Grasping Evil

Chapter 450 Shi Kun lost

() It was an earth-shattering evil spirit, with the momentum of slaughtering the common people!

On top of this suffocating energy, Shi Kun only felt that his breath was stagnant, and his breath was instantly chaotic, and there seemed to be an illusion of a sea of ​​blood.

Along the way, there are countless pulse-breaking, Rongling, Jindan, Yuanying, and Shenhua, buried in this sea of ​​blood and blood, turning into a trace of blood and evil.

In this suffocating qi, there are actually dozens of illusory masters who have died, and there is even the suffocating qi left behind after the death of the ghost-level old monster!

Shi Kun shouted loudly, the mana all over his body was fully activated, and pieces of cyan stone scales appeared on his body, just barely blocking the pressure, but he was already full of big men, shocking and difficult to understand.

He couldn't imagine what kind of master he was, who had slaughtered so many powerhouses in his hands, and accumulated this terrifying evil spirit!

Could it be... ask the invincible old monster? !

How dare Shi Kun offend an old monster of that level!

Shi Kun was only barely able to block the evil spirits. His son, the five national teachers he brought, was directly injured by the evil spirits.

The five half-step virtuous national masters were all bleeding from the mouth, and their primordial spirits were splitting in pain.

Shi Kun's son has the lowest cultivation base, only at the peak of Yuan Ying. Among the young men in the rain world, he may be considered a genius, but in Ning Fan's eyes, he is just dust, just ants!

Shi Kun's son felt like he had been hit hard in the chest, and his immortal veins were broken. The thousand-year-old snow wood seat he was sitting on was directly smashed by the evil spirit, and he knelt on the ground, coughing up blood, and was almost killed by Ning Fan's evil spirit. !

Ju Qing, Dong Xu and several troll elders. The eyes are also shocked.

Ning Fan's suffocation did not suppress them, but just by feeling the fierceness of the suffocation, they felt it was difficult to breathe.

One after another, they looked at the young man who slowly stepped into the Muxue Pavilion. All are unbelievable.

Ning Fan is here! But even Dong Xu, who knew a lot about Ning Fan, could not have expected that Ning Fan was so powerful now!

Only Xu Qiuling's eyes were still indifferent, her cold eyes looked at Ning Fan, and her smile was like a crescent moon, which was breathtakingly beautiful.


You're back. "

come back...instead of coming...

Because of her presence, Tianya is Ning Fan's home. where to go. All go home.

"Ling'er. I will handle everything that comes down. You can rest assured and look at your face. Today, I can keep the troll safe and no one can be hurt..."

Ning Fan nodded and smiled at Xu Qiuling, left Elder Fubai and the two daughters Yue and Fen, and walked towards Shi Kun alone.

Every step is like stepping on the road.

With every step, an increasingly sharp momentum will rise, stabbing at Shi Kun!

In front of Ning Fan walking step by step, Shi Kun's face was as heavy as iron, he had already seen that Ning Fan was not the old ghost questioning as he had imagined. Just a half-step virtual practice.

When he thought that he was frightened by a god transformation junior, when he thought that a god transformation junior dared to destroy his good deeds, and dared to hurt his son and national teacher, Shi Kun's face became more gloomy, and his murderous intention was floating.

"Zhou Ming? The newly-appointed venerable elder in the Rain Palace? Humph! A mere **** transformation, who dares to be rude to this king and court death! You know, even the master of the Temple of Rain, he must be the same generation as this king, you count. what!"

Shi Kun was not a member of the Rain Palace. Although he had heard of Ning Fan's status as an elder in the Rain Palace, he did not know how much Ning Fan was valued in the eyes of the Rain Emperor.

At this moment, Shi Kun was determined to win the Questioning Pill, and after seeing Ning Fan's true cultivation, he no longer put it into his eyes.

Ning Fan stopped and looked at Shi Kun coldly from a distance of three meters.

Shi Kun also dissipated his aura, he was an old monster who was invincible, and he would not lose to Ning Fan with all his might.

With a gust of wind, he lifted his son up, and seeing his son's severe injuries, Shi Kun's murderous intention towards Ning Fan increased by another level.

"Father, kill him, step on the troll, and avenge me!" his son said fiercely.

"Don't worry! Even if the Zhou family is unhappy today and the Rain Palace is harshly scolded, this king will overthrow the trolls and avenge you! The technique of stone killing!"

Shi Kun threw his half-crippled son to the five national teachers, waved his hand to perform the technique of moving, and sent the national teachers and others 100,000 miles away. Immediately, he took a step forward, and his golden body was powerful, stepping on the ground in one step.

With just one step, it turned into an unimaginable smashing storm, directly blasting the entire attic of Muxue Pavilion into powder.

The power of collapse is still spreading, and within 100,000 miles, countless snow-capped mountains were trampled by Shi Kun and destroyed.

After that huge force spreads, on the ground, countless gravel seems to be possessed by ghosts, condensing with each other, forming huge rock arms, all of which are thousands of feet high.

Thousands of rock arms stretched out from the ground, clenched into fists, and slammed down towards Ning Fan and the others.

Every giant rock fist is enough to kill Hua Shen!

Thousands of giant rock fists slammed and killed together, even if it was a Void Refining Old Monster, it was hard to guarantee that he would not die!

Such shocking spell fluctuations caused the entire 70,000,000-mile land of the Northern Liang Kingdom to tremble slightly, like an earthquake.

Countless cultivators rose up into the air, looking at the direction of Beiliangdu County, their minds were in a great formation, and there were strong people fighting in that direction.

One after another, the old monsters rushed to the capital city with the help of the domestic teleportation array.

The old monsters near the battlefield even set up their escape and rushed towards the battlefield to find out.

A lot of old monsters who hurried over from the vicinity were shocked and exclaimed when they saw Shi Kun summoned thousands of rock arms.

"Isn't this person Shi Kun, the lord of Shile, why did he appear in the endless sea?"

"This is Shi Kun's proud technique, the technique of stone killing! What Shi Kun has cultivated is the spirit of ghosts and stones. He can control all stones with the power of ghosts and gods. He once seriously injured a Lianxu with one move of the stone killing technique. In the early days... he actually cast such a terrifying spell in the troll clan, could it be that he was going to destroy the troll clan!"

"Shi Kun is an invincible master in the emptiness. Looking at the rain world, he is a famous old monster, why would he come to the trolls to seek trouble? The two can't fight against each other, so there should be no grudges, this is unreasonable. what…"

"You said, could it be for the sake of asking about illusory pills...cough cough...the trolls do not have emptiness refining. They held the alchemy scripture without authorization, and invited the alchemy master to complete the task for them, and actually took out the rank six mid-grade pills as a reward. ...Tsk tsk tsk, rank 6 mid-rank. Ask the illusory core, this will make a lot of phantom old monsters go crazy..."

"Hey, no matter why Shi Kun has a grudge against the trolls, since he took action, the trolls will be destroyed today, so don't look at it... This alchemy can't go on, I waited for the trolls to watch the ceremony, but it was a waste of time. …”

The old monsters sighed endlessly, but no one thought that the trolls could stop Shi Kun's anger.

Thousands of rock arms clenched their fists under the control of Shi Kun. The mighty force is enough to fill the mountains and rivers.

Ju Qing, Dong Xu and Yiying Troll Elder. Seeing this technique is huge. Everyone knows that this technique is definitely not something they can resist.

The three girls, Xu Qiuling, Yue Lingkong, and Burning Wing, were calm and composed, and they all had boundless confidence in Ning Fan. I didn't think Ning Fan would lose to Shi Kun at all.

"Yue'er, you don't have to make a move this time, I'll do it. You should retreat farther away..."

Ning Fan pointed it out, and countless black shredded tobacco was removed, sending everyone behind him into a roll and sending them out of the battlefield.

Looking up at the countless giant rock fists, with light shavings in his eyes, he did not hide or avoid, and let the countless giant fists slam down.

boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of fists drowned Ning Fan.

The earth burst. The wind and snow were flying, the smoke and dust drowned the world, and no one could see whether Ning Fan, who was under the fist, was dead or alive.

Shi Kun smiled coldly. He clearly felt that all the punches hit Ning Fan. In his opinion, Ning Fan was dead.

The old monsters on the sidelines sighed endlessly. Although they didn't see it clearly, they didn't even know who was fighting against Shi Kun, but most of them believed that Ning Fan died under the light of the rock fist.

Blizzard, go away!

Smoke, go!

Above the ruins of the mountains and rivers, Ning Fan, dressed in a white robe and gold armor, slowly emerged.

His black hair fluttered like a demon, and his golden armor was shining like a god. Thousands of fists slammed on his golden armor, causing only faint ripples of thunder, and could not cause any damage to the golden armor at all.

Shi Kun's face was shocked. He looked at the golden armor on Ning Fan's body and couldn't believe it!

What kind of golden armor is that? It's not a magic weapon, but a magic trick!

The armor transformed by mere spells easily blocked his full blow... How is this possible!

Shi Kun is not an endless sea cultivator, so naturally he doesn't know Ning Fan's crazy record.

At this moment, he began to realize that he underestimated Ning Fan, this child is not as simple as half-step practice!

Countless old monsters looked at the god-like golden armor Ning Fan, and they didn't dare to breathe.

Only then did they gradually see that the young man who was fighting against Shi Kun was actually the number one devil in the Endless Sea... Ning Fan!

The exclamations rose again, but this time, not everyone supported Shi Kun's victory.

"It's Mingzun! The young man who is like a god in golden armor is definitely Mingzun, you can't be wrong! Is Mingzun standing up for the trolls!"

"Ming Zun's vicious name is no less than Shi Kun's. Look... Isn't that Yue Zun standing there... Cough, cough... Ming Zun plus Yue Zun, plus four peeping puppets, this time it seems unlucky It will be Shi Kun…”

"Yuezun doesn't seem to have any intention of taking action, and Mingzun doesn't seem to intend to summon a puppet. Does he want to fight Shi Kun with his own strength? Although it is stated that Zun once punched Lu Jiefen, Shi Kun is invincible. Lu Jiefen is not a series at all... This victory is unpredictable..."

"But Mingzun's golden armor seems familiar. I seem to have heard of it somewhere... By the way, this is, this is!"

The devils of the endless sea showed shocking and fiery gazes one after another.

They remembered what this golden armor was!

"This is the Armor of Yuan Lei! This is the unique skill of Lord Lei Huang! It is rumored that the armor of Yuan Lei is difficult to cultivate. Except for Emperor Lei, no one in the Zhou family can cultivate to a level above the Golden Armor. Mingzun actually did it!"

"Master Ming has this technique, which further proves that the Zhou family and Mingzun have a great relationship, so don't be offended! And he can cultivate this technique to such a state, which shows that his talent is amazing and unparalleled!"

"Lei Huang's secret technique will be carried forward in the hands of Ming Zun!"

As the devil of the endless sea, there is no one who does not worship the Thunder Emperor.

It was an almost fanatical worship. Without Zhou Leihuang, he fought alone against the Three Emperors of the Sword World without defeat, and established a prestigious name, which once made the rain world famous.

It was a legendary master. The secret technique of this master appeared on Ning Fan, making countless old monsters excited.

At this moment, countless old monsters even thought that if Ning Fan was so vicious, after a thousand years, would he be the next Bu Zhou Leihuang!

"You must pay this son well, and never offend him, this son's future is immeasurable!"

Thunder armor body protection, Ning Fan stood under the complete stone fist, as steady as a mountain, standing still.

Looking at the thousands of stone fists that continued to attack, Ning Fan's eyes flickered with cold light, and above his arms, there were many phantoms of black dragons.

"Imagination, Shuanglong!"

One punch, the black dragon falls, two fists, heaven and earth die!

At the moment of throwing his fist, Ning Fan's right arm showed golden light, and he actually had the strength to not lose the first realm of golden body.

Under the blessing of the body of the corpse, although his strength is not as good as the second realm of the golden body, he is still better than the old generation Shi Kun.


An unparalleled fist blasted out, and thousands of rock arms were all smashed under the blow of Ning Fan's fists!

Shi Kun's eyes widened in disbelief.

The countless stone arms he struck with all his strength were smashed by Ning Fan!

He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that Ning Fan's body refinement level was actually a line higher than his!

"not good!"

In his absent-minded moment, Ning Fan's figure flickered and suddenly disappeared, appearing behind Shi Kun.

A strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart, causing Shi Kun to turn back suddenly and slam against Ning Fan's fists.


Both fists bang, both of them are doing their best!

Ning Fan took a few steps back, secretly surprised, Shi Kun's body refining realm is no trivial matter, I am afraid that in the first realm of the golden body, it can be regarded as middle-to-high strength.

He only took a few steps back, but Shi Kun took hundreds of steps back!

With every step, a mouthful of blood must be coughed up.

Every step has to smash countless mountains and rivers!

He actually suffered serious injuries in the confrontation with Ning Fan!

"how can that be!"

Shi Kun couldn't imagine that he was not only inferior to Ning Fan physically, but he was not even a little bit inferior!

He couldn't understand why Ning Fan didn't completely break through the golden body, but why the physical body was so powerful!


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