The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly began to brush up.

“Aaaaaa!!!a What is this thing? It’s terrible! ”

“What a disgusting bug! Dense-phobia means not daring to look! ”

“It turns out that the previous dry bone soldier was manipulated by this parasitic corpse!”

“His grandmother’s, such a big fart, almost killed the fat master!”

After Gu Yue half-vented, he turned his head to look at Zhang Yichen.

“Little brother, you said that there are more than so many in this tomb, right?”

“Dead fat! Raven mouth! ”

The voice just fell.

The dark green corpse rushed down the tomb wall like a tide.

Just now, because of the fight, Dr. Wen’s position was a little far away from them. Soon, Dr. Wen was surrounded by corpses.

The corpses soon crawled to Dr. Wen’s feet.

But these corpse glimpses just surrounded Dr. Wen and did not choose to attack!

“Dr. Wen, come quickly!”

Dr. Wen reacted to this, but there were so many corpses. If you take a bite, you’ll have to take it.

After all, these corpses are able to manipulate corpses. You can see how aggressive it is. Dr. Wen was sure that these corpses would definitely gnaw him all the dregs left. No matter how Gu Yueban shouted.

Dr. Wen shook his head resolutely. Don’t dare to take a step!

Seeing this, the black glasses rushed up with an arrow and jumped into the encirclement of the corpse turtle. The black glasses pulled up Dr. Wen and strode towards Zhang Yichen and the others.

Wherever they go, the corpses retreat? These corpse policemen did not dare to attack them at all. Just joined Zhang Yichen.

These corpses that followed them scattered like a tide. Dr. Wen was completely shocked by the scene in front of him!

“Xiao Zhang, is this going on?”

Zhang Yichen did not speak, but glanced at Gu Yue indifferently. Gu Yue was aware immediately.

Of course, you can’t tell the truth, so as not to cause mental sword wounds to Dr. Wen.

After all, the unknown existence of ghosts is always frightening. Especially the ghosts that the mercury corpse turned into.

Gu Yue half-casually found an excuse and prevaricated. The corpse thing is finally over!

Zhang Yichen glanced at the hall. Although it is the specification of the main burial chamber.

But except for the two rows of dry bone soldiers at the door. There is not even a piece of artifact in the entire tomb. Is it a suspicious grave?

Zhang Yichen looked around.

In the corner of the tomb, there is a bronze coffin. The bronze coffin was placed on a platform.

That platform is the coffin platform.

“What about the little brother?”

Wu Tianzhen originally wanted to ask Zhang Yichen about the corpse turtle.

In the blink of an eye, he found that Zhang Yichen had no trace.

“Definitely missing again!”

Gu Yue half-patted Wu Tianzhen’s shoulder.

He was used to Zhang Yichen’s haunting. Wu Tianzhen will slowly get used to it!

“Fatty, do you and the little brother have some hidden secrets?”

“Huh? What secrets can my little brother and I have? ”

“What’s going on with Dr. Wen?”

“Just in the burial pit, Dr. Wen was put on by a small rice dumpling. You are not seeing. The little rice dumplings were hideous. It’s terrible! Isn’t this afraid of causing mental sword wounds to Dr. Wen? ”

Gu Yue half-pointed to the blood stains on his forehead.

Wu Tianzhen understood instantly.

“The famous heir of touching gold, the little prince of the inverted bucket?”


Gu Yue half-cursed a dirty word.

He was actually tricked by Wu Tianzhen.

Gu Yue half-stretched out her fat foot and wanted to kick Wu Tianzhen. But was cleverly dodged by Wu Tianzhen. Two people in the dark tomb, relying on the light of the wolf’s eye flashlight, you chase me.

As naïve as two children who did not grow up.

Suddenly, Wu Tianzhen felt as if he had hit something, and this thing was hard and painful.

“Naive, you ran quite well…”

“Huh? What is this thing? ”

Gu Yue half-used a wolf-eye flashlight to shine on the hard object that was accidentally hit by Wu Tianzhen just now. It is about one meter eight meters above the ground.

The wall is inlaid with a black thing semi-oval the size of a football. This black blends into the walls.

If it weren’t for Wu Tianzhen accidentally bumping into it. This thing is really hard to find.

Gu Yue half-stood on tiptoe and took a look inside the oval-shaped thing. It’s also black.

“Naive, what is this?”

Wu Tianzhen used his saber to sniff some black goo. Like corpse oil or something.

“Corpse oil!”

Is this a lamp holder?

Wu Tianzhen tried it with a lighter.

Sure enough, these black goo burned.

“Naive, how do you know it’s corpse oil?”

“Just taste it and you’ll know!”

Wu Tianzhen extended the tip of the knife stained with corpse oil to Gu Yue’s half-mouth.

“Wow! You’re too unfussy! ”

Gu Yue kicked over with half a kick, and was far away from Wu Tianzhen in disgust.

Since it is a lamp holder. Then there must be more than this one. Ancient architecture pays attention to symmetry.

Soon, Gu Yueban found a second one on the wall directly opposite this lamp holder. Then the third, the fourth.

The lamp base of the entire tomb was lit. The dark green light of the fire illuminated the entire tomb.

In an instant, the scene of the entire tomb was in full view.

This burial chamber is large.

Except for the two rows of dry bone soldiers neatly arranged at the door. There is also a bronze coffin.

This bronze coffin is placed on a high platform. The bronze coffin is strange and huge.

The coffin also has unique ornamentation.

The chains wrapped around the bronze coffin were already rusty. And Zhang Yichen was standing in front of the bronze coffin.


“Little brother!”

Wu Tianzhen exclaimed.

Zhang Yichen turned around.

The indifferent expression was a little strange under the reflection of the dark green firelight.

Suddenly, an inexplicable gust of wind blew in the tomb, this wind was cold and cold, as if it had come out of the depths of hell.

It feels creepy!

“There are footprints here!”

Black Glasses didn’t know when he had come over and squatted on the ground. Wu Tianzhen also squatted down.

Sure enough, there are many footprints underground.

“What’s so strange about having footprints. Innocence and I were just chasing and fighting in the cemetery. These estimates are what we left behind. ”

“It’s different!”

Wu Tianzhen shook his head.

“What’s different?”

“Fatty, look! These footprints are flat, which means that the soles are not textured. Moreover, these footprints are relatively small. ”

“What does that say?”

Wu Ying asked suspiciously.

“We all have lines on the bottom of our shoes, and who are these untextured footprints?”

“You see, these footprints are half the size of normal footprints. Like a woman with bound feet. Could it be, the corpse of the woman in red? ”

The only thing Dr. Wen could think of was the corpse of the woman in red who suddenly changed into a corpse in the coffin.

“Little brother!”

Gu Yue exclaimed subconsciously. Zhang Yichen turned around again.

At this time, although Zhang Yichen’s face had no expression.

But Gu Yue half-remembered the corpse child who was smiling at him.

Instantly frightened out a white sweat. Involuntarily hugged his arm. Suddenly, another dark wind blew over.

Along with this dark wind, there was a noise in the tomb. Bang!



The sound made by objects that seem to collide with each other. The sound seemed to come from above their heads.

Wu Tianzhen looked up.

Almost scared to pee.

Above their heads, there were densely packed corpses hanging upside down.

The bodies of these dried corpses were already black and purple, their flesh and skin were wrinkled and twisted together, and their feet were hanging upside down.

Head down, face withered, mouth wide open.

It was as if he had been tortured before he died. It looks horrifying!

They were suspended in the air by a thin rope.

As soon as the yin wind blew, it swayed in the air, and several corpses that were closer occasionally collided together, making a thumping sound.

Saw Wu Tianzhen looking up. Gu Yue raised her head semi-curiously.

The long hair of the ancient corpse fluttered in the air with the wind. Looking at Gu Yue’s half scalp was numb.

Where have Dr. Wen and Wu Ying seen this kind of scene? Instantly frightened into a cold sweat.

The black glasses looked calm.

“These have become dry corpses. It won’t get up the corpse! ”

“Dumb! Did you find something? ”

After speaking, he walked in the direction of Zhang Yichen. Wu Tianzhen and the others immediately followed. Take a look.

In front of them was a green bronze coffin.

The four corners of the bronze coffin lid are carved with a very strange unicorn head. The lid of the entire coffin is engraved with hideous demons.

Looking at the bronze coffin in front of him, Gu Yue couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit. The horror of the previous brain supplement has long been forgotten.

His eyes stared straight at the bronze coffin in front of him. For underground workers.

Nothing is more appealing than a coffin.

“Little brother, is this the main tomb?”

Wu Tianzhen frowned and asked. Zhang Yichen looked back at Wu Tianzhen and did not speak.

“It’s too shabby here, isn’t it? The main burial chamber doesn’t even have a funerary object! ”

“Little brother, it’s too strange here. Such a big palace has only a bronze coffin! ”

“Ancient technology is limited, and bronze is a precious thing. If you want to build such a large bronze coffin, it must be the power of the whole country. ”

“The unicorn ornament on it is the same as what we see in the sacrificial room. Presumably, the unicorn is the totem of this country. Can use totem decoration on the coffin, ordinary people are not worthy of enjoyment. The man in this coffin must be the most noble man in this country. ”

Dr. Wen said slowly.

“Dr. Wen, do you mean to say that this is King Plemmer’s coffin?”

“The specifications of this burial chamber, combined with the burial pit outside, and the hanging corpses on the top of the tomb, this must be the main burial chamber. This coffin should be! ”

Dr. Wen is extremely determined.

This bronze coffin is buried with the supreme ruler of the kingdom of Prome.

“Little brother, do you want to open the museum!”

Gu Yue half-turned her head to look at Zhang Yichen and asked for advice.

However, Zhang Yichen did not answer and went straight forward. Observe the unicorn ornament on the bronze coffin. This bronze coffin has been in this tomb for more than a thousand years.

Bronze has long been oxidized.

However, the pattern on the bronze coffin lid is extremely clear. It’s like it just painted.

These patterns look a little weird. Like some kind of symbol.

Although Zhang Yichen could not see the meaning of these symbols. But he recognized what the symbol was drawn from.

“Ink line sealing coffin?”


The black glasses frowned slightly, and glanced at Zhang Yichen.

“Black glasses, what is an ink-line coffin?”

“The ink line sealing coffin is made of black dog blood, glutinous rice, ink and thread, which has the effect of sealing demons and filth, and the talisman on this is the corpse talisman. The purpose of the corpse charm is to deter the corpse inside the coffin. And this talisman is drawn with ink lines. It can be seen that this coffin must be a murderous thing! ”

“Zongzi? Little brother minutes and seconds it! ”

Gu Yueban didn’t care, there was Zhang Yichen, let alone zongzi. Even the little ghosts are not a problem. Gu Yueban’s eyes stared straight at the bronze coffin in front of them.

“The things in this are very fierce, I’m afraid it can’t be dealt with easily!” Otherwise, the dumb would not have stared at this bronze coffin for so long. ”

“And this coffin is made of bronze, and the bronze coffin originally has the effect of raising the corpse and returning the soul.” It is estimated that now the things in this are already a strong mess. This coffin can’t be opened! ”

“So what to do? The coffin of King Plemer is in front of us. Are we going to give up like this? ”

Gu Yueban was a little unwilling.

It was hard to get to the last step. How can you give up lightly? What’s more, as a native master, how can he see the truth that the coffin cannot be opened. Gu Yueban gave Wu Tianzhen a look.

Wu Tianzhen immediately agreed.

“Little brother, legend has it that this King of Plemo had a jade seal in his hand. Can summon souls. Bring the dead back to life! Could it be inside this bronze coffin? ”

Zhang Yichen’s eyes kept staring at the ink line seal on the coffin lid. Black glasses is right.

Whether it is this ink thread or this talisman, it is to seal the great evil thing in the coffin! The talisman seal on this was obviously painted after the bronze coffin was sealed.

That explains.

They weren’t the first to arrive here.


There must have been a group of people who had entered here before them and opened this bronze coffin.

Came across what’s inside. Later, the contents of the coffin were sealed with ink line charms. That thing can be sealed. That said, it’s not very difficult to deal with.

Since someone has already been here. Is there still something in there?

Only by opening the bronze coffin can there be an answer to all this.

“Open the coffin!”

How can this matter be less than Gu Yue and a half. Zhang Yichen’s voice just fell.

Gu Yue took out the crowbar that had been prepared a long time ago.

Gu Yue half-approached the bronze coffin to see that there was only a very small slit at the seam of the file, and there was no way to get off the crowbar.

Then he circled around the bronze coffin again. It was found that this bronze coffin had nowhere to start.

“Naive, let’s see, is there any mechanism in this coffin?”

As soon as Wu Tianzhen was about to step forward, he was stopped by Zhang Yichen.

I don’t know when, a huge python head appeared above Gu Yueban’s head. A large red lantern hangs from the head of a python.

As its head moved, the red lantern flashed.

It looks particularly eerie under the glow of the green fire.

The python was pitch black throughout, and the scales on its body glowed green. The thick body like a bucket was submerged in the hanging corpse. This thing has been sleeping in this palace.

It should have just woken up.

It’s moving slowly. There was no attack.

“Why are you all stunned? This thing fat master can’t open alone? ”

Gu Yueban was still studying the bronze coffin. I didn’t notice everyone’s expressions at all. The audience in the live broadcast room was also frightened by this scene in front of them.

“What species is that?”

“Fat master: It’s always me who gets hurt every time!”

“Why is this thing so big?”

“The fat man’s size is not enough, this thing is stuffed between the teeth.”

“Are they going to be destroyed?”

“Is that a giant python?”

Wu Ying looked at the giant python in front of him and broke out in cold sweat. They once encountered a red sand python in the ruins.

Zhang Yichen and Gu Yueban took a lot of effort to deal with that red sand python. And this python is indeed twice the size of the red sand python.

Especially the scales that are hard as iron.

“Candle Nine Yin!”

Black glasses also discovered the presence of the python. I couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit. It turned out that the stone pillar in the center of the square was not carved with a giant python, but this candle Jiuyin. Candle Nine Yin.

In ancient times, people regarded this species as a dragon, also known as a candle dragon. In fact, this is just a huge poisonous snake from ancient times.

Legend has it that this species was used to refine oil for candle lighting in the Shun era, and it became extinct thousands of years ago.

It is also rumored that the eyes of Candle Jiuyin are long horizontally, and the thousand-year-old Candle Jiuyin eyes are connected to hell, and if you look at it, it will be possessed by evil spirits, and over time it will become a monster with a human head and snake body.

Everyone was puzzled how the legendary ancient species appeared in this tomb. I don’t know how long I lived for such a big candle Jiuyin?

At this time, Gu Yueban had already discovered everyone’s abnormality.

Wu Tianzhen gave Gu Yue a half-made look, indicating that there was danger.

Gu Yue nodded, subconsciously held his breath, and carefully retreated in the direction of everyone. Suddenly, the big red lantern swayed violently in the darkness a few times.

A chilling voice sounded.


Zhang Yichen knew that he was not good and roared.

In the next second, this candle nine yin swam towards them quickly. Raise the head of the snake and want to attack the mountain.

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