“No, the wild history records that after the defeat of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, he led the remaining troops to hide in the depths of Changbai Mountain. There are also rumors that the emperor of the Eastern Xia Kingdom is immortal. Ruled the Eastern Xia Kingdom for hundreds of years. ”

“Anning, where did you know all this?”

Gu Yueban was a little skeptical of Ah Ning’s words, after all, this woman was the best at disguising and deceiving people. But for Aning’s words, Wu Tianzhen was convinced.

Because, he had heard the third uncle say that there was an imperial tomb of the emperor of the Eastern Xia Kingdom on the high mountain of Changbai Mountain. Now that I think about it, it should have happened after the third uncle and them went down from this underwater tomb.


The third uncle went to that heavenly palace?

“Wait, Anning, you just said that the emperor of the Winter and Summer Kingdom is immortal?”


Gu Yue exclaimed.

“His mother’s is another old rice dumpling who pursues immortality.”

“Immortality, since ancient times, has been the dream pursued by rulers. But the term immortal is too ethereal. ”

Wu Tianzhen’s expression was quite solemn, and his brain kept running rapidly.

“Naive, what are you muttering about there?”

Gu Yueban didn’t hear Wu Tianzhen’s words clearly. Some are in a hurry.

“I probably get it!”

Wu Tianzhen looked at everyone in surprise.

He made the most likely conjecture of linking the frescoes on the vase with the murals on the walls.

“Wang Zanghai should have been captured by the emperor of the Eastern Xia Kingdom to help the emperor build the imperial tomb. In the process of building the imperial tomb, Wang Zanghai should have accidentally discovered the secret of the immortal life of the emperor of the Eastern Xia Kingdom. ”

So, after the construction of the imperial tomb was completed. Wang Zanghai began to try to study the method of immortality based on the secrets that he spied out from the emperor of the Eastern Xia Kingdom. ”

“It should be taking pills. But after he studied it, he didn’t take it first. Instead, he gave these pills to his subordinates to take first. But before these pills could exert their effects, he died. So….”

Wu Tianzhen turned his head to Aning.

“The purpose of your coming to the underwater tomb is to bring these elixirs back? Are you sure that those elixirs will really have an effect? ”

“I don’t know if those pills have any effect. But what you don’t know is that Wang Zanghai lived for more than a hundred years. And it’s the end of life! ”

“Even if you can’t live forever, the value of these elixirs is immeasurable.”

“What about the snake-eyed copperfish? What does it do? ”

Wu Tianzhen mentioned the snake-eyed copper fish, but Anning shook his head.

“What is the use of the snake-browed copper fish, we don’t know yet. But Wang Zanghai made a total of three snake-eyed copper fish. Perhaps only by collecting these three snake-eyed copper fish can we know the answer. ”

“Ah Ning, what is the purpose of you hiring us?”

Wu Tianzhen couldn’t help but ask the last question in his heart.

“This underwater tomb, your third uncle came twenty years ago, and he also came. But your third uncle is too cunning. We were only given a structural diagram of the burial chamber, but did not tell us the exact location of the underwater tomb. Just the information we have so far. We couldn’t find the location of this underwater tomb. ”

After speaking, Anning set his eyes on, Zhang Yichen.

“You mean that your purpose is actually to let the little brother help you find the underwater tomb?”

Anin nodded.

“If I go directly to Zhang Yichen, he will reject me with his back. But I go to you and you will definitely agree. He can ignore anyone, but he will definitely take care of you and Gu Yueban. ”

“How do you know we’ll be able to promise you?”

Gu Yue said half-viciously.

“Fatty, please be polite to me. I know a lot of your secrets! ”

After speaking, a weird smile appeared at the corner of Aning’s mouth.

“Anning, how do you know that the little brother has been to this underwater tomb? Could it be that my third uncle told you? ”

“Wu San Province just gave us the structural diagram of the tomb, but the others told us nothing. We are nothing more than a partnership. Key information is shared. It’s not family and friends together. ”

“And where did you find out?”

Anning smiled contemptuously.

“What if I told you that my boss had been eyeing this underwater tomb twenty years ago? Is your little third master still satisfied with this answer? ”

Anning’s words shocked Wu Tianzhen and Xiao Jiu. Twenty years ago, this underwater tomb was excavated by the Nine Gates people. At that time, a total of ten people participated in the excavation of the underwater tomb.

Except for the black glasses, all of them were people in the nine doors.

But the boss behind Aning already knew about the existence of this underwater tomb twenty years ago. It is reminiscent of the cooperation between Wu San Province and Aning Company.

Could it be that Wu San Province had already cooperated with Aning Company twenty years ago? That is to say, twenty years ago, Wu San Province had already betrayed the Nine Gates? Wu Tianzhen did not dare to continue thinking about it.

It wasn’t the answer he wanted. In Wu Tianzhen’s mind.

Wu San Province would never do anything to betray him.

But twenty years ago, among all the members of the archaeological team, only Wu Sansheng, Zhang Yichen and Black Glasses escaped from this underwater tomb.

Needless to say, Zhang Yichen and the skills of black glasses are not to say, let alone a seabed tomb. Even the most dangerous tombs could not trap them.

But the three provinces of Wu are not necessarily the case.

So how did he escape?

Could it be that Wu San Province is really a traitor to the Nine Sects?

“Anning, where is Wang Zanghai’s tomb?”

Xie Xiaojiu suddenly asked.

Since Wu San Province can bring the snake-eyed copper fish out, it means that the group of people twenty years ago must have found the main tomb of Wang Zanghai.

Since Wu San Province handed over the structural diagram of the underwater tomb to Aning. Anning must know where the main tomb of Wang Zanghai is?

Anning glanced back at Zhang Yichen.

Zhang Yichen’s indifferent face did not have any expression. Ah Ning had a pang of doubt in his heart.

Didn’t he come here twenty years ago? How could it not be that the main burial chamber was not found.

Seeing Anning’s doubtful eyes, Xie Xiaojiu said impatiently.

“Tell us the location of the main chamber!”

As soon as the words fell, the blade in Gu Yueban’s hand was a little closer. In desperation. Anin pointed underneath the palace model.

“Paper underneath?”

Everyone looked at each other.

It turned out that the dried corpse in the model was really not Wang Zanghai.

Zhang Yichen’s two strangely long fingers groped on the palace model. Sure enough, let him find the mechanism.

A sound of the machine running.

The model of the palace slowly changed.

In an instant, a spiral staircase from top to bottom appeared in the golden palace. A gloomy and cold aura instantly permeated from the position of the spiral staircase.

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