Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 1920 Spirit Realm vs. Spirit Realm

At the same time, dense golden toads appeared in the starry sky, with a number of millions, surrounding Shi Yue and his four companions.

"It was an illusion just now! I have been catching eagles for my whole life, but I was blinded by them." Ximen Jie frowned and looked a little ugly.

Since they entered the Mahayana period, they have never been so embarrassed. This is not their fault. There are not many cultivators who specialize in illusion techniques. It is rare to cultivate to the fusion stage, let alone Mahayana cultivators who are proficient in illusion.

Shi Yue's face also became ugly. If he hadn't used the magic pupil, he would not have been able to find the abnormality.

Their attacks just now were all seen by the other party. If the other party had attacked them just now, they would definitely have suffered a great loss.

Shi Yue was scared to sweat when he thought of this.

"Four Mahayana cultivators are here! Hehe, this is rare, but I will accept them all." The man in the golden robe looked cold, licked his lips, and his face was full of murderous intent.

As soon as these words fell, millions of golden toads let out an extremely strange roar, spewing out a golden sound wave, attacking from all directions.

This time, Shi Yue and the other four felt weak in their legs and dizzy.

Millions of monsters attacking at the same time are similar to the battle formation of cultivators. Not to mention the early stage of Mahayana, even the late stage of Mahayana will be affected, after all, there are many high-level monsters.

Before they could react, dense golden flames were in front of them.

A colorful spiritual light lit up on Shi Yue's chest. It was the Colorful Linglong Lock. The Colorful Linglong Lock had a weakening effect on spiritual attacks. If a cultivator of the same level launched a spiritual attack, Shi Yue would ignore it directly. Millions of monsters launched spiritual attacks, and the Colorful Linglong Lock could only weaken the power.

Shi Yue regained consciousness, and a golden sea of ​​fire attacked from all directions. The heat wave was overwhelming. Shi Yue felt that his body was about to split apart and was unbearable.

Shi Yue waved the Phoenix Burning Heaven Flag, and a large piece of red flames swept out, turning into a red sea of ​​fire, protecting his whole body.

A loud phoenix cry sounded, and after the red sea of ​​fire rolled violently, a red phoenix over a thousand feet long flew out of the sea of ​​fire, exuding a terrifying momentum.

The Phoenix Burning Heaven Flag was made from the 100,000-year-old Phoenix Divine Wood. It is so powerful that it can attract all kinds of fire.

The red phoenix made a series of loud phoenix cries, and the golden flames seemed to be guided by something and sank into the red sea of ​​fire and disappeared.

The red sea of ​​fire quickly grew and turned into a golden sea of ​​fire.

Seeing this scene, the man in the golden robe was stunned.

"Phoenix Divine Wood, your fake immortal weapon is a fake immortal weapon made from the Phoenix Divine Wood." The man in the golden robe exclaimed.

The golden sea of ​​fire exuded a terrifying high temperature, and the robes on Shi Yue's body were smoking.

The Phoenix Burning Heaven Flag in Shi Yue's hand burst into a dazzling red light, and the golden sea of ​​fire rolled violently, as if guided by something, and the flag that was immersed in the Phoenix Burning Heaven Flag disappeared.

The Phoenix Burning Heaven Flag can not only release flames, but also collect flames and release them to hurt the enemy.

At this time, Ximen Jie and the other two also regained consciousness.

"Looking for death, don't hold back, I suspect they are aliens." Gongsun Hong frowned and said.

The man in the golden robe can actually mix in millions of monsters. It's too weird. Either the man in the golden robe is a monster incarnation, or he is the master of this group of monsters. Can he control millions of monsters? This is not something that ordinary people can do, unless they are aliens.

The records of aliens in the world of cultivation can be traced back to hundreds of thousands of years ago. The magical powers of aliens are very strong, but they are only short-lived and soon destroyed. There are not many records about aliens.

To the human race, the demon race, the barbarian race, and the devil race are all alien races, but Gongsun Hong knows very well that the demon race and the barbarian race are basically suppressed by the human race, and the threat is not as great as other alien races, especially the devil race, which is the biggest worry of the human race.

"Alien race!" It was the first time that Shi Yue heard this word. Judging from Gongsun Hong's expression, this alien race is not a small trouble, maybe even more than the devil race.

Shi Yue did not dare to be careless, waving the Tianfeng Burning Sky Flag, releasing a golden flame, and hitting the golden toad.

Ximen Jie flicked his wrist, and a green jade bottle flew out. After a blur, it turned into a green jade bottle more than a hundred feet high, with a hurricane pattern painted on the bottle.

The wind blew violently, and the green jade bottle suddenly sprayed a green tornado, and the void was rippled, as if it was about to be torn apart, and the sound of breaking wind continued. The green tornado rushed into the beast group with a destructive attitude.

Wherever it passed, golden toads were twisted into a large bloody rain, and blood flowed like a river.


The tenth-level holy beast roared, and its long tail swept suddenly, and a green tornado exploded.

At this time, Gongsun Hong released nine dragons of different colors, all of which were ninth-level holy beasts. Only the Gongsun family was so wealthy to have nine ninth-level dragons. Others would not have this ability.

Ye Lijiao took out a small and exquisite white bell and cast a spell. The size of the white bell suddenly increased, and it instantly grew to more than a hundred feet in size.

Ding Ding Ding!

After a loud bell sounded, the white giant bell sprayed a white sound wave and went straight to the golden toad.

The golden toad spewed out golden demon fire and golden sound waves, and when it encountered the white sound waves, it seemed to have met its nemesis and all of them collapsed.

The golden flames hit the golden toad, and the golden toad let out a shrill roar, but it was useless and could not cause much damage to them.

Ximen Jie frowned and a green light shone from his body. Ten thousand green lights flew out and covered a thousand miles.

Wherever the green light passed, exotic flowers and plants grew, with lush branches and leaves. Some spiritual plants even grew on the golden toad, absorbing nutrients crazily. The golden toad struggled violently, but before it could react, its blood and qi were sucked dry by the spiritual plants.

A towering tree ten thousand feet high appeared in the starry sky, with lush branches and leaves, and shining spiritual light.

"Spiritual Realm! No, it should be a pseudo-spiritual realm. The real spiritual realm is much more powerful than this." Shi Yue said thoughtfully.

He didn't expect that Ximen Jie mastered the pseudo-spiritual domain. This was not surprising, after all, he was the patriarch of the Ximen Immortal Clan.

The tail of the tenth-level holy beast fell from the sky and hit the towering tree. There was a muffled sound, but the towering tree was not damaged at all.

It spewed out a huge golden flame and hit the towering tree. The towering tree was submerged by the rolling golden flame. The next moment, a green light lit up in the sea of ​​fire, and the golden flames were extinguished. The towering tree was intact.

"Hmph, it's just a pseudo-spiritual domain, not a real spiritual domain. What's the difficulty?"

The man in the golden robe looked cold, opened his mouth, and spewed out countless golden lights, heading straight for Shi Yue and others.

Shi Yue didn't know what the golden light was, but years of fighting experience told him that he couldn't take it head-on.

The same was true for Ximen Jie and the other three. Naturally, they didn't dare to take it head-on and avoided it.

But they were wrong, very wrong.

The golden light reached their heads and suddenly exploded.

With a flash of golden light, the area within a radius of ten thousand miles turned golden, and Shi Yue and his four companions seemed to appear in a golden space.

"This is the Spirit Realm!" Shi Yue frowned.

He did not expect that the enemy also understood the magical power of the Spirit Realm. Although it was only a pseudo-Spirit Realm, Jin Kemu and Ximen Jie might not be the opponent of the other party.

As expected, the moment the golden space appeared.

The exotic flowers and plants in the starry sky withered or turned into sawdust.

The towering trees emitted a dazzling green light, and those dead exotic flowers and plants revived again, with more vitality.

At this moment, countless golden lights emerged in the void, turning into dense golden ants. The golden ants had four wings on their backs, a pair of sickle-like fangs exposed, and were extremely ferocious.

Hundreds of thousands of golden ants spread their wings and flew high, landing on the towering trees one after another, biting the towering trees frantically.

An amazing scene appeared, the towering trees withered quickly, and the leaves turned yellow.

Ximen Jie frowned and hurriedly activated the pseudo-spiritual domain. He had mastered the pseudo-spiritual domain for less than a thousand years and was not familiar with it yet.

The man in the golden robe would not give Ximen Jie a chance. With a pinch of the magic formula, countless golden lights emerged in the golden space, turning into swords and other weapons to attack Shi Yue and the other four.

This was not the end. Four golden giants with a height of hundreds of feet suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

The four golden giants had thick hands and feet, and held weapons with shining spiritual light in their hands, and rushed straight towards them.

Shi Yue frowned, waved the Tianfeng Burning Heaven Flag, released billowing flames, and hit a golden giant.

The golden giant was submerged in the billowing flames, and his body showed signs of melting, but soon, a little golden light emerged in the starry sky, and a more burly golden giant appeared again and attacked Shi Yue.

Shi Yue knew very well that this was transformed from the spiritual domain. As long as they were in the spiritual domain, they could not kill the golden giant at all.

If you want to escape, you have to break the opponent's spiritual domain, spiritual domain against spiritual domain.

At this time, there was a loud noise that shook the earth, and the towering trees were broken into pieces, and all the exotic flowers and plants died.

"In the spiritual domain, I am invincible." The man in the golden robe sneered, his face full of pride. This is the capital and reliance for him to dare to fight one against four.

Shi Yue's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm, and he said, "Really? I want to see how you are invincible."

Shi Yue pinched the sword formula, and a shocking sword intent rushed out of his body. Colorful spiritual light emerged in the starry sky. After a blur, it turned into a bunch of flying swords with shining spiritual light. These flying swords have different shapes and compelling spiritual energy.

"Spiritual domain, no, pseudo-spiritual domain!" The man in the golden robe exclaimed, his eyes almost popped out. He didn't expect that two Mahayana cultivators actually mastered the pseudo-spiritual domain. When did the spiritual domain become so easy to master?

Shi Yue looked so young, but he didn't take Shi Yue seriously.

Now it seems that he underestimated the enemy.

Countless flying swords appeared in the golden space, and the two spiritual realms collided.

Shi Yue pinched the sword formula, and the sword chanting sounded loudly. Hundreds of thousands of flying swords fell from the sky and slashed at the four golden giants.


A huge roar sounded, and the four golden giants were like paper, shattered by hundreds of thousands of flying swords, and the air waves rolled.

"Hmph, I want to see, your flying sword is more powerful, or my golden man is more powerful." The man in the golden robe looked cold and his formula changed.

The golden space burst into dazzling spiritual light, and countless golden lights emerged in the void, turning into a giant over a thousand feet tall, with golden light all over his body, holding a golden giant axe over a hundred feet long in each hand, like a god of war, standing in the starry sky.

"Hmph, you dare to show off your skills in front of an expert." Shi Yue looked disdainful and pinched his sword.

Hundreds of thousands of flying swords flew around in the starry sky, turning into a nine-colored giant sword over a thousand feet long, with a strong spiritual aura and exuding a breath of destruction.

"Let's help fellow Daoist Shi and destroy this man." Gongsun Hong shouted loudly with a cold look.

Shi Yue and Ximen Jie could not give him the cultivation method of the spiritual realm, and the man in the golden robe might have the cultivation method of the spiritual realm.

When he reached the Mahayana period, there were very few things that could attract him.

Ximen Jie and the other two controlled their magic weapons to attack the golden giant.

Strangely, the golden giant seemed to be cast in copper and iron, and no spells could hurt it.

The golden giant swung two golden axes and chopped at Shi Yue and the other four.

Before the golden axes fell, a sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the void was about to collapse.

Shi Yue took a deep breath, pinched the sword formula, and the nine-color giant sword turned into an unstoppable nine-color sword light, rushing straight towards the golden giant.


With a muffled sound, the nine-color giant sword hit the golden giant, and a muffled sound was heard, and sparks flew.

Shi Yue frowned, and the sword formula changed. Countless spiritual lights appeared in the void again. After a blur, these spiritual lights turned into flying swords of various shapes, with a number of tens of thousands.

The power of the spiritual domain depends on the depth of the caster's magic power and the degree of comprehension. Shi Yue's magic power is deep, and his mastery of the spiritual domain is not comparable to before.

The man in the golden robe had a flash of surprise in his eyes. With his strength, he could only create a golden giant that was a thousand feet tall. The other party could also transform into a flying sword. It seemed that the other party's magic power was still above his.

He did not dare to be careless and hurriedly urged the golden giant to attack the nine-colored flying sword.

For a while, the sound of metal colliding continued, and sparks flew everywhere.

Shi Yue frowned. If he continued like this, even if he could defeat the other party, his magic power would be exhausted. By then, it was hard to guarantee that Ximen Jie and the other two would have any bad thoughts.

He pondered for a moment, took out the Qianlei Miemo Banner, and injected his magic power into it.


After a huge thunderous sound, countless golden arcs emerged, wrapped around the Qianlei Miemo Banner, and emitted a terrifying energy wave.

"There is another pseudo-immortal weapon!" Ximen Jie and the other two were stunned. They did not expect that Shi Yue actually had another pseudo-immortal weapon.

It has only been more than a hundred years. Where did Shi Yue get so many pseudo-immortal weapons? Needless to say, it must have been given by Xiaoyaozi.

As a disciple, Shi Yue has three pseudo-immortal weapons, so Xiaoyaozi must have more.

The man in the golden robe frowned, pinched his fingers, and suddenly a strong magnetic force appeared in the void, and an irresistible gravity emerged out of thin air. The nine-colored giant sword seemed to be imprisoned and could not move.

Taking this opportunity, the golden giant swung two golden giant axes and chopped at the nine-colored giant sword.


After two loud noises, the nine-colored giant sword broke into pieces, turning into hundreds of thousands of flying swords of different shapes, flying everywhere.

A huge thunder sounded, and a huge golden arc hit the golden giant, and the golden giant was submerged by the dazzling golden lightning.

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