If the tracked person sees Zhang Yichen on the open ground.

That’s a living target. You can be hit in minutes.

“Little brother, your brain show is funny? Come on! ”

In other words, Wu Tianzhen would never dare to say this. It’s just that the situation is too crisis.

Wu Tianzhen couldn’t care so much.

Zhang Yichen raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Tianzhen. There was no expression in his eyes. Soon, Zhang Yichen had an extra handful of pebbles in his hand.

Wu Tianzhen understood this.

Zhang Yichen: This is a dark weapon that is preparing to shoot


Several trackers behind him had already stormed the neighborhood.

Zhang Yichen grabbed Wu Tianzhen’s collar. A flying body disappeared into the corridor, after Wu Tianzhen reached a safe place.

Zhang Yichen jumped out quickly from the staircase. The figure soon disappeared around the corner of the residential building. As soon as the tracker sees the target.

Quickly chased over.

Zhang Yichen climbed the courtyard wall more than three meters high, and jumped into another residential building with a flexible figure. The cornice walker saw this scene and his jaw dropped in shock. Time forgot to put the gun.

Zhang Yichen easily dodged them. Until the target jumps into another residential building. These trackers only later learned.

Guns began to be fired at the courtyard wall, which was more than three meters high. Gunshots were heard.

The rest of the trackers were heading towards the residential building. Wu Tianzhen carefully observed the residential building where they were hiding. They are all small residential buildings.

The door-to-door kind.

There is a straight aisle in the middle.

It should be the staff dormitory of a certain unit. There are many large and small rooms, and almost every door has iron doors. Because of the age. These gates are already rusty. It’s easy to get in.

Wu Tianzhen gave Gu Yue a look.

“Naive, if we go in, there is really no way back for a long time.”

Gu Yueban disapproved of Wu Tianzhen’s idea.

If you really hide in. Reacted by that group of trackers. Surround them. That’s really a catch in a box.

Right now, the car is in ruins.

I don’t know how many more trackers there are. Wu Tianzhen glanced downstairs.

Two trackers have already entered the residential building. It’s too late, it’s fast!

Wu Tianzhen didn’t have time to think about it.

An iron door was kicked open. The moment the door opened.

A dark shadow flashed in quickly. Bang!

The iron door was slammed shut.

“Little brother!”

Zhang Yichen made a silent motion.

“Signal, they find a place to hide.”

Wu Tianzhen glanced at the room they were hiding from. Instantly dumbfounded.

It is a separate one bedroom house.

The room was empty. There is not even a hidden corner. The kitchen door is right opposite the door.

Don’t say it’s people.

There is not even a mouse to hide. Zhang Yichen asked them to hide behind the door.

He took a few steps back and slammed his foot against the wall. The body jumps gently.

The whole person climbed the ceiling like a spider. The limbs were fixed to the wall like 502 glue. At this time, there were footsteps in the corridor outside the door. The footsteps were light.

As soon as you hear it, you know that it is deliberately hidden. Immediately afterwards, the iron door was kicked open.

Two tall men with guns and cats walked in. The two were alert.

Back to back. At a glance, you can tell that it is a veteran.

After their figures were fully in the room.

Zhang Yichen rolled over and fell down, his body rotating one hundred and eighty degrees in the air. As soon as his feet were clamped, a tracker fainted. Before the other tracker could react.

The fingers of the two hairs came out lightly on his neck. Instantly lost consciousness. The rotating figure in mid-air is extremely fast!

Less than ten seconds before and after.

Two tall men crashed to the ground. Wu Tianzhen was stunned.

Suddenly, Wu Tianzhen found that he still knew too little about Zhang Yichen.

“Little brother! How did you do it? ”

“Naive, let’s go back and listen to the little brother slowly. Now the results matter most. ”

“Fortunately, you are not zongzi, otherwise your heads would have been divided long ago.”

Gu Yue half-picked up the gun underneath.

“Huh! Or military equipment! ”

As soon as he saw the gun, Gu Yueban’s eyes lit up, more excited than seeing the girl. He brought one handful, and handed the other to Zhang Yichen.

Xie Xiaojiu’s guy next to him was already frightened and incoherent.

“Little Third Master! Kill…… Kill! ”

“Wow! Hello, you are also Hua Ye’s person! Look at your sluggishness! ”

Gu Yue glanced at the little guy with half disdain.

“Don’t worry! They just fainted! ”


Zhang Yichen loaded the gun with a click. Hiding here is not a long-term solution.

It seems that a scuffle cannot be avoided.

The four had just run out of the residential building and were soon discovered by the trackers. Gunshots came from the opposite side.

Because there is bunker.

Gu Yue became excited when she heard the gunshot. Strafing began to strafe at the tracker on the opposite side. The opposite side is also not weak.

A heavy shooting began. The little guy squeaked in fright.

The fire on the opposite side was too fierce, and after a few rounds, Zhang Yichen and Gu Yueban were already out of bullets.

“As long as you hand over the things obediently. We can leave you with a whole corpse. ”

The tracker on the opposite side suddenly spoke.

Gu Yue scolded half-mouthed, and took the opportunity to poke his head out. A shot was fired at the lead tracker in the shoulder.

The leader’s right shoulder was instantly bloody.

Gu Yue looked at the leader with a grinning look on his face.

“Wow! I’m an empty gun! ”

Gu Yue was already out of bullets.

The shot just now was just to overwhelm the other party in terms of momentum.


The trackers on the opposite side let out a pig-killing scream one after another. Gu Yueban saw clearly that it was actually a dark weapon made by Zhang Yichen.

I don’t know what it is. I saw Zhang Yichen grab another handful from his pocket. Gu Yue was half curious and also took out a handful into Zhang Yichen’s pocket.

This is not a tight squeeze.

The shocked Gu Yue did not react for half a day.

This dark weapon is not a blade or something. It turned out to be a small pebble! Gu Yue looked at Zhang Yichen with a look of adoration.

At this time, Gu Yueban’s head was not faint. The cat bent down and began to pick up small pebbles on the ground.

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