Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 162 Green Dragon Bow

"Hey, Brother Li, you came at the right time. Our store just purchased a Qing Jiao bow and a Fu Huo crossbow. Do you want me to send someone to take them to Brother Li to have a look?" Wu Yong smiled and said enthusiastically.

"Let's sell the monster materials first!" Shi Yue shook his head.

At this time, the green-clothed servant came up with an old man in a yellow robe with a goatee.

The old man in the yellow robe was also a cultivator, but his cultivation was lower than Shi Yue's, only the fifth level of Qi Refining.

"Brother Li, don't look at the low cultivation of Mr. Liu, but he has handled countless monster materials. Just take out the monster materials with confidence! Our store will never let you suffer a loss." Wu Yong said with a smile.

Shi Yue nodded and took out all the valuable materials from the double-tailed scorpion.

The old man in the yellow robe had a serious expression and checked it carefully.

A quarter of an hour later, the old man in yellow robe put down a long black tail, and after a moment of hesitation, he said, "If I am not mistaken, this should be the material from a first-level high-level double-tailed scorpion, and the material from two double-tailed scorpions. Unfortunately, the scorpion shell is not complete, and the value is greatly reduced. How about 1,500 spirit stones?"

"1,500? This is the material from two first-level high-level monsters. I and several companions took great efforts to kill them. 1,500 spirit stones are too little. Add a little more!" Shi Yue frowned and bargained.

"Add another 200 spirit stones, 1,700, this is the bottom line. If it is higher, we will not make any profit." The old man in yellow robe hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice.

Shi Yue thought about it and nodded in agreement.

"If there is no monster material identification, I will go down, Shopkeeper Wu." The old man in yellow robe said hello to Wu Yong and turned away.

"Brother Li, these materials are priced according to what Mr. Liu agreed to, 1,700 spiritual stones. Now you can see the magic weapon!" Wu Yong said with a smile.

Shi Yue nodded in agreement.

Soon, two servants in green clothes came up, each holding a brocade box.

After the brocade box was opened, two magical weapons with shining spiritual light were revealed.

One was a green longbow about ten feet long, with the bow arm in the shape of a dragon, and even the scales were clearly visible, and the other was a golden crossbow.

"Brother Li, let me introduce you to the top-grade magic weapon Qing Jiao Bow, which is made of the tendons of the second-level monster Qing Feng Jiao and the three-hundred-year-old Qing Feng Wood. It has six arrows, all of which are top-grade magic weapons and are priced at two thousand spirit stones. The top-grade magic weapon Jin Lang Crossbow is made of the tendons of the second-level Jin Feng Wolf and the falling gold sand. It also has six crossbow arrows and is priced at one thousand five hundred spirit stones. Generally, cultivators need to apply a giant force talisman to pull the Qing Jiao Bow. The Jin Lang Crossbow is different. It is driven by the power of the mechanism. I wonder which one Brother Li wants?" Wu Yong smiled at Shi Yue and introduced it word by word.

"Can I try to pull the Qing Jiao Bow?" Shi Yue asked with a turn of his eyes.

"Yes, but Brother Li, be careful when you go there." Wu Yong nodded and carefully warned.

Shi Yue responded and grabbed the Qing Jiao Bow with one hand.

The weight of the Qing Jiao Bow is not very heavy, about fifty or sixty kilograms.

He held the bow in his left hand, grabbed the bowstring with his right hand, and pulled hard.

Shi Yue's face flushed red, and veins popped in his arms. He could only pull half of the bowstring, not all the way.

Seeing this, Wu Yong's eyes flashed with surprise. Although he had never pulled the Qing Jiao bow, he knew that it was impossible to pull the Qing Jiao bow without a hundred pounds of strength. Could this person be a physical cultivator?

Seeing that he couldn't pull it anymore, Shi Yue loosened his hand and panted.

He couldn't pull the Qing Jiao bow even after practicing the Great Strength Skill. It might be possible to pull it all the way with the Giant Strength Talisman, but this also proved the power of the Qing Jiao bow from the side.

If the bowstring could be pulled all the way, the power of the arrow shot out could be imagined.

"I want both of these magic weapons. After deducting the 1,700 spirit stones, I can pay another 1,800 spirit stones, right!" Shi Yue put the Qing Jiao bow back into the brocade box and asked.

"Yes." Wu Yong nodded.

Shi Yue immediately took out eighteen pieces of medium-grade spirit stones from his storage bag, handed them to Wu Yong, put away the two brocade boxes and left.

Considering that he could not pull the Qingjiao bow for the time being, Shi Yue went to Qianfu Hall to buy a batch of talismans and left Taixu Valley.

After leaving Taixu Valley, Shi Yue released the Red Moon Plate and flew excitedly to Wanhua Valley.

Shi Yue wanted to kill the first-level high-level seven-colored spirit butterfly in Wanhua Valley for a long time. If he could kill the first-level high-level seven-colored spirit butterfly, the other low-level seven-colored spirit butterflies would not be a concern, and he could release bees to collect honey with confidence in the future.

An hour later, Shi Yue appeared outside Wanhua Valley.

He slapped the spirit beast bag on his waist with his palm, and thousands of spirit-eating bees flew out of it, quickly flying into the valley to collect nectar.

Shi Yue held the Qingjiao bow in his left hand and three foot-long arrows in his right hand, waiting quietly.

Not long after, Shi Yue felt that the Soul Devouring Bee was a little uneasy, as if it had encountered a strong enemy.

He knew that it was the Seven-Colored Spirit Butterfly that appeared, and hurriedly ordered the Soul Devouring Bee to move closer to him.

Then, he took out a stack of blue talismans and threw them forward.

With a few muffled "puff" and "puff" sounds, these blue talismans exploded and turned into a large piece of white mist, blocking the exit of Wanhua Valley.

Shi Yue slapped a giant force talisman on his right arm, and a yellow light flashed. Three arrows were placed on the bowstring and pulled hard.

Even though the giant force talisman was applied, Shi Yue's face was still red, and the veins on his arm bulged. Only then did he pull the bowstring to the full.

Three green arrows were aimed at the exit of Wanhua Valley, waiting for the appearance of the colorful spirit butterfly.

After a buzzing sound, thousands of soul-eating bees flew out of the white mist, and a purple poisonous mist swept out immediately.

A half-zhang-sized colorful spirit butterfly flew out first, and several smaller colorful spirit butterflies followed behind it.

Seeing Shi Yue not far away, the half-zhang-sized colorful spirit butterfly seemed a little panicked.

Waiting for you!

Seeing the appearance of the first-level high-level colorful butterfly, Shi Yue's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm. After aiming, he loosened his right hand.

"Swoosh", "Swoosh", "Swoosh" three air-breaking sounds rang out, and three green arrows turned into three green lights, shooting towards the half-zhang-sized colorful butterfly like lightning.

The green light was extremely fast, and it arrived in front of the colorful butterfly in a flash.

The colorful butterfly flapped its wings, and several green wind blades flashed out and rushed forward.

"Bang" and "Bang" several times, the green wind blades dissipated and disappeared as soon as they touched the green light.

Three green lights pierced the colorful butterfly's head like lightning and flew into the Wanhua Valley.

The colorful butterfly's body shook and fell from mid-air.

Taking this opportunity, Shi Yue raised his right hand, and a stack of red talismans flew out of his hand, turning into five giant fireballs the size of water tanks, and quickly smashed towards the opposite side.

Once the first-level high-level colorful spirit butterfly died, the butterfly group was leaderless and lost its command, and was at a loss.

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