Grasping Evil

Chapter 972

Those memories kept surging, and Ning Fan gradually became enlightened, looking at the pines in the magic talisman thoughtfully.

He thought of the snow in Qimei City, the cold plum blossoming in the snow, with the warmth of home, like a brand, deeply engraved into his blood...

He remembered the old Ming Luo tree in the ghost tomb of the Ghost Bird Sect, the bamboo sea in the tree world, and in the hollow bamboo, there was also a deep affection...

He remembered the undead tree in the ruins of the ancient heaven. This tree was born because of his burning wings, but it also withered because of his saving people...Under the undead tree, he fought in the previous life and also in this life. Enemies, why not fight...

He remembered the willow tree he saw in the blood world of the Slaughter Palace. It was planted by Jumen when he was a young man. He had been enlightened under the tree for ten thousand years. Can't sigh...

It's loose, no...

In his life, there are too many memories related to trees, but there is no memory of pine trees...

The pine tree in this magic talisman certainly contains a very profound understanding of wood, but these insights are all the insights of others.

Relying on the comprehension of the sky, Ning Fan can learn from the insights of others and integrate into his own magic talisman, but he cannot take away the emotions of others and integrate into it...

Just like, he can imitate Mu Si and draw the shadow of Xiao April into his magic talisman, but he cannot draw Mu Si's unforgettable feelings for Xiao April...

Why can Mu Si's Buddha Talisman exert a touch of palm power, but other tree spirits can't do it?

Is it because in this talisman, there is the deepest heartbeat of Mu Si...

heart... heart...

Ning Fan frowned, his magic talisman lacked that heartbeat...

"The palm position method taught by Taoist Musong to Mu Si is called the method of ruthlessness... In the first step, you need to combine the deepest heartbeat and Taoist understanding, and draw them into the Buddha Talisman. In the second step, it seems that The heartbeat needs to be completely erased from the bottom of my heart. In order to achieve a state of nothingness where the heartbeat turns into the annihilation of the heart... The approximate steps seem to be like this. I have never used this method, so I can only guess one or two out of thin air..."

"Mu Si has achieved the heartbeat, but he can't destroy the heart... He can exert a touch of palm power, but he can't have his own palm position... If I were him, I would most likely be able to draw my heart into the magic talisman, but , I probably can't do the heart annihilation..."


Who can be ruthless. If it really achieves the ruthless realm, it is not a human being... Daoist Wood Song's method may help me step by step, but this method is not suitable for me after all... and I always feel that this method still has flaws , What are the specific flaws, I can't say for a while..."

"If I were Mu Si, I would keep that heart in the magic talisman. However, I will never erase that initial heart..."

Ning Fan's eyes gradually became clear, and he raised his hand to correct the patterns in the magic talisman one by one.

Nasong. It was erased by him and replaced by a tree that carried the memory of his cultivation.

That is a plum that is independent of Ling Han!

Mei replaces pine, and the strokes of the magic talisman remain unchanged. But the feeling is different, Namei. It seems to contain thousands of deep feelings, enough to arouse the resonance of the audience...

"Mei, bears the warm memory of my place of cultivation. With Mei, there is a home. No matter how long you wander, you are not alone..."

Wu Laoba and the others were stunned, only to think that Ning Fan's newly painted plum tree had an indescribable mystery. I can't say exactly why...

Adding strokes is only a quantitative change; from pine to plum, it is a qualitative change.

Mu Si stared at the plum tree in Ning Fan's magic talisman, only he could see some doorway. That plum tree has incorporated Ning Fan's emotions, but that emotion is not sad...

only, warm...

In this warmth, there may also be bitter memories, such as the old demon, such as his parents, such as Ning Gu...

However, looking back on the past, there is no sadness in Ning Fan's heart. This is something that Mu Si can't do anyway.

Mei replaces the pine, and the strokes of the magic talisman are still 178 strokes. However, compared with the previous magic talisman, the power of the wooden way is much stronger, and there is a hint of the power of the palm spread.

According to the method of Taoist Musong, if you melt your heart into the magic talisman, you can cultivate a little palm-position power. If the heart is destroyed, you can completely cultivate the palm-position void...

Heartbroken, Ning Fan can easily do it.

Heart annihilation, Ning Fan can perceive the difficulty in it, it is not something that can be done overnight, and he does not want to do it.

Among these plums, there is his deepest feeling, and erasing this feeling and thinking is contrary to his Taoism.

He doesn't care whether his heart is destroyed or not. All he wants to do at the moment is to blend his heartbeat with his feelings and carefully integrate it into the magic talisman.

The avenue of wood became clearer and clearer in front of his eyes. Following the way he came, he seemed... to see the avenue of wood that belonged to him...

"What is wood? Wood is the root of the five elements. If a tree has no roots, it cannot survive. If a person has no roots, then there is no home..."

Ning Fan stared at the plum tree in the magic talisman, where he found his roots.

His roots are in the rain world, in the country of Yue, in the city of Qimei, in those countless windy, snowy days...

His path of wood is also a root, without root, without him...

Wu Laoba was confused. He seemed to see the memories of his childhood home from the plum tree painted by Ning Fan.

He thought of the earthen house in his hometown, the big mulberry tree in the yard, and the year when he was just a boy in a mountain village. , but there is... home...

Countless days and evenings, he sat under the mulberry tree outside the earthen house, waiting for his father and mother to drive the donkey cart back from the city, waiting for his father to lift him high, waiting for his mother to wash his hands and cook... His face was already blurred in memory and could not be seen clearly. But there are some things, engraved in the bones, no matter how many years have passed, they will never be forgotten...

"Huwa, are you hungry?"

"It's cold, is my son cold?"

"...When mother saves some more money, I will make a new jacket for my son..."

There were tears in Wu Laoba's eyes. After 34 million years of lonely cultivation, he had walked for so long that he had forgotten that he once had a home. Fierce and cunning like him, there is actually a soft spot in his heart that no one can bully or touch.

Zen Master Songguo was also confused. Looking at the plum tree pattern, he also remembered the tree in his hometown, the home before he cultivated the Taoism, the memory of his mother staying up all night lighting the oil lamp, getting himself new shoes, and the sound of exhortation...

"My son is very good. After the New Year's Day, I will go to the city to study... When you go out, don't give up money, don't worry about your family. You have to listen to Master's words..."

and after…

Later, he entered a school in the city and studied hard for four years. Later, he caught up with the military chaos. Later, his mother was gone, and his family was gone...

His heart was ashes, he escaped into the empty door, and by chance he embarked on the path of self-cultivation. Cultivation all the way to the realm of Immortal Venerable. In today's Eastern Heaven Cultivation Realm, when he stomps his feet, the sky trembles three times, and he is already in a high position. But I have long forgotten where my mother's desolate grave is buried...

As a monk, in his heart, there is actually guilt, and... sadness...

Trees have roots. Does he have...

The people from Mudaomen looked confused, thinking of the trees in their hometown. I remembered the yellowish but vivid figures in the memory of my hometown...

"What did this child realize! There is such a powerful force that can make the group of cultivators sink into it!"

Mu Si was a little startled.

There are a thousand different ways of understanding the way of wood that a thousand people understand. For example, what Mu Qi sees is pine needles, what Mu Liu sees is the sound of pine, and what Mu Wu sees is pine grain...

What did Ning Fan see!

I don't know!

There is no superiority or inferiority, but there are strong and weak!

Obviously, the Dao of Wood that Ning Fan realized has already taken shape, and it is very close to the origin of the Dao of Wood. Otherwise, it is impossible to generate such a powerful force and resonate with the group of cultivators!

After the shock, there was a deep sadness.

In a trance, Mu Si seemed to see the attractive little girl again, walking towards him step by step, chatting with him non-stop.

He has no parents, no family, and has never experienced the feeling of warmth. Only the little April has brought him the warmth of being a human being...

In the face of Xiao April, he didn't dare to be affectionate, but he couldn't be ruthless...

He had already forgotten the warmth that Little April brought him, but Ning Fan's magic talisman brought back all his memories...

With her, there is a home to rely on, without her, there is no home...

People are not plants and trees, and who can be ruthless, he can't destroy the heart, can't do it...

"Wood is the Dao, with wood as the root, the Dao of Pine, the Dao of Plum, the Dao of Bamboo... All the trees in the world belong to this Dao... If you want to understand such Dao, you must find a point and use it as a breakthrough. …”

"Qimei, is my root, extending along this root, I see more trees, like shadows, listed behind... These trees carry the memories I have traveled along the way, only by integrating these memories into perception Among them, this plum tree is considered complete..."

Ning Fan continued to raise his hand, and with a few strokes on the magic talisman, he drew the shadow of the ancient Mingluo tree, and next to the Mingluo tree, he drew the shadow of a bamboo sea.

Hollow bamboo has a soul dwelling, and the soul takes root in the heart of the bamboo. The root of the soul and the heart of bamboo are inseparable...

Ning Fan remembered Ming Tomb, Ming Que, San Yao Mu Luo, and the past when he ran rampant in the tree world...

The strokes of the magic talisman keep increasing.

179 paintings, 180 paintings, 181 paintings... 198 paintings!

He used 20 strokes to draw the shadows of the ancient Mingluo tree and the bamboo emperor. The pattern of the magic talisman became the magic sitting under the plum, and the background was the shadows of the Mingluo tree and the bamboo sea.

Ning Fan didn't stop his hand, and on the background of the magic talisman, he drew the shadow of the ancient tree of immortality. In this shadow, there is his obsession with immortality.

199 paintings, 200 paintings…

When the magic talisman had more than 200 strokes, Ning Fan's eyes suddenly narrowed, the 201st painting, he couldn't draw it no matter what...

Whether it is a magic talisman or a Buddhist talisman, more than a hundred strokes are the ancestral talismans, but even among the nine great ancestors of Gu Moyuan, few people can raise the magic talisman to more than 200 strokes... After 200 strokes, adding strokes not only requires Comprehension, it is even more necessary to paint the talisman with the blood of the ancestors...

Ning Fan didn't know this, but he had an instinct that urged him to do it.

"After 200 paintings, there seems to be a separation between me and this magic talisman again... The demon blood in my body is burning, so that I have an instinct of an ancient devil, wanting to dye my own blood on the magic talisman... It seems that Only in this way can we continue to draw magic talismans..."

There seems to be a voice from the bloodline, constantly urging Ning Fan to stain the ancestral blood on the magic talisman.

Ning Fan only pondered for a moment, then obeyed this ancient demon instinct, raised his hand and bit his fingertips, and painted the 201st blood color on the magic talisman!

"This is... the power of ancestor blood!"

Wu Laoba and the others have gradually woken up from their memories and noticed that Ning Fan's actions were dyed with the blood of his ancestors. They were moved.

After the Ninth Ancestor, there is no ancestral blood demon in the world. If Ning Fan has ancestral blood, it will definitely cause a shock in the ancient devil!

Taking advantage of the power of the blood of his ancestors, Ning Fan made 9 strokes on the magic talisman, drawing the shadow of half the undead tree.

For the 210th stroke, Ning Fan paused for a while, but did not draw it immediately, 9 strokes before. He actually used up a whole drop of his Moruozu blood!

Once the ancestral blood is used up, it can no longer be used to burn blood, but the pressure of the ancestral demons on Ning Fan has not weakened in the slightest, on the contrary, it is much more mellow than before. The power of the ancestor's blood has been integrated into his magic talisman. At this moment, Ning Fan has an illusion, as if only after the blood is melted into the talisman, he can be regarded as a real ancestor demon! Only qualified to cultivate ancient demons to the peak!

"Incorporation of ancestral blood into the talisman seems to be inevitable... Could it be that ancestral demon blood also needs to be integrated into the spirit wheel in the future? Ancestral divine blood also needs to be integrated into the heart?"

"Moruo Ancestral Blood. I have 4 drops, the pressure of 1 drop of Ancestral Blood is enough for me to add nine strokes on top of the Ancestral Talisman... If I want to continue adding strokes, I need to use other Ancestral Blood..."

Ning Fan did not hesitate. Dye the blood again and draw the ancestral blood into the magic talisman.

When the second drop of ancestral blood was exhausted, Ning Fan drew a complete tree of immortality.

After the third drop of ancestral blood was exhausted, Ning Fan killed the giant willow planted by the emperor. half drawn.

When the fourth drop of ancestral blood was exhausted, Ning Fan drew a complete shadow of the giant willow, but the ancestral blood was exhausted. And can not continue to add magic strokes.

The strokes of the magic talisman were finally fixed at 236 strokes!

It's a pity that the blood of the ancestors is not enough... Otherwise, he can draw more trees and integrate more feelings in the magic talisman.

Perhaps, if more ancestral blood is repaired in the future, he can continue to dye the ancestral talisman with demonic blood and add more strokes...

"It's actually a magic talisman drawn from 236! The master's aptitude for cultivating magic is really terrible! If he continues to grow, he is at least a character of the nine great ancestors! If you can enter the ancient magic Jiuyuan, with the magic talisman, it is enough to attract a large number of people. Fanatical demon cultivator, accept it as a servant!"

Wu Laoba's vanity has been greatly satisfied, his master is powerful, and he can have more face, right? With Ning Fan as the master, I don't feel ashamed anymore. It is not shameful at all to be a slave to a character at the level of the Nine Great Demon Ancestors! In the Ancient Demon Abyss, how many people might envy him!

Mu Si's sadness has faded, replaced by a bitter smile.

"I don't know what this son understands, but I can see that this son has a deep affection for the past. In that emotion, there may not be any sad past, but when he looks back on the past, there is no sadness, only...warmth... "

"If I can also sweep away the sadness in my heart, maybe..."

As everyone knows, the moment Mu Si had this thought in his heart, the bottleneck that had been trapped for many years, actually loosened a little!

Mu Si was startled for a while, then sighed and closed his eyes.

He seems to...find his way in the future...

Not affectionate, nor ruthless, but forgetful...

Too forgetful...

Crossing the truth, giving up the empty space, breaking the thoughts... In fact, every step of the cultivation of the three realms of the real immortals is leading the monk to the path of ignorance. However, there are too few cultivators who can truly achieve the ultimate indifference. Among the 10,000 immortals, there are often only those one or two people. Occasionally, there are monks who can be in the realm of emptiness, and they can be too forgetful, such as Yuan Yao; but there are also people who have cultivated all the way to the Immortal King, but they cannot do this, such as Sen Luo.

Mu Si in the past could not do this either, but from now on, he will work hard to do it.

It's not to forget Xiao April, but to bury that heartbeat in your heart. Only forget the sadness, but keep the heartbeat forever in the talisman.

Is this... is the grass and trees ruthless said by the younger brother...

It's not a heartbeat, nor a heart annihilation, but...heart forgetting...

"Dare to ask Xiaoyou Wu, what kind of the Great Way of Wood is it?" Mu Si suddenly let out a smile, and the knots in his heart for many years seemed to finally be solved.

"It's the root..." Ning Fan was slightly surprised. It seemed that Mu Si had realized something, otherwise he would not have been so relieved.

"Root?" Mu Si's heart moved, slightly absent-minded, and said to himself, "Yeah... She is my root..."


Ning Fan was speechless.

This conversation can't go on anymore, this Mu Si completely looks like a deep-rooted love, no matter how you can relate to his little April...

However, it seems that this person is no longer at a loss... Have you figured out how to deal with the karma in your heart...

"A little gift for my little friend, as a thank you to my little friend for unraveling the knot for me."

Mu Si gave Ning Fan all the essence of building wood.

Ning Fan knew that it was his actions that touched Mu Si, but he did not refuse this gift of thanks. After collecting all the essence of Jianmu, bid farewell to Mu Si, and walked towards the third forbidden area with everyone.

The ancient pine in the third forbidden area is stronger than the fourth forbidden area, and the cultivation of the tree spirit Mu San is much higher than that of Mu Si.

Hearing Zen Master Songguo say that Ning Fan owns 236 paintings of magic symbols, Mu San was very moved by this, and threatened to take a look at Ning Fan's magic symbols. I would like to hand over the essence of Jianmu as a thank you gift.

More than 200 paintings of magic symbols and Buddhist symbols are rare. In the Western Heaven, there are few ancient Buddhas who have built more than 200 talismans; in the Ancient Demon Abyss, since the nine ancestors suppressed it, it is even more impossible to see the owner of 200 talismans.

Mu San didn't ask for anything, just looked at Ning Fan's magic talisman, and he was sure to get a confirmation from it.

Mu San also showed his Buddha Talisman to Ning Fan, but Ning Fan just glanced at it. did not pay attention.

Ning Fan already had his own insights on the Dao of Wood, and it was of little significance to learn from others' insights. And his Ancient Demon Ancestor's blood was exhausted. Temporarily unable to continue to add magic strokes. Mu San wanted to see him add more strokes, but he was afraid he wouldn't be able to see it anymore.

And after looking at Mu Si's talisman, and then looking at Mu San's talisman, Ning Fan always felt that Mu San's talisman was a little unattractive.

Mu Si's talisman is integrated into the most affectionate. Incorporating the heartbeat, in contrast, Mu San's Buddha Talisman has no heartbeat. Even the Buddhist talismans with strokes more than Mu Si would not be able to catch Ning Fan's eyes.

"Mu Si has opened his heart, or one day, he will be able to regain Mu Yi's status..."

After Ning Fan showed Mu San the magic talisman, he took the essence and left. Afterwards, he went to the second and first forbidden places, and only showed the magic talisman, and then he left.

After walking through the seven forbidden places one by one, Ning Fan said goodbye to Song Guo and the others, and returned to the Chanyuan alone.

Wu Laoba was sticking to Ning Fan like a candy, and wanted to ask this cheap master the way of the wood, but Ning Fan turned him away.

I'm sorry, Ning Fan doesn't have time to talk to Wu Laoba now. He just created his own magic talisman and drew four drops of ancestral blood into it. Now is the time to understand, and no one else can disturb him.

As soon as he returned to the meditation room, Ning Fan immediately escaped into the Xuanyin Realm. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of cyan light balls flew into the sky, and condensed into a drop of green as emerald spiritual liquid.

This drop of spiritual liquid is the essence of Jianmu!

Feeling the vast energy contained in the essence of Jianmu, Ning Fan said that he would not bear it, that was false. The energy contained in this drop of Jianmu Essence is completely comparable to a complete piece of Heavenly Grade Lie Yuan Crystal!

That is to say, as long as this drop of the essence of building wood is refined, Ning Fan can completely cultivate the complete wood yin and yang!

The only trouble is that cultivating wood yin and yang still lacks a profound wood attribute exercise...

On the wooden island, there are several nine-star wood attribute exercises, but they are all Buddhist exercises. As an ancient demon, Ning Fan certainly wouldn't practice it.

There was no suitable exercise in the Buddhist scriptures pagoda sent by the Great Emperor Chaos. As a result, Ning Fan had other thoughts.

He wants to create his own practice method, and write all the insights of wood he obtained this time into it!

In ancient times, some low-level immortal emperors were able to create nine-star exercises. With Ning Fan's current cultivation base and his understanding of the second realm of heaven and man, he was fully qualified to create his own exercises.

The magic talisman has been integrated into the power of the wooden way. If he creates his own practice, Ning Fan will create a wood-based magic. Ning Fan has already cultivated three of the nine gods of Yin and Yang, and it is time to cultivate one for Rain, War, and Darkness, and Demon Yin and Yang!

"With my Ning Fan's lifelong enlightenment, I will open the ancient scriptures..."

Ning Fan moved in the direction of Xuanyin Realm's Sutra Treasure Pagoda, bent his palms, and in an instant, volumes of ancient gods and demons flew out of the tower and piled up like a mountain in the clouds.

Ning Fan flicked his sleeves again and flew directly into a thousand-year-old pagoda with a mountain-like cultivation technique.

If you create your own exercises, then these countless exercises can be used as a reference...

The ten days promised with Daoist Musong passed in a flash.

In the Zen courtyard, two figures seem to be walking directly out of the endless void, it is Mu Song and Xiang Mozi.

As soon as the two appeared, they saw Ning Fan waiting under an ancient pine tree in the courtyard.

However, it has not been seen for ten days. At this moment, Ning Fan actually gave Mu Song and Xiang Mozi a natural feeling.

It seemed that standing in front of them was not Ning Fan, but a tree, a tree rooted in the wooden island and connected to nature. Even the breath gives people a sense of endless life.

There is no doubt that this is a successful performance of the wooden way!

"Oh? I haven't seen you for ten days. My little friend's cultivation seems to have improved a lot..."

The corner of Mu Song's mouth was smiling, but his heart was really shocked.

If he was not mistaken, Ning Fan, a descendant of the chaotic ancient times, actually cultivated the fourth type of yin and yang in ten days!

What surprised Mu Song even more was that the way of wood on Ning Fan's body was very strange, and it was different from any other way of wood that he knew...

"This son cultivated, could it be some lost magic art... Some eyes have never heard of this art..."

Astonished, Mu Song asked casually, "I don't know the name of the exercise that the little friend is practicing?"

"The first volume of the "Dao Jing"."

Ning Fan casually told Mu Song the name of his own practice.

The reason why it is called the Daojing, not the Devil's Classic, is because Ning Fan not only wrote the wooden yin and yang into the scriptures, but also included the three yin and yang exercises of rain, war, and darkness into the scriptures after editing.

Rather than piecing together and cultivating twenty-seven exercises, Ning Fan was more willing to create a relatively complete exercise that directly covered the twenty-seven types of yin and yang he practiced.

This matter is not easy, but it is not impossible for him, a monk in the second realm of heaven and man. (To be continued..)

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