Great Artist

Chapter 1021: goodbye teacher

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Standing on the streets of the city, breathing the air that only belongs to this city, you can explore the genes of the city along the veins of the buildings. In fact, in cities flooded with reinforced concrete, it is difficult to tell the difference between cities. Of course, London and Paris in Europe are quite different from New York and Vancouver in North America. But walking the city streets of New York and Los Angeles to get a feel for the city's DNA isn't easy.

However, if you calm down and integrate into the city, you can easily find that each city has its own unique color. Take New York and Los Angeles as a comparison, the high-rise buildings in New York are obviously much denser than Los Angeles, but the bad traffic in Los Angeles is even more troublesome than New York. Standing on the streets of the city, New Yorkers are busy and indifferent and Los Angeles people are comfortable. Enthusiasm is also a stark contrast. New York in the impression is a city, a complete city; Los Angeles in the impression is a coast, and the endless sunshine makes people dizzy. Of course, if you want to describe it, New York is a black and rainy winter, and Los Angeles is a sunny golden summer.

The breath of the city is contained in the lines of the streets, the height of the buildings, and the crowds of groups of citizens. Even New York and Boston can clearly feel the difference. It's not that big cities are all the same, they're all steel forests, but they don't feel attentively.

Standing at the intersection of Broadway Avenue, you only need to reach for a taxi. You can really taste the essence of the big city of New York. Yellow taxis are ready to arrive immediately. Very convenient, but please note that the "first come first" thing does not exist in New York taxis, "whoever gets in the car first belongs to whoever" is the truth. Therefore, often many people stand on the street and stop a taxi, but Cheng Yaojin, who is killed halfway, can only watch the taxi go away stupidly. Even if you are an old man or a child, even if you have a big bag in your hand, New Yorkers will not show mercy. I experienced a situation where a taxi was stopped once. You just came to New York.

For Evan Bell, who has lived in New York for more than fifteen years, this is naturally impossible. He knows that driving down Broadway at this point is definitely an act of self-siege, and the competition for taxis is even more It can be described as tragic. So he chose mass transportation - the subway.

Although New York's subway is very old, its convenience is undeniable, and what Evan Bell likes most is that it runs 24 hours a day, which is so convenient. Putting on a certain baseball cap, and then standing in the carriage with your head bowed, is the best cover in the crowded subway, and no one will notice whether the person around you is Evan Bell. However, Evan Bell is tall. He had to bow his head a little and be careful not to rub off the baseball cap, otherwise it would be bad. Fortunately, this tragedy did not happen today.

People walking on Broadway come and go in a hurry, as if they are rushing to save the world, but they don't know that, in fact, many times, they can only see the beauty of the world by slowing down. Evan Bell was also a member of "Save the World" in his last life and missed countless good things. Fortunately. He has a second chance.

Evan Bell pressed his hat and walked in the direction of the Broadway Theater. He made a special trip today to visit his teacher, Travie Nann.

Evan Bell spent a lot of time yesterday discussing the "Prison Break" script with Sean Mayer, which surprised Evan Bell. Paul Schurling still has a lot of information to write, listen to Sean Mayer say. Before, because of lack of money, Paul Schurling had no way to go to the prison to do a field trip, so this aspect is still not vivid enough. Recently, Paul Schurling was funded by Eleven Studios and was on a field trip to several different prisons, and he will add to the script when he returns. So, Evan ~~- update first~~ Bell also shared what he learned through "prison situation".

Although the production of "Prison Break" this time is basically a finalized work, Evan Bell's sense of participation in it is not strong, but in the producer column, Teddy Bell, Evan Bell and Evan Bell are still filled in. Bell and Paul Schurling are three names, Teddy Bell knows Evan Bell's keen intuition for the script, not to mention that Evan Bell's focus on "Prison Situation" was stronger than him. Therefore, in terms of the script, I still sought the opinion of Evan Bell, hoping to produce a high-quality and high-level work.

After the "prison break" thing came to an end, Sean Mayer actually took out another proposal. After Evan Bell saw this proposal, he didn't make a decision right away. He hesitated again and again, and decided to find his mentor.

At the entrance of the Broadway Theater, the huge poster of "Ham Rider" is very eye-catching, and the head of Penn Lecce occupies the middle position, obviously the starring role. Payne Lecce is really a long-lost name. Now, Payne Lecce, who is dedicated to the development of Broadway, has become one of the most famous actors on Broadway. Although his role is somewhat limited, he has never been able to break through himself. But it is undeniable that among the new generation of drama actors, he has been among the top.

Evan Bell hasn't come over for too long, and the guard at the door has been replaced. An uncle in his forties doesn't allow Evan Bell to go in without a pass at all. Fortunately, Evan Bell spent nearly ten years of youth here, and naturally he has his way. Going around to the back of the building, it is easy to enter the theater through the back door.

As far as Evan Bell knows, Travie Nunn has not been directing dramas recently. After rehearsing three dramas in a row, his body issued a warning, so he chose to rest for a while. But I didn't expect that half a year had passed since this break. However, even without directing plays, Travie-Nun is currently the top play director, and is also an excellent songwriter: the classic "Memories" in "Cats" was his work, so special Ravi-Nan was still present at rehearsals as a supervisor, doing his best for his colleagues.

Evan Bell knew that, in fact, Travie Nunn was just inseparable from the stage he loved most.

"Payne, haven't you eaten breakfast? Why do you look like you have no strength?" Travie-Nan's angry voice came out very clearly in the rehearsal room. Evan Bell couldn't help laughing.

Travie-Nan has always been like this, and his commitment to the rehearsal process never diminishes. Judging from the current time, it should be the time when the actors have just arrived to warm up. We all know that when the warm-up is not active, it is very easy to get injured during the performance. No wonder Travie-Nan is so strict. It's just that I don't know if Payne Lecce, who has now become a big name, is still under discipline.

Evan Bell walked to the door, only to see the back of Payne Lecce turning away, he went to the corner next to him to press his leg. Judging from his actions, he was still working hard to warm up, but he probably felt that he couldn't save his face, and he didn't dare to talk back to Travi Nahn directly. He was protesting in this way. After not seeing him for many years, it seems that Penn Lecce still hasn't changed much.

It's just that Evan Bell couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the back of Travie Nahn. It's a cruel thing to let Travie Nunn be idle for half a year because of his love for Broadway. He hopes to stand in front of the stage and work hard to rehearse a wonderful play, not to stand in the rehearsal room to help colleagues supervise the warm-up exercise. I haven't seen each other for almost two years. Although there has been contact, it is different without seeing each other. Evan Bell feels that the teacher seems to be much older.

Evan Bell stood at the door of the rehearsal room and knocked on the door, looking frightened, "Sorry, Mr. Nann, I'm late."

"Late! You know, run five laps around the room first." Travi-Nan said directly without turning his head.

Only a few people in the rehearsal room turned their heads, all looking like they were gloating, presumably wanting to see which hapless person was late. But seeing the figure standing at the door, the movements of many people stopped.

"Sir, isn't it three laps? Why five laps?" This can be changed from the corporal punishment in Evan Bell's memory.

Travie-Nan also noticed the pause in the movements of a small number of people, and now hearing this again, he couldn't help but get angry, "What you say is what I say!" The words stopped here, "Evan?"

"Hehe, sir, of course it's up to you." Evan Bell walked in with a smile, "but, can I change into my training clothes first? I want to warm up in jeans, you should take me to the bathroom Let's shower down."

Evan Bell gave Travie Nahn a big hug, which made Travi Nahn a little overwhelmed, "I know you are very eloquent, so you don't have to show it in front of room Everyone's movements stopped. Evan Bell is a disciple of Travie Nahn, this matter is not a secret in the entire Broadway, and now Evan Bell has not appeared in more works on Broadway, But he is a legend here, his diligence, his talent, his indulgence, there are always various sayings here. But who would have thought that Evan Bell, a real person, could be seen here today. This is really a big surprise.

"Hey, Payne! Hey, everyone..." Evan Bell waved to greet everyone, the actor he was familiar with was only Payne Lecce in the corner, so he could only say hello like this.

Payne Lecce stood there, paused for a while, then raised his hand and waved to Evan Bell, but said nothing, his expression was very calm.

"What are you looking at! You guys continue to warm up!" Travie-Nan couldn't help shouting loudly when he saw that everyone was stunned. Then he turned his head and complained to Evan Bell for a while, "You go out and hinder my work." Then he drove Evan Bell outside.

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