Grasping Evil

Chapter 977 Yin and Yang

The voices of the two carp kings, using great supernatural powers, ran through the three thousand painting world and resounded around Ning Fan.

These two carp kings are only the second robbery quasi-sage cultivation base, but the sound is combined, and for some reason, there is an unparalleled momentum, which makes Ning Fan's ears hurt and buzz!

So strong, in the depths of the painting world, what kind of murderous thing is hidden, and it can make his eardrums ache just by the sound!

Comparable to the ancient overhaul!

It should be noted that at the moment Ning Fan, the cultivation base of the four elements has risen to the peak of the Nine Tribulations, and his strength is no less than that of a first-order Quasi-Saint, but he still cannot bear the power of this voice...

"Shangxian, are you calling me... Destroying a family's luck, what does it mean, maybe it has something to do with the black cat's bow... The Dao Li lineage, what force is it, this is the first time I have heard of this name since I cultivated Taoism. , these white carp and black carp, all belong to the lineage of Dao carp..."

Ning Fan's eyes flickered slightly.

Those two voices are strong, but they are full of fear. Ning Fan knows that these two voices are definitely not afraid of himself, but his own kitten.

At this moment, the cat has transformed into a black bow. This bow seems to be just a phantom, not a real entity. For this reason, it gave Ning Fan a thrilling feeling. That kind of feeling was only felt when he first faced the Aegis Destroyer. Pass!

That is the coercion only possessed by the Heaven-Opening Tool!

The black bow that Kitten transformed into is most likely a shadow of the Heaven-Opening Device!

The only thing that puzzled Ning Fan was that he had a strange sense of familiarity with this black bow.

It seems, where have I seen this bow, and it seems... never seen...

He is very sure that he has never seen this bow in this life, and this strange familiarity is just an illusion...

"Shen Xian calm down, this bow cannot be opened, it cannot be opened!"

The voices of the two carp kings begging for mercy still kept coming. The black cat is completely indifferent. Do you want to beg for mercy now? late! The mere Dao Li, who has bullied her master, can't easily put this matter down!

"Leave the flesh and blood of the carp that I swallowed... the string of the king's bow!"

The black cat's voice came out, and the black bow she turned into suddenly flashed. With bowstrings.

The bowstring was transformed from the carp meat she swallowed before.

The strings and arrows of the king bow all need to give up something in order to obtain them. If you don't pay the price, you can't shoot and kill!

"I can't give up... The way of this bow is somewhat similar to Shelan Sect..." Ning Fan had a flash of reminiscence, he suddenly remembered that in the picture of the ancient fisherman, he promised Shelan Patriarch that he would kill Xi Lan. The Sect Master of the Heavenly Dao Sect...

Well, this cause and effect will be repaid one day, but unfortunately it is not the time to go to the West...

Once the bowstring is transformed. The expressions of the four quasi-holy carp generals changed drastically, and they finally sensed a sense of fatal crisis from the black bow.

That feeling is like being pressed against the throat by the tip of the knife, and then the tip of the knife pierces a little bit, the gradually deepening sense of oppression makes people suffocate...

"What kind of bow is this! This bow must be extremely terrifying, otherwise with the arrogance of the two great kings, it is impossible to bow down to this raccoon and beg for mercy!"

The four quasi-holy carp generals felt bad, and without saying a word, they pulled away and left. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to escape.

"Give me the essence of the sun and the moon that I have swallowed for seven million years... to transform into two syllables and seven-star arrows!"

As soon as the black cat's voice fell, her breath was greatly weakened, the weakened part. It turned into a black and white arrow light, coiled around the black bow like a circle, and in the shadow of the arrow, there are faint starlight coming out...

Then, with the black cat's thought, the black and white arrow flew to the bowstring on its own. Draw the bow!

This black bow is entirely based on the will of the black cat, and it does not need Ning Fan's assistance at all.

Ning Fan frowned slightly, with his eyesight, how could he not see that the black cat used the power of the origin of the Taoist soul in order to transform into a black and white arrow, causing the rank of the Taoist soul to drop...

This black cat sincerely regards him as a master, and he will naturally regard her as a servant.

There is no deep hatred between him and these dao carp. If he attacks these dao carp, it will cause the black cat to fall from the rank. He would rather let these dao carp escape.

What puzzled Ning Fan was that the black and white arrow also gave him a strange feeling that he was very familiar with...

This black and white arrow actually contains the pure power of the source of Yin and the source of Yang! And the trajectories of the two sources of yin and yang are actually very similar to the yin and yang transformation.

That starlight seems to be able to plunder the luck of others...

"Strange, does this black and white arrow have some connection with Chaos Ancient and the Big Dipper Immortal Territory..." Ning Fan pondered slightly.

The next moment, the black bow opened!

The moment the bow opened, Ning Fan's eyes narrowed. With his second-level vision, he couldn't even see the afterimage of the black and white arrows.

The speed of this black and white arrow leaving the string is too fast! This kind of speed seems to be enough to span time and space, beyond the understanding of the second step cultivator, giving people a profound feeling that they can't escape no matter what!

"not good!"

Feeling the black and white arrows from the strings, the expressions of the two carp kings changed drastically, and the four quasi-sages of the carp who fled in a hurry, even in an instant, their scalps felt numb!

There was no arrow at all, but Li Si was the first to scream at this moment. His huge fish body suddenly swelled strangely, and the indescribable pain suddenly hit his whole body. Even if it swelled to the point of being inflated, it suddenly exploded like a balloon with a loud bang!

Flesh and blood!

Then, from the corpse, a black and white arrow light flew out strangely, and in a flash, it disappeared again.

"This, this... what kind of arrow is this! When did it shoot into Li Si's body!" The remaining three quasi-sages were all in cold sweat.

What makes them even more incomprehensible is that when Li Si died, they felt that their luck had been weakened a little...

No, to be precise, it wasn't their personal luck that was weakened, but... the luck of the ethnic group!

Luck is the approval of heaven. If one's luck is not high, one's life will not be smooth;

The three quasi-sages could only vaguely perceive that the arrow just now had weirdly weakened the luck of Dao Li's lineage, but they couldn't see through the deeper things.

Only the two carp kings accurately detected it.

Just this arrow, killing Li Si is a trivial matter, but the trouble is, it has directly taken away the family luck of Dao Li's lineage of about five hundred colors!

"It's miserable, this is really irreversible! Sage Li has worked hard for my clan for countless years. After ten years of poverty, he has planned a thousand-color clan luck from the gaps between various clans. This time, you and I will be together. The son lost five hundred colors of clan luck. Li Sheng will be furious! In this way, even if we are fortunate enough to return to the real world one day, we cannot escape heavy responsibility..."

Thinking of the ruthless ruthlessness of Li Sheng, the two Li kings both had madness in their eyes, and it was at this moment. Following Lisi, Lisan's fish body also began to swell!

This carp, unexpectedly, was shot into the body by the black and white arrow at some point!

No, you can't dye the carp three and die again. Losing five hundred colors of family luck is nothing more than a crime of imprisonment, but if you lose more than one thousand colors, I am afraid that once you return to the real world, you will be abolished 70% of your cultivation base!

"Nine raccoon ghosts! You deceive people too much! You destroy the five hundred colors of my Dao carp lineage. This hatred is never shared, and it will never die! Roar!!!"

The two carp kings didn't know what the price was, but they broke all the chains on their bodies, temporarily released Dinghai Shentie's restraint on them, and rushed towards the place where Ning Fan was. In an instant, the sky of the three thousand layers of painting world solidified at the same time!

"Five Hundred Colors Clan Luck, what do you mean..." Ning Fan was slightly moved. I don't understand what the black cat did to make the murderous creature in the depths of the painting world explode with such crazy murderous intent.

The black cat, however, disapproved of the murderous intentions of the two carp kings. Although her level was not high, Ruo fought for her life. It may not be impossible to kill these two carp kings!

"Give up the essence of the sun and the moon for another seven million years...kill!"

The black cat let out a sound, and the breath was greatly weakened again. At the same time, Li San's body completely burst, and he died!

The family fortune of the Dao Li line, once again weakened the five hundred colors!

"Do not!!!"

The eyes of the two carp kings were blood red. They only rushed to the 2980th floor, which was still far from where Ning Fan was.

They lost the Dao Li family Qiancai clan fate, Li Sheng will not forgive them lightly...

Unforgivable, if they don't kill Ning Fan and this raccoon, they will not be fish!

"Give up the essence of the sun and the moon for another seven million years...and turn it into the third arrow!"

The black cat's tone has become a little bit, obviously three shots in a row, the load is not light.

The moment her words fell, Koiji's body began to swell and swelled to the limit in an instant.

Li Er's fish face was distorted because of fear. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't do anything. He could only helplessly explode into flesh and blood...

Dao carp lineage, and then cut the five hundred color clan luck!

"One thousand five hundred colors! With the personality of Lord Lisheng, how could we spare our lives!" Under the madness of the two Liwangs, they had the will to die. The cat was killed in the painting world!

"The last arrow..."

The black cat's tone trembled a little, she couldn't bear the huge consumption of Wang Gongzhi's shadow.

After all, she is in charge of the savage and broken way of heaven. Even though she has been in charge of countless years, she has not absorbed much of the essence of the sun and the moon... This time, in order to take out a bad breath for Ning Fan, she did not hesitate to save it. Countless years of power, all at once.

"Enough. No need to shoot the fourth arrow, let's go."

Ning Fan suddenly stretched out his hand, pressed it on the black bow, and stroked it lightly. With a stroke, the black cat could no longer maintain its bow posture and changed back to the shape of a cat. The whole body was much illusory. Arrow, a lot weaker.

The black cat's dao soul level is almost on the verge of falling to the realm of the second-level emperor soul. If the fourth arrow is shot, although one more carp can be killed, it will definitely affect the black cat and completely fall into the dao soul realm.

not worth it!

"Master, didn't you say you want one not to stay..." The black cat was still very upset, and she was really reluctant to let her let go of Dao Li, who was betting on the master.

But this is the master's order. If the master does not allow her to shoot the fourth arrow, even if the saint forces her, she will never shoot the fourth arrow!

"Here, this is the trophy obtained by the black devil's ninth technique..."

The black cat wagged its tail, and immediately three light groups appeared in front of Ning Fan.

Each light group has five hundred kinds of colors, which are magnificent and dazzling. Ning Fan saw this kind of thing for the first time.

"This is..." Ning Fan was about to ask what it was, but on the other side, the black cat had already fainted because he was too weak.

Sure enough, it was right not to let her shoot the fourth arrow...

Although the nine raccoon clan restrained the carp, the kitten's level was still too low, and killing carp by leaps and bounds was by no means as easy as it seemed...

"Forget it, you should rest first."

With a flip of his hand, Ning Fan took the black cat and three splendid light balls back to the Xuanyin Realm. After thinking about it, he followed the route where the carp generals fled, and took away all the flesh and carp eyes of the three dead carp generals.

The carp is naturally what the people of Musong need. What about those fish meat, maybe it can be eaten by the kitten, maybe after making up for it, she won't be so weak.

"Kitten can't fight anymore, based on my own cultivation. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time, it's better to leave the painting world quickly..."

Thinking of this, Ning Fan pushed his speed to the extreme, turned around and fled towards the first floor of the painting world.

Li Yi fled all the way and did not dare to look back. The deaths of Li Er, Li San, and Li Si were like a shadow, shrouded in his heart. That scene was really terrifying! Can't defend. There is no doubt that he will die. In front of the other nine raccoon magical powers, his first-order quasi-saint Dao Li cultivation base is completely unstoppable!

"I can't stop it, I have to escape..."

He desperately ran to the depths of the painting world, but he did not know that the black cat had already passed out, and Ning Fan did not chase after him, but fled outside the painting world.

The two carp kings already had the will to kill Ning Fan, but it was a pity. Before they could arrive, Ning Fan had already escaped from the painting world...

This is a sly boy, seeing that the opportunity is wrong, he runs faster than anyone else!

"Shuzi is hateful! Shuzi is hateful! Roar!!!"

The two carp dynasty days roared. Expressing their unwillingness and anger in their hearts, with their roar, the entire painting world was as if the oil was washed away by rain, and the scenery was washed away and changed.

In the originally empty painting world, countless bloody eyeballs suddenly appeared. Not fish eyes, but human eyes, floating in the air, extremely strange.

Every eyeball is covered with bloodshot, full of crazy hatred and fear before dying!

All of these eyeballs are the eyeballs of the monks of the Golden Fu Palace!

These eyeballs have existed in every layer of the painting world since ancient times. After Ning Fan entered the painting world, he passed by these eyeballs countless times.

But unfortunately, Ning Fan couldn't see the existence of these blood-red eyes...

What Ning Fan didn't know was that what Daoist Mu Song wanted him to take was actually these bloody human eyes that he had not seen, not the fish eyes of Dao Li...

Outside, palm wood is in the void.

Both Taoist Musong and Xiang Mozi were shocked. The golden sky and black map hanging in front of them was shaking violently at this moment. There is no doubt that an unimaginable big movement occurred in the painting world!

"Could it be that little friend Ning Fan has actually alarmed the two Dao carp kings in the depths of the painting world! Otherwise, there is no way this picture would shake like this!" Daoist Mu Song lost his voice.

Recalling the horror of the two Dao Carp Kings, with his cultivation, he couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Without the strength of the ancient overhaul, it is absolutely impossible to fight with two carp kings, let alone in the painting world, there are many powerful carp generals...

"Quick! Can't wait any longer! You and I join forces to quickly drag Ning Xiaoyou out of the painting world!" Xiang Mozi said eagerly.

Taoist Musong nodded, but his expression couldn't hide a trace of disappointment.

In the painting world, there are many eyes in the Yang world, but they are all hidden between heaven and earth. Only the monks who have opened their eyes can find out the existence of those eyes in the Yang world.

If someone in the painting world opened their eyes, this picture would definitely show something, but it didn’t…

Didn't little friend Ning Fan successfully open his eyes in the painting world?

In this way, this child has only the second way to obtain the Eye of the Yang Realm, and that is to kill the Dao Carp.

However, most of the carp rank of Dao carp are too low...

Thinking of this, Daoist Musong sighed again, "This son's aptitude is still inferior to Sen Luo... After all, Sen Luo once opened his eyes in this picture, and his aptitude is chasing the old man, but this son can't do it. I I thought it would be easier for the chaotic descendants to open their eyes, but now it seems, oh, the old man's expectations for him are a little too high..."

Mu Song sighed and activated his supernatural powers. Together with Xiang Mozi, he wanted to drag Ning Fan out of the painting world.

However, without waiting for the two of them to help, Ning Fan rushed out of the golden sky and black map and returned to the two of them.

"Although the little friend didn't open his eyes, his escape speed was not slow. In this way, the old man Xiang and I don't have to pay the price to save you, hehe, it's easy."

Taoist Mu Song seemed to be laughing, but his tone was very light, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. Ning Fan seemed to hear a bit of sarcasm in Mu Song's tone.

What do you mean by escaping can this sound a bit awkward...

Forget it, the Taoist Musong has a vicious tongue. This point, he told Senior Mozi, he doesn't need to pay too much attention to Musong's tone.

Xiang Mozi was very satisfied with Ning Fan. The two carp kings have been dispatched, and Ning Fan can safely escape from the painting world, which shows that this child is extraordinary.

"How. But did you successfully bring out what Old Man Mu needed?" Xiang Mozi asked with a smile.

Different from Taoist Musong, he had full confidence in Ning Fan.

"I brought it out, I just don't know if this is the eye that Senior Musong needs..."

Ning Fan didn't care about Mu Song's indifference. Flip out an eyeball.

Mu Song was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Ning Fan didn't open his eyes, but he also brought out the eyes of Yangjie, and sure enough. Did it kill the Dao carp...

Haha, the eyes of Dao carp are not as good as those of monks in Jinfu Palace. In terms of rank, the eyes of monks in Jinfu Palace can be ranked in the middle grade, but the eyes of ordinary carp can only be included in the ranking. inferior. Only the Dao carp of the quasi-sage cultivation level can reach the middle grade of the eye, which is barely on a par with the monk's eye of the ordinary Jinfu Palace. Hehe, even if this child has inflated his cultivation in the painting world, it is impossible to kill the quasi-sacred Dao carp, how difficult it is to kill the Dao carp, but Mu Song has experienced it personally...

Most of the eyes that Ning Fan got were the eyes of the lower-grade Yangjie.

That's all, it's already very rare for this child to get a low-grade eye, so I'll make a move for him...

Mu Song took the eyes from Ning Fan in disappointment. He casually reached out his spiritual thoughts and swept it.

With this sweep, the originally calm expression suddenly became shocked. This eye... is actually a middle grade!

"Have you opened your eyes? Have you seen tens of thousands of eyeballs floating in the painting world?" Mu Song said, movingly

"Open your eyes? Tens of thousands of floating eyes?" Ning Fan was slightly startled. Why didn't he know that there were tens of thousands of eyeballs floating in the painting world.

"You... didn't see it? Sure enough, you didn't open your eyes. So, did you snatch those eyes from the quasi-holy carp general..." Mu Song put away his contempt.

Although Ning Fan didn't open his eyes, he was able to cultivate in a lifetime. Entering the painting world and winning the quasi-sacred eye would be considered heaven-defying.

At least... Xiang Mozi can't do such a thing...

"Okay! If you can get back a Eye of the Yang Realm, it is enough for me to take action once. The grievances between you and the Dark Race, this old man will definitely not sit idly by!"

Taoist Mu Song turned his hands and put away his eyes, not knowing that Ning Fan still had five such eyes. Not to mention, Ning Fan killed three quasi-sacred carp in this trip!

Of course, strictly speaking, the three Dao carp were not killed by Ning Fan, but by the black cat...

Ning Fan did not take out all six eyeballs. This eye can be so valued by Musong, and it must be of great use. It is enough to take out one for Musong. The rest, you might as well keep it for the time being...

Seeing that Musong finally agreed to help Ning Fan, he breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, the goal of coming to Mudao was all achieved.

Xiang Mozi was in a good mood, and Musong got the Eye of the Yangjie, and he was also in a good mood. He held a banquet on Mudao for the first time in the world, and graciously entertained Ning Fan and his party.

During the banquet, everyone was discussing the Dao again, and Ning Fan had benefited a lot from being able to exchange Daoist experience with the two quasi-sages.

Mu Song did not hide his secrets, and explained to Ning Fan the purpose of the Yang Realm. Ning Fan realized that he did not use the method Mu Song expected.

Xiang Mozi was also very surprised. He only learned today that the correct way to hold the palm is to open his eyes... No wonder the dark tribe tried to deprive him of the sense of sight with their supreme supernatural powers, but it turned out to be to destroy his eyesight. Is it possible...

"Opening your eyes is the correct way to cultivate the void in the palm position. At the same time, it is also a step that must be taken when entering the second rank of quasi-sage..."

When Mu Song said this, he looked at Xiang Mozi with a sigh, and Xiang Mozi was also saddened for a while. He thought that it was no wonder that he could not enter the second rank of quasi-sage. It turned out that the problem was here...

"The so-called opening of eyes is not as simple as the superficial meaning, but to see the other side of the world. Every world has two sides, the negative side and the positive side. The world we live in is the fantasy world, and we usually see It's actually... just the dark side of the Dreamworld..."

Ning Fan, Xiang Mozi, Wu Laoba, and a group of people from the Mudao Sect, their faces were more or less at a loss, and they could not understand what they heard. In this regard, Mu Song can only express his helplessness. These people have not seen the positive side of the world with their own eyes. Listening to his explanation, they will definitely feel abstract.

"...In short, we, the people of the fantasy world, are actually people in the yin world, the part of people that heaven and earth don't agree with. They can't live in the yang world unless... they can open their eyes in the yang world."

I dont understand! Wu Laoba scratched his ears and cheeks, knowing that what Mu Song said was very precious, but he just couldn't understand...

"Everything has yang and then yin. Where there is light, there is darkness, just like people have shadows, like leaves have roots. People in the yin world can't be said to be non-existent. It's just that they can't be recognized by the Dao... I wait for the cultivation of the fantasy world, if If you want to be holy, you not only need to pursue perfection, but also need to go from yin to yang... But this step is extremely difficult..."

Senior Mu, don't talk about sanctification, it's so far away! Talk about breaking through the second calamity of all ages! I'm more concerned about this!

Wu Laoba secretly slandered in his heart, but naturally he did not dare to speak his heart out.

"I'm a cultivator in the dream world. There are three clans of gods, demons, and demons. These three clans are actually three clans that are not recognized by the Dao... So, this old man modified the Buddha..."

What? The gods, demons, and demons are not recognized by the Dao? How did I not hear it being said!

Wu Laoba looked at Musong suspiciously, secretly thinking that it was because the alcohol level was too high, which made Musong drunk. Start talking nonsense?

"In ancient times, there was a sect named Jinfu Palace. The first ancestor of this sect was said to be closely related to the Taoist soul clan. Most of the disciples in the sect were able to open their eyes and see the yang world in the yin world... The eyes that have seen Yangjie, most of them have Yangjie, are called. Later Jinfu Palace did not know what happened. It was actually destroyed, and the treasure of Jinfu Palace, Jintianhei Map, was also present. After several tossing and turning, it fell into the hands of the old man. This picture is full of extremely powerful forces of yin and yang. It can help the cultivator's soul and the emperor's qi to be perfectly integrated, and increase the success rate of breaking through the bottleneck of the immortal emperor. Naturally, the old man values ​​the picture more. There are countless eyes of the Yang Realm hidden in the painting world...Unfortunately, you didn't open your eyes. Otherwise, you should be able to see that there are countless bloody eyes floating in the painting world..."

Mu Song sighed slightly and decided that Ning Fan's aptitude was inferior to Sen Luo. The inability to open one's eyes in the painting world is a proof.

"The Eye of the Yang Realm can help cultivators to open their eyes, and it can also help cultivators who have already opened their eyes to see more scenery... Unfortunately, you didn't get more eyeballs from the painting world, otherwise, you could use some yourself. It's my own good..." When he said these words, Mu Song observed Ning Fan's expression and saw Ning Fan's expression of pity, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

It seems that this child really only got one eyeball from the painting world... If this child still has eyeballs, I can't tell, I have to try to get it...

Ning Fan's face was full of pity, but he sighed inwardly, this Daoist Musong can be used as a strong support, but he can't be a good friend. When getting along with this person, you should be reserved, not as casual as when you get along with Xiang Mozi. .

"Speaking of which, when every cultivator opens his eyes, he can see his own scene... When the old man opened his eyes, he saw the scene of a woodcutter cutting pine trees, from which he realized the origin of wood, and based on this, he created his own scene. The palm of his hand is empty. When Sen Luo opened his eyes, it is said that he saw a scene of a woman feeding an eagle with meat... He didn't say the specific scene, only he knew it..."

Woodman Vassone…

Meat-fed eagle…

Ning Fan pondered secretly, if he used up the five eyeballs in his hand, he wondered if he would be able to open his eyes and see if he could see the scene that belonged to him.

After listening to the sermon, most of the people did not understand anything from Mu Song, only Ning Fan and Xiang Mozi sometimes showed a thoughtful look.

After the banquet, Ning Fan made a request to Taoist Musong to see many ancient books on Mu Dao.

Taoist Musong has collected many lost ancient books, many of which are related to Buddhist talismans and magic talismans, as well as a lot of practice books, which can confirm the first volume of the Taoist scripture created by Ning Fan. Anyway, coming to Mudao, Ning Fan naturally wanted to see those ancient books. This is not a big deal, and Taoist Musong agreed to Ning Fan's request.

However, I have to pay Daojing to read books!

Taoist Mu Song is shrewd in reckoning, and collecting Dao Jing is not a heavy profit, but he does not want to waste Ning Fan's cause and effect, but it is a good intention.

The Dao Jing on Ning Fan did not talk much, not much, but reading books was definitely enough anyway. Not to mention, Daoist Musong is worthy of being a first-class expert in Dongtian. Many of his books are single copies, which greatly increased Ning Fan's knowledge.

Here, there is even a collection of books that records the Dao Soul Clan!

"...The Tao has a spirit, and the one who takes the yang from its spirit is called the soul of the Tao, and the one who takes the yin from its spirit is called a demon..."

"...The Tao has a body, and those who take the body from Yang are called Buddhas, and those who take the body from Yin are called Demons..."

"...The Tao has a heart, and the one who takes the yang from its heart is called a wasteland, and the one who takes the yin from its heart is called a god..."

"...The Tao has dust, and the yang takes its dust, it is called calamity, and the yin takes its dust, it is called barbarian..."

"...there is..."

After that, it seems that there should be other words, but because it is a remnant, I can't see it.

Ning Fan pondered secretly and connected this book with Mu Song's words, as if he had a clear understanding of gods, demons, demons and other races.

Buddha and devil are corresponding, one cultivates the Buddha talisman, the other cultivates the devil talisman.

Dao Soul, Demon Soul... Jie Ling, Man Xiu... Could it be that there is a relationship between one yang and one yin?

As for the waste corresponding to the gods, what is it...

At the back of this ancient book, there are some introductions to the Dao Soul Clan, among which, the nine raccoons are specially introduced.

Of course, Ning Fan was very attentive to his little black cat, so he carefully read the introduction of the Nine Fox Clan.

The introduction was not detailed, but there was one sentence, but it made Ning Fan's expression change, with a serious look.

"…All things in the world, as far as someone knows, there are five things of the highest yang quality, which can prolong the period of Dao's extinction, the first is the lotus leaf of Shangqing, the second is the ancient immortal apricot, the third is the ancient fusang, and the fourth is the blood of the soul of the nine raccoons. , the fifth is the breath of the anti-sage..."

Ning Fan's heart was pounding, unexpectedly, he would find a way to save the Great Emperor of Chaos in the ancient books here!

Shangqing lotus leaf, Daogu immortal apricot, and ancient fusang, these three are the legendary treasures, Ning Fan heard it for the first time.

The breath of the anti-sage, it is said that the fourth step of the Immortal Sovereign can extend the life of the mortal. Of course, it is impossible for Ning Fan to find an Immortal Sovereign to blow his breath against the chaos...

But nine raccoon soul blood...

This book records that if one drop of the soul blood of an adult nine raccoons can be taken, the period of Dao extinction can be delayed by a thousand years!

Ning Fan didn't know that the blood of his little black cat was so useful!

If you get a drop of the little black cat's soul blood... it shouldn't hurt her much...

So here comes the question...

This little black cat seems to be immature... (To be continued.)

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