Grasping Evil

Chapter 580 The truth is only in one thought!

() Ning Fan will get ten Mingluo puppets, and he will tell a few Mingluo priests in a simplified manner. Of course, he didn't tell a few people the fact that he killed King Guiyuan Tree, so as not to scare the Mingluo people.

He will briefly talk about the time he met the Mingluo tree spirit, only saying that the Mingluo tree spirit was trapped in the rain world, but he didn't mention the matter of the Ming tomb.

Gu Luo, Xu Luo and other priests all had tears in their eyes. When the Ming Luo family was bullied, they would not cry.

When the 100,000 clansmen lost their souls for Qingdai and never entered reincarnation, they would not cry.

But when they heard the news that the last tree emperor was still alive, they couldn't help crying with joy and tears welling up in their eyes.

The ancestors are still alive, and it is good to be with them now.

Gu Luo proposed to go to the rain world to rescue the tree emperor, but this proposal was rejected by the priests such as Xu Luo.

The last tree emperor could not get out of trouble for so many years, it is obviously extremely difficult to get out of trouble.

With their little cultivation base, not to mention that it is impossible to go to the rain world, even if they go, they will definitely not be able to save the tree emperor, but will expose the news of the tree emperor's existence.

The matter of rescuing the last tree emperor can only be discussed in the long run.

At this moment, their top priority is to quickly gather all the Mingluo people in Siluo Zhuhai, return to the clan, and attend the funeral of the ten ancestors.

As night gradually fell, in the forbidden area of ​​the phantom grave in the center of Siluo City, a huge wooden frame was erected and a roaring bonfire was lit.

The so-called phantom graves are the burial grounds where the Mingluo people of all dynasties were buried.

Countless Mingluo people rushed back to Siluo City from all over the Bamboo Sea. Everywhere in the city, the Mingluo people were busy preparing for the funerals of the ten ancestors.

Gu Luo, Xu Luo and other priests, together with Qingdai, the high priest, were all busy preparing for the funeral and ancestor worship.

Ning Fan seemed to have nothing to do and wandered around Siluo City.

Now all the people of the Mingluo clan know that Ning Fan is a monk of Wenxu and a friend of the Mingluo clan, so Ning Fan walks freely in the city without anyone stopping him.

Various incense sticks were burning in the phantom tomb, and even if Ning Fan walked to Xicheng, he could smell the strong smell of incense.

He walked alone in the bright night of the bonfire,

Unprecedented peace of mind.

He has spoken from the six priests. I heard about Qingdai's past.

A thousand years ago, Qingdai was still young, and her mother, a high priest, died at the hands of the Cedar Clan.

Within a thousand years, a total of 100,000 Mingluo tribesmen, at the price of losing their souls and never entering reincarnation, self-destructed their cultivation bases, condensed cultivation pills, and fed Qingdai, making Qingdai finally break through the realm of emptiness.

Hundreds of thousands of people from the Mingluo clan did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the prosperity of the Mingluo clan. Just to find the remains of the ancestors. I just don't want to let the remains of my ancestors go out.

The ten Ming Luo puppets are all cultivation bases. For the now declining Ming Luo clan, it is a powerful fighting force.

If these ten peeping puppets were used to protect the Mingluo clan, with Qingdai's puppet technique, it would definitely be enough to make the Mingluo clan a first-class force in the Hancang Nation again. Never be bullied by other tree clans again

However, the Mingluo people are very stupid. They untied all the ten puppet formations, destroyed ten puppets, and only left ten ordinary corpses without any combat power.

Then, the bodies of these ancestors were buried

"They're stupid, but I'm not disgusted by that"

The night wind was cool, Ning Fan closed his eyes. In front of me, I recalled the past of the Hu family in the Yue Kingdom.

In order to protect the family, Hu Fengzi did not hesitate to turn his soul into a pill

The 100,000 Mingluo people did not hesitate to scatter their souls in order to find the remains of their ancestors for burial.

There is never a shortage of smart people on the road of self-cultivation, but it is an old monster who has experienced a sea of ​​blood. All are human beings.

On the road of self-cultivation, there is always a shortage of stupid people. I know that I can't do it, and I know that there are mountains of swords and fires ahead, but to protect my obsession, I still don't hesitate to die and live up to my righteousness.

Knowing that everything you do is meaningless, but stubbornly looking for a result!

Knowing that being the enemy of heaven will be shocking every step of the way, but she still smiles for her, I would rather lose the sky than the emperor!

Organs are too smart, and these people are often unhappy.

The faces of Zhi He, Mu Xiaoliang and other women appeared in front of Ning Fan's eyes, and he suddenly smiled knowingly.

If these silly girls had his protection, they might be able to live happily without blood on their hands.

Great wisdom is like ignorance, great skill is clumsy, great sound is like sound, great elephant is invisible, great fullness is like rushing, great debate is inflexible, great square is without corners, great straightness is like bending, great achievement is lacking

This is the purest road!

The superiors hear the Tao, and they practice it diligently; the middlemen hear the Tao, if they survive or die;

The world laughed at the stupidity of the Mingluo clan, but they didn't know that the Mingluo clan behaved like this in order to be in line with human relations and the way of affinity.

If everyone can understand the Dao of the Mingluo Clan, this Dao is not the Dao.

Ning Fan took out the blood wine gourd, took a gu dong gu dong and took a full sip. He looked back at the dim light, and looked at the huge bonfire in the center of Siluo City, his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Daoism is the opposite!

The great realization is virtual!

Ning Fan has been cultivating the Dao all the way to this day. At first, he saw that the empty was empty, then he saw that the empty was not empty, and finally he saw that the empty was still empty.

But at this moment, he clearly saw the truth in his eyes, but the meaning in his eyes was false!

He has gradually realized that he has two meanings between the false and the true. It is enough to rush to the emptiness, and even the Taixu comprehension is almost complete!

He looked at the bonfire of the Huan Tomb from afar, and watched the bodies of the ten ancestors of Lianxu in the bonfire gradually burn to ashes.

He saw 320,000 Mingluo people kneeling down and bowing, with tears in their eyes, praying and offering sacrifices to the bonfire.

"My Mingluo family was born as a tree, rooted in the ground, where my roots are, is my country! My country can be broken, my roots can be burned, my body can be destroyed, my way can be eliminated, only my ancestors can not tolerate people Bullying, no blasphemy!"

"Ten thousand years of catastrophe, the bones of the ancestors are scattered, the pain of thinking! The descendants are unworthy, and I will not be reconciled if I don't kill ten thousand thieves!"

"Our descendants of future generations swear at the Huan Tomb that even if the 320,000 people of our clan die, we will surely kill ten thousand thieves! If this oath is violated, both heaven and man will be slaughtered!"

That vast oath, resoundingly, made Ning Fan's heart ripple.

Under the bonfire, Qingdai, dressed in gorgeous costumes and barefoot, danced around the bonfire and prayed devoutly.

Her eyes are full of nostalgia for her ancestors. She dances so beautifully, like a dancing blue butterfly

Ning Fan's mouth curled into a smile, he picked up the blood wine gourd, and took a few sips.

his gaze. As Qingdai danced, it became clearer and brighter.

The dance is real, and the thoughts of ancestors are empty.

The bonfire is real, and the oath that melts in the bonfire is false.

The corpses of the ten ancestors are real, and when the corpses are turned into ashes in the fire, the sadness of the ancestors echoing throughout the city of Siluo is empty.

Ning Fan bent his palm to take a picture, and took a bamboo leaf from a bamboo of Xiangfei Bamboo.

The bamboo leaves were solid, but as Ning Fan spit it out, the bamboo leaves gradually turned into a cloud of emptiness.

As Ning Fan's thoughts moved, the emptiness of green energy turned back to bamboo leaves again.

Reality is only in one thought!

Ning Fan threw the bamboo leaves back to the soil and closed his eyes. The whole body gradually faded into the night.

Gradually. His flesh turned into nothingness. It's like disappearing into the night!

That is the incarnation of the flesh, a complete infidelity!

When asked about the emptiness, Ning Fan had also made his body emptied, but he had not reached this point completely!

this moment. Through this trip to the Siluo Bamboo Sea, his perception of virtual characters was completely complete!

As long as the mana is enough, he can break through the bottleneck of the emptiness at this moment and break through the realm of the emptiness!

His mind moved, and his body gradually reappeared in the vast night.

There was no sadness or joy on his face, and he was calm and calm, as if breaking through Taixu's perception came naturally and naturally, without any surprise.

"Silly brother, you have already broken through the perception of Taixu. If you have enough mana at this moment, you can break through the realm of Taixu in one fell swoop, but my sister can remind you that the biggest obstacle to breaking through the realm is not perception, not mana. Be fully prepared, don't rush through the calamity, this time the calamity will definitely be stronger than the last one, and nine times out of ten it will be a calamity!" In her mind, Luo You giggled and reminded.

"I understand thank you."

Ning Fan smiled back at Luo You, who seemed to be indifferent to him on weekdays, deliberately distanced himself from him, and did not talk too much with him.

But every time I see him in trouble, I will remind him with concern.

Although Luo You avoided him everywhere, she was not necessarily ruthless towards him.

After all, what kind of hatred does she have, which can make her escape her emotions so much?


The bonfire wooden frame in the center of Siluo City suddenly made a huge bang, and was smashed by a huge palm print that fell from the sky!

The ashes of the fire were scattered in the night sky, and the ashes of the bodies of the ten illusory ancestors also scattered with the wind.

Above the sky, the sneering sounds of the three old men suddenly sounded.

"The Mingluo clan is so stupid! They clearly found the puppets of the ten ancestors, but they destroyed the ten puppets and cremated the stupidity of the ancestors!"

"If there are ten Jingxu in the Mingluo clan, I'm afraid I will lose some more people when I wait for the blood to wash Mingluo today, but the ten Jingxu puppets have been destroyed, and only the Jingxu high priest remains in the Mingluo clan, and The two outsiders are not worth mentioning!"

"The tree clan is in decline, and the people who dare to kill my cedar clan are simply courting death!"

The three sneers did not stop, and an army of nearly one million Jindan cultivators suddenly fell from the sky above Siluo City!

These monks are divided into four tribes, with four flags erected, namely, the Cedar Clan, the Stone Tree Clan, the Leibai Clan, and the Shen Qiao Clan!

The three people who sneered were the three ancestors of the Cedar Clan, all of whom were Taixu cultivators!

They said everything about peeping the virtual puppet and so on. Obviously, before coming to the Siluo Bamboo Sea, they have found out all the details of the Mingluo clan!

They came prepared, this time to destroy the Mingluo clan in one fell swoop!

Even the lord whose soul is transformed into bamboo and whose life is not as good as reincarnation, can't stop the four clans' determination to destroy Ming Luo!

"Who is the madman who killed my child, get out of here!" A middle-aged man in a silver robe roared beside the three Cedar ancestors.

He is a Chongxu cultivator, the patriarch of the Cedar Clan, and his name is Ao Death!

The young master of Cedar, Ao Chen, who was killed by Ning Fan, was his child!

The four tree clans including the Cedar Clan suddenly descended, and a total of one million monks were dispatched.

Among them, 29 people came from the cultivator alone!

There are 11 people who have a glimpse of the virtual, 7 people who are asking about the virtual, 6 people who are rushing to the virtual, and 6 people who are too virtual!

The high-level monks of the four clans were all dispatched to participate in the bloodbath of the Ming Luo battle, and the low-level monks remained in the clan!

Qingdai, Gu Luo, Xu Luo and other priests, as well as the 320,000 Ming Luo people, looked up at the millions of monks in the night sky, all with anger in their eyes!

Their ritual of worshiping their ancestors was ruined by the monks of the four tribes!

The ashes of the ancestors were scattered by the four tribes, and it is difficult to recover!

Even though they knew that the opponents were gathered, the Mingluo people were filled with righteous indignation. There were even hundreds of Mingluo people with blood-red eyes, spontaneously burning demon pills and demon infants, rising into the sky and wanting to perish with the monks of the four clans!

They can endure being scolded, bullied, ridiculed, and they don't care.

But their ancestors were bullied and their ashes scattered, how could they bear it, how could they bear it again!

"It's too much of a deception!"

Cedar Patriarch Ao Death sneered in the air, stepped on his toes, and a sea of ​​emptiness suddenly appeared above the night sky. When he raised his finger a little, all the bodies of the hundreds of Mingluo people who rose up into the sky exploded, turning into blood mist and drifting away!

"The mere Jindan and Yuan Ying ants dare to fight against the patriarch. They are simply beyond their own power! Now in the Mingluo clan, the only people who can make the old man take a straight look are the two cultivators Wenxu, who are you peeping. In the eyes of the patriarch, the high priest of Qingdai, who is illusory, is just an ant!"

"The patriarch counts three times. If the madman who killed my child doesn't show up again, the patriarch will immediately order the blood-washing Ming Luo!"



Before Ao Shengsan could count them out, a dragon-like sword roar suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth!

However, in the darkness of the night, a young man dressed in white stepped on a black giant sword transformed by Jian Nian, and suddenly appeared above the night sky.

Before Ao Shang could see the face of this young man, the young man and the sword of Jian Nian under his feet were shattered at the same time!

For a moment, Ao Shang seemed to see the white-clothed youth turn into black-clothed bizarrely, like an illusion, but he didn't see clearly.

In the next instant, a sword like ink swept across the night sky, and the millions of Jindan cultivators of the four tribes had not yet reacted, and they had been killed by the sword, and two or three million monks had died in an instant!

The ancestors of the four clans are all Taixu, there are three Taixu in the Cedar Clan, and one person in each of the other three clans.

The six Taixu shot in unison to block the sword nian that swept across the night sky, preventing the low-level clansmen from continuing to fall.

The six of them endured their anger, and before they attacked the young man in white, they saw countless scattered ink shadows suddenly appear beside Ao Shang.

The ink shadow shattered and condensed, forming a vast strangling force, strangling Ao Death in the ink shadow!

Mo Ying scattered, and Ning Fan, who was dressed in white, held the primordial spirit of Ao Shang, and there was boundless evil in his eyes, and he glanced coldly at the monks of the four tribes.

With just one look, even the six names of the four clans and six Taixu felt a heart palpitation that could not be concealed!

"My deity, Lu Bei, I killed you, the young patriarch of the Cedar Clan, what can you do to me!"

As soon as Ning Fan said it, the entire sky was as silent as death!

The next moment, a cultivator who had just returned from the North Sea of ​​Trees suddenly exclaimed!

"He is Lu Bei! He is the madman captured by Emperor Teng! He escaped to my East Sea of ​​Trees!"

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