The next day, after another bloody battle.

The spies sneaked into the city again.

The soldiers killed in the kingdom of Plme were dragged back to the city.

The bodies were cleaned one by one. It was put back on the square in the middle of the castle.

It turned out that these bodies were to be disposed of uniformly.

Just when they thought they had found nothing and were ready to evacuate.

Suddenly I remembered the sound of a horn.

The spies were wondering.

The bodies of those corpses in the square actually moved.

The sound of the horn slowly disappeared.

The bodies actually rose from the ground.

It looks like I just slept.

They each left in the same direction.


The spies hastened to tell the truth about the strange phenomena they had seen in the country of Promech.

The king’s face changed instantly after hearing this.

It turned out that these people were actually resurrected!

It turned out to be the same people who have been fighting with them all this time.

A group of dead and alive undead?

The king quickly withdrew his troops and returned to his country.

By chance.

The king met a soothsayer.

The soothsayer listened before telling the king.

The people of the kingdom of Pulmer were able to come back from the dead because their king had a jade seal that could summon souls.

This jade seal can connect the two worlds of yin and yang.

It was the Jade Seal that summoned the souls of these dead people from the netherworld.

Whoever owns this jade seal has the power to control life and death.

When the king heard this, he sent a team of experts to infiltrate the royal palace of the kingdom of Plme that night.

They did not find the jade seal in the king’s secret room, but accidentally found a key.

The key depicts a hideous-looking hungry ghost.

Later, the king sent countless masters to sneak into the secret room many times, but they did not find the jade seal.

The owner of the corpse was the king who knew the secret of the kingdom of Bulme.

Until he died, he did not find the jade seal that could bring him back from the dead.

“Dr. Wen, have you found anything else?”

“Two words are mentioned at the end of this text!”

Everyone held their breath.


“Ghost Seal!”

“Dr. Wen, what is the ghost seal?”

“It is mentioned here that the ghost seal is the key to the resurrection of the people of the kingdom of Purme. What it is, the owner of the tomb did not explain. It is estimated that we will have to wait until we reach the ancient country of Purmex to reveal the answer! ”

“Dr. Wen, did it say where the ancient kingdom of Promo is?”

“The exact location of the ancient kingdom of Bulmer is not recorded above, but it is recorded from these texts that the ancient kingdom of Pulmer was a large city, surrounded by a river. This is consistent with the information we currently have. We only need to find the ancient river channel to find the location of the ancient country of Promer. ”

“Where is this ancient river channel?”

“Located in the heart of the desert, it’s very similar to the route we’re traveling now.”



Qi Xin subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the ancient corpse in the coffin.

I don’t know when.

The ancient corpse in the ink jade coffin had already sat up.

The eye sockets without double pupils are as silent as the abyss.

A pair of dry purple arms were grasping the edge of the ink jade coffin. The blue and black nails are more than a finger long. The root-like tendons on the fingers were coiled together.

“Up… Got up the corpse! ”

Qi Xin’s pupils shrank suddenly, and the three souls and seven spirits had been lost.

Holding a black donkey’s hooves in his hand.

Stood where he was.

Gu Yue raised her head halfway, and her expression suddenly petrified.

“Make your hands cheap! What a box! ”

“It’s the corpse transformation caused by the breath of a living person!”

Dr. Wen is right.

Most of the corpses in the ancient tombs were disturbed by the yang qi of living people.

Explain it in science.

It is because the bioelectricity on the corpse has changed.

Necrogenesis is when the bioelectricity on the body changes and suddenly recovers mobility.

But this resurrected corpse can move freely except for its limbs. It’s just an unconscious walking dead.

The corpse usually occurs when lightning and lightning are applied, which may be caused by lightning stimulating the static electricity in the dead body that has not completely dissipated, so the dead body is like electricity, unconsciously moving.

One reason is that cats or dogs passing by the carcass can also cause necrops to occur. Static electricity on cats and dogs stimulates the cathode of the corpse.

Another reason is the living.

Many grave robbers usually cover their mouths and noses tightly when taking the open vessels on the corpse. It is afraid that the bioelectricity on the human body will react with the bioelectricity of the corpse, thereby causing corpse transformation.

It is said that corpses are divided into eighteen types: zombies, blood corpses, shadow corpses, flesh corpses, leather corpses, jade corpses, walking corpses, explosive corpses, sweat corpses, hair corpses, walking corpses, awakening corpses, armored corpses, stone corpses, fighting corpses, vegetable corpses, cotton corpses and wooden corpses.

The most ferocious of these are zombies and blood corpses.

The most resentful are the shadow corpses and fighting corpses.

The kindest are flesh corpses and awakened corpses.

The flesh corpse is one of the kinder among many corpses, and generally does not actively endanger people like the shadow corpse.

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