Great Artist

Chapter 1060: Guest from afar

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Twenty-two years and eight months have passed since his rebirth. Although he grew up in the European and American worlds all his life, the Chinese complex in Evan Belling's depths still exists. Waiting for the first love in "Love Notebook", telling a growth story from an objective point of view in "Mysterious Skin", and understanding the concept of family in "Little Sunshine", you can actually see that Evan Bell is deeply influenced by Confucian culture. traces of influence. Of course, it has been thirty years in the last life, and twenty-two years in this life. It is difficult to separate the concepts of East and West in Evan Bell's mind.

However, when I suddenly heard Teddy Bell say that a Chinese film company was looking for him to film, Evan Bell suddenly had an illusion, and couldn't tell whether it was an illusion in a previous life or this one.

Before that, Evan Bell had three involvements with Chinese films, once at the Sundance Film Festival, "Death Illusion" and "My Father and Mother" were exhibited together; once at the Berlin Film Festival, "Adapted Screenplay" and "Heroes" were exhibited together; once at the Venice Film Festival, "Mysterious Skin" and "The World" were exhibited together. Three times it took place on a festival stage, and Evan Bell's ability to speak fluent Chinese - as well as German, French and Spanish - is not news.

The Chinese media have also been reporting on Evan Bell's deeds before. This young man's love for Chinese culture, which is popular all over the world, has been reported over and over again in the Chinese media many times. And the fact that Evan Bell has Chinese blood is already a thing of the past. Although the Chinese media repeatedly mentioned Evan Bell. I always like to exaggerate, but I have to admit that the intersection of Evan Bell and Chinese films is infinitely close to zero, but he is not very interested in Chinese films.

Evan Bell clearly knows that he is not the savior of the world. He has limited ability to change the big quagmire of Chinese movies, and it is impossible to change anything at all, and Hong Kong movies, which have long since declined, have not been able to create brilliance again. So, Evan Bell is really interested in Chinese movies without pop-up windows and without ads. He has no idea at all about being the savior of Chinese movies.

Therefore, this time, Huayi Brothers will find Evan Bell, which is indeed a bit confusing.

For filming Chinese films. Evan Bell really has no time. No matter what the script is, it must be postponed. Now the most important thing is "perfume"; secondly, he has no interest. Evan Bell recalled carefully, what movies would come to him to shoot in 2006, "Golden Armor in the City", "Ink Attack", "Night Banquet", "Huo Yuanjia"... Evan Bell can come up with A whole bunch of names, and of course the "Wuji" that made the entire Chinese internet laugh. But after thinking about it for a while, I didn't think any movie would come to me. These works are all based on ancient Chinese history, and suddenly they took on the role of a foreigner. Doesn't it feel awkward? If you want to say that Evan Bell is most impressed by the Chinese film in 2006, it is "Crazy Stone", but this original low-cost production, it is impossible to find foreigners to star in it. Will Wen Bell play the killer who "slaps your lungs"?

Evan Bell was really confused for a while. He didn't know what medicine Huayi Brothers sold in the gourd. Speaking of plans to align with international standards...

Although Evan Bell has no interest. But this is the first time that a film producer from his hometown has come to the door, and he has come to the door three times before and after. With such sincerity, Evan Bell agreed to the meeting.

For Teddy Bell, it doesn't really make much difference which country's film company is. In fact, there are also British film companies one after another who want to invite Evan Bell to star in their works, but because all of Evan Bell's previous works were invested by American film companies. So they are not very active. This time Bernard Isenger contributed to Evan Bell's first European and American cooperation work. In the future, invitations from European film companies will gradually increase. After all, Evan Bell's talent in language has also broadened his play. a lot. This time, the presence of Chinese film companies is a signal.

Evan Bell met with representatives of Huayi Brothers the next day. There were three representatives who came to No. 9 Prince Street, an American Scott Joy, a Chinese Qiu Anping, and an accompanying translator, Zhang Chunxiao, an international student from New York University. The main person in charge of this trip is Scott Joy, who is the partner of Huayi Brothers in the United States. Although Evan Bell is fluent in Chinese, it is more convenient to communicate in English because of the discussion of works. Anping came here as an explanation of the story.

As the world's top artist at present, Evan Bell's handsome face has appeared on almost any entertainment media. There must be many people in the circle who don't like Evan Bell, but if they don't know Evan Bell Yes, that's a handful. But even so, seeing this unexpectedly young boy in front of him still left the three of them stunned.

Evan Bell was wearing a warm yellow T-shirt, a dark green medium kù, and a pair of light blue skate shoes of Vance with a round head. Looking at it like that, it looks like a sunny boy who just came back from skateboarding with his friends. He greeted the three of them with a bright smile, his fluent Chinese, and the Beijing accent that is both familiar and unfamiliar, really makes people feel Some shaking. In a trance, I only felt that this teenager was just an ordinary big boy next door, and it was very difficult to connect him with Evan Bell, who was charismatic and charismatic on the stage.

Have friends come from afar.

Although the two Chinese faces in front of me are not Evan Bell's friends at all, and it's just the first time they met today, Evan Bell still feels very cordial. Facing Qiu Anping's polite words to thank Evan Bell for his willingness to meet them, Evan Bell said with a smile, "In ancient times, Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang to come out of the cottage, and you are willing to visit me three times, which is a great honor for me. "Evan Bell said this sentence in Chinese, and it also quoted an allusion, which made Qiu Anping and Zhang Chunxiao look surprised again.

But that's the end of Evan Bell's use of Chinese. After all, this is an occasion to talk about cooperation. Scott Joy, Teddy Bell and Evan Bell who can call the shots all use English, so English is still more appropriate. of. Qiu Anping once studied in Hawaii, and his English is actually ok. Not to mention Zhang Chunxiao, who has lived in New York for three years, and his English is naturally no problem.

After saying hello, Scott Joy took over the hosting baton and took the lead in handing his business card to the Bell brothers. As an agent, even if the negotiation was unsuccessful, he could develop with Eleven Studio. Some cooperative relationships could not be better. Naturally, we must seize this rare opportunity.

"Mr. Bell, thank you for your willingness to meet us." Scott Joy didn't understand their Chinese conversation just now, and Zhang Chunxiao's translation had not yet had time to speak. This formal conversation began, so he said it again. "We now have a great script in our hands. Whether it's a story, a director, or an investment, it's the top commercial blockbuster in China. I know that Mr. Bell has always attached great importance to the script and characters, but I I think this script will never let you down, so we have been working hard, I hope you can watch this script."

Evan Bell pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Actually, Teddy has read the script, and he mentioned it to me. But since you insist so much, I think I should also read the script, maybe me and Tai Dee will feel differently when he sees the script." Evan Bell's words are deeper, he is saying that Teddy Bell can represent his opinion, and it is estimated that even if the script is sent to him, he will not There are different results.

Both Scott Joy and Zhang Chunxiao understood the meaning of this sentence. Zhang Chunxiao explained it to Qiu Anping in a low voice, but Scott Joy felt a little lost. He knew that the Bell brothers had a good relationship, but I still insist on wanting to meet Evan Bell, just hoping to hear a different result from Teddy Bell, but now it seems that maybe xìng is not big anymore.

After listening to Zhang Chunxiao's explanation, Qiu Anping knew that as a screenwriter, he should stand up at this time, "Mr. Bell, our play is based on Shakespeare's famous play 'Hamlet', and we just put the background of the story in the background. In ancient China..." Qiu Anping glanced at Zhang Zhang Chunxiao also spread his hands, expressing that he did not know how to explain it, Qiu Anping finally had to bite the bullet and said in Chinese, "The period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms," Then he went on to say in English, "A very chaotic period, the story takes place in the court."

Hamlet? Evan Bell thought about it for a while, and the answer was already out. He seemed to know which script the Huayi Brothers came to find him for.

"Qiu, this is an ancient Chinese story. Why did you think of arranging a white man? Although foreign envoys have been active in Chinese soil since the Tang Dynasty, there shouldn't be many people entering the court, right?" Evan Bell said this fluently, "Does this make the story weird?"

Scott Joy knew that this was his domain, and immediately explained, "You know, in the palace, there was already a cross-border marriage, so it's not far-fetched to have a mixed-race child. We arranged it for you in the script. Yes, it is the role of such a half-blood prince. As for the language, you have no problem at all, so this is not surprising, and it will not affect the direction of the story."

"Joey, you still haven't said it, why did you think of letting me play this role?"

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