A million soldiers, very heroic soldiers!

It’s about desert marching ants.

Desert marching ants are aggressive, they have a powerful jaw and can easily tear meat off their prey.

And they often gather together to form an invasion group, as soon as they encounter prey, they will find a way to tear the prey to pieces, and then eat the prey on the spot, and then carry out the next hunt, marching ants are omnivores, generally feeding on arthropods such as spiders, millipedes, centipedes, etc.

During World War II, the famous general Gao Buer sent an elite force of 1,800 people to trek through the primeval jungles of Africa, hoping to attack the Yangguo army by surprise attack. While walking through the jungle, he was attacked by marching ants. Marching ants gnawed this unit into white bones.

This swarm of desert marching ants is simply more fearsome than sand wolves.



The black gold ancient knife has been unsheathed!

Zhang Yichen’s palm gently slashed across the blade of the black gold ancient knife.

The desert marching ants suddenly scattered.

It worked wonders.

Zhang Yichen was not sure at first that his blood could restrain the desert marching ants.

Unexpectedly, these desert marching ants grew up eating carrion.

The body is full of evil energy.

Kirin blood can ward off any evil.

Although the desert marching ants were temporarily forced back by Zhang Yichen’s unicorn blood, the number of desert marching ants was too large.

In this case, there is no way for them to force their way out.


Everyone reacted, igniting a few solid fuels and throwing them into the colony.

The wind blew and the desert marching ants scattered for their lives, but no matter where they fled, they were blocked by the wall of fire.

The space occupied by ants shrank smaller and smaller under the engulfment of flames

The desert marching ants are too numerous and rush to the wall of fire without hesitation.

The roaring fire constantly resounded with a “crackling” scorching sound, which was the sound of ants in the outermost layer giving their lives for the team, and they kept rolling and being burned.

“Little brother is insightful, these things are really afraid of fire!”


“Naive, what a run! This ant can’t rush out of the fire in order to swallow a piece of meat from the fat master, right? ”

Miracles happen!

I saw a black ball emerge from the wall of fire, first the size of a basketball, and ants constantly sticking to it, and then getting bigger and bigger. A huge ant ball was formed. Roll straight towards the wall of fire. The ants on the outer layer were burned and crackled. But the shrunken ant ball actually rolled over the wall of fire.

“Wow! This ant can’t be refined! ”

Gu Yue half-looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn’t help but scold!

No one expected that these desert marching ants would have a back move!

But ants are still ants after all.

Fear of fire is their weakness.

Gu Yueban took out two detonators from his backpack and quickly threw them into the antball.


A bang!

The fire is getting bigger and bigger! The ground is littered with the corpses of blown up ants.

“Fatty! Can you squeak when you play with the detonator! ”

Wu Tianzhen climbed out of the yellow sand, his face covered with sand.

Gu Yue half-stumbled up, walked over and kicked Wu Tianzhen.

“Just run slow! It’s so embarrassing to twitter! ”

Wu Tianzhen squinted and looked.

Everyone had already run more than ten meters away.

Even Dr. Wen was five meters away.

Wu Tianzhen was almost in tears!

Sure enough, there are no ordinary people in this team.

At this time, Zhang Yichen folded back.

Stretched out his hand to Wu Tianzhen.

“We’re still in danger!”

“Little brother, do we still go in the Peerless Kingdom?”

Zhang Yichen looked back at the Peerless Country that was mostly covered by yellow sand and shook his head.

It is impossible to walk through the ancient city.

Only detour.

They traveled all the way, and after walking for five days, they finally reached the end of the ancient river channel.

A city wall made of black stone appeared in everyone’s view.

Some places have collapsed. The damage was extensive.

“There won’t be desert marching ants here, will there?”

The voice just fell!

Zhang Yichen had already climbed to the top of the outer wall.

“Little brother, what do you see?”


“What pillar?”

Zhang Yichen shook his head indifferently.

A flying body fell steadily from the three-meter-high outer wall.

Led by Zhang Yichen, six people entered the ancient city.

The ancient city is full of yellow sand and gravel.

It’s been a tough one.

When there is no road, you can only get through the broken wall.

People walk in it, and it feels like a maze inside.

An hour later, two stone pillars with a large python appeared in front of everyone.

“Good fellow, such a big snake!”

Gu Yue glanced at Wu Ying with half disdain.

“I don’t know! Let the fat master give you popular science, this is called a python! ”

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