Grasping Evil

Chapter 460 Self-slap

() "What! This is!"

All eyes swept to the jade platform, but in the middle of the jade platform, under the pill tablet, stood a scrawny, bald old monk.

He stood in the wind and snow, silent and silent, but he had a grand master bearing of his own.

He sighed deeply, a sigh that seemed to contain the vicissitudes of life.

He touched the pill tablet in his hand, and the pill tablet appeared one by one with four colors of brilliance. That brilliance has risen to the limit, reaching the highest scale of the four-turn peak, and there can be no further improvement, which is the limit of the pill tablet test.

At this moment, the pill tablet trembled slightly, and above the snow sky, a piece of colorful clouds suddenly appeared.

In an instant, countless voices exclaimed.

"It's actually a colorful cloud! The Dan Island pill tablet can only test the four-turn alchemy technique. If there is a fifth-turn, there will be a five-color cloud, which cannot be measured! This person is actually a five-turn alchemist!"

"What, the five-turn alchemist! There are eight hundred cultivators in the rain world, and there are only a handful of five-turn alchemists. Each of them is a famous person in the world.

"It's him! The former Sect Master of the Heavenly Jade Sect, the fifth-rank advanced alchemy technique... Yi Yunzi! This person has disappeared for many years, and I never thought that he would come to participate in this alchemy ceremony!"

"Ah? He is Yi Yunzi? But when the old man was a guest at Zhou's house hundreds of years ago, it was convenient to meet this person during the banquet."

"The Zhou family? Could it be that this person has already surrendered to the Zhou family?"

Countless cultivators speculated that after Yi Yunzi revealed his identity, he was immediately greeted by experts from the troll clan to the VIP seat, and many alchemists stood up to greet him.

Yi Yunzi's eyes were always calm like Gu Teng Lao Ye, and no alchemist could cause his mood swings.

Only when the eyes swept across the Dan Dao Great Elder and the Chitian Palace Hall Master, did he experience a slight fluctuation.

His eyes suddenly glowed. The Dan Dao elder, Huang Tingzi's alchemy technique, should be on par with him.

And Mo Xiu, the head of the Chitian Temple... this person's alchemy skills are still above Yi Yunzi!

On the VIP table, the head of the Chitian Palace, Mo Xiu, was seated when Yi Yunzi was seated. His eyes suddenly condensed, and the voice said.

"Yi Yunzi, you were not as good as me back then, and even if you are now a guest of the Zhou family,

Still not as good as me! "

"Maybe... Although you are stronger than Lao Na, you are only slightly stronger."

No one knew about Mo Xiu's demonstration against Yi Yunzi.

The uproar gradually subsided, and the first round of tests proceeded in an orderly manner.

One by one, the three-turn alchemist passed the first round of tests.

There are also many four-turn alchemists shining brightly in front of countless monks.

A total of six alchemists participated in the alchemy ceremony in Chitian Temple this time, except for the hall master Mo Xiu, who was already a rank five senior alchemist, and the rest were five. Haven't broken through five turns. Participation in the test is required.

Five Chitian Temple alchemists. Ning Fan used to be so embarrassed, he was almost killed by Ning Fan.

Although the combat power is inferior, the alchemy technique is not weak.

The four-person alchemy technique has reached the fourth-rank advanced level. One-person alchemy has reached the peak of rank four!

Five four-turn alchemists appeared at the same time, immediately arousing the amazement of countless monks.

"These five people are worthy of being the alchemist of the Chitian Temple, and each of them's alchemy skills are enough to shock the world."

"Fourth rank alchemist is enough to move a country. These five alchemists are at least rank 4 superiors, and one person is only one line away from rank 5. Chitian Palace is worthy of being one of the 'nine halls' of the Rain Palace. , it is true that there are so many talents, not only the hall master's alchemy skills are extremely high, but even the subordinates are also very good!"

The cheers from the crowd clearly made the five Chitian Temple alchemists extremely useful.

Especially the old man with the highest alchemy skills among the five people, Chi Lao, is obviously very useful for his flattery to everyone.

The useless anger in Ning Fan's hands that day. It seems to have been swept away.

He looked around and deliberately asked the white elder who presided over the test,

"I heard that Ming Zun is also going to participate in the Dan Dian competition, why haven't you seen anyone yet?"

"Maybe it was delayed on the way, and most of them will come later." Fu Bai replied, although he is the elder of the troll clan, he still needs to be polite to an alchemist who is at the peak of rank four.

"Really... Hehe, the old man is really looking forward to what kind of achievements Mingzun will achieve. There are rumors everywhere that Mingzun is half a disciple of the Emperor Pill, and as a half disciple of the Emperor Pill, he has at least a fourth-turn alchemy talent. Right? But the old man thinks that Ming Zun is an ascetic man, with extremely strong strength, and his methods are sky-high, but the alchemy technique may not be very high. As we all know, alchemy can be made by alchemy, not by killing people. "

Chi Lao's words, under the blessing of mana, were passed into the ears of countless monks.

The cultivators did not know the grievances between Chi Lao and Ning Fan, but they agreed with his words.

Indeed, one month ago, the Dan Emperor personally admitted that Ning Fan was his half-disciple, and at least he had to turn four alchemy techniques in order to not disgrace the Dan Emperor's prestige.

But Ning Fan is a big devil, fighting around all day long, how can he study alchemy in meditation.

Most people agreed with Chi Lao's point of view that Ning Fan's alchemy technique couldn't be too high, and most of them didn't have rank four.

Once again, I think of Ning Fan's delay in coming. Could it be that he didn't even have the third rank of alchemy, and he was afraid that he would lose face if he was eliminated from the reference?

The old monsters showed a clear look, and more and more people held this idea.

In the eyes of Chi Lao, there was a glimmer of pride.

He couldn't beat Ning Fan, but he smeared Ning Fan behind his back and made Jun Tian Temple feel disgusted, but he was very happy.

In terms of fighting, Chi Lao and the other five together are not the enemy of Ning Fan.

But when it comes to alchemy, Chi Lao thinks he can beat Ning Fan by ten streets.

Ning Fan was only five hundred years old, and his strength was so unbelievable that he couldn't accept it.

If Ning Fan was still proficient in alchemy, it would be unreasonable.

"That Zhou Ming's alchemy technique would never reach rank four, maybe he didn't even get rank three. This old man really doesn't understand why a big man like the alchemy emperor would accept such a lowly alchemist as his apprentice... I really let this old man down. envy!"

Chi Lao's heart is full of jealousy and disdain for Ning Fan's alchemy technique.

After the test, he was about to step down with the other four alchemists, but was suddenly stopped by two figures.

There are two figures, one of them is Yun Niansu, the god son of Xuantian Temple of Yu Temple.

The other person was Elder Dan Dao Keqing, Yang Gu.

Yun Niansu is a gentle gentleman, looking into Chi Lao's eyes. With a touch of disdain.

He once met Ning Fan in Suzhou, and knew that Ning Fan's strength was sky-high.

He was from the Xuantian Temple, the adopted son of the third prince of the Rain Temple, Yun Shishu. Xuantian Hall is the only branch of the nine halls that has a good relationship with Juntian Hall.

Although he didn't know what level of alchemy Ning Fan had, he had some appreciation for Ning Fan. Whether it is for the interests of the divisions. Still out of friendship, he was willing to say a few good words to Ning Fan.

"People in Chitian Temple always love to smear others behind their backs, which is really shameless. Since the dignified alchemist has taken a fancy to him, it naturally shows that he has something special. No matter whether Mingzun's alchemy has reached the third rank, it is not like you. People can be smeared."

If you say Yun Niansu's tone, it is still as gentle as jade and a modest gentleman. Then Yang Gu's tone can be said to be violent.

Yang Gu was very angry, very angry.

Why? Because Chi Lao mocked Ning Fan, the master he Yang Gu Gang worshipped!

Red old words. Sounds reasonable to outsiders. But it sounds in Yanggu. Pure fart.

Saying that Ning Fan's alchemy skills may not have 4th rank, maybe even 3rd rank... fart!

Yang Gu saw with his own eyes that Ning Fan's alchemy technique broke through the rank five intermediate level, relying only on alchemy techniques. You can dump Chi Lao such a small minion for ten streets.

Such a little bastard is also worthy of mocking his Yang Gu's master? To die!

"Your alchemy skills can't even compare to one ten thousandth of Mingzun's, and you're not even worthy to lift your shoes!" Yang Gu's voice was so loud that he almost roared.


The voices of countless discussions, at this moment, Qi Shushua quieted down.

Chi Lao's face was ashen, he never expected that he would just say something disgusting to Ning Fan, and he never expected to draw out two alchemists to support Ning Fan.

these two people. They are all well-known alchemists, even Chi Lao recognizes them.

Yun Niansu is a famous alchemy genius in the Rain Palace and the adopted son of the third prince. Before coming to Endless Sea, his alchemy technique was close to breaking through rank five, which was higher than Chi Lao. As usual, Chi always wouldn't dare to offend Yun Niansu.

And Yang Gu... It is rumored that Yang Gu is only one line away from breaking through the fifth rank. For an alchemist of this level, and he was born in Dan Island, as usual, Chi Lao would have to give Yang Gu a bit of face.

But now, Chi Lao is not going to give the two a good face.

His face was ashen, Yun Niansu said he was shameless, and Yang Gu said he was not worthy of Ning Fan's shoes. As a rank four peak alchemist, he has his own arrogance, how could he be insulted like this?

"Yun Niansu! Yang Gu! The two of you and the old man are only at the same level of alchemy skills. The old man respects you three points for the sake of your alchemy skills, but the tone of your words to the old man seems too high. It's rude!"

"Same class?" Yun Niansu showed a trace of contempt in his eyes. He had long disliked the people of Chitian Temple, and he didn't mind hitting Chi Lao in the face at this moment.

His steps were graceful and graceful, like a turbid Shijia son, walking under the pill monument, and slapped the pill with his palm.

In an instant, a tyrannical spirit of medicine emanated from Yun Niansu's body. At this moment, the four colors of the pill tablet were dazzling, and above the snow sky, colorful clouds suddenly appeared!

Countless people sucked in a breath of cold air. Young Master Nian Su of the Xuantian Temple is indeed an alchemy prodigy. At such a young age, he is already a rank five alchemist!

"How is it possible! You are so young, how can you break through rank five!" Chi Lao's face was extremely ugly, and a strong sense of frustration came to his heart.

For a long time, he thought that his alchemy skills were higher than Yun Niansu's first-line. But I never thought that Yun Niansu had already broken through the five-turn alchemy technique in a low-key manner, which is far from his comparison!

He was still in a daze, but suddenly saw Yang Gu also sneer, approached the pill tablet, and slapped it on the pill tablet.

In an instant, colorful clouds appeared above the snowy sky again. There is no doubt that Yang Gu is also a fifth-turn alchemist!


This scene, not only Chi Lao did not expect it, but even the Dan Dao Great Elder at the host was surprised.

Even he didn't know when Yang Gu broke through the five-turn alchemy technique!

Around the jade platform, countless old monsters suddenly got up and looked at Yun Niansu and Yang Gu with fiery eyes.

Both of them are rank five alchemists. If a four-turn alchemist can be called a country, then a five-turn alchemist can be called a hundred countries!

"The old man said, you are not even worthy to carry shoes for Mingzun, do you know why?"

Yang Gu sneered at Chi Lao, as if he wanted to correct Ning Fan's name.

"Because Mingzun is Yang's master, and his alchemy skills are far from comparable to Yang's. The reason why Yang's alchemy broke through the fifth rank is entirely due to the guidance of the master! You are a mere fourth-rank alchemist, and even Yang can't compare. , how can it be compared with the teacher of Yang Mou!"


On all sides of the jade platform, an uproar sounded.

Countless cultivators could not believe that Yang Gu, a dignified fifth-turn alchemist, would actually recognize Ning Fan as an alchemy master!

Everyone was digesting Yang Gu's words, and suddenly, a majestic medicine soul descended like a giant dragon and landed on the test platform.

Countless alchemists only felt their bodies and minds tremble, and even four-turn alchemists couldn't resist the power of this medicine soul.

Of course, they know that medicine soul is a means only for rank five alchemists, but even an ordinary rank five alchemist can't deter rank four alchemists with medicine soul!

Only the masters of alchemy at the level of Yi Yunzi and Mo Xiu can have such amazing power of medicine souls!


A figure dressed in white suddenly landed in front of the pill tablet, and slapped it on the pill tablet with an understatement.

In the next moment, the sky is 100,000 miles away, and it is full of colorful clouds.

Even among the five-colored clouds, faintly, a sixth color almost appeared.

"What! Six colors?! Sixth-turn alchemist?! No, not the real six colors, but"

Yi Yunzi, Mo Xiu, and Huang Tingzi all stood up suddenly, looking in the direction of Ning Fan, in shock.

"There are only three things. If you dare to chew your tongue behind Zhou's back next will die!"

The cold light in Ning Fan's eyes flickered, and with one glance, Chi Lao's mind was about to freeze!

Chi Lao felt an unprecedented sense of frustration... A young man with a bone age of 500 has far surpassed him in both cultivation and alchemy.

How is this possible, how is it possible!

How can there be such a genius in the world!

Chi Lao only felt that his face was hot, and he was embarrassed by the ridicule of countless monks.

He was still convinced that Ning Fan's alchemy technique was low, and he really slapped himself in the face.

"Useless thing!" Mo Xiu's eyes sank, and this time, Chi Lao threw his Chitian Temple's face clean.

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