Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1389 Ice Cloud Star

Beihan Star Region, Beihan Palace.

A palace built with some kind of white jade, dozens of immortal cultivators gathered in the palace.

A dozen Yuanying cultivators stood in a row, with different expressions, Murong Xiaoxiao was also inside.

In front of them, there were three men and one woman, all of whom were Divine Transformation cultivators.

A few years ago, with the disappearance of Shi Yue, messages spread everywhere. Later, Shi Yue showed up and gave Shen Yudie several rare spiritual medicines.

Shen Yudie no longer had any doubts about Shi Yue. In order to keep Shi Yue, she gave Murong Xiaoxiao a lot of resources.

Murong Xiaoxiao is still in the middle stage of Yuanying, and she is now the focus of Beihan Palace.

Of course, focus on training does not mean blindly practicing hard in the sect.

In order to increase Murong Xiaoxiao's sense of belonging to the sect, the sect intends to let her follow the elders to perform a very important task.

"You are all elite disciples of our sect. As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army and only one day to use it. The sect has trained you for so long, it's time for you to contribute to the sect. We are going to take you to perform an important task. During this period, you are not allowed to contact the outside world to avoid leaking the news. Everyone, put away the communication tools and take them back afterwards." A kind-looking old man in green robes ordered in a stern tone.

After hearing this, Murong Xiaoxiao and other disciples handed over the communication tools honestly.

"This operation is under the responsibility of this old man. Everyone must obey my orders. Those who disobey will be severely punished. Do you understand?" The old man in green robes looked stern.

"Yes, Uncle Liu." Murong Xiaoxiao and other disciples agreed in unison.

The old man in green robes nodded with satisfaction, sacrificed a green flying boat, which instantly grew larger, and jumped on it first.

After everyone jumped on it, the old man in green robes pinched the spell, and the green flying boat glowed, turning into a green light and flying out of the hall at an extremely fast speed.

Not long after, the green light disappeared into the sky, as if it had never appeared.

Tianlan Star Region, Xiancao Market.

At the hour of You, a long queue formed in front of the Xiancao Palace.

The door of the store opened, Zhao Sisi came out, her eyes swept through the monks in line, and pointed to an old woman in a green robe with a kind face and said, "Senior, please come in."

Under the envious eyes of everyone, the old woman in the green robe followed Zhao Sisi in.

Not long after, an old woman in a black robe with a peaceful face came out. It was the ghost woman who had changed her face.

She strode away, and no one else thought much about it.

The ghost woman strolled around the market, went to the teleportation hall, and teleported away.

On the second day, Xiaoyaozi went to Yanyu Tower to drink as usual.

Xiaoyaozi often went to Yanyu Tower to drink, and no one thought it was strange. However, after leaving Yanyu Tower, he did not return to Xiancao Palace, but went to the teleportation hall and left Xiancao Market.


Bingyun Star is not very prominent in the North Cold Star Region. It does not have abundant resources for cultivating immortals, nor is it rich in spiritual energy. All the major forces do not look down on Bingyun Star.

The Hanyun Mountains are located in the eastern part of Bingyun Star. Compared with other places on Bingyun Star, the Hanyun Mountains have relatively abundant monster resources.

A red flying boat flew from the distant sky at a very fast speed.

Not long after, the red flying boat stopped on a high peak outside the Hanyun Mountains.

The light of escape dissipated, revealing the figures of two men and one woman, who were Shi Yue, Xiaoyaozi and the ghost woman.

They all changed their appearance, and ordinary refining cultivators could not see their true appearance.

"Sir, that thing is here, but it is said that there are holy beasts in the Hanyun Mountains, and their magical powers are not small." The ghost woman pointed to the Hanyun Mountains and said.

"As long as you don't encounter a holy beast above the sixth level, there will be no big problem." Shi Yue disagreed.

This time he brought Shi Yu and Shi Jiao with him, as well as Xiaoyaozi, so he was well prepared.

In order to avoid being followed by a combined cultivator, Xiaoyaozi made several investigations and confirmed that there was no tracking before letting Shi Yue show up.

During this period, Shi Yue also notified Su Bin to bring Li Yan and Li Feiyu back to Cuiyunmen to help them form a baby.

The Hanyun Mountains are covered with snow all year round, with snowflakes as big as beans falling from the sky and cold winds whistling past.

Shi Yue and the other two turned into three beams of light and flew towards the depths of the mountains.

After a cup of tea, the three of them appeared above an endless snowfield, with a red jade pendant on their chests and a light red light curtain covering them.

Entering the depths of the Hanyun Mountains, the temperature was very low. Fortunately, Shi Yue had prepared in advance and refined a magic weapon called Yanyang Jade Pendant to dispel the cold air.

The ghost woman held a yellow sheepskin scroll with a topographic map on it.

"Fly more than 30,000 miles to the southeast and you'll be there," the witch said.

"Yes, something is coming, it seems to be a group of monsters." Xiaoyaozi said with narrowed eyes.


Not long after, the ground shook violently, and dozens of bulges appeared, moving quickly towards Shi Yue and the other two.

Without Shi Yue saying anything, the witch took action.

A dozen black lights flew out from a leather bag on her waist and turned into a dozen huge skeletons. There were faint fireflies burning in their eyes. Some held huge bone knives, some held sharp bone spears, and some were bare-handed.

Judging from their aura, they were all ghosts in the Jindan period.

With a loud noise, dozens of snow-white giant rats drilled out from the ground.

Their eyes were golden, and their bodies were covered with white fluff. There were no holy beasts.

A strange roar sounded, and the white giant rat jumped up and pounced on the huge skeleton.

The ghost woman kept pinching her fingers, and the huge skeleton held a weapon and pounced on the white giant rat.

The white giant rat was huge and good at ice magic. The dozen ghosts were no match for them and were frozen by the ice magic released by the white giant rat.

After a few breaths, the dozen ghosts were killed by dozens of white giant rats, and their skeletons were torn into pieces, and a large number of corpses were scattered on the ground.

Shi Yue and Xiaoyaozi had no intention of attacking. The ghost woman was a spiritual cultivator after all. Although her life treasures were destroyed, she could still deal with a group of Yuanying-stage monsters.

The ghost woman also understood that this was her chance to show off, so she naturally had to show it with all her heart.

She offered a small black banner, which was entangled with black air, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling could be heard faintly, and gusts of cold wind were blowing.

A large number of ghosts appeared faintly on the banner, emitting a cold breath.

The small black banner swelled in the wind, and grew to several feet in size.

A miserable ghost cry sounded, and a large piece of black Yin Qi flew out from the banner.

The skeletons scattered in the snow seemed to be guided by something, and they flew towards the black Yin Qi.

Roar, roar, roar!

Dozens of white giant rats opened their mouths, and each spurted out a thick white beam of light, hitting the black banner.

As dozens of white light beams approached the black flag, the black flag suddenly burst into dazzling spiritual light and blew out an invisible strong wind, blowing dozens of white light beams backwards.

A roar of a beast sounded, and a huge skeleton more than ten feet tall rushed out from the yin energy, its eyes burning with blazing flames, holding a huge three-foot-long bone knife in its hand, and surrounded by black air.

Judging from its breath, it was a ghost in the late Nascent Soul stage.

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