Great Artist

Chapter 1028: special meaning

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When you think of Washington Square, people think of Greenwich Village, they think of New York University, they think of Thompson Street and Christopher Street, they think of Wilde's Bookstore, they think of the East Village, they think of punks and experimental theaters. This square surrounded by freedom and art always has endless stories waiting for people to explore.

For Evan Bell's fans, Washington Square also has a special meaning. Evan Bell, who took off again after the slander incident, released the song "Sky Light (ent on Washington Square. 's song, created the first milestone of Evan Bell's live miracle.

And today, Washington Square has once again become the scene of Egypt~~--net-update first~~ Wen-Bell fans carnival. Since the Oscars, Evan Bell has disappeared from the public eye for nearly four months before and after, although everyone knows that Evan Bell is shooting "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" singles are also released one after another, but in It is always a pity not to see Evan Bell in the lively entertainment circle. This time, in order to give back to the fans for their support for "So Beautiful (u', "Only Tonight", "Ship Night", and also to impact Evan Bell's 20th Billboard number one single record, so , Washington Square ushered in Evan Bell's fan meeting.

As one of Evan Bell's earliest fans, Raisa Rosie has been following Evan Bell for four years without knowing it. She also officially graduated from Columbia University and entered the workplace. It can be said that Evan Bell Accompanying her throughout her college career. At first, Reza Rosie was just a calm fan, she just liked Evan Bell's music. She didn't like other fans to show her support at the signing and meeting. She prefers to express her inner emotions through practical actions like buying an album.

But it's only since she felt the enthusiasm of her fans up close a few times that she really felt why so many fans like to gather together. Tell Evan Bell in the most direct way: We love you. Their group of fans and movie fans, who were originally strangers, gathered together because they liked Evan Bell. They had the same language and the same topic. They would laugh and laugh because of Evan Bell's music. sad. It's a heartfelt resonance.

Although Reza Rosie still won't run around the world like those crazy fans, just to support Evan Bell; nor will she keep a guard at 11 Princes Street just to see Evan Bell. Week... But, if given the chance, Reza Rosie would still be willing to go to the fan meeting to share the joy between fans and experience the shock of Evan Bell's live performance.

today. Another chance. Well, it's a weekend. Otherwise, if you have to ask for leave from the company or something, Reza Rosie may not be able to go.

Thanks to experience. Risha Rosie, smarter than ever, arrived at Washington Square at eleven o'clock with her lunch, a burger set. At this time, there were about 200 people gathered in the square, not too small but not too much. After lunch time, the crowd will increase exponentially, and it will not be so easy to find a seat in the front row.

The stage has been set up, and the entire background is the cover of the single "Ships at Night". The faint orange light in the pitch black holds up a small piece of heaven and earth. People who don't know will be confused when they pass by.

Everyone around was talking about something very unfamiliar to Risa Rosie, but she didn't panic. He stopped, and soon found a familiar face. "So, what exactly are you talking about?"

"Oh, Reza, you don't know that, right?" Standing next to Reza Rosie was a junior at Columbia University. Caroline Seiya, looking at the queen's expression on her face, it's hard to imagine that when she saw Evan Bell, she was completely crazy.

Eric Benjamin is standing opposite. He is a senior at New York University and has just found an internship not long ago. "Carol, it's not like you don't know, Ressa was probably working overtime last night, so how can you find out about these things? ." Caroline Seiya pouted and rolled her eyes arrogantly. People who don't know will definitely be spoiled by her expression, but for their familiar friends, they are all too familiar.

Seeing that Caroline Seiya had no plans to explain at all, Eric Benjamin said excitedly, "You really should have a look on Youtube, Evan was at the junction of Broadway and Thirty-eighth Street yesterday morning, There was an impromptu gig, and he sang two new songs--I heard he wrote it in less than fifteen minutes after listening to a story about an Irish couple--as always, these two new songs were simply Good to hear but not enough. The click rate of the video has exceeded 800,000, and it is estimated that when you go back to watch it, it will be one million. "

"Wait, utube? You mean, the video site under Eleven? When did there get so many people?" Reza Rosie found that after working for a while, it seemed that she couldn't keep up with the speed of change in the world.

Caroline Seiya looked right, "Of course, otherwise? Evan has two million fans on 'Facebook'. This is not a normal thing."

Eric Benjamin ignored Caroline Seiya. Anyway, for Caroline Seia, everything about Evan Bell is taken for granted, and there is no need to explain. "utube has reached a cooperation agreement with 'facebook' and apple respectively, embedding a link on the 'facebook' page, and apple has also established a fan channel on utube to provide the same preferential policies as the 'facebook' group. So utube The attention of the company has risen rapidly, and it has already caught up with the video sites of Google and Yahoo."

"Wow." Ressa Rosie couldn't help but sigh, but she quickly pulled her gaze back to the video again. "So, what new song? Did Evan put a trial link on Eleven Blog?"

"No, but he put the video link of utube, and the fans of the person who uploaded the video increased by 80,000 people overnight, oh hoo hoo." Caroline Seiya couldn't wait to say "a song called 'Just Like the First Time' See" a song called 'American Secret'. Oh. God, it's really good to hear that makes people melt. "

"Yes, those two songs are really so good, I still can't believe it. Evan's music is really intoxicating." Eric Benjamin almost didn't make the appearance of holding his heart with both hands. The admiration of the face "Unfortunately, Evan said that these two songs will be included in 'Four'. It is estimated that they will not be released within this year..."

Seeing that Eric Benjamin was going to continue to nag, Reza Rosie nodded, "Yes. Evan will be filming this year, and there is not so much time to release a new album." But she was also a little absent-minded. , because she's starting to look forward to those two songs too, as Evan Bell always does, he's an endless treasure that keeps surprising people.

"Never mind, let's wait until the new album is released. How are you, are you excited today?" Caroline Seia drew the attention of both of them back. "This is a milestone day for Evan. Overtaking the Beatles and becoming the number one person in Billboard's 100-year history. Gee, that's a great title."

In Billboard's nearly century-long history, there are many records, among which the record of the artist with the most number one singles has been linked to the Beatles, the greatest rock band of the last century, from 1964 to 1970, for six years before and after , won 20 champion singles, laughing proudly. In second place is Maria Kay, her number one number 18 is eighteen.

Currently, Evan Bell has nineteen number one singles. If "Night Ship" tops the latest Billboard charts to be released tomorrow, it will be Evan Bell's twentieth number-one single, tied with the Beatles for number one in history.

"More importantly, this is Evan's third album, followed by countless singles, surpassing the Beatles. Isn't it a matter of time?" Caroline Seia said triumphantly, She had been looking forward to the day when "Ent" broke the record for the longest championship week, putting the record in Evan Bell's name; when Evan Bell had three consecutive albums and The single topped the double chart at the same time, becoming the first person in history; when "two" became the album with the most number one singles in the same album... Caroline Seiya knew that this day would come sooner or later. Therefore, today's fan meeting in Washington Square does have a special meaning, a very special commemorative meaning.

"When was Evan's first single released?" Raisa-Rosie asked curiously, her memory for such details has always been weak.

"April 1, 2001." The two loyalists next to him gave the most accurate answer right away. After Caroline Seiya finished speaking, she also grabbed in front of Eric Benjamin and said, "If 'Ship Night Cruise' wins the championship Evan will only have 20 number one singles. It's been four years and nine weeks, which is a full one-third shorter than the Beatles!" Looking at the smug look on her face, it was as if she was the one who made history. But Reza Rosie knew that there was no difference, she was in a state of madness for everything about Evan Bell.

"Hey, the extrajudicial fanatics are here." Reza Rosie saw the crowd walking by the side of the stage and recognized them at a glance. It was Evan Bell's exclusive accompaniment band, the extrajudicial fanatics.

"Ah, Diego, Callisto..." Caroline Seia immediately went into crazy mode and shouted to the side stage.

Ressa Rosie asked with a puzzled look, "Isn't she the one who likes ebner the most?"

Eric Benjamin reluctantly said, "She recently discovered that twin brothers are the most loving, the elder brother loves the younger brother, the younger brother worships the elder brother and so on..."


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