The desert in the dark is difficult to discern directions.

Out of the poplar forest, it was pitch black all around.


“I know there are gerbils!”

“Fatty, Brother Chen means to follow the gerbil!”

“Lean! Say two more words and you will die! ”

Park Canshuo ran out of breath, and did not forget to scare Zhang Yichen.

“I promise, you will die if you say two more words!”

Gu Yue’s semi-fat flesh shook.

Frightened, Park Chan-seok took a few steps back and stumbled to sit on the ground.

Hiking in the desert is already tiring.

Now, the group trotted with gerbils.

Especially with a few baby gerbils on a dark night.

It didn’t take long for several people to be tired and panting.

On the other hand, Zhang Yichen did not have the slightest fatigue.

Even the sound of breathing did not change.

“Bring windshield goggles!”

Just out of the poplar forest.

The wind suddenly blew violently, and a large amount of sand and dust swept in their direction like a beast.

In this dark night.

The wind is like a ghost crying and a wolf howling!

Sounds creepy.

You know, encountering a sandstorm in the desert is extremely dangerous!

The sand dunes in the desert move with the direction of the wind.

Under the action of strong winds.

Grains of sand on one side of the dune are blown up the dunes and tumbled down to the other side of the dunes.

Under the influence of this continuous sandstorm.

The dunes will constantly move in one direction.

If you encounter a strong sandstorm on the edge of the desert.

Take the base of the Forbidden Program Group.

The whole thing will basically be covered under the sandstorm.

Perhaps, get up early tomorrow morning.

The whole base will see nothing.

In the face of the terrifying power of nature, human beings are as small as ants.

Moreover, sandstorms are also weak.

According to the dust weather, the level of the ground visibility is divided into several levels.

Dust storm!

Strong sandstorms!

Extra strong sandstorm!

Wind speeds less than category six are called weak dust storms.

Wind speeds between six and eight are called moderate-intensity dust storms.

When the wind speed is above level nine, it will be called a strong sandstorm.

When a sandstorm reaches its maximum intensity, it is called an extra-strong sandstorm.


Black Storm!!!

Judging from the visibility of this sandstorm in front of them, what Zhang Yichen is facing now is a black storm!

A black storm of this magnitude can last at least a few hours.

If you want to survive, you can only try to escape to a place where the sandstorm cannot be covered!

“Keep up!”

Zhang Yichen took the lead.

The left and right sides followed Yang Xue’er and Gu Yueban.

Followed by Park Chan-seok and others.

“We have to find a shelter!”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? Where is there a shelter in the desert! ”

If it weren’t for the urgency of the situation, just now in the poplar forest, Gu Yueban would already be unkind to him.

Gu Yue scolded Park Chanshuo for a while.

After scolding, he was still uncomfortable, and Gu Yueban hit Park Canshuo hard with his shoulder.

Park Chanseok’s feet were soft, and he almost fell.

Fortunately, there was a tall and muscular Max Wilb behind him.

Park Chan-suk barely stood firm.

At this time.

The black storm has completely raged on.

And Zhang Yichen still walked towards the black storm with resolute steps.

“Brother Chen, wouldn’t it be more dangerous for us to do this?”

Zhang Yichen did not look back and said something coldly.

“Keep up!”

Because he has seen Zhang Yichen’s ability.

At this time, Yang Xue’er and Gu Yueban had absolute trust in Zhang Yichen.

And Max Wilb and Lavajili have also been impressed by Zhang Yichen’s two fingers.

Only Park Chan-seok, forced to endure the unconvinced, followed.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was puzzled.

“They enter the Black Storm straight like this, won’t there be danger?”

“Isn’t he afraid of death?”

“Our Miss Cher.”

“Little brother is doing the right thing!”

“To enter the heart of the desert, you have to go through the Black Storm. On the contrary, if you dodge, you will be devoured. That would be even more dangerous! ”


Sure enough, the live broadcast room is full of big guys.

After the answers of professionals, the audience suddenly realized.

In the dark.

The wind and sand are getting bigger.

There are also small rubbles mixed in.

Wind and sand mixed with small gravel slapped head-on on the face.

Except for the eyes with windproof goggles.

Other areas exposed in wind and sand.

The fiery pain of being beaten by the wind and sand.

Park Chan-suk’s face was accidentally hit by rubble, and blood immediately flowed.

The ears are full of the roar of the wind in the dark night, and the sound of sand and gravel rubbing in the wind.

Spooky and harsh.

Zhang Yichen bowed and walked hard in the fierce wind and sand.

Gu Yueban and Yang Xue’er grabbed Zhang Yichen’s equipment bag left and right.

Max Wilb and Lavajri also maintained the same posture.

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