Grasping Evil

Chapter 485 Who is the patriarch

() In the city of Taichi, the mountains and the rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings.

Ning Fan's spiritual sense swept through countless Lanjiao clan demon cultivators indifferently, only when he was in a certain magic city hall, did he calm down a little.

Mingque obediently obeyed Ning Fan's instructions, stayed inside the house, and did not encounter any danger or trouble.

In this way, Ning Fan has no worries to settle the old grudge against the Lanjiao clan.

"I don't like nonsense, Rhinoceros, come and die!"

Ning Fan's voice resounded through Taichi City again. This time, countless Lanjiao clansmen were angry when they saw Ning Fan provoking the Rhinoceros Patriarch for the second time.

Ning Fan dared to let the dignified Lanjiao Patriarch get out and die, and dared to say such a thing, how bold!

Even though Ning Fan is famous and his background in alchemy is the best in the rain world, but as the patriarch of Lanjiao, Rhinoceros Demon is a person with great status in the rain world, how can Ning Fan be insulted?

For a time, many Lanjiao Demon Xiu looked at Ning Fan with bad eyes and shouted angrily.

"Master Ming, people respect people for one foot, I respect people for ten feet, Rhinoceros is the patriarch of Lanjiao, and the status is respected, and the rain world is famous. You can insult me!"

"Your alchemy technique is indeed unparalleled in the world, but my Lanjiao clan sees the rain world as a first-class force. If you offend Lanjiao, the consequences are beyond your ability to bear!"

"Zhou Ming, after all, you are only half-step virtuoso refining, but you are not a real vulture-refining old monster. You haven't even entered the peeping vulture, and you dare to insult the rhinoceros patriarch who is in the emptiness realm. Is half-step practice worthy of provoking my rhinoceros patriarch?"

One by one, the Lanjiao cultivators automatically ignored Ning Fan's shocking situation.

Ning Fan's aura was comparable to that of Xu Xu, but no one believed that he could break through Xu Xu in just a few months. Everyone in the world knew that Ning Fan was half-stepped, with the strength and courage to even kill Shi Kun and Mo Xiu, but that was all.

Mo Xiu was an old monster Wenxu, who died at the hands of Ning Fan, but when he died, he was seriously injured and fell to the realm. It doesn't mean that Ning Fan has the strength to kill Wenxu. host.

Shi Kun was killed by Ning Fan. Moreover, Shi Kun still has a glimpse of the invincible cultivation. But this battle can only illustrate. Ning Fan has the invincible fighting ability of peeking into the void, so it doesn't mean that he is a rival to the old monster.

In the eyes of the world, Ning Fan may have the fighting power of Wen Xu, but after fighting Wen Xu,

It must be more to lose and less to win.

After all, he was only a half-step cultivator, and what made the world fearful was his daring, alchemy, and background.

The Rhinoceros Demon is already in the realm of questioning the emptiness. Ning Fan, who was half-stepped into the emptiness, provoked the Rhinoceros Demon and threatened to let the Rhinoceros come and die. In the eyes of countless Lanjiao monks, this behavior is undoubtedly stupid.

Everyone thinks. This is arrogant speech and self-defeating behavior.

It's just that the Lanjiao Demon Xiu didn't understand why Su Yan didn't die from the collapse of the Lanjiao Remnant Realm as rumored, but suddenly appeared and followed Ning Fan.

Even if Su Yan didn't die, as the previous Lanjiao Patriarch, she had a different stance from Ning Fan. Ning Fan is now provoking the Rhinoceros Patriarch. Why didn't Su Yan stop Ning Fan's actions and maintain the majesty of the Lanjiao clan?

Could it be that Su Yan was dissatisfied after hearing that the Rhinoceros would take over as the patriarch, and invited Ning Fan to attack the Rhinoceros?

If this is the case, Su Yan's behavior is a bit bad. In order to compete for power and profit, it is a very shameful act to invite foreigners to deal with the same clan.

"Please 'former patriarch' to take action and suppress Zhou Ming. Give me the power of Lanjiao!"

Several of the Lanjiao clan's highly respected god-turning old monsters clasped their fists in the direction of Su Yan, and issued a request to suppress Ning Fan, but they did not show much respect to Su Yan, but were a little dissatisfied and blamed.

This dissatisfaction is due to the suspicion that Su Yan's collusion with outsiders is not good for the Lanjiao clan.

The 'former patriarch' was especially harsh, reminding Su Yan that no matter what the reason for her disappearance, it happened suddenly, and the rhinoceros had taken over as the patriarch. I hope Su Yan will take care of the overall situation and not collude with outsiders for the sake of power and profit, which is not good for the family.

"The former patriarch, Su Yanjing is a good former patriarch. All the elders are seniors. They have always treated him with courtesy and never neglected him. Now you are running on Su Yan with your words. What is the reason? Dare to ask the elders, according to the rules of our Lanjiao clan, if I, Su Yan, go missing and return without dying, should this Lanjiao clan chief be his rhinoceros or my Su Yan?! The former patriarch' came to call Su Yan, thinking that the rhinoceros is now the patriarch of Lanjiao. You all protect the rhinoceros but abandon me, Su Yan. Could it be that the rhinoceros gave you any benefit? Or am I, Su Yan, right? Are you all guilty?"

Su Yan laughed at herself, she had only left for three and a half months, and the Lanjiao clan changed hands, which was really fast.

Her life card is not stored in the clan, naturally no one knows whether she is dead or not, at most it can only be rumored that she is missing.

According to the Lanjiao clan rules, if the clan leader is confirmed dead, the next clan leader can be elected by the respected elders in the clan.

However, if a clan leader is not confirmed dead, but just disappeared, the next leader can only be elected after being missing for at least ten years.

No one can confirm her death. She disappeared for only three and a half months. According to the rules of the clan, it is not possible to elect a clan leader.

However, the rhinoceros violated the clan rules and became the clan leader, and was unanimously supported by all the elders. This made Su Yan have to guess that the rhinoceros had already secretly communicated with the elders and tampered with the clan rules to elect the rhinoceros as the patriarch when she had only been missing for three months.

In other words, most of the elders of the Lanjiao clan have been bought by the rhinoceros, and they are the diehards of the rhinoceros.

These people may not have participated in the plan to directly murder Su Yan, but they are not good people, so Su Yan naturally does not intend to be polite.

Her words were based on clan rules, and all Lanjiao elders were speechless and speechless.

As Su Yan guessed, these elders did receive a lot of benefits from the Rhinoceros Demon, and the Rhinoceros Demon showed evidence of the collapse of the Lanjiao Remnant Realm.

When everyone came together, the Lanjiao Remnant Realm collapsed, and Su Yan's life and death were unknown.

A country cannot be without an owner for a day, the Lanjiao clan must be presided over, and the candidates are only three refining virtuals within the clan.

The ghost horn is just a glimpse, and is bought by the rhinoceros, so naturally it will not compete with the rhinoceros.

The previous patriarch and the rhinoceros were both questionable, but the previous patriarch made a big mistake and was no longer qualified to become the patriarch, and this person was actually bought by the rhinoceros, and would not compete with the rhinoceros at all.

Under such a situation, Rhinoceros dignifiedly succeeded the Lanjiao Patriarch, fulfilling his long-cherished wish.

It can be said that it is against the rules of the clan to make the Rhinoceros the Patriarch of Lanjiao.

Su Yan's disappearance, there are also rumors in the clan, guessing that her disappearance and the collapse of the broken world were all planned by the Rhinoceros. But the rhinoceros dealt with some people who spread rumors, and bought a few people, and the rumors were quickly stopped.

The elders of Lanjiao benefited from the benefits, ignored the clan rules, and did not find out the reason for the collapse of the remnant world.

These small thoughts were broken by Su Yan, and some were ashamed, while others were angry.

But no one was willing to come out and confess to Su Yan, and no one would call Su Yan the patriarch again.

The top and bottom of the clan were all subdued by the rhinoceros with coercion and lure, and none of the Lanjiao clan belonged to Su Yan.

"As you can see, I, the rhinoceros, are the patriarch of the Lanjiao Clan, Su Yan! The patriarch ordered you to kill Zhou Ming on the spot. If you dare to violate the order of the patriarch and use it as a crime of treason, the patriarch will do everything he can. With the power of my Lanjiao clan, I will use all the demons of the ruined world to kill you Su Yan!"

When all the elders were wrong, the rhinoceros appeared together with several masters of virtual refinement.

In addition to Guijiao, the former Lanjiao Patriarch, and several strangers, all of these masters of virtual refinement seemed to be helpers from Rhinoceros.

His eyes swept over Su Yan coldly, with disdain.

In his opinion, Su Yan would definitely be afraid as long as he took out fifteen phantom refining demons from the Remnant Realm to threaten.

"Destroyed world demons? Are you talking about them?"

Ning Fan's voice suddenly came, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

In his hands, fifteen primordial spirit death qi came one by one, each of which was left behind after the death of an illusory refining old monster.


In an instant, countless monks in the Lanjiao clan were shocked.

Especially the Rhinoceros, at this moment, recognized the source of those breaths!

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