Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1118 White Flame

Although this Toad Sacred Beast was a level 10 demon beast, it was not very intelligent and had not yet transformed. Shi Yue's move completely annoyed it.

It opened its mouth and spurted out a large piece of white flame, freezing the red flame. Then, the light on its body surged and it chased after Shi Yue.

While running for his life, Shi Yue controlled the gourd magic weapon and released flames to attack the Toad Sacred Beast.

The Toad Sacred Beast was not a demon beast known for its escape technique. The Sky-Breaking Shuttle was a flying magic weapon. Although Shi Yue was limited by his cultivation and magic power, he was unable to exert the full power of the Sky-Breaking Shuttle, and the Toad Sacred Beast could not catch up.

One person and one demon quickly flew across the sky.

At the same time, Jin'er also took action.

She turned into a golden light and flew towards the valley.

After flying three hundred miles, the Toad Sacred Beast seemed to remember something and hurriedly flew back along the way it came.

"Hey, this guy has some brains. I don't know if Jin'er succeeded. I have to buy her some time."

Shi Yue pinched the magic formula, and the light of the Sky-Breaking Shuttle increased greatly. The void in front of him rippled, and a black hole several feet in size appeared. The Sky-Breaking Shuttle carried Shi Yue into it and disappeared.

The next moment, the void several miles in front of the Toad Holy Beast rippled, and a silver light flew out, blocking the Toad Holy Beast's way.

Shi Yue gently stroked his sleeves, and seventy-two purple flame swords flew out. After a blur, they turned into thousands of red flying swords and hit the Toad Holy Beast.

He took out a golden longbow, drew the bow and arrows, and aimed at the Toad Holy Beast.

Three sharp arrow whistles of "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" sounded, and several arrows flew out, turning into several spiritual lights and hitting the Toad Holy Beast.

He pinched his magic formula again, and the red gourd spurted out a large piece of thick red flame, which turned into a sea of ​​fire and rushed towards the Toad Holy Beast.

The Toad Holy Beast opened its mouth, and its head quickly expanded, turning into a huge meat ball. It blew suddenly, and a large amount of white cold air rushed out. Thousands of red flying swords were blown to pieces, and arrows also flew backwards, and the flames dissipated.


The Toad Holy Beast turned into a white escape light and flew towards Shi Yue.

Before it got close, a large piece of white flame hit Shi Yue.

What surprised Shi Yue was that the flame gave him a feeling of not scorching heat but a piercing chill.

He changed his magic formula, and several magic formulas hit the red gourd. The red gourd suddenly glowed brightly, and a large piece of red fire gushed out. It blurred and turned into a huge red fire clam, rushing towards the opposite side.

With a loud "boom", the red fire clam collided with the white light and exploded, turning into a large piece of white debris.

At this time, the seventy-two purple flame swords surrounded it.

The Toad Holy Beast felt a flash before his eyes, and suddenly appeared above a group of volcanoes, with heat waves rolling and a smell of sulfur in the air.


Several volcanoes erupted, and a large piece of boiling magma sprayed out, turning into a huge red fire dragon, with flames rolling on its body, and the void was somewhat distorted.

The red fire dragon roared and pounced on the Toad Holy Beast with its fangs and claws.

At the same time, a large amount of fire appeared in the void, turning into huge red fireballs, smashing from all directions.


The Toad Holy Beast opened its mouth and sprayed out a large piece of biting cold air, turning into a huge white ice ball, protecting it inside.

The red fire dragon pounced on the white ice ball, and a white mist suddenly rose. The ice ball melted quickly, but soon, a large number of ice cones flew out, piercing the body of the red fire dragon, and a large white mist rose.

For a while, there were continuous explosions and rolling flames.


The Toad Holy Beast opened its bloody mouth, and its head quickly expanded to a size of more than 100 feet. It blew violently towards the volcano below, and a large piece of white cold air rushed out. The volcano turned into an iceberg, which was extremely cold.

At this moment, a dazzling red light appeared on the head of the Toad Holy Beast, and quickly turned into a red fire blade more than 30 feet long, slashing down head-on.

The red fire blade did not cut the Toad Holy Beast in two, but as soon as the fire blade touched its body surface, it turned into a large piece of red flame, spreading and emitting a puff of white smoke.

After a few breaths, a piercing roar sounded, a white sound wave swept out, and the flame quickly dissipated.

Wherever the white sound wave passed, the void began to twist and deform.

The holy toad beast opened its mouth and spewed out a large piece of white flame, freezing the entire volcano.

At the same time, a large amount of snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky, freezing cold.

Outside the seventy-two purple flame swords, Shi Yue looked at the purple flame swords whose spiritual light dimmed, frowning.

A golden light flew from a distance and landed in front of him. It was Jin'er.

Jin'er's face was slightly pale, as if she had fought with someone.

"Jin'er, are you okay!" Shi Yue asked with concern.

"It's okay, master, I got it. There is also an eighth-level toad monster in it. I killed it and delayed it for some time."

Jin'er shook her head and handed a few gourds to Shi Yue.

Shi Yue opened the lid of a gourd, and a stream of extremely pure spiritual energy gushed out, and there was a large piece of milky white liquid inside.

At this time, with a loud "boom", the seventy-two purple flame swords flew everywhere, and the Toad Holy Beast escaped.

Shi Yue's face changed drastically: "Not good, it broke the formation, Jin'er, come back quickly."

Seeing this, Jin'er hurriedly flew back to the Palm of Heaven Bead.

Shi Yue pinched the magic formula, and the seventy-two purple flame swords flew back into his sleeves and disappeared. The Sky-breaking Shuttle shone brightly and flew away, and the Toad Holy Beast chased after him.

Half an hour later, Shi Yue appeared in a white dense forest, with no breath on his body.

There were a large number of white giant trees over a hundred feet high in the white dense forest, with lush branches and leaves.

Not long after, a dazzling white light quickly passed through the sky, and the white light did not find Shi Yue in the dense forest.

Shi Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Toad Holy Beast did not escape fast, so he escaped. If he encountered a holy beast with faster escape speed or high intelligence, it would be troublesome.

This time, he harvested more than a hundred drops of ten thousand year old spiritual milk, which was enough for him to use for a while.

In addition to the ten thousand year old spiritual milk, there were also several thousand year old ice heart grass.

In order to avoid the toad holy beast from making a surprise attack, Shi Yue had been hiding motionlessly in the same place.

A quarter of an hour later, a white light flew along the way it came, quickly passing through the sky.

At this time, Shi Yue breathed a sigh of relief and released Shi Mu.

"Besides the ten thousand year old spiritual milk, what other spiritual objects are there nearby?"

"There is also a very delicious fruit, very delicious." Shi Mu said seriously, swallowing his saliva.

"Take me there! If you find the fruit, I can let you taste it."

"Okay, we have to leave here. By the way, we have to pass a very dangerous place on the way. There is the restriction you mentioned, which will move."

Upon hearing this, Shi Yue's face became solemn.

"Senior Xiaoyaozi, is there any way to find the space crack in advance?" Shi Yue sent a voice message to Xiaoyaozi.

"There are some special magic weapons that can be discovered, but I don't have the method to refine them. I am not omnipotent. Tianhuoyuan is one of the six forbidden areas of Yinmo Star. It must have its unique features. Shi boy, I advise you to change the route!" Xiaoyaozi suggested.

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