Just when everyone was pondering what method Zhang Yichen should use to climb over. The next scene simply blinded their titanium dog’s eyes.

I saw Zhang Yichen pull out the black gold ancient knife from behind and slash down towards the position of the smallest night pearl.

“Zhang Yichen! Can’t be broken! ”

With Anin’s exclamation. Click!

A sound of machine operation sounded, and a hole was revealed above the tomb roof. Anning’s shout just now really startled Wu Tianzhen and the others. Fortunately, there are no thrills!

Finally found the exit to the burial chamber.

After the exit of the tomb was revealed, Zhang Yichen’s feet slammed into the beam a few times, using the power of this blow.

Zhang Yichen’s figure suddenly rose into the air, and in a few steps, he jumped into the hole on the top of the tomb.

Immediately afterwards, a climbing rope hung down the mouth of the cave. At this time, Gu Yuehan was already weak.

Wu Tianzhen let Xie Xiaojiu tie Gu Yue half-to his body. Then let Xie Xiaojiu go up first.

Xie Xiaojiu’s speed was fast, and his two hands grabbed the climbing rope hanging from the top of the tomb.

Then his feet slammed on the ground, jumped and climbed up like a monkey. After a while, Xie Xiaojiu had already climbed to the top of the tomb.

After Xiao Jiu climbed to the top of the tomb, Wu Tianzhen signaled to Ning to climb first.

Without saying a word, Aning pulled the rope hard by Aning, who had his hands tied. Zhang Yichen and Xiao Jiu on the top of the tomb pulled Ning up. After pulling Anning up, Wu Tianzhen began to climb.

“Hold on!”

Zhang Yichen’s voice came from above.

I saw Zhang Yichen wrapping the rope around his arm, and his hand was hard. The muscles of my arm were all bulging.

It can be seen how much strength Zhang Yichen used.

Because there is still that white-haired marshal covered in corpse poison in the tomb!

After Wu Tianzhen and Gu Yueban went up. Zhang Yichen quickly sealed the entrance to the cave. After everyone went up, Wu Tianzhen had time to check the situation around him.

It was a natural cave, similar to the one they entered when they entered the underwater tomb. The caves are somewhat narrow, and some places can only be accessed by clinging to the walls.

At this time, Gu Yueban had fainted due to excessive blood loss.

This narrow hole was already a little difficult for the thin Zhang Yichen, Wu Tianzhen, Xie Xiaojiu and An Ning.

What’s more, for a fat man like Gu Yueban, who weighs more than two hundred pieces and has a fat head and big ears, it is simply impossible to pass.

When Zhang Yichen first came up, he only wanted to pull Wu Tianzhen and them up quickly, and he didn’t care about surveying the terrain.

“It seems that Gu Yue is half destined to be inseparable from this underwater tomb.”

Anning couldn’t help but sigh.

As soon as the words fell, they met the sharp gazes of Zhang Yichen, Wu Tianzhen and Xie Xiaojiu. As soon as Anning saw that the situation was not good, he quickly closed his mouth in amusement.

“Little brother, what should I do?”

Zhang Yichen glanced at Anning coldly. Seems like a warning.

Then he shrunk into the cave.

It didn’t take long for the sound of falling rubble from the cave. This sound has been going on for a long time.

Until this voice got closer and closer, Wu Tianzhen and Xie Xiaojiu’s face finally showed a smile. Zhang Yichen had already expanded the entrance of the cave with the black gold ancient knife.

All of them had no idea how strong the reef was here. I don’t know how much strength Zhang Yichen used to expand the entrance of the cave.

After Zhang Yichen expanded the cave, Gu Yueban was smoothly helped out of the cave by them. The cave is an L-shaped cave.

When he came to the corner, Zhang Yichen looked up at the top of his head with a wolf eye flashlight, and the strong penetration of the wolf eye hand electrode could not hit the end of the cave roof.

There was a black patch at the end, and it was impossible to see how high this hole was. But what is certain is that this is a vertical upward cave, similar to a strong well or something. Zhang Yichen guessed that the end of the shaft should not be far from the exit.

According to the previous method, Zhang Yichen climbed up extremely quickly, and then hung down the climbing rope, this time, Wu Tianzhen did not take care of so much, and directly climbed up first.

After Wu Tianzhen climbed up, Xie Xiaojiu fixed Gu Yue half-fixed on the climbing rope. Zhang Yichen and Wu Tianzhen worked together to pull Gu Yueban up…

Then Xie Xiaojiu pulled the rope and climbed up, and Xie Xiaojiu’s speed was as agile as a monkey. After Ning climbed up, Zhang Yichen put away the rope.

This way, everyone walked a little hard.

There was no Gu Yue in the middle of the active atmosphere, and everyone was silent. No one is willing to say anything but the necessary words. Wu Tianzhen was a little unused to it at first.

Not only Wu Tianzhen, but even Zhang Yichen, who likes to be quiet the most, felt that being quiet was a little depressed. Gu Yueban was still in a coma.

Without Wu Tianzhen and Gu Yueban’s gags, Zhang Yichen felt that the environment in the cave was a little depressing, and the journey was a little long.

After Zhang Yichen put the rope away, Wu Tianzhen and Xie Xiaojiu had already surveyed the surrounding environment. The wolf-eye flashlight in Wu Tianzhen’s hand kept hitting the air holes above their heads.

There was wind blowing there, not only wind, but also a smell of moisture and corrosion. Smelling this smell, everyone was very happy in their hearts, but after the joy, Wu Tianzhen’s face showed a hint of disappointment. Because, although this air hole is very close to them, it is only the size of a basketball.

Not to mention the fat Gu Yue half, even if it is him, he may not be able to drill out. It is estimated that as soon as you stretch out your head, you will be stuck.

“This exit is so small, we can’t get out at all.” Not only Wu Tianzhen, but also Anning’s face was full of disappointment. ”

This should be a waterway connected to the outside world.

Xie Xiaojiu guessed well.

In order not to pour seawater, the underwater tomb in the Wangzang Sea will definitely be made into a closed system, and some drainage projects will be done to do the closed system.

This stomata should be connected to a waterway to drain water.

At this time, there was no seawater, but there was wind and the smell of moisture and corrosion in the pores. This means that this stomata is the passage out of this underwater tomb.

But this porosity is so small that ordinary people like Wu Tianzhen can’t drill out at all.

In other words, this so-called exit is a dead end that gives people hope and despair. Because walking here, you can’t get out and out, and it’s even more impossible to return the same way.

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