Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1267 Miser...

Not long after, he and Qu Feiyan appeared in a hidden cave.

At this time, Qu Feiyan, who was in Shi Yue's arms, had a flushed face and her eyes turned blood red.

"Miser, I feel a little uncomfortable." Qu Feiyan murmured to herself.

"Senior Xiaoyaozi, do you really have no other way?" Shi Yue asked with a bitter face.

"There is a way. The poisonous fog released by the tenth-level monster requires at least a fifth-grade detoxification pill to dissolve it. This is still a theoretical statement. Moreover, the poison is released by a strange beast that I don't even know. I am not very sure. If it fails, Qu girl will become a disabled person at best, and die at worst."

Shi Yue showed hesitation on his face. At this moment, Qu Feiyan's arms suddenly hugged Shi Yue... .

Qu Feiyan was originally a peerless beauty. She took the initiative to throw herself into his arms. After all, Shi Yue was a hot-blooded man. It would be strange if he didn't react!

He didn't want to take advantage of others' misfortune and wanted to push Qu Feiyan away. Xiaoyaozi's teasing voice sounded in his ears: "Shi boy, you are the only normal man here. If you push Qu girl away and something happens to her, don't blame me for not reminding you. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda."

With a few "chi chi" sounds, the clothes on Qu Feiyan's body...

Seeing this, Shi Yue couldn't stand it.

In a panic, he suddenly shuddered, quickly took out the palm of the sky bead from his abdomen, dug a hole and buried it in the soil.

"Hey, Shi boy, what are you doing? You're too much! I..."

Ten thousand words omitted here...

"Boom!" A huge roar sounded, and a gust of wind suddenly blew. The sky above the cave where they were was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the momentum was terrifying.

The thunder did not interrupt the state of the two.

At some point, Shi Yue felt a strange energy rushing into his body and running around in his body. He hurriedly practiced the cultivation formula of "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" to refine this energy.

In his Dantian, two identical Yuanying danced and danced, looking very excited, and a large black mist floated in front of them.

The black mist seemed like cotton. The two Yuanying kept tearing off pieces of black mist and stuffed them into their mouths.

The breath of the two mini Yuanying gradually rose. Shi Yue was very busy now and did not notice the changes in his Dantian. After the strange energy stopped running around, he ignored it.

At some point, a deafening roar suddenly sounded, and a huge lightning bolt rushed out from the giant dark cloud and accurately hit the cave where Shi Yue and Qu Feiyan were.

There was a loud noise that shook the earth, and the cave was torn into pieces.

A huge silver lightning bolt struck Shi Yue, turning into a large silver lightning bolt that submerged the two figures.

Within two breaths, the silver lightning bolt dissipated, and Shi Yue and Qu Feiyan regained consciousness.

Qu Feiyan only remembered that she was fighting with a level 10 monster, which broke through her defense and sprayed out some yellow mist. She didn't know what happened next.

As soon as she regained consciousness, she found herself lying under Shi Yue with soreness all over her body.

Qu Feiyan screamed and was about to say something when a huge roar sounded, and a huge silver lightning bolt flew out of the huge dark cloud and headed straight for them.

"Damn it, you're actually trying to reach the Spiritual Transformation Stage at this time, Fairy Qu, you should take shelter nearby first." Shi Yue hurriedly warned Qu Feiyan, then dug out the Heavenly Palm Bead and took it back into his body. . .

"Miser, be careful, you're not allowed to die, I'll settle accounts with you later!" Qu Feiyan said with a red face.

She hurriedly took out a new set of clothes from the storage ring and put them on, then flew away.

As soon as she left, a thick silver lightning struck Shi Yue.

Shi Yue felt his body numb, and he pinched his magic spell, and a five-color armor with a glittering aura appeared close to his body. These were just appetizers, and naturally they could not hurt him. .

"This is too coincidental! The heavenly tribulation of the transformation period came as soon as it was said? The Taiyin Qi is so powerful?" Shi Yue frowned.

"Nonsense, this is because you have not practiced the Caibu Gongfa, it's just normal..., get the Taiyin Qi stored in Qu Yatou's body for many years, Taiyin Qi is more precious than the sixth-grade spiritual medicine, otherwise why do you think those demon cultivators want to capture Qu Yatou? If it weren't for the thousand-year-old seven-color nine-leaf lotus to dissolve the Taiyin Qi, she would have died long ago. By the way, what you did just now was not authentic, you buried me underground in such a beautiful scene, you want to piss me off to death..." Xiaoyaozi chattered non-stop.

Shi Yue naturally didn't want anyone to spy on his and Qu Feiyan's affairs, but the thunder tribulation was right in front of him, and Shi Yue was in no mood to argue with Xiaoyaozi.

A "booming" roar sounded, and the airflow within a radius of hundreds of miles was stirred into a pot of porridge. The wind blew violently, blowing up a large area of ​​flying sand and rocks.

Qu Feiyan stood in the distance, her beautiful eyes full of worry.

She was a smart person, she had already understood what happened. She was probably poisoned. In order to detoxify her, Shi Yue absorbed the Taiyin Qi that had accumulated in her body for many years, and confusedly impacted the God Transformation Stage.

The body of Taiyin usually does not live beyond the age of thirty. If it can live beyond the age of thirty, the Taiyin Qi produced in the body is a rare treasure in the world of cultivation. Taiyin Qi is one of the ten essences of spiritual energy in the world of cultivation. Although it has no effect on women, it can allow men who get it to cleanse their marrow and change the classics, and make great progress in cultivation. To some extent, Taiyin Qi is comparable to a rare sixth-grade spiritual medicine.

Originally, according to Shi Yue's plan, he needed to practice for a while, and wait until the two Yuanying in his body were cultivated to Yuanying perfection, and then try to impact the God Transformation Stage. However, now that he has obtained the Taiyin Qi in Qu Feiyan's body, he accidentally promoted to the God Transformation Stage and attracted a heavenly tribulation. He can only forcefully pass the tribulation.

Shi Yue is more confident in his physical body, but he has a lot of treasures on him, so he naturally has to use these things first.

He sacrificed three pale yellow round beads, each of which is the size of an egg, crystal clear, as if made of some kind of beautiful jade, emitting an amazing spiritual fluctuation.

A set of magic weapons, Shu Tuzhu, each of which is a fourth-grade defensive magic weapon, and its defensive power is no worse than that of a fifth-grade defensive magic weapon.

He pinched his magic spells, and several magic spells hit the three Shu Tuzhu.

The three Shu Tuzhu rotated quickly, and a large piece of yellow mist poured out from it, quickly submerging Shi Yue's figure.


A huge roar sounded, the dark clouds rolled continuously, and countless silver lightning snakes rushed out of the dark clouds like a tide, heading straight for Shi Yue below, with an astonishing momentum.

Qu Feiyan's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and her beautiful face was full of worry.

The blocked chapters are always rejected, so I revised and published a new chapter this time, using a lot of ellipsis, and it was passed. Fellow Taoists, please don't mind. Because of this block, I couldn't type for several hours, and I was so angry. I hope there will be no problem this time. If the previous ban is suddenly lifted, you don't have to subscribe again.

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