Wu Tianzhen turned his head and glanced at the black glasses.

I couldn’t see the expression under the black glasses on my face at all.

“Dumb! How about we form another team? ”

For the proposal of black glasses. Zhang Yichen often did not refuse.

Wu Tianzhen looked at the black glasses and Zhang Yichen in front of him with a puzzled expression. The black glasses yawned for days, and Zhang Yichen was already an old monk.

Seeing this, Elder Yang said, “Then I won’t disturb you to rest.” ”

“Wu Ying, Dr. Wen can’t go if he is injured, aren’t you curious about what the ghost meal looks like?”

Gu Yue half-came to Wu Ying’s side.

This kid has a good force value.

If you can talk about him to participate in the show this time. Exploring the ancient Dian Kingdom increases the odds.

Unexpectedly, Wu Ying directly rejected Gu Yueban’s proposal.

“I’m worth hundreds of millions no matter how I say it now. Don’t take any more risks! ”

Wu Ying’s words make sense.

They are already worth more than 100 million, how can they still play with their lives? Money is certainly attractive.

But I’m afraid I won’t be able to spend my life.

Thinking of this, Gu Yue regretted it for a while.

“Naive, aren’t we a little impulsive! Do you regret it now? ”

“There is a little brother, what are you afraid of!”

“Yes, black glasses are also good! The two of them will protect us! ”

At this time, the special plane of the program group has arrived.

“Little brother, do you want to go to my house and sit?”

Zhang Yichen did not refuse.

Since he activated the Qilin bloodline, the memories of his past life are gone. And in this life, Zhang Yichen’s life is somewhat tragic.

Both parents died.

He doesn’t usually have any friends. It’s also considered alone.

Zhang Yichen patted Wu Tianzhen’s shoulder, picked up his backpack and walked out of the base. Seeing this, Wu Tianzhen and Gu Yue followed with half joy.

They didn’t expect Zhang Yichen to agree so cheerfully. They just walked on the front foot.

On the back foot, the forbidden land adventure program team has already released heavy news.

“Our [Forbidden Expedition] program team has sought the consent of the contestants. Zhang Yichen, Wu Tianzhen, Gu Yueban, and Black Glasses will participate in a brand new adventure program produced by us. At that time, we will select two contestants to participate in the expedition program in the sea of a month… ”

This operation of the program group. Undoubtedly a gimmick.

Especially when the program group announced the news of the audition. It even made countless Dragon Kingdom audiences cheer.

Time, countless people began to sign up.

Even though there are only two places, the enthusiasm of the audience in the Dragon Kingdom has not diminished in the slightest. The registration channel has just opened.

In just one hour, more than 100 million Dragon Kingdom viewers signed up.

Of course, the danger in the forbidden land is extraordinary.

For those who can enter the audition, the Jie Zeng group will definitely be cautious. Zhang Yichen followed Wu Tianzhen back to Yu City.

…… Gu Yueban also followed.

Wu Shanju.

Look at the thin gold body in gold on the plaque. Zhang Yichen’s heart gave birth to a somewhat familiar feeling.

“Little brother, take a look! This is my industry. What do you think? ”


Zhang Yichen nodded.

This shop is quaint.

The double-open carvings are painted with bright red paint.

“Little brother, don’t look at the naïve shop, this shop is not big, but it is also famous in the realm of this Hangzhou City!”

Gu Yueban and Wu Tianzhen put their arms around Zhang Yichen’s shoulders left and right and entered Wu Shanju.

“Wang Meng! Tea! ”

Gu Yue shouted loudly as soon as she entered the courtyard. It seems that Gu Yueban is quite familiar with Wu Shanju.

Although the shop is not large, the decoration has a bit of a quaint taste. The goods in the shop look quite a lot.

But at first glance, they are all Xibei goods.

Occasionally there are a few genuine items, only a few scattered pieces, covered in glass cabinets and placed in the center. Although it looks quaint, it looks nondescript when put together.

As soon as Gu Yue sat down, he began to display the night pearl brought out of the ancient tomb of Pulmo.

“Naive, the goods in your shop are not very good!”

“Fat master, isn’t the bottom of the box in your hands?”

“Naive, what do you mean?”

“This night pearl is the little brother’s, you can’t swallow it alone!”

“Here you go!”

Zhang Yichen looked at Wu Tianzhen indifferently. Wu Tianzhen was a little uneasy in his heart.

This is an egg-sized pearl of the night. The minimum value is 3,000 upwards.

Something so valuable is said to be given?

Seeing this, Gu Yue’s eyes showed a hint of joy.

“Little brother, let’s go eat!”

Zhang Yichen nodded, then got up and walked towards the door. The three of them went out of the shop.

Wu Tianzhen drove his modified broken gold cup and pulled the brothers on the road. Soon, they were in the barbecue shop.

Compressed biscuits and compressed beef eaten in the forbidden land for so long. The birds have long faded out of the mouths of the three people.

Rai just came to the table.

The three began to gobble up the image regardless of the image. Less than half an hour.

The barbecue skewers in front of me were piled up in a big pile. I also drank a lot of beer.

After eating and drinking, the three returned to Wushanju.

The moonlight is beautiful.

All three were a little excited.

So, just start chatting in the courtyard.

“Fatty, you love money so much and fear death, why did you promise Yang Lao to go to the ancient Dian Kingdom?”

With Wu Tianzhen’s understanding of Gu Yuehan.

He certainly wasn’t because of the money.

After all, Gu Yueban’s account now has more than 100 million dragon coins. That’s not a lot of money, though.

But compared with ordinary people.

But you can also have food and clothing for a lifetime! Since he is already a brother born into death.

Gu Yue half-confessed the purpose of his trip to his brothers.

“Naive, I’ll show you something.”

Gu Yue half-faded his shirt.

A red eyeball-like pattern appeared on Gu Yueban’s right shoulder.

“Fatty, your tattoo is quite special?”

Wu Tianzhen couldn’t help but ridicule.

Zhang Yichen saw the pattern on Gu Yue’s half-right shoulder, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. This pattern Wu Tianzhen did not know, he was a slave very clear.

That’s the curse of the Ghost Cave Clan!

“Naive, your uncle’s! Fat master tell you business! ”

“It’s a curse!”

Zhang Yichen stared at the eyeball-like pattern with a blank look.


“The little brother is right, it’s a curse!”

Gu Yue half sat down and slowly spoke.

“In the ancient Western Regions, there is a ghost cave clan. Their tribe once lived deep in the Taklamakan Desert in the “Zagrama Mountains”, which means “mysterious” in ancient Uighur, and after living around the mountain for several years, a group of tribesmen accidentally discovered a bottomless place in the belly of the mountain

“Ghost Cave.”

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