Great Artist

Chapter 1000: Channel business


Channel business

Today's second update, please recommend, please subscribe! Sahua celebrates a thousand chapters!

If a video website is to be profitable, what is the most important problem to solve if it is not copyright? That is to let the companies that provide copyright make money, then there will be a steady stream of advertisers, and the companies' support for the website will continue to flow.

Until 2012, more than utu

e. In fact, including Tudou and Youku in China, they still haven't been able to solve this problem well. At least before the rebirth of Evan Bell, the copyright issue of the video website still remains, and the goal of the website's profitability has only taken the first step. Evan Bell's current thinking is based on the cognition in his memory and his own experience in the entertainment industry over the years, a plan summed up. Whether it is feasible still needs to be proved by practice, and Evan Bell is not very sure.

The so-called channel business is actually based on the form of TV channels. Evan Bell thinks, utu

The most attractive thing about e is that grassroots can make videos and show their talents through this platform. So what about the grass roots? Do various industries, organizations, and companies also need a platform? That is for sure. That's how the channel business came about.

News channels, cultural channels, sports channels, music channels... This is divided by category. In this category of channels, both companies and individuals can publish their own original videos in the channel, and viewers can choose or even subscribe according to their preferences.

In these channels, companies and individuals can create their own brands. For example, in the music channel, maybe Eleven Studio will set up a special area to release the studio videos shot inside the company; similarly, those interested in music Ordinary people, Bruno Mars, who has not yet debuted, can also set up a special area of ​​their own here to publish his creations.

The advantage of the channel is that unknown companies and grassroots do not have a professional team to run their own brands. After having a dedicated area for the channel, they can gather a large number of professional fans. Unlike before there was no channel, people were looking for a needle in a haystack. Now they can directly enter the channel to find their favorite stars.

Warner Channel, Fox Channel, Disney Channel, a

c channel, c

S channel, grassroots channel... This is divided according to the brand. In this category of channels, only companies that have reached a certain scale will pay utu

e After a certain fee, you can create your own channel and provide a variety of videos in the channel, including the company's video uploaded by the anonymous uploader, which will be automatically divided, including the self-made videos provided by the company's internal professionals. Of course, there are TV and movie shows produced by the company.


pop-up window


This channel is different from the first channel by category, this is the way to create an exclusive, authoritative, high quality, official channel. This also makes utu

e video for high-end areas. In addition to grassroots, people can enter their familiar channels and watch videos. And familiarity is not only for viewers, but for advertisers, it means stability, they can monitor the viewing rate of the channel, just like the viewing rate, and then place advertisements based on these data, which also makes utu

e's attractiveness to high-quality advertisers has risen rapidly.

Finally, each kind of channel has an affiliated channel "paid channel", as the name says, the videos in this channel must be paid for, just like is, for example, the rental fee of ninety-nine cents can rent a movie, there are Forty-eight hours of viewing time.

"Wait, wait, Evan, you're confusing me, how can there be so many channels, isn't this a complete confusion?" Sean Mayer only heard a bunch of channels, just now Evan -Bell said that it is estimated that there are more than 100 channels that can be produced before and after, and it feels like a big head just listening to it.

Evan Bell smiled. He is a little confused now, so the explanation is inevitably a bit complicated. "It's actually very simple. Let's take Eleven Studio as an example. For example, I shot a new music video. , then this mv can be divided into the music channel Evan Bell area, or it can be divided under channel 11. Of course, if I want to charge, this mv will also appear on the music channel and channel 11 at the same time in the paid channels below."

"Similarly, an unknown ordinary person filmed a video of himself singing 'Tianguang', and this song can appear on the music channel and also on the eleventh channel. Also, if he is very famous, the number of supporters exceeds a certain number Now, he can also appear on grassroots channels." Evan Bell explained further.

All uploaded videos are shared within the website, but they are divided into different categories according to their attributes, so that audiences who subscribe to a specific channel can find their favorite videos without looking for a needle in a haystack. The same video may only appear in one channel, or it may appear in multiple channels. This can be crossed. The point is not how the video comes back, but that the channel enables the audience to find a sense of belonging. Subscribing to a channel is equivalent to subscribing to a newspaper, forming a long-term specific viewing group and maximizing the function of video sharing.

"Click to enter utu

After e, you can see countless videos, and then you can choose the channel according to your preferences. For example, the largest channels are: original video channels and non-original video channels. This is the simplest division. As for the types of channels I just mentioned, they are subdivided and it depends on personal preferences. "In Evan Bell's view, this is the most direct way to retain the mass base and expand the influence of high-end companies.

If you are interested in a large movie company, you can watch it in the exclusive channel; if you don’t have a specific favorite object, you can watch it in the category channel; if you have a soft spot for original videos, you can directly select the largest category item. This basically satisfies everyone's preferences.

In this way, grassroots can have their own display platform, companies also have a brand new publicity platform, and advertising sponsors are also happy to see it. This is Evan Bell putting utu

A solution made by combining the two video sites e and hulu is not necessarily mature and needs to be improved, but for the profitability of video sharing sites, it will definitely make some improvements. As for the effectiveness of this "improvement", practice is needed.

Of course, these channels cannot all be released in the first place. In the beginning, utu

e still has to take the grass-roots route and build up the mass base. After reaching a certain scale and a certain number of videos, we will start to build up channels one after another. Evan Bell feels that Channel 11 can be established very quickly, and Teddy Swift and Bruno Mars can upload their usual practice videos to add a little performance experience.

"Grassroots channel, this is probably the most attractive channel." Eden Hudson grasped the point immediately, and in the huge amount of information Evan Bell had just now, he keenly captured this information.

According to Evan Bell's vision, generally speaking, videos uploaded by grassroots will be classified into classified channels, such as news channels, music channels, etc. If copyright issues are involved, this will be classified into brand channel. However, in addition to the fixed listening and following of the channel, viewers can also follow the uploader. When the number of followers of an uploader exceeds a certain number, it is considered a grass-roots celebrity, then they can enter the grass-roots channel. For ordinary people, this is an encouragement, a reward, and a goal, which will definitely encourage more and more people to make original videos.

However, the number of followers is more sensitive, because if all goes well, the number of followers will only continue to increase as the site grows, and the standards will also change. In this regard, Evan Bell has a plan that he doesn't know if it is feasible. "We can set a minimum standard in the grassroots channel, such as 10,000 followers. After entering the grassroots channel, we will divide the level. 10,000 people are One star, 100,000 people are two stars, and so on, the highest cap is ten stars. Because after a certain number of followers, there is no need to distinguish, and the huge fan base will allow their videos to get enough attention. "

This is indeed debatable, and whether it is feasible still needs to be discussed and discussed.

Copyright issues, advertising issues, revenue issues, Evan Bell has made a comprehensive plan, but whether it is feasible, Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson still need to be further investigated. But at least, now for utu

The development of e has a clear understanding. This also strengthened the idea of ​​Eden Hudson and Teddy Bell to build a video sharing website. The world of the future will definitely be dominated by the Internet. If the potential of video sharing sites can be fully realized, it will be invaluable.

In addition, if Eleven Studios invests in utu

If you are e, you can also cooperate with "Facebook" and reach a cooperation with Apple. These are very important, and can allow the Internet market to expand infinitely.

"In the early stage of development, expanding the mass base is the focus, but copyright issues and channel design must also be launched at the same This is estimated to be a very long plan." Evan Bell finally concluded, of course, , once the plan is successful, the impact is immeasurable. Pro channels in particular, if done right, will become mobile TVs that everyone can access via utu on their smartphone

e see content from professional channels, which is a perfect complement to modern fast-paced life.

"Huh, I can't believe that a distribution department thing turned out to be so troublesome." Sean Mayer couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Teddy Bell smiled, "It seems that Eleven Studio's lack of manpower can no longer continue. I hope this time we can successfully acquire the distribution company and find suitable management talents. Otherwise, I will be the only one in the distribution area. With Eden, it's probably going to be difficult."

Eden Hudson didn't speak, just glanced at Evan Bell. I don't want Evan Bell, but shrugged his shoulders and looked like he was shaking his hand, "I'm going to enter the crew soon, and then there will be the shooting of 'Little Sunshine', oh... I'm really busy, too busy. "Eden Hudson wants to kill Evan Bell with his eyes, which is estimated to be very difficult.

Outbreak asking for a monthly pass, asking for a subscription! Add more later! A thousand chapters, hehe!

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