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Chapter 1554 Red Turtle Star

The Red Turtle Star is named after the Red Turtle Beast, which is rich in spiritual beasts. The shell of the Red Turtle Beast is a good material for refining tools. The meat of the Red Turtle Beast can be used to cook delicious food, and its inner elixir can be used to refine detoxification pills. To be frank, the Red Turtle Beast is full of treasures.

The Red Crystal Mountains are located in the northeast of the Red Turtle Star. Millions of mountains are connected together, winding and undulating like endless. A kind of red crystal jade ore is produced here. Red crystal jade is relatively hard and resistant to high temperatures. It is often used to refine alchemy furnaces and tools. It is expensive. A fist-sized piece of red crystal jade can be sold at a high price of more than 100,000 spiritual stones.

Deep in the Red Crystal Mountains, there is a huge peak thousands of feet high. The huge peak is covered by a large piece of red fog, and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly.

There are pits all over the foot of the mountain. A group of monks are mining red crystal jade. There is a large red crystal jade vein here, which can bring millions of spiritual stones of profit to the Ning family every year.

Because this place is so famous, people with a little background generally know that this is the Ning family's vein.

In order to protect this stronghold, the Ning family sent heavy troops to guard it, set up many restrictions, and sent a large number of monks to patrol.

Ning Jianghe has the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Logically, with his cultivation level, he does not need to come out for patrol. However, during this period, the Ning family was targeted and many strongholds were attacked. The Ning family could only strengthen their defense. The red crystal jade is an important source of income for the Ning family and cannot be lost.

He was patrolling with a team of monks. He was familiar with this area.

Just as they passed by the top of the mountain, a "buzzing" sound was heard, and countless palm-sized black ants flew out from the ground, with a number of tens of thousands.

The black ants have two pairs of silver wings, two sharp black fangs in their mouths, and some silver spots on their backs.

"Oh no, it's the silver-winged fire ant, it's actually this kind of vicious insect." Ning Jianghe's face changed drastically, and he quickly offered a blue flag, released a layer of blue water curtain, wrapped everyone, and fled in the direction he came from, at a very fast speed.

With a loud "buzzing" sound, the silver-winged fire ants turned into a huge black cloud of insects, chasing Ning Jianghe and others.

Ning Jianghe sent warning talismans to his tribesmen while controlling the magic weapon to attack the cloud of insects.

Various magic lights lit up and hit the black cloud of insects one after another. The speed of the black cloud of insects did not decrease at all. The magic weapon hit the silver-winged fire ants without leaving any trace. The silver-winged fire ants pounced on the magic weapon, bit it madly, and swallowed it.

A shrill scream sounded, and the black cloud of insects caught up with Ning Jianghe and others, drowning their figures.

Soon, a team of cultivators also rushed over, led by a cold-faced middle-aged beautiful woman, who had the cultivation of the late stage of the transformation of the spirit.

"It turned out to be a vicious insect like the silver-winged fire ant. When did the silver-winged fire ant appear on the Red Turtle Star? The queen ant is actually a second-level holy beast, which is equivalent to a cultivator in the middle stage of the transformation of the spirit." The middle-aged beautiful woman was secretly surprised and her face became very ugly.

The silver-winged fire ant is a vicious insect in the world of immortal cultivation. It is good at gold and fire magic. It can spit out a very corrosive flame. It is not afraid of ordinary five-element magic and magic weapon attacks. It likes to devour minerals and various spiritual materials.

This vicious insect is difficult to tame. Ordinary cultivators simply cannot tame so many vicious insects.

With a loud "buzzing" sound, the black insect cloud pounced on the middle-aged beautiful woman and others.

The middle-aged beautiful woman snorted lightly, and with a flip of her jade hand, a small white tripod appeared in her hand, with several white lotuses engraved on the body of the tripod.

She shook her wrist, and the white small tripod flew out, swelled in the wind in the air, and turned into a giant tripod more than ten feet in size, emitting a biting cold.

The white giant tripod turned around, the tripod cover flew up, and a large piece of white cold air gushed out, turning into hundreds of huge white lotuses, facing the black insect cloud.

As soon as the white lotus approached the black insect cloud by ten feet, it exploded and turned into a large piece of biting cold air, covering the black insect cloud.

One by one, the silver-winged fire ants were frozen and fell down.

The white giant cauldron sprayed out a white glow, which rolled up the insect cloud, sank into the white giant cauldron, and disappeared.

"Since you are here, why do you have to hide in the dark!" The middle-aged beautiful woman sneered, released her spiritual sense, and flew in all directions.

At this moment, the void suddenly lit up with a dazzling green light, and a green long rainbow over a hundred feet long shot out, aiming directly at the middle-aged beautiful woman and others.

The middle-aged beautiful woman opened her mouth and sprayed out a short ruler with white light. One blurred, one became ten, ten became a hundred, a hundred became a thousand, and thousands of identical white short rulers covered the green long rainbow.

Others sacrificed their magic weapons and attacked the green long rainbow.

All this was destined to be in vain. The green long rainbow was as powerful as a rainbow, rushing all the way without hindrance. Any magic weapon approaching the green long rainbow was immediately knocked out.

The green long rainbow shattered hundreds of white shadows and instantly appeared in front of the middle-aged beautiful woman, about to pierce through her body.

The void twisted, and a green hand suddenly stretched out, grabbing the green long rainbow like lightning.

The escape light was reduced, and the green long rainbow turned into a green long sword, with the tip of the sword only a foot away from the middle-aged beautiful woman.

The middle-aged beautiful woman breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment, the green long sword suddenly shone brightly, crushing the green hand to pieces, instantly piercing through the middle-aged beautiful woman's body, and even crushing her Nascent Soul.

A sharp scream sounded, and the green long sword cut a group of Ning family cultivators into a large bloody rain, and the Yuanying was unable to escape.

"How dare you, do you really think that there is no one in our Ning family?"

A cold male voice sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, the void fluctuated, and a tall old man in green robes appeared, with a pair of tiger eyes that were majestic without anger.

Judging from his aura, he was obviously a cultivator in the middle stage of the refining void.

The wind blew violently, blowing up a lot of dust and gravel. Countless gravel gathered together and turned into a yellow mountain over a hundred feet high. The yellow mountain came with a whistling sound and smashed towards the old man in green robes.

The old man in green robes snorted lightly, shook his sleeves, and a green long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, with a lifelike tiger head on the handle.

The spiritual magic weapon Qinghu Knife is extremely powerful.

"The tiger swallows the world."

A green blade of more than a hundred feet long shot out, transforming into a lifelike green tiger phantom, and pounced on the yellow mountain.


The green giant tiger phantom smashed the yellow mountain into pieces, dust flew, and a powerful air wave swept in all directions at a very fast speed.

"Since you are unwilling to come out, then I have no choice but to ask you to come out."

The green long sword in the hands of the green-robed old man shone brightly, making a sharp sound of the sword, and chopped down.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and thousands of green blade shadows flew out, slashing towards the ground with great momentum.

In an instant, with a huge roar, a large area of ​​mountains were smashed into pieces, rocks were scattered, air waves rolled, and the powerful air waves blew up a lot of dust.

Not long after, there was a howling of wind, and a huge centipede with a completely black body flew out from the ground. A handsome young man in a green shirt stood on the back of the black centipede. The young man in the green shirt was Shi Yue in disguise.

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