Grasping Evil

Chapter 483 The middle stage of the demon!

() The young Mo Zhong was defeated by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan surpassed a young emperor, and with such a shocking achievement, he passed the third level of Conquering Demons!

If in the ancient times, Ning Fan defeated the young Mo Zhong, he would definitely be famous in the ancient fairyland, and he would become an existence in awe of countless heavenly arrogances!

Throughout the ages, there have been very few people who can beat the young Mo Zhong with the same level of cultivation. Ning Fan has done things that countless immortal emperors can't do!

The boy Mo Zhong's body suddenly turned into a black carp and jumped back to the sea of ​​blood.

Ning Fan really wanted to know what kind of clearance rewards would be given after breaking through the third level.

Above the Blood Sea Demon Peak, the sky was torn into two.

In the cracks in the sky, countless demonic energy poured down, condensing into three black blood suns.

In every round of Black Blood Day, there is a strong smell of demon blood.

One after another, the magic sound of the magic scriptures reverberated through the void, and the three rounds of blood slowly turned into three drops of ancestral blood, falling like a meteor from the sky and lasing into Ning Fan's body.

Ning Fan's eyes were shocked. He never thought that the reward for the third level would be three drops of ancestor blood!

Every drop of ancestral blood can improve Ning Fan's demon blood level.

In addition, every drop of ancestral blood contains millions of armor.

At the moment when the ancestral blood entered the body, Ning Fan's body became restless. If he completely refined these three drops of ancestral blood, his whole body of essence would reach eight million armors!

The demon blood level of the King Blood King Demon is also moving towards the ancestor blood level at this moment!

"If you win the battle with me, I will give you a drop of ancestral blood. You are a descendant of the chaotic ancient times. I will give you another drop because of the chaotic ancient times. The power of reincarnation in your last move, if I am not mistaken, should It was passed down by the Immortal Emperor that you were favored by the Immortal Emperor. I will give you a third drop of ancestral blood, a total of three drops. If you refine these ancestral blood, in the Ancient Demon Abyss, under the Nine Great Demon Ancestors, your aptitude for Demon Blood Be the first in the world!"

Immortal Emperor Mo Zhong's voice. From the sea of ​​blood.

next moment. Ten streamers shot out from the sea of ​​blood again, and each streamer was a magic pill that was filled with demonic energy.

Ning Fan took the magic pill and took a closer look. Every magic pill,

They were all rank seven low-grade medicinal herbs.

"These ten Venerable Demon Pills are the pills to stabilize the Demon Realm. If you take these pills, it's more than enough to stabilize the Barbarian Demon Realm in a short period of time."


Immortal Emperor Mo Zhong's voice just fell, and another black light shot out from the sea of ​​blood.

"According to the immortal law of 'Zidou Xianyu'. If you break through the barbarian demons, you can only be awarded the title of 'low-grade warrior'. Ranked ninth in the ninth-grade immortal position, and enjoys the ninth-grade low-grade Xianlu. But you Excellent grades in the three stages of conferring demons can be granted as a 'low-grade fairy guard' by exception, ranking eighth among the ninth-grade immortals, and enjoying the incense salary of the eighth-grade low-grade. , Three Immortal Void Treasures. One bottle of Rank 6 Peak Pill."

The reward of three drops of ancestral blood is selfish.

The reward of conferring a demon and giving money is the public.

Pieces of light shot out from the sea of ​​​​blood, and Ning Fan put them into the storage bag one by one.

He didn't know what it meant to be named an eighth-rank low-rank immortal guard, but he could guess that whether it was a ninth-rank warrior or an eighth-rank immortal guard, they were the same as the old demon's four-sea deacon, a kind of immortal's official position.

Ning Fan stroked the badges of the eight immortal guards. Income storage bags, not too much attention.

On the other hand, he paid more attention to other rewards.

Daojing is the currency of four days, one crystal is equivalent to 5 million immortal jade, and 10,000 Daojing is equivalent to 50 billion immortal jade, which is a huge amount of wealth.

The three Immortal Void Treasures are all rare magic treasures, but Ning Fan has always paid no attention to Magic Treasures, and the three Magic Treasures are of the Immortal Void rank and can only be used by Fragment Void. He is temporarily unable to use them.

There are three amulet orders, and in each of them, there is a shattering blow.

If you are awarded a ninth-class warrior, you will be rewarded with up to three virtuous strikes.

But Ning Fan was awarded the eighth-class Immortal Guard, and he was given three smashing blows, but it was extremely practical.

The sun and moon stele hits, three amulet orders, add up, Ning Fan can deliver four smashing blows at one time, even if facing four rushing emptiness at the same time, he is absolutely fearless.

This string of rewards is still very satisfying to him.

"Go, refine the ancestral blood, and break through the realm of barbarian demons in one fell swoop!"

Immortal Emperor Mo Zhong's voice gradually faded.

Ning Fan only felt that the world was spinning, the scenery in front of him changed, and his mind had returned to his body.

As for the rewards Feng Mo Dian received, they all appeared in his storage bag.

In addition to the test of Sealing Demon Peak, Ning Fan has been in seclusion for twenty years in the seventh floor of the Dark Treasure Pagoda, which is equivalent to two months in the outside world.

The three extra drops of ancestral blood in the body and the drop of Moruo's blood are being driven by the ancestral talisman, and they are refined into the body.

Ning Fan didn't say much, and continued to cross his knees and closed his eyes, refining the four drops of ancestral blood in his body, equivalent to four million essence.

The blood of the king blood king demon level is moving closer to the ancestral blood.

The essence of five million armors is increasing towards nine million.

Originally stuck in the realm of ancient demons at the peak of jade blood, after completing the test of sealing demons, they broke through the initial stage of barbarian demons in one fell swoop, and moved towards the middle stage of barbarian demons.

Ning Fan took ten Venerable Demon Pills, the medicinal power was dissolved, and the realm began to improve and stabilize.

One day, two days in the dark golden pagoda, another long ten years passed.

Three full months had passed since the outside world, four drops of ancestral blood had been completely refined by the ancestral talisman, and nine million armored essence had accumulated in the three hundred golden apertures in Ning Fan's body.

At this moment, Ning Fan suddenly stood up, his body was shaking the sky and the earth, and there was a vast coercion, stronger than the ordinary mid-stage refining!

Ancient Demon Realm, Barbarian Demon Middle Stage!

In the mid-term, the demon is comparable to the question, and it is much stronger than the ordinary question!

With the realm of the middle stage of the barbarian demon, in the rain world, under the broken void, Ning Fan can run rampant!

With nine million armor added to his body, Ning Fan was already in the middle stage of the barbarian demon, and he was only a million away from the later stage.

Essence and mana are fundamentally different, but outsiders can't tell from the breath alone. Unless it is an ancient demon who also cultivates essence energy, no one knows that Ning Fan is in the middle stage of the barbarian demon, and only thinks that Ning Fan is in the middle stage of refining!

And his bloodline of demon blood has also broken through to the ancestral blood level, and he has four drops of ancestral blood. Under the nine great demon ancestors, no one has the qualifications to cultivate demons surpasses Ning Fan!

"It's time to settle accounts with those demons." Ning Fan's eyes were indifferent, and the fourteen Void Refining Demons in the Lanjiao Remnant Realm were no longer worthy of his attention!

Seven peeps, he can kill instantly!

Qi Ming asked Xu, it wouldn't take too much effort to think about it.

He floated down the seventh floor of the pagoda and came to the fourth floor. In the fourth floor, Su Yan had already recovered from all his injuries.

Three months in the outside world, in the fourth floor. four years.

in four years. Su Yan was always worried about Ning Fan.

That day, Ning Fan's blood attacked, his strength was greatly reduced, and his appearance was too scary. Su Yan was very worried that Ning Fan would just die in the pagoda.

When the clansmen betrayed her, Ning Fan rescued her, the feeling was indescribable, Su Yan only knew that she didn't want to see Ning Fan die.

When Ning Fan appeared on the fourth floor intact, Su Yan was overjoyed and quietly relieved. There was still a faint look on his face.

"Is your injury healed? Huh? How can your breath be so powerful! This is Xuxu! You have broken through Xuxu! How is this possible!"

Su Yan showed a shocked expression. She had never been so shocked in her life. She can't read it wrong, Ning Fan's breath is definitely at the virtual level!

When she heard that the rhinoceros had broken through and asked Xu, she was also surprised, but she was not so shocked at all. Because Rhinoceros is a cultivator who is at the peak of the emptiness, and can break through the realm of emptiness at any time.

On the other hand, Ning Fan was different. He was indeed very strong and his vicious reputation was indeed great. But all Inner Sea cultivators know that Ning Fan is only half-stepped.

It was the first time in her life that Su Yan had encountered such a thing as half-step refining, and one-step breakthrough to questioning.

"Su Mofei, how about I take you away?"

Ning Fan did not explain that the matter of the savage demon was too important. Telling Su Yan was not a wise move.

"Okay!" Su Yan nodded, not rejecting Ning Fan's words.

She knew a lot of Ning Fan's secrets, perhaps only by following Ning Fan and being his magic concubine could he be at ease.

"From today onwards, I am yours. Lanjiao clan, it has nothing to do with me!" Su Yan's tone was decisive.

Ning Fan gave Su Yan a deep look. Before coming to the Lanjiao Clan, he never thought that he would be able to kidnap the Lanjiao Clan's patriarch.

Now it's better, the Lanjiao clan destroyed the city wall and murdered Su Yan, and Ning Fan picked up a demon concubine for nothing, but it took a lot of advantage.

"Let's go! Fourteen Void Refining Demons dare to chase and kill me, now it's time to teach them a bloody lesson."

Ning Fan hugged Su Yan and urged Yuan Yaoyu. The two left the Yuanyao Realm instantly and returned to the Lanjiao Remnant Realm.

In the ruined world, by the Molan Pond, a group of silly demons have been guarding the Molan Pond for three months.

Three months later, Ning Fan and Su Yan have not left the Yuanyao Realm.

The dry ghost, the head of the Fourteen Void Refinement, showed a very impatient expression. If it wasn't for beheading Su Yan, he would not have the patience to wait for others by the Molan Pool.

"Master Gangui, if that kid and Su Yan don't come out for the rest of their lives, why don't we have to wait here for the rest of our lives?" a demon subordinate asked.

"Wait, wait!"

Gan Gui gritted his teeth, raised his head inadvertently, and looked at the sky with layers of heaven and tribulation clouds, his eyes were deeply jealous.

After Ning Fan entered the Yuanyao Realm, the vision of demon blood staining the sky gradually turned into a cloud of calamity.

The ghost can guess that Ning Fan must have cultivated in the Yuanyao Realm and broke through a certain realm, thus causing the catastrophe.

"That kid is a half-step refiner. Could it be that he broke through the virtual realm in Xiaoqianjie? It's just that even if he breaks through the refinement, he is just a peeping with an unstable realm. , there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as he dares to come out, he will surely die!"

Gangui muttered to himself, wishing to smash Ning Fan's corpse into ten thousand pieces immediately, unwilling to wait in such a day and night.

Just as his voice fell, a cloud of tribulations suddenly shattered.

And an earth-shattering magical power came from the depths of the Molan Pond.

"What happened? How could such a powerful magic power appear in the Molan Pond!"

Gan Gui's eyes were shocked, this demonic power was too terrifying, even if he was a demon in the realm of emptiness, under this demonic power, his breath was sluggish, and the blood was about to get out of control.

He couldn't imagine why such a shocking magical power would appear in the Lanjiao Remnant Realm.

He is asking about the virtual cultivation base, and he is still unable to contend with this magic power.

And some god-transforming demons were directly crushed to the ground by the demonic power, and they were not even qualified to stand.

As for those Jindan and Nascent Soul demons, they were directly stunned by this magic power, and there were even many Jindan demons who were directly shocked by the magic power, causing their seven orifices to bleed to death.

What kind of fierce devil's magic power this is, a magic power that stuns thousands of golden elixir demons!

Fourteen Void Refining Demons, including Gan Gui, looked at Molan Pond in disbelief.

The magic pond, which covers an area of ​​10,000 hectares, divides water by itself, revealing gaps.

And a young man in white is holding a beautiful woman with magic horns. It flew out of Molan Pond in a flash.

Young people walk on the sky. Every step in the void can make the void shatter again and again!

That powerful magic power is exactly what the youth sent out!

Gan Gui and the other 14 Refining Immortals were even more unbelievable when they saw the young man's appearance.

That young man with amazing power is Ning Fan!

"He has broken through the realm of questioning! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Countless demons let out unbelievable exclamations, and three peeping demons rushed directly to Ning Fan, launching a sure-kill blow to test Ning Fan's true nature.

"Don't be impulsive!" The ghost stopped loudly. But it was too late, and the three Jing Xu rushed to Ning Fan's side.

Ning Fan glanced at the three Lianxu lightly. A cold glow flashed in his eyes.

"I'm here, you can die."


Ning Fan slapped it with just one palm, and the 108-fold palm print of the Slaughtering Palm covered the entire sky.

The palm print was slapped on the body of the three Jingxu, and the three of them had not yet reacted.

under that palm print. The three spectators had no resistance and fell directly!

That palm can instantly kill any demon here, including Wen Xu!


After the smoke cleared, Ning Fan grabbed three Void Primordial Spirits in his hands, swallowed them into his stomach, chewed them and refined them one by one.

All the demons were terrified, and the sound of inhalation was everywhere!

Those were the three Void Refining Old Monsters. At that level, Ning Fan killed three people with one palm.

Everyone realized that waiting to kill Ning Fan outside the Molan Pond was the worst decision in their life.

What they are waiting for is not a lamb to be slaughtered, but a demon!

Gan Gui's heart was beating hard, looking at Ning Fan's eyes, only fear remained.

"Why! Why can a mere Su Yan hire a helper of this level, I don't believe it, it's not true!"

At the same time, the demonic blood-stained blue sky in the demon world gradually disappeared, and the vision that lasted for three months shocked countless demons.

A king blood king demon was born, and even if all the demon emperors in the demon world tried their best, they must find this person and recruit this person!

No one knows that Ning Fan has not only broken through to the king's blood, but has also broken through to the ancestor blood ancestor demon bloodline.

They are destined to not know, because the blood of the ancestor blood is too powerful to measure, and even the ancestor statues of the nine great ancestors cannot be measured.

If they knew that Ning Fan's demon blood level was not king blood, but ancestor blood, they would definitely be even crazier.

The Eight Emperors of the Demon Realm began to sweep the Demon Realm, looking for someone who could break through the blood of the king, and naturally it was impossible to find it.

Ning Fan broke through the bloodline in the rain world, and they searched for someone in the devil world, just like carving a boat and seeking a sword.

Only Emperor Nie did not go looking for Ning Fan.

In his heart, he could never let go of the back of the young man in white.

Familiar, too familiar, just like the stubborn boy in Seven Plum City

But this is absolutely impossible. The young man of that year was only a fusion of spirits. It has only been a few decades. Even if the young man gets the old devil's empowerment to teach the law, it is impossible for him to break through the king's blood in a few decades.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?" In the Nirvana Palace of the Demon Realm, Emperor Nirvana sat high on the throne, and under the throne, at some point, he walked into a big, thin, zombie-like man.

The big Han's bone age is only 3,700 years old, but he already has a cultivation base, and he is one of the ten great demon generals under Emperor Nirvana.

"Well, I came here to ask you to go to the rain world to kill someone."

"Go to the rain world to kill?" The zombie man said in surprise.

"You don't want to go?" Emperor Nie frowned and was displeased, and the big man immediately knelt to the ground and explained with sincerity and fear.

"The emperor has an order, and your subordinates do not dare to disobey, but if you want to enter the rain world, you must obtain the consent of the rain palace. Even if the rain palace agrees to enter the rain world, it will not allow your subordinates to kill people in the rain world. If you kill someone in the rain world, the rain palace will hold the emperor accountable according to the 'nine world agreement'."

"Don't worry, I will give you an 'Emperor Killing Order'. With this order, you can kill one person in the rain world. As long as you don't kill the second person and do not violate the agreement, the Rain Palace will not blame you."

"The Emperor's Killing Order!"

The big man's eyes were shocked, the emperor's killing order is a precious thing, holding this order can kill people in other lower realms without guilt.

Generally speaking, imperial killing orders are used to kill traitors in the realm.

If someone from the Demon Realm escapes into the Rain Realm and other interfaces, the Demon King of the Demon Realm will send someone to enter the realm with an order to kill the traitor.

The number of this order is limited, and generally speaking, it will only be used to kill traitors above Lianxu.

Since Emperor Nie used the Emperor's Killing Order, the big man could guess that at least the people who Emperor Nie wanted to kill were all old monsters.

And Emperor Nirvana attaches so much importance to this matter, and personally asks, the person to be killed is even more impossible.

"I don't know who the emperor wants to kill?"

"Kill him! There is this person's breath here, which was left by him when he injured the emperor. You enter the rain world and directly seal this breath into the emperor's killing order. Even if the emperor's killing order wants to kill people, even if they capture the ends of the earth, You can find where you are. You find this man and kill him."

Emperor Nirvana casually gave the big man a black order, a breath of fusion spirit.

When the big man saw the aura of the person he was about to kill, he was just mellow, and he was immediately puzzled.

"Emperor, what did you ask your subordinates to kill was a Rongling?"

He couldn't imagine that a fusion of spirits could hurt Emperor Nirvana? A fusion of spirits can make Emperor Nie worry so much that he, the top ten demon generals, will personally kill him?

"Do you have any questions?" Emperor Nie frowned.

"How dare your subordinates! Don't worry, the emperor, there will be a mere fusion of spirits, and if the subordinates take action, there will never be any mistakes!"

"Well, back off."

Emperor Nirvana sent back the big man, and he closed his eyes as if sleeping. In the hall, he was the only one left, and he said to himself for a long time,

"That King Blood King Demon must not be him, just an ant. Like Han Yuanji, he is a waste and is not worth mentioning. But, I am so uneasy in my heart for this emperor."


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