Grass Jelly Supplier

Chapter 465: Business

Shi Yue and Qin Yang looked at each other, picked up the talisman pen, dipped it in some ink, and wrote down their names. Shi Yue wrote Li Mubai.

"Okay, two Taoist friends, if there is no problem, you can come to the Lingfa Hall tonight to fight. I hope you can arrive at the Lingfa Hall a quarter of an hour in advance." Chen Yuruo urged.

Shi Yue and Qin Yang agreed and left.

Back to Xiancao Pavilion, the store was still deserted.

"Brother Li, why did you come back so soon? Did you win?" Li Yan asked with anticipation.

"The insect fight will be tonight. I will take you to see it then." Shi Yue said with a chuckle.

"Really? That's great." Li Yan showed a happy expression and was very excited.

"Yan'er, I found that you seem to be very interested in fighting insects!" Shi Yue asked curiously.

"Hehe, when I was in the village, I often played cricket catching with Erniu, Gousheng, and Huwa. I always won the game." Li Yan said with a smile and some pride.

"So that's how it is. Then you can watch the store! A customer asked him to go upstairs, so I went upstairs to practice." Shi Yue smiled suddenly, told Li Yan, and walked upstairs.

After closing the door, Shi Yue took out the jade slip that recorded his experience in refining equipment, put it on his forehead, and began to learn refining equipment.


Qin Shuang is a disciple of the Purple Flame Sect, a sect of immortal cultivation in Beiyan. Her cultivation is not high, only in the early stage of foundation building.

Logically speaking, there are hundreds of disciples in the foundation building stage of the Purple Flame Sect. Qin Shuang is not outstanding in strength and appearance, so she should be just an insignificant figure in the Purple Flame Sect.

But the actual situation is just the opposite. Other foundation-building cultivators of Ziyanmen are polite to Qin Shuang and dare not offend Qin Shuang.

This is because Qin Shuang is a powerful purchasing deacon of Ziyanmen, responsible for purchasing low-level spiritual medicines for Ziyanmen to train alchemists. Occasionally, he can meet the headmaster and other high-level people of Ziyanmen. Even the supreme elders of Ziyanmen know Qin Shuang, so other disciples naturally dare not offend Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang knows very well that her current status depends on her ability to purchase a large number of low- and medium-level spiritual medicines on schedule for Ziyanmen to train alchemists, but she has encountered a small problem recently.

Although the age of low-level spiritual medicines is not high, it takes a huge amount of low-level spiritual medicines to train an alchemist. Each immortal cultivation sect and immortal cultivation clan will train several alchemists, resulting in a shortage of low-level spiritual medicines, especially the spiritual medicines for refining Qi-refining powder and Qi-nourishing pills, which are necessities for each immortal cultivation sect and immortal cultivation clan. Although they also planted a lot of low-level spiritual medicines, they were not enough for alchemy apprentices to practice, so they could only be purchased from large-scale markets.

Qin Shuang has currently purchased enough low-level spiritual medicines, but she found that the number of low-level spiritual medicines on the market, especially those for refining Qi-refining powder and Qi-nourishing pills, is decreasing, and the spiritual herb shop she often visits will occasionally run out of stock. Fortunately, she had enough time and went to several spiritual herb shops to buy enough low-level spiritual medicines.

Because she was worried that she would not be able to buy enough low-level spiritual medicines next time, Qin Shuang wanted to order a batch of spiritual herbs from other spiritual herb shops. However, because she needed a large quantity, large spiritual herb shops already had customers who had ordered spiritual herbs and could not meet her requirements. Small spiritual herb shops did not have the strength to do so.

For this reason, Qin Shuang could only look for other partners in Sanxin Market, hoping to find a spiritual herb shop that could provide a large number of low-level spiritual medicines.

She knew very well that if she could not buy enough low-level spiritual medicines at one time, the senior leaders of Ziyan Sect might not blame her. If she could not buy enough low-level spiritual medicines several times, the purchasing deacon would probably have to be replaced. I don’t know how many people envy her position.

Early in the morning of this day, Qin Shuang took a few fellow disciples to stroll in Sanxin Market. She walked into the shops selling spiritual herbs from time to time, but soon walked out again, with disappointment on her face.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly.

"Hey, there is a spiritual herb shop where Senior Sister Qin can order spiritual herbs." A disciple of Ziyan Sect said with a light exclamation, pointing to a shop.

Qin Shuang looked in the direction pointed by her fellow apprentice and saw a pavilion with the three characters "Xiancao Pavilion" written on the plaque.

"Xiancao Pavilion, when did a spiritual herb shop appear here?" Qin Shuang raised her eyebrows, her face full of doubts. She pondered for a moment and told a tall young man in a blue shirt beside her: "Junior Brother Zhao, go to the market management office and ask how long this Xiancao Pavilion has been open. Let's go into the teahouse and have some tea first."

"Yes, Senior Sister Qin." The young man in the blue shirt responded and left quickly.

Qin Shuang and other companions walked into a teahouse, asked for a private room, and had tea and rest.

Not long after, the young man in the blue shirt walked into the teahouse and came to Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang poured him a cup of spiritual tea and asked with concern: "How is it? Have you found out?"

The blue-shirted young man was not polite. He picked up the teacup and drank it all. He said: "I found out. It is said that the store was opened in the past two days and paid two years' rent in one go. It should not be a liar."

There are many stores in Sanxinfang City. Some unscrupulous merchants sell inferior products as good ones when the contract is about to renew, deceive customers, and then get away with it. The victims can't say anything.

Qin Shuang, as the purchasing steward of Ziyanmen, is experienced and naturally would not make such a mistake.

"Well, you guys have tea and rest here for a while, I'll go to Xiancao Pavilion to take a look." Qin Shuang said, twisting her slender waist and leaving the private room.

"Sister Qin is too distant! She never brings us along when she talks business, and always makes us wait for her outside." A disciple of Ziyanmen complained with some dissatisfaction.

"Do you know how Sister Qin became the purchasing steward? It was because her predecessor brought her along to talk business, and she got to know many owners of spiritual herb shops behind her predecessor's back. Her predecessor failed to complete the task several times, and Sister Qin volunteered to complete the task excellently, so she became the purchasing steward. Besides, there are a lot of benefits in purchasing. If I take you there, won't I give you some? You can't envy it, so let's just wait here honestly!"

A young woman sat at the counter and flipped through a book with relish. There were some bottles and jars on the shelves, and there was nothing special. This was Qin Shuang's first impression of Xiancao Pavilion after she walked into Xiancao Pavilion.

In her impression, a spiritual herb shop that can reserve spiritual herbs should be very lively, with shelves full of spiritual herbs, but this Immortal Herb Pavilion is just the opposite.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, walked to the front of the counter, and asked: "My friend, can you really reserve spiritual herbs here?"

Li Yan raised his head, smiled at Qin Shuang, and said: "Of course! I wonder how many years of spiritual herbs you want to reserve? The prices of spiritual herbs of different years are also different."

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