Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 558: The Demonic Tower under the Dragon's Head

All legal and moral rules in human society are based on the natural laws of birth, aging, illness and death.

For example, reproduction is the most important part of human social activities, and a series of laws such as marriage laws have been established for this purpose.

There are also social benefits such as pension, education, medical care, and disability protection.

But once the foundation of human society is shaken, all of this will become meaningless!

All the orders established by mankind over thousands of years will be broken and rebuilt.

On the ruins, a brand new world will be born, and mankind will enter the age of immortality!

Everyone couldn't help but begin to imagine this ideal world, where everyone would have endless time, no longer be exhausted for life, and could do what they wanted to do.

Such a world is truly fair!

At least it seems so.

But at this moment, Ji Changsheng sneered and said lightly.

"What about those who failed?"

"Isn't their life life?"

As soon as these words came out, people suddenly woke up.

The success rate of the immortality test is extremely low, less than 10%. If Wang Zanghai succeeds, more than 90% of people will die in the immortality test, and only a handful of people will become members of the new world!

Ji Changsheng expressed disdain.

"Sacrificing the majority of people for the benefit of a very small number of people, can this kind of vision be called great?"

"How is that different from the United States' human eradication plan?"

It was a science fiction movie from Hollywood in the United States. The content was very simple. The top management of the United States suddenly had an idea and thought of a way to solve poverty and unemployment.

Kill all the poor people, and there will be no poor people in the United States. Long live!

A imaginative movie full of irony. The thoughts of the senior White House officials in the movie are similar to Wang Zanghai's.

Fatty had never seen the movie, but he knew what Ji Changsheng meant and immediately cursed.

"Wang Zanghai is such an old fox. I was almost fooled by his words. No wonder there are so many people following him!"

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"The people who follow him wholeheartedly are people who have achieved immortality, that is, people with vested interests. Of course they support the establishment of a new world."

"But they have not thought about the losers. Most people will not survive the new world. What will happen to those people? They are not human beings!"

These words directly exposed the beautiful lie spun by Wang Zanghai.

Sacrificing the majority for the benefit of a few, no matter what the final result, is not great!

Lie and Ah Sheng looked at each other. If it hadn't been for Ji Changsheng, they would have been tricked by Wang Zanghai all their lives.

A moment passed.

Ji Changsheng said again.

"Uncle Ming and the others don't worry, I have a way to stop the corpse transformation."

"In order to prevent the same thing from happening again, I must kill Wang Zanghai's remaining party, that Tianzhu man!"

When he said these words, Sabli, who was far away in the palace, seemed to feel a murderous aura that penetrated time and space, and couldn't help but shudder.

"Who is cursing me?"

Sabli looked up at the mural in front of him, sighed and said.

"Master, your plan coincides with the ancients thousands of years ago. The Demon Kingdom also attempted to build such a world, but unfortunately it failed."

"But don't worry, I will fulfill your will and create a new world!"

As he spoke, his eyes moved to the center of the mural.

On the mural, the majestic Zhang Qiling and Ji Changsheng are facing each other with swords, and they seem to be a pair of enemies.

A smug sneer appeared on Sabli's lips.

"Ji Changsheng, you would never have thought of this in your dreams."

"The person who will kill you in the end is right next to you!"

"As long as you die and I get the Muchen Bead, no one can stop the coming of the new world!"

The proud laughter resounded throughout the entire palace.

The whole night was silent until the next morning.

Ji Changsheng and his party packed up and headed to the center of the Shenluogou Glacier, where the demonic aura surged into the sky yesterday.

Hu Bayi made some calculations based on the description on the first day of the year and combined with Tianxing Feng Shui, and found that the place was the top of the dragon in Feng Shui.

The so-called Dragon Peak is the foundation of the Dragon Veins, an excellent treasure place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth accumulates.

There are various signs that the shrine is buried under the dragon's top!

Although the climate is extremely cold, fortunately, the glacier is flat and there are no mountains and ravines to block it, so it can travel very quickly.

It only took everyone two days to successfully reach Longding.

After a night's rest, under the leadership of Ji Changsheng, the team arrived at the top of the dragon.

The fat man looked at the endless glaciers and couldn't help but ask.

"Commander Hu, why do I feel that everything is the same everywhere? How did you calculate the position of the top of the dragon?"

Hu Bayi smiled while unloading the supplies from the yak.

"Do you want to take a Feng Shui class? I charge tuition for my lectures, not for free."

When the fat man heard this, he waved his hands quickly.

"Then there's no need. Fatty, I'm not afraid of anything, but I'm most afraid of going to class, not to mention having to pay."

"I don't want to spend money to suffer. Let's start digging."

The large amount of supplies prepared by Hu Bayi exerted a miraculous effect at this time.

Thousands of kilograms of ginger juice were poured on the ice, and hundreds of kilograms of salt were sprinkled.

Under the dual corrosive effects of ginger juice and salt, even ten-thousand-year-old black ice quickly fell apart and melted rapidly.

After the ice layer became thinner, several strong men swung pickaxes and chiseled through the ice layer in no time.

Under the ice layer was thick frozen soil, at least several meters thick of which was frozen and as hard as pig iron.

At this time, the old vinegar produced in Shanxi came into play. Thousands of kilograms of vinegar were poured down, and the frozen soil melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after.

The fat man stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The frozen soil was already as soft as a cake.

Everyone immediately rolled up their sleeves and was about to start working.

Ji Changsheng waved his hand.

"Save some physical strength. We don't need to do this rough work ourselves."

After that, several fat pangolins were released from the God's Space.

The sharp claws of pangolins can even dig through hard rock layers. It is so easy to dig this soft soil.

The effectiveness of a few pangolins is much higher than that of dozens of skilled workers.

There was a burst of flying dirt. In less than an hour, a pit with a diameter of one meter and a depth of ten meters was dug.

At this time, the pangolin below suddenly made a sharp cry, as if it was frightened.

Ji Changsheng's expression changed.

"I dug it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped into the pit.

When he came to the bottom of the pit, he found that the pangolin was not in danger, but had dug something hard and could not dig any more, so he asked his master for help.

Ji Changsheng leaned over, stretched out his hand to wipe away the dirt, and saw a green glazed roof appear in front of him.

"The top of the Qionglou is the Nine-story Demon Tower!"

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