Grasping Evil

Chapter 448 Northern Liang Kingdom

() The troll clan has more than 400 subordinate islands in the magic ice sea area, and there are thirteen subordinate demon kingdoms.

Different from the three major demon clans that suppressed Youhai, the troll clan was attached to the Thunder Emperor and had developed by leaps and bounds.

Among all the islands and the Demon Kingdom, the largest island, called Beiliang Island, covers an area of ​​70 million kilometers.

The largest country, called Beiliang Country, is almost comparable to the size of the higher-level cultivation country in the Rain World.

Most of the clansmen of the troll tribe live in the country of Beiliang. The Dan Dian competition was also held in Beiliang.

Xu Qiuling was also in Beiliang.

After entering the inner perimeter of the Magic Ice Sea, Ning Fan slowed down slightly, and experienced the customs of the various island forces of the Troll Clan along the way.

Every island is guarded by troll guards. Demon cultivators come and go in the sea, but few dare to cause trouble in the sea of ​​ice.

At the moment when the Dan ceremony was held, countless endless sea old monsters came from all directions, hoping to watch this grand ceremony. The Troll Islands became more and more prosperous, and there was an endless stream of monks coming and going.

Along the way, Ning Fan slowed down and admired the scenery along the way with Yue Lingkong and Burning Wings. I have to say that the sea area of ​​the troll race is picturesque and like a fairyland. land.

As early as the beginning of cultivation, the old demon had told Ning Fan this truth, the Demon Sect Xuanzong couldn't tell from the appearance alone.

Righteousness is just a difference in the way of cultivation, and it is the human heart that is difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

Zhao Shuai kept introducing the customs and customs of the troll clan to Ning Fan and his party, with a very contented expression.

In the inner sea, the sea of ​​magic ice where the trolls are located. It is a well-known paradise.

"This island, called Lengyan Island, is a specialty of Yunyan Spirit Mine..."

"This Devil Kingdom is called Hanlu Kingdom. It is the fourth most powerful Devil Kingdom under the rule of the troll clan..."

"this is…"

Zhao Shuai took the trouble to introduce the customs of the various countries and islands, and was especially excited when it came to Beiliang.

"The country of Beiliang, where the ancestral temple of the troll clan is located, covers an area of ​​70 million li, and there are 4 million demon cultivators living in this country.

Attached to trolls. It is rumored that the reason why this country is called Beiliang is because of a sigh from the ancestor of the troll... "When will I return to the north and not return to my hometown, the road is lonely and my heart is cold"..."

Zhao Shuai continued to talk about the anecdote of the Northern Liang Kingdom, Fen Chi had never left the Six Wings. This is her first time to the sea country. Naturally, he is very interested in the customs of the troll tribe.

Although Yue Lingkong has been to the troll clan. But not many times, I am also interested in Zhao Shuai's words.

Only Ning Fan did not listen to Zhao Shuai's words again. When I heard a sigh from the troll ancestor. He was silent, only to feel that this sigh spoke to his heart and made him feel the same way.

"When will I go back to my hometown when I look north... I feel cold when I build a road... For monks, returning home is just an extravagant hope, and cultivating is just a desolate journey. The north is cool and the north is cool. The word "North Cool" is exhausted. The loneliness of a monk is like a snowstorm... In this snowstorm, I originally had the feeling of 'loneliness like snow'..."

Ning Fan savoured these two sentences carefully. These two sentences are the review and sigh of the troll ancestor's life-long path of cultivation.

Once a monk embarks on the road of self-cultivation, he leaves his hometown and travels alone in the sea of ​​blood.

It's a lonely road, a lonely road, a road with no turning back.

It's like Ning Fan, wandering in the rain world, I don't know when he will be able to return to the country of Yue.

The road is just under your feet, but time and the past are intertwined, and it will only go further and further away.

People can't stop, if they stop, they can only get drunk in Wenrou Township, and after all, there is no chance to win the avenue.

The desolate wind and snow that filled the sky seemed to gradually disappear.

That's not snow. In Ning Fan's heart, every piece of snow is a sigh of monks leaving their homes and wandering the world.

"The Kingdom of Northern Liang... The troll race is really special... This snow is also very special. If I read it right, this snow... is a large-scale spell."

With Ning Fan's insight, he could faintly see that this snowstorm was actually a large-scale spell, which contained a hint of a troll powerhouse.

That breath is similar to Zhao Cui, it is the blood of trolls, but it is many times stronger than Zhao Cui.

This snowstorm is an extremely large-scale spell. The scope of the spell covers the entire magic ice sea, 400 islands and 13 magic kingdoms!

Just changing the celestial phenomenon, Ning Fan can do it too, he can change the weather with the divine will of rain.

But the scope of his changing the weather could never be so large. It's too windy and snowy, it's too sky-defying, even the old monster who peeps and asks about the virtual can't do it!

"This snow is a spell for the rushing virtual powerhouse! The trolls, there is rushing the virtual to sit in the town!"

The powerhouse of rushing into the void, in the late stage of void refining... The troll race really shouldn't be underestimated!

The world has underestimated the troll clan, this is a demon clan who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!

What is the first generation refining virtual battle to die, what is the decline... It's all lies!

The group marched slowly, and after half a month, the Northern Liang Kingdom was finally far ahead.

It was a sea country with snow-capped mountains, and the magic cultivators guarding the island all wore thick sable furs.

Ning Fan stopped the escape light, and the group landed. They were immediately blocked by a group of demon cultivators. They were catching up with the martial law in Beiliang, and they were not allowed to enter the island.

Also stopped outside the island, there are many old monsters from all sides who came to participate and watch the Dan Dian.

All the old monsters looked uneasy, and who could travel thousands of miles to Beiliang country, which one was not a senior with great status.

As a senior, but being blocked from a country and not allowed to enter, it really hurts face.

It's just that the trolls have giants in charge, and they are the eight, no, seven powers of the dignified Inner Sea.

The giant's cultivation base has reached half-step refinement, and his combat power is earth-shattering and shocking in all directions. With him sitting in Beiliang, since no one dares to breed here, all the old monsters only dare to be angry and dare not speak.

And not all old monsters are not allowed to enter Beiliang. People with tyrannical strength and special status can also be treated specially and allowed to enter the island.

For example, the people in the Chitian Temple who arrived in Beiliang one step ahead of Ning Fan were not rejected from the island, and most of them had entered the country of Beiliang by virtue of their special status.

Among the guards of the Dao, there are several people who are god-turning old monsters, all of whom have arrogant and indifferent expressions. With the pride of the troll race, he is not afraid of offending people at all.

But when these indifferent monks saw Zhao Shuai, they showed their closeness and said hello one by one.

Especially the leader of the demon guards. He has a middle-stage cultivation of God Transformation, and he is especially enthusiastic about Zhao Shuai's peers.

"Brother Zhao Xian, you're back? Oh? Isn't this 30,000-year-old ice ginseng? You actually found this ice ginseng! Haha, this is really a big happy event, so, the main medicine for the eldest lady's treatment, is again I found a copy, Brother Zhao Xian, you have done a great job now!"

Troll clan, indifferent to outsiders. He has a lot of affection for his own people. at this point. Ning Fan had seen it before.

Even in the face of the siege of the whale dragon, Zhao Shuai did not leave a companion, but just fought to the death with the enemy.

Compared with those intriguing Xuanmen and the right way. Ning Fan prefers the atmosphere of the troll clan. He is so affectionate and sexual that he actually found a sense of sight of Qimei.

"Hehe, luck is a fluke, I can't say the credit. For this ice ginseng, I have lost a lot of brothers this time... Hey... Speaking of which, why is Beiliang under martial law today, what happened?" Zhao Shuai sighed, in his eyes Sadness is not a disguise. But immediately suppressed the sadness. Ask him about the reason for martial law in Beiliang.

"The martial law in Beiliang is not a big deal, it's just because the eldest miss has 'disappeared' again. Let's not mention this matter... It's Brother Zhao Xian, the medicine-seeking demon guards taken away this time are all elites who have lived and died for a long time, and there are trolls. The identity of the clan is, in the inner sea, who dares to snatch the ice ginseng and kill my troll clan?" The leader of the demon guard said angrily.

"Of course no one dares to provoke our troll clan, it's just a group of beasts robbing medicine... whale dragon!" Zhao Shuai and others seemed to be used to it when they heard that the eldest miss was missing, and they started to tell their experiences without worrying at all.

"What! Whale dragons! It is rumored that whale dragons appear in groups, and among a group of whale dragons, there are often one or two wild beasts following. It's rare."

"It's really rare, if it wasn't for Senior Zhou's help, I would definitely not be able to come back..."

Zhao Shuai looked grateful and pointed at Ning Fan.

In an instant, all the demon guards' eyes focused on Ning Fan.

Before, they only saw Zhao Shuai, all of them were concerned about Zhao Shuai, and no one paid attention to others at all. Moreover, Ning Fan's breath is restrained, he doesn't take the initiative to exude his breath, it is difficult for others to see that he is a master, and it is impossible to pay attention.

At this moment, I heard that Ning Fan rescued Zhao Cai, and Zhao Cai called Ning Fan a senior. All the demon guards guessed that Ning Fan was a god.

The trolls always repay their kindness. Ning Fan rescued Zhao Cai, and the demon guards clasped their fists, ready to thank Ning Fan.

It's just that the demon guards raised their eyes in public, and after seeing Ning Fan's face clearly, all within a breath, his complexion changed drastically, his breathing became heavier, and he was frightened!

And many old monsters who were rejected from the island and complained about the heavens and the earth also began to pay attention to Ning Fan. One by one, they saw Ning Fan's appearance. Immediately, everyone seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Ming, Mingzun! He is Mingzun... Zhou Ming! Look, isn't he the 'Shenkong Island Lord' Yue Lingkong! It's absolutely true, it's Zhou Ming!"

"This demon owl, no, why did this senior come to my troll clan, brothers, quickly start the island protection formation!"

"Quick! Quick! Summon the Shocking Demon Guard, the Injuring Demon Guard, and the Huo Demon Guard, Susu rushes to help here, block Zhou Ming, and protect the Troll Island!"

"Damn, send a signal to inform the giant that the danger of genocide is coming!"

"Will I be killed! Will I be killed waiting!"

When the troll demon guards discovered Ning Fan's identity, they immediately turned into a pot of porridge.

All of a sudden, signals rose into the sky one by one, and within 70,000,000 kilometers of Beiliang, all the lights were turned on, and martial law began.

And the old monsters who were still complaining all the time, now they all ran away and left Beiliang far away, for fear of having a little relationship with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was completely regarded by the troll clan as an evil star, a malevolent star who would kill and exterminate the clan regardless of right and wrong.

Through Xu Rushan, Ning Fan actually had a good relationship with the troll clan. But this friendship, only a few high-level trolls know about it, and ordinary clansmen are not aware of it.

In the hearts of ordinary clansmen, wherever Ning Fan goes, there is a sea of ​​blood.

Just a few months ago, Ning Fan had just killed the Lord of the Demon Sealing Palace, causing the Demon Sealing Palace to be destroyed.

Today, Ning Fan has suddenly descended on the troll clan. A devil of this level will be afraid wherever he goes.

Ning Fan rubbed his forehead. His vicious and notorious reputation was so great that when he entered Beiliang, the whole country would be alerted, which made him speechless.

Is he the god of plague? Everyone saw him like a ghost.

certainly. Beiliang country was under martial law, but no one dared to attack Ning Fan, for fear of offending Ning Fan.

God is pitiful, they just started the defensive formation. The national defense was only afraid of Ning Fan's murder in Beiliang.

"Pfft haha! Little Cucumber, you're so famous, you're like a mouse crossing the street, you're laughing to death!" Yue Lingkong covered his stomach, laughing in a very unimpressive manner.

Burning Wing is also enchantingly covering her lips with her hands, but she doesn't dare to smile when she wants to.

She used to think that Ning Fan was a cold-blooded and ruthless devil, but during this period of time, Fen Chi felt that Ning Fan's personality was cold. But only cold to the enemy. It's still pretty good to myself. Not a murderer either.

Based on her understanding of Ning Fan, the trolls didn't provoke Ning Fan, and Ning Fan would never be able to destroy a country.

Looking at Ning Fan's tangled expression. Burning Wing suddenly felt that this indifferent young man was actually very easy-going, even a little cute.


A majestic shout suddenly came from afar, stopping all the warnings of the troll clan demon guards and closing all the lights.

It was an old man with white hair and white robe, the identity of the elder of the troll clan, and the cultivation of the peak of the gods.

"The old troll clan elder is white. I have seen Mingzun. The people below are ignorant and don't know the friendship between Mingzun and my troll clan, so they will act indiscriminately. Please Mingzun Haihan."

The words of the white elders made the troll monks and the outsider monks stunned.

Ning Fan actually had a great relationship with the troll clan? Then he came to the troll clan, not to kill people and exterminate the clan?

what's the situation! what's going on! Everyone is messed up!

According to the rumors, where did Ning Fan go, where did he kill? According to the rumors, Ning Fan is a god of killing, isn't that the case?

"Haha, Little Cucumber, look! They all thought that you came to the troll clan to kill people..." Yue Lingkong was still laughing, but his buttocks suddenly hurt. Shallow meat waves.

The private part was attacked, and a feeling of numbness and shame swept across Yue Lingkong's body, making her unable to laugh anymore, her expression was shame and anger, and there was a trace of incomprehensible comfort.

She still feels comfortable being insulted, how could she be so cheap!

Shame, shame!

She dignified Yue Lingkong, dignified Shenkong Island Master, dignified Inner Sea Seven No. 1 masters, and she was actually spanked by Ning Fan in public!

If she doesn't call back, is she still called Yue Lingkong?


The old monsters rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

What did they see, Yue Lingkong was spanked?

Isn't Yue Lingkong a female tyrant of the Inner Sea? Isn't it rumored that she has broken through the realm of refining the void and is invincible. How could she still be spanked?

This is not scientific!

Ming Zun is really powerful, he dares to hit the ass of a tigress...

Yue Lingkong was about to have a seizure, and slapped Ning Fan's ass, but Ning Fan pulled him into his arms, and said angrily, "Be safe, otherwise, the gift for you will be over!"

"You dare! If you dare not give me a gift, I will fuck you a hundred times, a hundred times!" Yue Lingkong was very curious about the gift. Dissatisfied, she obediently fell into Ning Fan's arms and became a female cat with peace of mind.

"Che, for the gift of Lao Shizi, let's succumb to the cucumber for a while."

Just the thought of her shameful state being seen, her face immediately became frosty and cold.

Her icy eyes swept all around, not angry. The old monsters did not dare to come out, and they turned their eyes one after another, not daring to see Yue Lingkong's embarrassed appearance at the moment, for fear of angering the female tyrant.

Terrible, terrible! Ning Fan is terrifying, and her woman is also terrifying, so they are not the ones to mess with!

Fu Bai also laughed dryly, looked away, didn't dare to look at Yue Lingkong in Ning Fan's arms, for fear of offending this woman, he just clasped his fists at Ning Fan again,

"Hehe, the servants are ignorant and make things a big deal. Please forgive me. If Mingzun is willing, this old man can make some compensation for these servants."

"There's no need for compensation. They didn't attack me, they didn't touch my bottom line, it was just a misunderstanding, I don't mind." Ning Fan let go of Yue Lingkong, smiled and clasped his fists in return, with no arrogance in his expression. Laughing away the meaning of enmity.

His pride is the pride that comes from the bottom of his heart. This pride will not yield to any enemy, but will not be imposed on any friend.

The old monsters were speechless. It seemed that their understanding of Ning Fan was one-sided. Ning Fan didn't seem to be as brutal and bloodthirsty as rumored.

"Hehe, thank you Daoist for your generosity. Beiliang is under martial law today, but there is a little trouble. Otherwise, Juzun, Dongxuzun, and Miss Qiu Ling will definitely come to meet Daoist friends." Fu Bai explained.

"Qiuling..." Ning Fan read the name, his eyes soft, it's been a long time since he saw him, he really misses Xu Qiuling.

That poetic and flower-like woman spent her whole life supporting her love with him.

Thinking of the reason for the martial law in Beiliang, Ning Fan suddenly asked,

"Beiliang is under martial law. It is said that the aristocratic eldest lady disappeared. Don't you worry about the eldest lady's safety?"

"Young Daoyou Zhou doesn't know anything. It's not a big problem that the eldest miss is missing. It's just a naughty moment. There is absolutely no problem with safety. The martial law in Beiliang is only to prevent the eldest lady from running off the island... She will not be found by anyone with ulterior motives. , because as long as she wants to hide, even the masters of her own clan can't find her with all their means... Haha, let's not talk about that, now Juzun, Dongxuzun, and Miss Qiu Ling are all dealing with some troubles in the capital. If you want to go to the capital, the old man can lead the way, but until the trouble is resolved, I am afraid that you will not be able to see the giant for the time being..."

"Tricky thing? Is there anything Zhou can help?" Ning Fan didn't want to get involved too much in the troll clan's affairs, but he heard that Xu Qiuling was also struggling with the troll clan's troubles, so he naturally wanted to do his best to help The little woman shares some of the trouble.

"Oh? This matter can be easily resolved with the help of daoist friends. Please follow me, daoist friends, and I will go to the capital as soon as possible. The old man will be on the way and tell his friends the whole story. Speaking of which, this matter will be It was caused by the naughty disappearance of the eldest lady..."

When Elder Fubai talked about the eldest miss, it was a headache and doting.

Feng Xueyan, the eldest lady of the troll clan, is really a little trouble, a little trouble that makes people feel distressed and can't bear to hurt.


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