious, did they take Ning Fan as an ant.

If you want the Zhou family to be the backing, you can't make the Zhou family underestimate yourself, at least, you must show the strength that the Zhou family values.

In this way, it is even more impossible to hold back.

"Thunder Armor, now!"

Ning Fan's finger changed, and it was the finger that summoned the Armor of Yuan Lei.

As the Zhou family of refining the virtual, the three peeping the virtual know the secret technique of the Primordial Thunder Armor, but this technique is extremely difficult to cultivate, and it is necessary to swallow the Primordial Spirit Thunder to achieve success.

Except for Lei Huang who cultivated this technique to a very high level, no one Zhou family cultivator has ever cultivated this technique above the silver armor.

It's no wonder that killing a god-turning cultivator must also be Lei Xiu in order to create a thunder of primordial spirit.

If you want to defend against refining attacks, you need at least gold armor. If you want to break through the golden armor, it is impossible without tens of thousands of thunder. And it is rumored that once the Thunder Armor enters the Golden Armor rank, the number of Yuan Lei required is even greater.

There are only hundreds of gods in the Inner Sea, and this still takes into account the four clans of the Youhai and the Zhou family.

Not to mention that Lei Xiu is only a minority among these masters, and even if he killed all the gods of the rain world, he could not collect enough Yuan Lei to break through the golden armor.

In the eyes of the three peeps, this technique is undoubtedly a tasteless technique.

Seeing Ning Fan perform this technique, they naturally disapproved.

"This technique must have been given to this son by the young lady, hehe, this son is a god-turning junior after all. He is the strongest sword against the third elder, but he only knows how to summon silver-rank thunder armor. With such a clumsy defense, how can he stop the sword of the third elder? meaning?"

"Don't look at it, this child will lose..."

As soon as the three of them finished speaking, all of them suddenly became dumb, with their eyes wide open like camel bells, unbelievable.

However, he saw Ning Fan wearing a golden thunder armor on top of the white robe, and the golden armor, the vast thunder force that came out, was enough to defend against a punch, it was clearly a third-order thunder armor!

"Impossible! This child can repair Thunder Armor to the third rank, this, this, how is this possible!"

"After the Thunder Emperor, another figure appeared in the rain world, who repaired the Thunder Armor to the third rank of the Golden Armor! With this armor alone, this man is enough to ask questions about the emptiness, and there are few opponents... Because with this armor, there are few A questioning old monster, can hurt this child! And I'll wait..."

"And I wait, although I am a master of refining the virtual, but after all, it is only a glimpse of the virtual. Even if I try my best, I will definitely not be able to hurt even a single hair of him!"

The three peeped out, their faces were shocked, and their mouths were speechless.

All the contempt for Ning Fan disappeared at this moment.

The red shirt watching the battle. Looking at Ning Fan who was like a golden god, his cold eyes were surprised again, and he murmured.

"This kid has only entered the Black Thunder Tower once. It took me ten days to get such a large amount of Yuan Lei, which really surprised me. Even when I collected Yuan Lei back then, I didn't have the same speed as him."

Even if it was a red-clothed person who entered the Thunder Tower alone, the Yuan Lei obtained could only be obtained by killing him. Naturally, it was not as efficient and fast as Ning Fan's obtaining Yuan Lei.

Ning Fan had Lei Shiyi's help and bought it directly. Catch up with the tide of indignation and killing Yinglong. Become a dragon slayer hero. Every floor. Then there is a layer of Leizhu who is trying his best to collect Yuan Lei and give it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan didn't fight alone, he didn't collect Yuan Lei alone, and his speed was naturally not comparable to that of a lone red-clothed man.

Zhou Chen took a breath. His eyes became more serious, Lang said,

"Zhou Ming, although your Thunder Armor is strong, you can block physical spells and physical attacks, but it is difficult to block 'intention', whether it is demonic, divine, or magical. Any kind of intention, in the final analysis, can It is the word artistic conception. Mana cultivates reality, artistic conception cultivates emptiness, and the reason why it is necessary to improve artistic conception to break through the realm of transforming spirits and refining emptiness, in the final analysis, is to require cultivators to understand the transformation of 'real' and 'empty'."

"The first artistic conception is the 'real world', the second artistic conception is the 'virtual state', and the third artistic conception is the legendary 'real state'. The artistic conception is born with a product, but this product can be comprehended by a step. step up..."

"This old man's sword intent is called the Begonia Sword Intent, and I realized it through a drooping sea begonia. When I first realized it, it was inferior and inferior. But this old man has painstakingly cultivated his intent, and the rank of this artistic conception has risen from inferior and inferior to nine step by step. Grade, Grade 8, Grade 7, now this Haitang Sword Intent is Grade 6 artistic conception! Little friend, take the sword!"

Zhou Chen said a lot, but he was actually mentioning Ning Fan, and passing on his own understanding of artistic conception cultivation to Ning Fan.

This is compensation, to make up for the mistake he made against Ning Fan.

When he drew his sword against Ning Fan, he violated Hongyi's order and violated his own heart.

After seeing Ning Fan's kendo comprehension and the strength of Thunder Armor, he vaguely had the intention to make friends with Ning Fan.

However, he was loyal to the Lord with all his heart and could not bear to lose the elixir, even if he lost the opportunity to make friends with Ning Fan, even if he disobeyed the red-clothed order, even if he had to lose his arm after the fight, he could only draw his sword!

In his life, his love has passed away, and there is only grace. His loyalty to his master was originally just to repay his kindness.

If grace is also lost, he will practice the Tao alone for thousands of years, and there will be only one sadness left when the Tao becomes empty.

Zhou Chen's advice, word by word, entered Ning Fan's ears.

Every word is the Tao and enlightenment that Zhou Chen has personally experienced through ten thousand years of loneliness, and it can be said that it is worth a thousand words. Countless Rain World cultivators begged Zhou Chen, and Zhou Chen would not tell him half a sentence, but today he had no choice but to draw his sword against Ning Fan, and the only compensation was this enlightenment.

Ning Fan chewed Zhou Chen's words carefully, and his understanding gradually increased.

His divine meaning is rain, the demonic meaning is mountain, and the demonic meaning is Fuli.

But until the moment when the mood of recall was born, he was still unable to see through the essence of the mood, and only knew that the mood of recall was the second step of mood.

Now Zhou Chen told Ning Fan that the cultivation of artistic conception is actually the practice of the empty words of 'cultivating the real power of mana, and cultivating the imaginary of artistic conception'.

Every scene of confusion in the past is now resolved.

From nothing to reality, condensing the law into cultivation, from the reality into the virtual, breaking the law into the meaning, breaking the void, you can become a destiny fairy, comprehend the truth, you can become a real fairy.

Ning Fan's mind became more and more empty, all because of Zhou Chen's guidance, he solved countless big confusions, and there were naturally fewer bumps on the road of cultivation.

"Thank you!"

He clenched his fists towards Zhou Chen, not blaming, but thanking him.

Zhou Chen drew his sword to him, not for personal resentment, but for loyalty, not a villain, so Ning Fan didn't blame Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen gave Ning Fan a Taoist enlightenment, and Ning Fan was naturally grateful.

But at this moment, the two sides are fighting with each other, since there is no mercy, they all need to go all out.

Ning Fan's eyes became more focused, and Zhou Chen's heart also sank into the Begonia Wooden Sword.

Zhou Chen had a reason to draw his sword, while Ning Fan had the determination to save Luo You.

This is a fighting method, but it can allude to the blood of all cultivation.

Too many times, in order to compete for the limited resources of self-cultivation, in order to protect their own way, monks have to fight, have to kill, and have no choice.

"Sword up!"

Zhou Chen suddenly raised his sword, his murderous intent was like a cloud, and before he could use his sword intent, he first slashed at Ning Fan with his sword energy, which was enough to kill the ordinary Gwangxu!

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly startled. This sword energy was definitely unintentionally released by Zhou Chen. The sword energy unintentionally released is enough to kill ordinary Jing Xu, if the sword energy released with full force, wouldn't it be possible to kill even Wen Xu in an instant!

It's no wonder that the two Rain Palaces practiced emptiness at the beginning. Hearing Zhou Chen's name was like hearing a dream, so fearful.

Don't see that Zhou Chen is still one step away from rushing to the void, but in fact, there are already several lives of rushing and even one Taixu in his hands!

If it weren't for some special reasons, this person would never stay in the realm of questioning, although he was not as perverted as Yun Tianjue, he was definitely a sword cultivator in the rain world!

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The sword qi that was released casually hit Ning Fan's chest, causing ripples of thunder light.

Relying on the strength of the Thunder Armor. Ning Fan blocked these casual sword qi. But Ning Fan knew. What is really difficult to stop is the strongest sword intent released by Zhou Chen with the help of the weakest sword!

Zhou Chen, raise your hand.

This sword intent. coming!

"No, back quickly!"

The three Jingxu fled in shock almost instantly, and they were a little relieved until they withdrew from the Leichen Pavilion.

There was no need for Hongyi to escape, but seeing Zhou Chen's unrepentant sword intent for ten thousand years, which became more and more persistent, he sighed for the first time.

"Zhou Chen, you are still as stubborn as you were back then... I destroyed the memory of Su Lei four times for you, and you will never forget the past. If you could forget it, ten thousand years ago, you would have been Chongxu. Today, you are already Broken, my elder, your aptitude is obviously the highest..."

With Hongyi's indifferent personality, Zhou Chen will be embarrassed, which shows that this person's aptitude is high.

Hongyi just sighed, and then turned back to the indifference of the past, quietly looking at Ning Fan, all attention was focused on Ning Fan.

"How many years can you endure under Zhou Chen's sword intent? If you can endure it for a hundred years, I will rescue you. If you can't endure it, I will make you suffer a little and make you anger me many times before. "

When the red clothes finished speaking, he frowned.

Strange...why did he 'revenge' Ning Fan, was it the one who was distracted and transformed by the ten thousand thundergrass.

"It's a little tricky..." It's really tricky. The red clothes in the past were indifferent as ice, but after the primordial spirit was extremely strong, in order not to affect the original heart, all the primordial spirits were subdivided into grass, the grass and trees were ruthless, and the primordial spirit was one Day, since there will be no emotion.

Helpless, there was a Lei grass that was moved by people, transformed into a human, with heart and affection.

For the red-clothed who practiced the ruthless Dao, this emotion was poison. Even a trace of past memories were turned up because of that trace of affection.

"I'm not Ning Honghong, I'm Hongyi..." Hongyi frowned and used Su Lei's Memory Destruction Technique again to wipe out the trace of memory he had just recovered.

She used to be Ning Honghong, but now, she is not. She wants to be herself!

The heartbeat at that moment was also annihilated at will, and returned to calm.

"If I support him for '100 years', I can save him, just for the great cause. If he is dead for 'ten years', there is no meaning in helping him, and there is no use value."

Red-clothed's tone changed back to cold and ruthless again.

Ning Fan looked at Zhou Chen, stared at the reddish wooden sword, the sense of crisis became stronger and stronger.

In the next instant, Zhou Chen's sword intent was like a tide, drowning Ning Fan.

An indifferent and sad old voice came out of Zhou Chen's mouth.

"Sorrowful Sword Four Forms, the first form, ten years of life and death are boundless!"

That sword intent like the tide, completely ignoring the strength of the Thunder Armor, directly invaded Ning Fan's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Ning Fan recalled the rank of artistic conception as the second step, which was far above Zhou Chen's sixth-rank sword intent.

However, his understanding of artistic conception is far less profound than Zhou Chen's.

Because of Zhou Chen's sword intent, the sorrow of his ten thousand years of cultivating the Tao was integrated into it.

That sadness, irreparable and indescribable, turned into the most painful sword intent, which could pierce the cultivator's heart.

Ning Fan's eyes were sluggish, only for a moment, as if ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, and ten thousand years had passed.

It was a sad and sword-like memory that belonged to Zhou Chen alone.

Ning Fan's mind was blocked by Sword Intent.

His sanity sank into a fictional world.

The place where he stood was a small mountain village with beautiful mountains and rivers.

His appearance has changed drastically. He is a 16-year-old boy with a sword, but this boy's appearance is completely different from Ning Fan, but somewhat similar to Zhou Chen.

Ning Fan's head was dizzy, he couldn't remember the past.

A trace of the power of recalling the mood flowed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and after a while, his eyes were clear and he recognized the residual dream here.

Zhou Chen never dreamed that Ning Fan's artistic conception power was a memory, and in Zhou Chen's memory, he woke up!

"This is the world of Zhou Chen's Sword Intent. When the Sword Intent touches the outside world, there is only a momentary moment, but this is the deepest part of consciousness, a momentary moment. However, it can be artificially stretched for thousands of years. Here, it's like a dream... Sinking here In the dream of sword intent, no one can extricate himself, only Zhou Chen Wanjian cut through the heart, and I, with the help of the power of recalling the mood, wake up! Zhou Chen, forget it!"

Ning Fan was standing under a begonia tree, which grew at the entrance of a small mountain village.

Behind the Begonia tree. A girl in a pink shirt. Shamely rolling. After walking out of the tree, he smiled at Ning Fan.

The girl has delicate eyebrows and tall blue silk. There is a scar on the left cheek, but it does not hide its beauty.

She looked at Ning Fan, her eyes were so crazy, so emotional.

"Brother Chen, I heard that you have been favored by the Immortal Master of Chiyue Sword Sect and will soon be accepted as Immortal Master's disciple, congratulations..."

There was deep tenderness in the girl's beautiful eyes, but Ning Fan was unmoved, slightly annoyed.

He is affectionate. But he wasn't so affectionate enough to be in love with any woman he didn't know, even in a dream.

"I'm not Zhou Chen." Ning Fan's words were indifferent. He glanced at the world and walked out of the village, looking for a way to break the sword sense lock.

When he was about to leave the village, he was suddenly pulled by the woman Rou Cattle.

"Brother Chen, Daddy said that if you join the Immortal Sect and become an Immortal Master, you will be rich and powerful. If you don't want me to be rescued, I don't believe it, but,"

The girl was overwhelmed with tears because of her sadness.

Her smile was just forced and happy, who would like her lover to leave her side.

"I'm not Zhou Chen!"

Ning Fan turned his head coldly, but when he saw the woman's face again, his heart suddenly softened.

It seems that in order to make Ning Fan sink into a dream, the woman's appearance also changed into a paper crane.

"Brother Chen...don't go..." The girl's soft and boneless body knelt helplessly on the ground and begged.

"Zhihe!" Ning Fan's eyes turned cold, he didn't like someone who designed his woman, even in a dream, he wouldn't allow it!

"Who is Zhihe? I'm not Zhihe, I'm Haitang, Mu Haitang!" The girl stood up like she was angry, so angry that Ning Fan called her by the wrong name again.

When Zhou Chen was a teenager, he liked to tease Mu Haitang very much. He often called Haitang by the wrong name on purpose to make her angry and then make her laugh.

The dream that happened in front of Ning Fan's eyes was all Zhou Chen's sword intent.

Zhou Chen wanted to use his own grief to draw up a fantasy, imprison Ning Fan's mind, make him sink into sorrow, and ten thousand swords pierce his heart.

This is the strongest sword intent of sorrow.

"No matter what, I used the paper crane to fight with me, which made me unhappy after all, but speaking, this is my fantasy, Zhou Chen's sword intent should only make me dream of a Taoist companion, not intentional. He can't see my dream, but I can see his past! From this perspective, if I break his dream, I will defeat his sword!"

Knowing that Zhou Chen did not intend to design Zhihe, Ning Fan's anger slightly lessened, and he gently supported Mu Haitang.

No matter what, the current Mu Haitang is Zhihe, and Ning Fan is Zhou Chen.

Although the names are different, in Ning Fan's eyes, Zhihe is Zhihe, and no one can be hurt.

Zhou Chen's dream ended in grief, and his lover must suffer a disaster, leaving him alone for thousands of years, unable to erase the pain.

While Ning Fan wanted to break the dream, he did not allow Mu Haitang, who incarnated as a paper crane, to suffer any harm.

He pulled up Mu Haitang and protected him in front of him, his eyes were gentle,

"Come with me!"

"Brother Chen, where are we going?" Seeing that Ning Fan didn't mean to abandon her, Mu Haitang smiled happily.

"Go to the Chiyue Sword Sect! Zhou Chen's cultivating experience seems to have started from the Chiyue Sword Sect. Follow me, no one can hurt you! Zhihe!"

"I've said it many times, I'm Haitang, Mu Haitang!" The girl said displeasedly, she was the body of Zhihe, but she carried the memory of Mu Haitang.

Not long after leaving the mountain village, a catastrophe suddenly came to the small mountain village.

An old man with long eyebrows and a spiritual cultivation base, standing on the sky, despising the mountain village like an ant.

"I can't believe that the head senior brother can find a disciple of the swordsmanship in this broken mountain village. With this disciple, he will be greatly loved by the patriarch, and his position will be stronger, Zhou Chen! A mere mountain village boy, trying to prevent me from taking it. The master's plan, hum! Didn't he cultivate the sword of love, didn't he have a beauty in this mountain village, the old man killed his beauty and made him angry and ruthless, let's see if he can still please the patriarch!"

The long-haired old Taoist spiritual sense was released and swept across the mountain village, but suddenly he gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Where's Mu Haitang! Where has she gone, why isn't she in the village!"

Zhou Chen of that year lost his love on the day he joined the Chiyue Sword Sect.

Ning Fan was dreaming, but he would never allow Xiaoxiao to harm Zhihe, even if that Zhihe was illusory, bearing the identity of Mu Haitang.

Even so, he would not allow anyone to hurt Zhihe, whoever gets hurt will die!



Staying up all night, only to make up to 3/5, the first update of Silent is 7000, this update is 5900, if you cut all 3000 words, it seems that it will continue to update after the fifth update.

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