Great Artist

Chapter 1047: Issuing department

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Thomas Lansing looked at the "stupid" sign on the door of the conference room and had to admit that he seemed really old, because he couldn't understand why young people called the conference room "stupid". But seeing this name, what appeared in his mind was neither absurd nor angry, but a spontaneous smile, the kind of smile that makes people want to laugh out loud.

So, when Thomas Lansing pushed open the conference room door, he was full of smiles and met Kurt Laporte.

Kurt Laporte, a young man of only thirty-five years old, is considered a junior in the field of producers, or the head of a film company, even if Thomas Lansing is forty-five years old , is still regarded as the representative of the Young Zhuang faction. Of course, in front of Evan Bell's twenty-two-year-old age, everything will turn into clouds.

Today, Kurt Laporte looks very relaxed, with a smoky gray polka-dot shirt and a pair of black suit pants. It will not be too old-fashioned and serious, nor too lively and bright, but it is very suitable for his age. Kurt Laporte is a very friendly person. He doesn't look amazingly handsome, but he gives the impression of being gentle and friendly, with a refined smile and a personable demeanor.

When Thomas Lansing was looking at Kurt Laporte, Kurt Laporte was looking at Thomas Lansing. Today Thomas Lansing chose a black shirt and paired it with black trousers. The all-black outfit is not. The scent is brought out. At the age of forty-five years, a little belly is inevitable, but it will not be very prominent. The slightly convex belly is well decorated by the shirt, and the overall shape gives a strange "youthful vitality" . It feels like Thomas Lansing should be a character who can mingle with young people.

"How's it going? Isn't this dress good?" Thomas Lansing was the first to speak. "It's the 'Eleven' men's dress, only God knows. It took me three months to put on this shirt. ." Just the first meeting, Thomas Lansing managed to liven up the slightly dull atmosphere in the conference room, "First meeting. Thomas Lansing."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kurt Laporte." Kurt Laporte's voice just came out. Before the two could shake hands, there was a knock at the door, and Thomas Lansing turned his head and said casually. Said, "Please come in."

A man in a white shirt and black trousers opened the door and walked in, and saw two people standing ready to shake hands. He nodded politely, "Good morning, I'm Tye Case." The man's voice was relatively low, and a little magnetic, and he felt very calm and calm. Of course, this can also be seen from his modest dressing.

"Oh, you must be Case of Conch Pictures, right? I'm Thomas Lansing." Thomas Lansing, the eldest and liveliest, was the first to speak.

It was Ty Keith from Conch Pictures. Unexpectedly, Teddy Bell actually dug him over.

"Mr. Lansing, it's a pleasure to meet you." Tye Keyes spoke in a completely normal manner. After speaking, there are no more lines, just politely looking at Kurt Laporte. He should be the youngest present, but also the most calm one.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Teddy Bell's honest and handsome face appeared in front of everyone, "Huh, everyone is here. Sorry, I got stuck on the 10th just now." Teddy Bell patted Tei Keys on the shoulder, then walked to the conference table, found a random spot and sat down. "Sit down first, wherever you want. By the way, don't be alarmed if someone breaks in while we're in a meeting, that's our company style. Evan experienced that at Pixar, and when he came back It has always been so.”

"Oh. Look at me, I know all three of you, but I forgot to introduce you." Teddy Bell looked at Kurt Laporte and Tye Case who were still standing, and realized that he Actually forgot this most important part. "This is Thomas Lansing, this is Kurt Laporte, this is Tey Keys. First of all, welcome to Studio Eleven and hope you enjoy your time at the studio."

After introducing each other, everyone sat down, and Teddy Bell didn't talk too much nonsense, and went directly to the topic, "As you know, and as reported by the media, Eleven Studio is now establishing a distribution department. , Now that our preliminary work has been completed, the next step is to sign agreements with major theater chains in the name of Eleven Studios to establish distribution channels. You know, there is not much time left for us. Next There is a lot of work. So, let me introduce your work first, if there are any questions, I will raise them immediately, otherwise our meeting can start today. "

"Isn't the meeting already started? You gave us a lot of information just now, and my brain, which has not been functioning for a while, is trying to digest it." Thomas Lansing said with a smile, trying to liven up the scene. atmosphere. Kurt Laporte showed a gentleman's smile, but Tye Case still looked serious.

Teddy Bell chuckled, "You must have a lot of curiosity about Studio Eleven, but we will have a lot of time to get to know each other slowly, so I will omit this part. Of course, if you have If you are interested, after the meeting, you can visit on the 9th and 10th, I think everyone will be very happy to be your guide, after all, this is an honest way to escape from work, isn't it?"

Without the shrewdness in the business field, when he was in Studio Eleven, Teddy Bell was like a big boy next door, with a bright smile, and he could easily win everyone's favor. Even Tei Keys' serious expression relaxed a lot.

"That's right, No. 9, Prince Street, where we are now, is the working base of Eleven Productions, and it is also where you will work in the future. Eleventh Productions include film, television, distribution and other departments, and No. 10 next door is music. , the base of the design and legal departments, our brokerage business is basically in Los Angeles, and Shawn Mayer is in charge." Teddy Bell gave a brief introduction to the newly expanded Eleven Studio, "Thomas, Kurt, I will give you the responsibility after the eleventh production. At present, I have a backup of the projects in the eleventh production. I will give it to you in a while. You two will work together to operate the entire department. I It's better for this layman to stand by and watch."

Before that, Teddy Bell was in charge of Eleven production, but to be honest, he was indeed a layman, and he was in charge of coordination at times. Now there are professionals, and it is handed over to Thomas Lansing and Kurt- Laporte, of course, is a better choice. And Teddy Bell will return to the position of CEO of Eleven Studios, responsible for the macro operation of the entire studio, so that he can also spend more time with Evan Bell.

"Tey, the release department has just been established. I know there is a lot of work, but this is your responsibility. In the next few months, I, Thomas, and Kurt will all accept your dispatch." Teddy Bell continued, this time The real core of Eleven's studio expansion, Eleven's release, will go to Tye Case. The reason why Teddy Bell bought Conch Pictures is because Tye Case has a very good personal friendship and partnership with the world's second largest cinema group. In addition, Tee-Case, the No. 1 art theater chain landmark company in the United States, also has excellent friendship. So, don't look at the fact that Ty Keys is only 31 years old today, and handing over the distribution department to Ty Keys is definitely a right decision to play his role.

With the joining of these three talents, the whole context of Eleven Studio became clear immediately. Eleven production was handed over to the three newly joined members. Eleven design was still managed by James Frank, and Eleven's agent was now Sean. - Mayer has done a great job, 10 Princes Street with Andre Lindbergh and Philip Lawrence no problem, plus Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson for the big picture, even if it's a job There is absolutely no problem in expanding the room, such as the successful acquisition of Pixar or something else.

Tei-Keys nodded and didn't refuse. I think he also had a clear understanding of his work after entering Studio Eleven, "So, how tight are we on time?" Tei-Keys remembered clearly , Teddy Bell said just now that they didn't have much time, and he knew right away that the distribution department would be up and running soon. But now, the acquisition has just been completed, and he has no time to complete the integration, let alone negotiate a new agreement with the So, Tye Case must have a clear understanding of the situation.

With just one sentence, Tye Keys reassured Thomas Lansing and Kurt Laporte. They didn't talk nonsense anymore, Qi Qi looked at Teddy Bell.

"The situation is like this, first of all, there is a TV series called 'Prison Break' and a film called 'High School Musical' is preparing to be put into production, which is the top priority of Eleven Productions, and our production staff is somewhat short. However, this I already have a draft of the problem, and I'm starting to work on it, and we'll have a separate meeting to solve it in a while." Teddy Bell said to Thomas Lansing and Kurt Laporte, and after getting a nod in response, Teddy - Bell went on to say, "Then, we have three releases that we plan to do ourselves."

Three! A distribution department that has just been established is facing huge challenges, and the three people in front of them all realize how busy the next work will be.

"The first part is 'Brokeback Mountain', we plan to participate in the Venice Film Festival, the Toronto Film Festival, and then it will be released; the second part is 'Little Miss Sunshine', Evan is sure that it will be finished tomorrow; the last part is still in preparation in 'High School Musical'."

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