“It’s hard for us to judge whether this is true or not. Xiaohua, when you find my third uncle, everything will fall into place! ”

“Don’t discuss your third uncle and second uncle first. Didn’t you just say that there is something wrong with this monster? ”

Anning couldn’t help but open his mouth and pointed to the forbidden woman in the coffin.

“Little flower, let’s go out first. We’ll talk about the rest later! ”

Xie Xiaojiu had calmed down at this time.

Since he was eight years old, he has experienced too much suspicion and calculation. What is true and what is false.

It is no longer possible to judge with just one eye. This thing should not be so simple. The priority is to get out of here first.

Xie Xiaojiu climbed out of the pool and returned to the group. But his emotions were still a little agitated.

Facing such a Xie Xiaojiu, Zhang Yichen and Gu Yueban were both defensive towards him.

“This forbidden woman should be the same as the sea monkey we met above, a product of modern times. They haven’t mutated too radically yet. So there is still human consciousness. ”

“Naively, could this forbidden woman be the one we met in the cave? The one lying on the fat man’s back? ”

Hearing Gu Yueban’s words, Wu Tianzhen cautiously looked at the forbidden woman in the coffin with a wolf-eye flashlight.

Then nodded.

“Fatty, this is the one.”

After speaking, Wu Tianzhen hit the beam of the wolf-eye flashlight directly at the corner of the forbidden woman’s mouth, where there were no jagged fangs.

At that time, Wu Tianzhen was very close to the forbidden mother, and he observed it very carefully. This forbidden woman was the one they met in the cave.

“Little brother, take a closer look, this forbidden woman is not the same as the forbidden woman we found in the lower tomb before, moreover, you can see its wounds.”

Wu Tianzhen pointed to the wound on the forbidden woman’s body that was easily penetrated by bullets.

“Little brother, the fragrance on this forbidden woman is also relatively light!”

“This should only be a product of modern formation.”

Zhang Yichen glanced back at Wu Tianzhen and continued.

“And the sea monkey you killed.”

After listening to Zhang Yichen’s words, Wu Tianzhen and the others were shocked. Zhang Yichen’s words completely stimulated them.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zanghai made these ghost things thousands of years ago to guard his tomb. But these ghost things are only made in modern times.

Who made them? When was it made?

What is the purpose of making it?

Zhang Yichen knew that Wu Tianzhen’s heart must be full of questions now.

But Zhang Yichen describes through Aning’s narration, as well as the murals on the tomb wall.

He speculated that these forbidden women and sea monkeys at the bottom of the tomb should be the experimental products of the Wangzang Sea elixir.

The elixir studied by Wang Zanghai should have been eaten by those people.

After eating, not only did he not achieve immortality, but he mutated into such a monster.

And the forbidden woman in front of them should be the group of archaeologists who took the pill twenty years ago and had a mutation.

This can also explain the reason why Anning came to this tomb but could not find the elixir.

But twenty years ago, the group of archaeological team bureaus except Wu San Province, black glasses and Qilin brother escaped. The rest of the team was gone.

And what about the rest of the team?

Where did they end up?

Could it be that like this forbidden woman and sea monkey in this tomb, she also took the so-called elixir and had a mutation?

But what about after they mutate?

Why didn’t it appear in this tomb? Some issues need further confirmation.

Therefore, Zhang Yichen could not say the conjecture in his heart.

“Little brother, you said that they are a product of modern times, could it be the same group of archaeology team members from twenty years ago?”

Wu Tianzhen said thoughtfully.

“Naive, tell me about your speculation.”

Gu Yue said with a serious face. Wu Tianzhen turned his head to glance at Aning, and then asked.

“Anning, did you get the so-called elixir from this tomb?”

Anin shook his head.

“When I entered this chamber, there was nothing in this chamber, and the coffin was empty. I guess that Wang Zanghai should have really been immortal and left this underwater tomb. ”

“Ah Ning, you said that you didn’t see Wang Zanghai’s body at all when you entered this tomb?”

Anin nodded.

Wu Tianzhen saw Anning’s sincere look, not like he was lying………………. But it feels a little strange.

How can there be no corpses in this tomb?

Is Wang Zanghai’s body really not in this underwater tomb?

Zhang Yichen stretched out two strangely long fingers and touched the coffin, but did not find the mechanism.

“Little brother, what kind of material is this coffin?”

Zhang Yichen had already observed this coffin when he put the forbidden woman into the coffin. This is a black coffin.

It feels like a normal reef.

But it’s a little different from the usual reef. It’s not like black jade that can raise corpses.

The material of this coffin was very special, he had never seen it before. Wu Tianzhen saw Zhang Yichen shake his head, and he had no clue for a while.


Even the well-informed Zhang Yichen could not see the material of this coffin, and they had nowhere to know the role of this coffin.

“Naive, you hurry up and talk about it! It’s all in a hurry to die fat! ”

Seeing Gu Yueban’s impatient look, Wu Tianzhen had to say his speculation.

“Combined with that mural on the tomb wall. Wang Zanghai spied the secret of the immortality of the emperor of the Eastern Xia Kingdom. So, after returning, he devoted himself to studying the method of immortality. Those at the bottom of the tomb should be the sea monkeys and forbidden women, which are the failures of the law of immortality. ”

Later, after his death, Wang Zanghai brought the elixirs he had developed into his tomb. Twenty years ago, my third uncle and their archaeological team entered this underwater tomb for the same purpose as Anning today. ”

“It’s all to find the method of immortality in the hidden sea. The secret of Wang Zanghai’s method of immortality should be hidden in the three snake-eyed copper fish he made. ”

“Naive, according to your speculation. The law of immortality is in the snake-eyed copper fish. Your third uncle finally got this snake-eyed copper fish. What about the rest of the team? Where did they end up? ”

Wu Tianzhen pointed to the forbidden woman in the coffin.

“After the third uncle got the snake-eyed copper fish, he was ready to leave this underwater tomb. But together with the snake-eyed copper fish, there should be those pills from the Wangzang Sea. It was the elixir that Ning came to find. ”

“Those people couldn’t resist the temptation of immortality, so they were ready to swallow those elixirs. Because of this, they had differences B. ”

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