Fleet of foot!

“Between two points, the line segment is the shortest! Xiao Zhang is so smart! ”

Seeing Zhang Yichen’s actions, Dr. Wen couldn’t help but praise!

Yang Xue’er glanced at the faint light below.

Is he smart?

Obviously too long!

The design of this stone staircase is very unusual.

There may be some unknown danger in this tomb.

When Gu Yueban and the others reached the end of the stone steps.

Only to find that Zhang Yichen was standing there motionless.

Yang Xueer walked over to take a look.

It turned out that in front of Zhang Yichen was a four-meter-high black stone door.

It’s a real tomb!

Yang Xueer used a flashlight to investigate the surrounding situation.

Only to find out that this turned out to be a boxy patio.

In the center of the patio stood the spiral stone steps they had just walked down.

Such an architectural model.

What’s the point?

After all, these stone steps are no more than a meter long.

Again vertically downward.

Apparently not the burial path used to build the burial chamber.

Gu Yue half-glanced at the black stone door.

It was obviously a sealed stone door.

It is impossible to enter the burial chamber from there.

Gu Yueban took out the crowbar from the equipment bag.

Start banging on the floor tiles.

This ancient moon is really careful.

He soon discovered that there was a problem with one of the floor tiles.

“Brother Chen, here!”

Gu Yue was half-squatting and cleaning up a floor tile.

Soon, the original appearance of this floor tile was exposed to everyone.

This floor tile turned out to be facing this sealed stone door.

This floor tile is also boxy in shape.

It’s about 50 centimeters long.

The floor tiles are intricately carved.

It is densely packed and it is not clear what is carved.

Dr. Wen took out the brush from his equipment bag.

Carefully clean the yellow sand on the floor tiles one by one.

Then Dr. Wen took out a magnifying glass.

“Dr. Wen, what does this pattern depict?”

“Judging from the pattern carved above, it should be a picture of an ethnic minority burial. The burial method of this people is heavenly burial. Since it is a heavenly burial, what is this place? ”

“Heavenly burial?”

Zhang Yichen’s brows furrowed slightly.

There are many forms of tombs in the Dragon Kingdom.

Generally, after death, people are buried in a coffin or directly buried in the earth, which belongs to tombs or burials.

But many ethnic minorities have different forms of burial.

For example, after the death of Tibetans, depending on their economic and social status, they will use the forms of heavenly burial, water burial, cremation, burial burial or tower burial.

Could it be that this is a Tibetan tomb?

“Dr. Wen, what is a heavenly burial?”

“Heavenly burial, also known as “bird burial”, is an ancient and unique form of funeral. Heavenly burial carries a desire to ascend to “heaven”. ”

Tibetan Buddhists believe that heavenly burial carries a desire to ascend to “heaven.” Each area has a heavenly burial ground, that is, a heavenly burial ground, and there are special people (heavenly burial masters) engaged in this business. After death, the body is curled up, the head is bent to the knees, and it is formed into a sitting position, wrapped in a white quilt, placed on the earthen platform on the right side behind the door, and asked the lama to recite the Sutra. ”

“Tibetans believe that after death, they can take their souls to heaven through vultures and go to the Pure Land of Bliss. Vultures are called divine birds by the locals, and divine birds are qualified to bring souls to the Pure Land of Bliss. ”

“I see! In fact, this is a crown of clothes! ”

“Because the bodies of the dead are fed vultures! In order to commemorate the deceased, their descendants built such a crown tomb! ”


Dr. Wen shook his head and continued.

“Ordinary Tibetans and herders practice heavenly burials in this form. But some nobles or rulers. After the death of the person, the heart of the deceased will be preserved, and then the corpse will be fed to the vulture! ”

“You mean it’s the heart of the dead buried here?”

“This is the funeral form of this people. But it is not the heart of the deceased that is buried inside, but the corpse! ”


“Dr. Wen, are you sure you’re not mistaken?”

Yang Xue’er belongs to the descendants of the ancient tribe. She knows that for a nation, faith is above all else.

How could this people possibly bury the body intact?

Dr. Wen handed the magnifying glass to Yang Xueer.

Yang Xueer took a look.

Sure enough, four murals are depicted on this floor tile.

The first three are the same as Dr. Wen described. It’s about the way this people is buried.

The tomb is an imperial tomb that contains the heart of every king.

It’s just that the last mural is a little different from the previous three.

This mural depicts the king’s burial.

The king was placed in a black coffin.

He wears a golden crown and a fancy dress.

It turned out to be buried with a complete corpse.

This is completely contrary to the faith of this nation!

This way of burial is completely bizarre.

What happened to this nation that changed its beliefs?

Yang Xue’er glanced at the sealed stone gate.

More and more, I feel that this tomb is full of mystery!

“Get out of the way for the fat master!”

Gu Yueban did not hesitate and used a crowbar to pry up the gap in the corner of the floor tile.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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