Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1550 The Second Dharma

"It looks like this is the cave where a Zen master sits and dies. I can't imagine why this person would choose to sit and die here." Xiaoyaozi wondered.

"No matter what the reason is, we will know once the restriction is broken." Shi Yue said with a smile.

He opened his mouth and spurted out a thick red flame, hitting the golden light curtain.


With a loud bang, the red flame cup rebounded and hit Shi Yue and Xiaoyaozi.

The flame was transformed by Shi Yan. Shi Yue's mind moved and the flame stopped immediately.

"It's rare to have a restriction that rebounds." Shi Yue said with some surprise.

"Most Buddhist restrictions have to be broken by brute force. Ordinary attacks can't do anything to Buddhist restrictions, so we can only try brute force." Xiaoyaozi explained.

Countless yellow runes lit up in his hands and he smashed towards the golden light curtain fiercely.

The golden light curtain suddenly sank, but soon returned to normal. Xiaoyaozi was bounced out and Shi Yue caught him.

"It seems that there is no way to get the treasure without using the real power." Xiaoyaozi stood up again and shouted loudly. A dazzling yellow light flashed on his head and turned into a huge yellow rat. This is his Dharma image.

Every cultivator of the Void Refining Realm has his own Dharma image, which is very different. The Dharma image depends on the person and the power also depends on the person.

The yellow rat let out a piercing and strange roar, and a yellow sound wave as thick as a bowl flew out. The strong airflow rolled up a lot of dust.

The yellow sound wave hit the golden light curtain, and the golden light curtain suddenly sank, and the Buddhist runes on the surface kept flashing.

At this moment, a Sanskrit sound sounded, and the golden light curtain returned to normal. The yellow sound wave immediately flew backwards and hit Xiaoyaozi and Shi Yue.

Shi Yue's body was shining with green light and a strong wind was blowing.


The yellow sound wave shattered and turned into a powerful wave of air, sweeping in all directions at a very fast speed.

Shi Yue and Xiaoyaozi flew backwards, their bodies hit the stone wall heavily. They spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, their eyes full of horror.

"What kind of restriction is this? Even if I use the Dharma, I can't break it." Xiaoyaozi frowned.

With his cultivation of the great perfection of Lianxu, he used the Dharma to attack the restriction, but it was bounced back by the restriction. It was really abnormal. You know, ordinary combined cultivators may not be able to take his full-strength attack.

"The owner of the Zuohua Cave Mansion was probably a combined cultivator who was good at setting up formations. Otherwise, after so many years, the restriction could not be so strong. Senior Xiaoyaozi, your body is not strong enough. Let me try!" Shi Yue said with a smile.

"You? Qingluan Dharma is good at controlling wind power and speed, not strength. I can't break it, and you have no hope." Xiaoyaozi disagreed.

Shi Yue smiled slightly and said, "Senior Xiaoyaozi, you don't know this. Have you forgotten that I am a double Yuanying? I have practiced the Nine Changes of the True Spirit and the Five Elements Spirit Forging Technique, so naturally I have a second Dharma Image."

As he spoke, he pinched his magic formula, and a muffled "crackling" sound came from his body. A large area of ​​five-colored spiritual light lit up on the surface of his body. Soon, a giant phantom more than ten feet tall appeared above Shi Yue's head. The surface of the giant phantom was covered with colorful runes, emitting a terrifying aura.

Shi Yue's right fist hit the golden light curtain in the void, and the giant phantom's right fist hit the golden light curtain at a very fast speed.


A deafening roar sounded, and the golden light curtain suddenly sank, and the Buddhist runes flashed continuously.

Taking this opportunity, Xiaoyaozi also displayed the Heaven-Swallowing Rat Dharma Image, spraying a thick yellow sound wave, hitting the golden light curtain.

The golden light curtain suddenly shattered, and a powerful air wave spread rapidly. The stone walls on both sides crackled and a large number of cracks appeared.

However, the stone door was still intact at this moment.

Shi Yue and Xiaoyaozi looked at each other and punched the stone door with both fists.

The stone door remained motionless with a muffled "bang bang" sound.

"Senior Xiaoyaozi, let's hit one side each." As he said, countless green dragon scales lit up on Shi Yue's body and pushed towards the stone door on the left. Xiaoyaozi grew countless yellow bristles on his body and pushed towards the stone door on the right.

The stone door finally slowly opened, revealing a stone chamber of more than a hundred feet.

A human-shaped skeleton was lying in the center of the stone chamber. The skeleton was covered with a golden cassock. Upon closer observation, the skeleton faintly emitted a forbidden light, and there was a golden storage ring on his finger.

Shi Yue stretched out his hand and waved at the golden storage ring, which flew out automatically and landed in his hand. He flicked his wrist, and a large piece of golden rays of light passed by, and a large pile of things appeared on the ground.

There were tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones and dozens of top-grade spiritual stones, more than a dozen magic weapons, various refining materials, a batch of colorful jade slips and several bottles of elixirs.

As for the elixirs in the elixir bottles, they had been corrupted because of the long time.

They checked the contents of the jade slips one by one, and in a golden jade slip, Shi Yue found the identity of the owner of the cave.

Master Wu Yue, a cultivator in the early stage of fusion, hid here to heal his wounds and practice a secret technique.

Unfortunately, he did not succeed in his practice, and finally became obsessed and died with regret.

"Master Wu Yue, this man was a great monk who was active ten thousand years ago. I didn't expect him to die here." Shi Yue said with some surprise.

Master Wu Yue was a disciple of the Wanfo Temple. He rebelled against the Wanfo Temple for some reason. He had many opportunities and practiced hard to become a fusion monk. He saved many people. In order to protect a cultivator on a Xiuxian star, he killed a fusion beast by himself and became famous all over the world. Since then, he disappeared.

"It's worth it for us to come all the way here. Let's see what good things he left behind."

Three powerful spiritual magic weapons, Zhenxian Bell, ranked 65th on the Star Domain Wanling List.

Vajra Subduing Demon Pearl, ranked 101st on the Star Domain Wanling List.

Vajra Cover, a defensive magic weapon, ranked 107th on the Star Domain Wanling List.

Shi Yue gave the Vajra Shield to Xiaoyaozi. Xiaoyaozi didn't have any defensive magic weapons, so he just needed it. Shi Yue took the Immortal Bell and the Vajra Demon Subduing Pearl. These three spiritual magic weapons on the Star Domain Ten Thousand Spirits List greatly increased the strength of Shi Yue and Xiaoyaozi, which was worth their previous efforts to break the formation.

"I originally wanted to collect some interest. With these three spiritual magic weapons, we can ask the Ning family for some interest." Shi Yue said with a smile, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Now that we have the things, let's go quickly! There are moving space cracks here. It's too dangerous to stay here." Xiaoyaozi urged.

Shi Yue nodded, picked up the things on the ground, and left the cave with Xiaoyaozi.

Three days later, they flew out of the Broken Soul Valley and disappeared into the sky.


Tiannanxing is a medium-sized immortal cultivation star in the Tianlan Star Domain, and the immortal cultivation resources are not particularly rich.

The Tianhuo Palace has been established for more than 5,000 years. The Palace Master Song Yun has no relationship with the Ning family on the surface, but in fact it is a stronghold of the Ning family. Song Yun's real name is Ning Ruoyun, who is in the late stage of refining emptiness. Outsiders don't know that she is a cultivator of the Ning family.

Every force has its own hidden forces, which is convenient for doing things that are inconvenient for them to show up. The Tianhuo Palace was not originally a stronghold of the Ning family. Ning Hongming, the ancestor of the Ning family, had a far-sighted vision and sent people to worship in the Tianhuo Palace. With the strong support of the Ning family, Ning Ruoyun took control of the Tianhuo Palace.

On this day, Ning Ruoyun was holding a meeting with his disciples to discuss the future development of the sect.

"Tell me, what should we do in the future?" Ning Ruoyun's tone was indifferent.

Today's meeting was just a formality, mainly to cooperate with the affiliated forces of the Ning family, and with the help of Ning Ruoyun, the cultivation resources collected by the Tianhuo Palace were delivered to the Ning family.

"Palace Master, I think we should cooperate with the Eight Directions Sect to build a large market, exchange what we have and what we need, and promote the development of both factions."

"Yes, I agree."

These people were arranged by Ning Ruoyun in advance, and the meeting was just a formality.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked in quickly and said respectfully: "Palace Master, there are two Void Refining cultivators outside who want to visit you. They claim to be the children of the Ning family."

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