Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 590 Where have all the people gone?

From what his younger brother told him, Ji Changsheng learned that the ancestors of the Zhang family had been involved with him thousands of years ago.

But why the ancestors of the Zhang family knew of his existence and what he left behind in the far north are still a mystery.

But there is no need to think about these in detail. After solving the ghost cave curse and the Tianzhu man, they will set off to the North Pole, and then the truth will be revealed.

After Ji Changsheng cleared his mind, he asked again.

"You said the secret of the Zhang family is about one person and one thing. That person is me. What is that thing?"

The younger brother's answer was not beyond his expectation.


The secret that the Zhang family has guarded for thousands of years is the ultimate in the world!

Ji Changsheng asked curiously.

"What is the ultimate?"

After thinking for a while, the younger brother replied.

"The ultimate is not a meteorite, nor is it an alien civilization. As you judge, this thing comes from the imaginary number space!"

"But unlike the Muchen Bead and the remains of the Snake God, the Ultimate is a more special existence."

"It's invisible!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned.

"Intangible? Isn't that invisible and intangible air?"

The little brother nodded.

"Yes, this thing exists in an incomprehensible way. To a certain extent, it is similar to a spiritual body. Human beings can only feel its existence using special methods."

Ji Changsheng blinked and said with some confusion.

"If that's the case, then why did the Zhang family build such a large bronze door?"

"Also, the murals in the Zhang Family Immortal Palace are ultimately made of bronze. If they are invisible, how can they be installed?"

This is my explanation.

The bronze vessels used by the Zhang family are not ordinary metal vessels, but a special material.

Bronze doors, hexagonal bells, the snake-eyebrow copper fish left by Wang Zanghai, and the bronze sacred tree from the Qinling Mountains are all made of this material.

This material has a magical power that can materialize the invisible!

The container made by the Zhang family using this material can turn the invisible ultimate into tangible matter!

Ji Changsheng suddenly realized that the mind copying ability of the Bronze Sacred Tree is to materialize thoughts!

"Then how did the Zhang family master this technology?"

The younger brother shook his head.

"These secrets are hidden in the far north, and I don't know them yet."

Ji Changsheng was slightly disappointed, but then asked again.

"If the ultimate is invisible, how did the ancestors of the Zhang family first discover the ultimate?"

The younger brother explained slowly.

Although the ultimate is invisible, its impact on the world is real. For example, where the ultimate is located, the weather will be abnormal, animals and plants will mutate, and even natural disasters will occur.

By observing these anomalies, the Zhang family learned about the existence of the ultimate and captured it in that container.

When Ji Changsheng heard this, he immediately understood.

In the ancient theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, there are some invisible things between heaven and earth that will affect the movement and changes of all things. These things are very abstract and are called Qi, or momentum, luck, and the like.

In short, these mysterious and mysterious things are invisible and intangible. People can only grasp the laws of their existence through the changes of things.

The ultimate is similar to these things, but it is the most special kind, and it can actually be captured by humans!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but admire the Zhang family's ancestors. The ancients more than three thousand years ago observed the world from a completely different perspective than modern people, and they discovered these special existences.

In this way, the Zhang family’s secret is not just the ultimate one!

Long before they discovered the ultimate, they had already mastered some means that transcended their time!

To know these secrets of the Zhang family, the only way is to go to the far north.

More importantly, how many secrets do the ancestors of the Zhang family know about him?

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng was full of curiosity about the Far North.

"Let's get things done here quickly, and then go to the North Pole!"

The younger brother nodded silently, with a trace of unbearability flashing in his eyes.

He knew that this heart-to-heart chat had relieved some of Ji Changsheng's doubts about him and relaxed his vigilance.

Only by using the secrets of the Far North to attract Ji Changsheng's attention can we create the best opportunity to strike!

But if he was really asked to attack Ji Changsheng, he seemed to be hesitant.

The most important thing is that there is a part of the message left by the ancestors of the Zhang family that he did not say.

This secret message is exactly the same as the ghost mother’s prophecy!

"If an unpredictable catastrophe occurs in this world, it must be directly related to Ji Changsheng!"

"Killing Ji Changsheng is the only solution!"

There is a deep helplessness in the ancestor's message.

"If this kind of disaster does not happen, we will take Ji Changsheng to the far north. If something unfortunate happens, we can only kill Ji Changsheng!"

The little brother felt melancholy that he had never experienced before, and a trace of tears flashed past the corners of his eyes.

"Mr. Ji, in order to protect this world, I'm sorry!"

At this moment, the fat man was heard shouting loudly in the distance.

"Brother, Mr. Ji, dinner is ready!"

The two of them gathered their mood and returned to the yard together.

Everyone has prepared a sumptuous meal. Except for the roasted striped dragon, all the other ingredients come from the kitchen.

There are yak meat, smoked and dried tripe, fresh vegetables and fruits, as if they were just picked from the fields.

Shirley Yang said while eating.

"Before entering the city, I saw a lot of farmland and vegetable fields around the city wall. There were various crops, vegetables and fruits growing in the fields. Someone must be farming."

"But the question is, where are these people hiding?"

After Wuxie swallowed a mouthful of beef, he quickly raised his hand and said.

"I know, I just thought about this issue carefully and have a guess."

"The people of the Demon Kingdom believe in the power of the abyss and worship the abyss, so their temple must be built underground!"

"Most of the residents in the city have hid in underground temples or went to perform certain sacrificial rituals."

Tiebang Lama's eyes lit up and he said.

"The notice posted at the city gate is to inform all the residents of the city to go to the temple to participate in a major ceremony. The benefactor's speculation is reasonable, and the poor monk thinks it must be the case!"

Hu Bayi expressed doubts and pointed at the pot.

"But dinner was still cooking in the pot, and every household had lights on. It was obvious that they were leaving in a hurry and had no time to clean up."

"If they are going to hold a ceremony, it won't be over in a short time. Aren't they afraid of causing a fire?"

As soon as these words came out, both Wuxie and Tiebang Lama were stunned. Hu Bayi's words were all reasonable.

So what's going on?

Everyone couldn't figure out why, so they all looked at Ji Changsheng.

"Mr. Ji, what do you think?"

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