Ichiro Miyamoto coughed.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Miyamoto Ichiro stumbled away from the poplar forest.

“Ichiro Miyamoto’s expression is too strange, right?”

Yang Xueer put away the iron umbrella.

At the moment when Miyamoto Ichiro broke the knife and chopped down.

Yang Xue’er had already decisively taken out the King Kong umbrella.

It’s just that this Vajra umbrella is completely useless.

Ichiro Miyamoto’s speed is too fast.

Zhang Yichen’s speed is faster!

“He didn’t go back to Dune!”

Park Chan-suk glanced at the dunes, and Jomibu and Vakabala had already returned.

“Where is he going?”

“Honor to righteousness!”

Zhang Yichen looked indifferent.

Words are like gold!

The live broadcast room immediately became bustling again.

“Hurry up and enter Ichiro Miyamoto’s live broadcast room! He wants to live seppuku live! ”

“This Miyamoto Ichiro of the Sun Country, I didn’t expect to have a backbone!”

“Bushido spirit!”

“Miyamoto-kun wants to go to righteousness with honor!”


In the darkness, a small black shadow quickly rushed past Yang Xue’er.

Yang Xueer fixed her eyes.

It turned out to be a mouse!

Since childhood, Yang Xueer has been most afraid of this kind of hairy thing.


Yang Xue’er was so frightened that a stirring spirit jumped.

“Miss Yang, you are actually afraid of mice!”

Park Chan-seok couldn’t help but laugh.

Just when Park Chan-seok laughed at Yang Xueer’s timidity.


I couldn’t help but scream.

It turned out that many rats ran under him.

Frightened him.

Gu Yue glanced at Park Canshuo with half disdain.

“It’s understandable that the little girl is afraid of small animals. Are you a big man and afraid of mice? Do you have roots? ”

In the face of Gu Yueban’s sarcasm, Park Chansuk originally wanted to refute.

But seeing Gu Yue’s half-fat face, he was afraid.

Gu Yue glanced at Zhang Yichen.

Sitting indifferently in his tent.

I don’t know why, since I saw Zhang Yichen make a hairhill finger.

Just killed Ichiro Miyamoto’s neat moves.

See Zhang Yichen.

Gu Yue will feel particularly relieved.

Gu Yue took a closer look with a wolf-eyed flashlight and ran past them.

The coat is yellowish.

And there is no tail yet.

These rats are endemic to the desert.

Hearing is particularly sensitive.

Gerbils are all gregarious.

In general, it will be concentrated in caves two meters deep underground.

If this little animal hadn’t encountered some emergency, it wouldn’t be so organized and undisciplined.

“It’s gerbil!”

Gu Yue half-followed the traces of gerbils.

Under an aspen forest tree.

There are a lot of holes, big and small.

Inside the cave are countless gerbils struggling to climb out.


There were not many viewers in the live broadcast room, and they all went to watch Ichiro Miyamoto seppuku sepuku .

“These gerbils are so cute!”

“Cute fart! It scared Miss Cher to tears! ”

“Is it the animal world?”

“Still in line!”

“A little common sense is good, they are migrating overnight!”


See hordes of gerbils running past your eyes.

Zhang Yichen reacted immediately.

“Save people!”

Zhang Yichen quickly ran out of the poplar forest.

Run towards the campsite of the Miyamoto Ichiro group.

There is no trace of Jomib and Vakabala in the dunes!

Their equipment is also scattered around the dunes.

More than half of their tent has sunk into the sand.

The tent is still sinking.

After a while, there was only one corner left.

They encountered the sand while they were asleep.

Even the people with the tents were engulfed in sinking sand.

Fortunately, Zhang Yichen and Gu Yueban arrived in time.

A little later, I don’t know where to find them.

“Hurry up and plan!”

Gu Yue half-brandished a shovel and plunged it into the sand dunes along the corner of the tent.

Waved several times in a row.

Finally saw the tent engulfed in sinking sand.

“With your hands!”

“They were buried alive in their sleep!”

“Is there anything else to save?”

Zhang Yichen did not speak.

Nodded faintly.

Seeing Zhang Yichen so sure.

Gu Yue dug the yellow sand with half hands and feet.

Finally, when Gu Yue was half-tired and about to collapse.

“Got a hand!”

Gu Yue shouted semi-excitedly.

Zhang Yichen pulled that hand, and his arm was forced.

A sandman was pulled out.

It’s Jomib.

Jomib is now in a semi-fainting state.

With his mouth wide open, his mouth is full of sand.

Because buried in the sand is about to suffocate.

As soon as it comes into contact with air.

Jomib’s chest heaved strongly.

Gu Yue looked at it for a while, and he couldn’t die for a while and a half!

Just left him alone.

Instead, keep digging!

The tents of Chomib and Vakabala were set up together.

Soon, Vakabara was also dug up.

Vakabala is in much worse shape than Jomibu.

His eyes were closed at the moment.

In the mouth, in the ears, in the nostrils.

There was sand everywhere.

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