Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1805 Hot Bidding

This Purple Crystal Soul Chaser Centipede was cultivated in the Palm of Heaven Space. It took a lot of resources to cultivate it to the fifth level. However, its bloodline was too mixed and it could not transform, so Shi Yue took it out for auction.

In a secret room, Gongsun Qian looked at the Purple Crystal Soul Chaser Centipede with a disappointed expression on her face.

"A mixed-blood spirit insect, the Fairy Grass Palace is just like this." A tall and straight young man in a red shirt looked disdainful.

"This is just the beginning, don't be disappointed too early, wait for the final auction item! I hope the Fairy Grass Palace can take out some rare birds and beasts." Gongsun Qian's tone was calm.

She didn't have much hope. Who would take out the truly rare spirit beasts for sale? The Fairy Grass Palace sells rare spirit medicines, that is its old business, but it is reasonable that the Fairy Grass Palace cannot take out rare spirit beasts and spirit birds.

After bidding away the fifth-level holy beast, Shi Feng said, "Next is the auction of spiritual medicine. Seniors, don't be impatient. We have a lot of goods. We will auction slowly."

The red light on her body increased greatly, turned into dots of red light and disappeared. Then, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a golden dragon with a body length of 100 feet appeared in the venue. The golden dragon hovered in the venue and suddenly landed on the white jade pillar.

With a flash of golden light, the golden dragon turned into a human form, which was Jin'er.

Jin'er's appearance caused a commotion among the cultivators present.

Gongsun Qian's eyes lit up with a silver light, obviously performing some secret technique.

"True dragon bloodline! Shi Yue is so lucky to have a spiritual beast with true dragon bloodline. As far as I know, Shi Yue seems to have a spiritual pet named Yin'er." Gongsun Qian showed a curious expression on her face.

The True Dragon Clan is a top demon clan, and once unified the demon clan. Most of the Jiaolongs in the outside world are branches of the True Dragons, and have never possessed the True Dragon bloodline. Even the top golden bloodline of Jiaolong only possesses a trace of the True Dragon bloodline. The True Dragon Clan that directly possesses the True Dragon bloodline is very rare, and they are all treasures of the True Dragon Clan.

According to legend, Shi Yue has two mutant spirit pets, among which Yin'er is the most eye-catching. The last time Yin'er appeared, she was with the True Dragon Clan.

"According to reliable information, that Yin'er has joined the True Dragon Clan. It is estimated that it will be difficult to see her. People of the True Dragon Clan rarely walk outside, and will not have anything with the human race." The red-shirted young man sighed.

Jin Er didn't waste any words. She flipped her palm and a pale golden jade box appeared in her hand. She took out a pale golden fruit from it and said loudly: "Golden Flame Fruit, it takes a thousand years to bloom, a thousand years to bear fruit, and another thousand years to mature. The starting price is one thousand high-quality spirit stones, and each bid is no less than one hundred."

Golden Flame Fruit grows in volcanic groups. Only active volcanoes can provide abundant fire spirit energy. It can be used to refine Golden Flame Pills. It is suitable for Void Refining Monks to take it. It can improve mana, but the effect of Fusion Monks is worse.

"What? It's Golden Flame Fruit. Our Sun family has cultivated it for many years, but we haven't cultivated Golden Flame Fruit."

"What's the fuss? This is an auction held by the Immortal Grass Palace. It's not surprising even if the top ten immortal herbs appear."

"The previous one was exaggerated. The top ten immortal herbs are not cabbages. How could the Immortal Grass Palace sell them?"


The appearance of the Golden Flame Fruit caused a commotion among the bidders.

The spirit fruit that takes three thousand years to mature attracted the enthusiastic bidding of the monks.

In a secret room, Qu Sidao's expression became very excited.

If he bid for the Golden Flame Fruit, he could use it to refine a kind of elixir to speed up his cultivation.

At this time, the price had reached two thousand.

"I'll pay three thousand."

The price soared all the way, and finally it was sold at a price of twelve thousand high-grade spirit stones, and was bid by Qu Sidao.

Then, Jin'er took out a three-foot-long golden jade box, opened it, and saw a green ginseng inside, with some golden lines on the surface of the ginseng.

"The three thousand-year-old Qingli Jinshen, I don't need to say much about its efficacy, the starting price is one thousand high-grade spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than one hundred."

It's not even time for the finale auction item, and a three thousand-year-old rare spirit medicine has appeared, which makes other cultivators as excited as chicken blood.

"One thousand!"

"One thousand two!"

"One thousand three!"


Three thousand years old rare spiritual medicines appeared at the auction venue, and the monks competed enthusiastically, and the transaction volume continued to hit new highs.

A three thousand year old nine-curved white jade ginseng with 15,000 high-quality spiritual stones temporarily became the highest transaction volume.

After bidding away the spiritual medicine, Jin'er took out the array, talismans and other multiple auction items.

These things are not particularly rare, but relying on the reputation of the Immortal Grass Palace, they were all sold at a high price.

As time passed, Jin'er spoke dryly and her voice was a little hoarse. She had auctioned thousands of auction items in a row and was really exhausted, but she didn't take a break, took out the auction items and continued to bid.

Half a day later, after Jin Er finished auctioning a set of seventh-grade formations, he cleared his throat and said, "Next is the time for the finale auction. We have prepared fifty finale auction items. We welcome all seniors to bid enthusiastically. The highest bidder wins. Except for the five thousand year old spiritual medicine which must be settled with top-grade spiritual stones, other items must be settled with high-grade spiritual stones."

She took out a green jade box and opened it. There were five spirit beans of different colors inside. Each spirit bean was wrapped in mysterious runes and burst into a dazzling treasure light.

"This is a bean soldier!" Someone recognized the origin of the spirit bean and exclaimed.

Since the establishment of Xiancao Palace, there has been no bean soldier sold. This time, it can be said to be the first time to sell bean soldiers.

"Five Yuanying bean soldiers, each bean soldier has the strength of the late Yuanying, the base price is one thousand high-grade spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than two hundred."

Bean soldiers are very rare. Even if they are refining cultivators, they dare not say that they have bean soldiers. It all depends on personal opportunities.

"One thousand."

"One thousand and two."

"Two thousand."


The price soared all the way and soon exceeded three thousand high-grade spirit stones.

Li Hongshang looked very excited. If she could bid for a bean soldier, she could enhance the family's foundation.

Even the combined cultivators were somewhat tempted. They naturally did not need the bean soldiers of the Nascent Soul stage, but they could give them to their descendants for self-defense.

Five Nascent Soul stage bean soldiers were mostly sold for about 3,300 high-quality spirit stones.

After bidding for the bean soldiers, Jin'er took out a palm-sized blue jade box and opened it. There were three spirit beans with flashing precious light inside. They were bean soldiers again, but this time, they were bean soldiers of the God Transformation stage.

"Am I seeing right? Bean soldiers of the God Transformation stage?"

"Haha, this auction was not in vain."

The bean soldiers of the God Transformation stage are much higher than those of the Nascent Soul stage, and their value is not in the same class.

"Three bean soldiers of the God Transformation stage, each with a reserve price of 4,000 high-quality spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 500."

The competition for bean soldiers of the God Transformation stage is more intense, and the combined cultivators can also use them. It is a great help in adventure and treasure hunting, and is much more practical than puppet beasts.

A box at the auction site.

Ximen Laijun frowned. He knew that Xiancao Palace had bean soldiers of the God Transformation Stage, and even bean soldiers of the Refining Void Stage, but the fact that they were auctioned in batches was very telling.

Only at the large auctions held by Qianyun Business Alliance could one have the opportunity to see bean soldiers of the God Transformation Stage. At auctions held by other forces, even bean soldiers of the Nascent Soul Stage would be rare.

"Xiancao Palace really has a Daobing Tree. They are willing to sell eight bean soldiers at once." Ximen Laihong said with a smile.

For ordinary forces, eight bean soldiers are not a small number.

"Li Xuan has a team of elite disciples who can even produce bean soldiers of the Fusion Stage. It is estimated that the Xiancao Palace sold them to Li Xuan."

"Cousin, what is the relationship between Li Xuan and Shi Yue? Are they from the same force, or even the same person? Otherwise, how could they both have bean soldiers!" Ximen Laihong asked in confusion.

This question has troubled him for a long time. He had long suspected it, but there was no evidence.

Shi Yue and Li Xuan did not appear together very often. They both had demon clan backgrounds, one was from the True Dragon clan, and the other was from the Phoenix clan. They had previously speculated that the demon clan was behind the Fairy Grass Palace, but the Fairy Grass Palace had taken out so many rare spiritual medicines, so it was definitely not the demon clan. The demon clan was not so generous to sell a large number of rare spiritual medicines.

Ximen Laijun shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be. Shi Yue can transform into a dragon, so he must have dragon blood in his body. Li Xuan has Phoenix blood. These two bloods are incompatible. There are some demon cultivation techniques in the world of immortal cultivation. Humans can transform into demon beasts after practicing them, but they are not compatible with the True Dragon of the Heavenly Wind. The Saint Emperor of the demon clan is said to have developed this kind of technique, but he disappeared, and no one knows whether it is true or not."

After a fierce competition, three bean soldiers in the God Transformation Period were sold at sky-high prices of 9,500, 9,800 and 10,000 yuan respectively. Shen Yudie and Qu Sidao each took one.

Jin'er took out a palm-sized green jade box. Ximen Laijun's face condensed and he thought to himself: "Is it another bean soldier? A bean soldier of the Refining Void Stage?"

"It can't be a bean soldier of the Refining Void Stage! That's crazy."

Amid the curious eyes of the cultivators, Jin'er opened the jade box, revealing a bean that was constantly flashing with precious light, emitting an amazing spiritual fluctuation.

"It's really a bean soldier of the Refining Void Stage. Will there be bean soldiers of the Fusion Stage in this auction?"

"Am I seeing it right? Are bean soldiers so worthless?"

"Bullshit, this is the Immortal Grass Palace. Bean soldiers are rare items for other forces, but they are nothing to the Immortal Grass Palace."

The bidders were in a commotion and talked a lot.

With the strength of the Immortal Grass Palace, it might be possible to auction off a bean soldier from the Fusion Stage. This is only the Immortal Grass Palace. If it were any other power, it would be good enough to auction off a bean soldier from the Spiritualization Stage, not to mention a bean soldier from the Void Refinement Stage. Even the Nine Immortal Sect and the North Cold Palace don't have bean soldiers from the Void Refinement Stage. This thing is too rare.

"A bean soldier from the Void Refinement Stage has the strength of a late Void Refinement Stage and can fight against a Fusion cultivator. The starting price is 6,000 high-quality spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 500."

Jin'er cast a spell on the spirit bean, and the spirit bean burst into dazzling precious light. A clear bird cry sounded, and the spirit bean turned into a golden roc bird over a hundred feet long. Its body was covered by a golden light, and its wings spread out over a hundred feet, covering the sky and the sun.

The golden bird flapped its wings and flew around the venue, causing gusts of wind.

It was very fast, turning into a golden light and flying around the venue. It was so fast that people could only see a series of afterimages.

Not long after, the golden bird flew back and turned into a spiritual bean with flashing precious light, landing in Jin'er's hand.

"This bean soldier can turn into a roc to attack the enemy. I just want to show you the flying speed and other magical powers. For the sake of the bidders, I won't show you."

"Six thousand."

"Six thousand and five."

"Seven thousand."


The price soared all the way, soon breaking through the 10,000 yuan mark, and it is still growing rapidly.

This bean soldier can be used for multiple purposes. It can be used as a fearless guard in the refining period, and it can also be used as a sixth-level holy bird. Even for a large sect like the Jiuxian Sect, a bean soldier in the refining period can greatly enhance the sect's foundation. If it falls into the hands of an individual, it can also enhance the individual's strength.

After a fierce bidding, this bean soldier of the Refining Void Stage was finally sold at the price of 27,000 high-quality spirit stones.

The nine bean soldiers ignited the atmosphere of the venue. Every bidder stared at Jin'er, hoping that she would bring out something of higher value.

Jin'er flipped her hand and took out two palm-sized golden jade boxes, and the monks present went crazy.

"It must be a bean soldier of the Fusion Stage. I guessed it right."

"Oh my God, even the bean soldiers of the Fusion Stage are auctioned? Why do I suddenly feel that bean soldiers are worthless?"

"Hehe, if it is really a bean soldier of the Fusion Stage, will the Immortal Grass Palace auction a bean soldier of the Mahayana Stage?"

"You really dare to think, a bean soldier of the Mahayana Stage."


Ximen Laijun and Ximen Laihong looked solemn. The fact that the Immortal Grass Palace auctioned nine bean soldiers in a row had already shocked them. If they took out another bean soldier of the Fusion Stage, the bean soldier would be too worthless! Did the Immortal Grass Palace plant a lot of Daobing trees?

Under the expectant gaze of the crowd, Jin Er opened the jade box, and inside were two light golden pills, which made the crowd who thought it was a combined bean soldier finally relieved.

"Our unique secret medicine of the Immortal Grass Palace, the Nine Yang Golden Deer Pill, is a seventh-grade pill, made with five thousand-year-old golden deer grass as the main medicine and dozens of thousand-year-old spiritual medicines as auxiliary medicines. As long as the cultivator has a breath, it can be saved. It is suitable for combined cultivators to take. The base price is 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones, and each increase in price must not be less than one thousand."

In the war between good and evil, many combined cultivators personally went down to fight with the demon cultivators. They were more or less injured, and some were even seriously injured and needed to retreat for thousands of years.

The seventh-grade healing pill is several times more valuable than the three thousand-year-old rare spiritual medicine. No matter how rare the spiritual medicine is, it must be refined into a pill for consumption. The spiritual medicine is a single product, and the spiritual medicine is a finished product.

The Nine Yang Golden Deer Pill is made from hundreds of rare spiritual medicines, and the healing effect is very good.

"Nine Sunshine Golden Deer Pill! The unique secret medicine of the Immortal Grass Palace?"

The eyes of the combined cultivators of Tianlan Star Domain, such as Jiuyan Zhenjun, became hot. They had heard Shi Yue mention the existence of the Nine Sunshine Golden Deer Pill before. Now that they encountered it, they would naturally not miss it.

If they could bid for a Nine Sunshine Golden Deer Pill, it would greatly speed up their recovery.

"Eleven thousand."

"Thirteen thousand."

"Fifteen thousand."


The combined cultivators present were like crazy, bidding for the Nine Sunshine Golden Deer Pill one after another, looking determined to win.

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