Great Artist

Chapter 1070: Demons dance

~Date:~Oct 26~

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Evan Bell is standing on the hexagonal table in the center of the square. The gorgeous Abbie has been taken off and put aside. He is only wearing a Best, and his shapely figure can be clearly seen. Compared with a few months ago, it seems to be thinner. Evan Bell is deliberately managing his body in order to play the role of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. After all, this role lives in a social class. At the lowest end, he does not have the right to enjoy a good life.

At this time, although Evan Bell was wearing a fancy dress, he had no noble attitude at all. He was carrying a camera on his shoulders. The streamlined lines of the biceps and latissimus dorsi were clearly visible, and it could also be seen covered with With a thin layer of sweat, it glowed in the not-dazzling sunlight.

"Everyone pay attention," Evan Bell's voice spread in the square. At this time, there were about 700 people standing in the square, but at a glance, it was no exaggeration to say that 10,000 people gathered here. , densely populated with human heads. However, although there are many people, it is not noisy at all, on the contrary it is very quiet. Everyone is listening to Evan Bell dictating, "Remember, you're going to put on an intoxicated look like this is your dream moment. Then, put on a crazy look, no matter what your heart is after, God also Well, it's okay to dream, as long as you show that crazy desire for it, if you imagine me as a pile of gold and it can achieve results, I don't mind."

Evan Bell's words caused low laughter from the scene. The scene was already quiet, and Evan Bell had two boom cameras hanging above his head with huge radio microphones, so his voice spread easily. "Okay, all units pay attention." For the past two days, the entire crew has been rehearsing this scene, and now it is finally time to start shooting, everyone can't help but cheer up and concentrate.

Evan Bell looked around and was ready with the camera on his back before shouting, "Three, two, start!"

With the hexagonal platform as the center, the crowd of onlookers showed intoxicated expressions, and some people involuntarily spread their hands, as if embracing God. Express your high respect. Jean-Baptiste Grenouille poured a drop of the perfume on a white handkerchief and let it blow in the wind like an atomic bomb, starting from the epicenter of the hexagonal table , spread outward, all the crowd embraced this charming aroma body uncontrollably and leaned back, the expression on their faces was even more blurred and intoxicated.

The gentlemen behaved out of control, were agitated, and each let their inner **. The gentlemen crossed their hands in gorgeous, happy sighs when they saw Grenouille; the other ladies were eager to pursue the beautiful teenager - They didn't think that Grenouille in front of them would be the murderer of a serial murder, absolutely impossible - and they were shaky, as if they were going to crawl under his charm at any time. On the stage set up by bishops and nobles in the distance, gentlemen who boasted of nobility rose from their seats one by one. Then he covered his chest with his hands, looked up to the sky reverently, and prayed convulsively.

At this moment, the upper body of the noble bishop swayed forward, as if he was about to vomit, he stood up reluctantly, but fell down because his legs were weak. His forehead hit his knee, and then he fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment. But this time. He didn't feel bad. But for the first time in his life, he was indulged in religious fanaticism, because it was in front of the eyes of all the people. A kind of miracle happened, because the sovereign God was already stopping the executioner, and he proclaimed the man whom the world considers a murderer to be an angel. How great is the emperor! The bishop couldn't help but sighed that he couldn't suppress the surging excitement in his heart, opened his hands, and whispered, "The angel is coming."

When the bishop uttered these words, his inner belief in religion was completely released, and he laughed, showing an intoxicated and satisfied smile, and shouted, "He is not a man, he is an angel!"

The people in the entire square were boiling, and the low commotion was all silent in an instant. People knelt down involuntarily and worshipped the angel in their hearts to express their lofty respect. Looking down from the sky, all the people who were standing just now, like dominoes, fell down irregularly, and collectively worshipped the great figure standing in the middle.

At this time, Evan Bell, who was standing in the middle, still carried the camera and captured a close-up view with the platform as the center. He then raised his free right hand and waved, and all the kneeling people saw "Grenoye" At the call to them, in an instant, the group stood up, and opened their hands to try to embrace their inner angel, and the cheers began to gather little by little. They were in tears, they were weeping, they were crazy, and everyone thought that the man in the lake blue who was standing in the middle of the stage was the most beautiful, charming and perfect person they could imagine.

The nuns thought he was the incarnation of the savior, the devil's followers saw him as the radiant **** of the underworld, the enlightened thought he was the supreme master, the girls believed him to be the prince in fairy tales, and the men thought he was themselves the ideal image. Everyone felt that his most sensitive part had been seen through and caught by him, and he had hit their soft spot.

"Card!" Evan Bell//Book Fan Lou's fastest text update without advertisements// The voice was drowned out in the frantic shouts of the crowd in the square. He lowered the camera from his shoulders, and the square gradually returned to calm. . Evan Bell walked off the stage, returned to the monitor, and confirmed the pictures he had just shot one by one. The core content of the shooting this time was mainly the surrounding crowd. The extras were given precious breaks, as Evan Bell confirmed that the time required for the picture was not that short.

In this first shooting, the effect did not satisfy Evan Bell. He felt that the expressions of the crowd were not intoxicated enough, and the level of the expressions of the crowd was not obvious enough during the advance of the camera. He can show that the smell of perfume is pushed out with the wind, and after people smell the fragrance from the wind, this leads to a chain reaction like rice waves♀ This is the first official shooting, and everyone is still concerned about the rhythm of the performance. Not sure.

After discussing with the videographers, Evan Bell decided to use the boom camera as a guide, using the boom camera as a wind with aroma, as a trigger point for the crowd's reaction. The second shooting was obviously much better, but the close-up expressions of the crowd were still not in place, and the crazy demeanor was not in place. There is still a difference between professional actors and extras and extras in their grasp of performance. People, not everyone can perform. Evan Bell finally decided to capture the essence of the scene by focusing on the more experienced extras.

It took two days of filming back and forth before the scene was over, and it was only the beginning.

In the overall scene of this execution, Evan Bell spent seven days before and after to film the peak scene of the scene. The gang dance, sex. Fuck. Party.

The dignified women ripped open their corsets, exposed their **** to hysterical cries, skirts lifted up, and fell to the ground. With bewildered eyes, the men stumbled and walked on the ground where the fruit was lying. They pulled down their trousers with trembling fingers, and sighed and fell somewhere, in extremely rare poses and pairings. make peace. Everyone, no matter who the people around them are, or even the gender of the people around them, just grabbed the figure around them, kissed each other lingeringly, then tore each other's clothes, and fell on the square, in broad daylight. Next, in a public place where countless citizens gathered, the matter of the bed brother was carried out.

Men and women, women and women, men and men... old men and young women, servants and lawyers' wives, apprentices and nuns, Jesuits and masons, even the bishop on stage, and the nun next to him. A group... A group of two people, a group of three people, and even a group of five people, gathered together... The situation is messy, the air is filled with the sweet smell of heavy lust, full of 10,000 orcs high The screams, murmurs, sighs, and moans were like hell.

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille stood there, watching this, smiling. Everyone who saw him felt as if he was smiling in the most innocent, lovely, charming, and at the same time the most seductive way in the world. UU reading www. But in fact, it wasn't a smile, it was an ugly, mocking sneer on his lips. He thinks it's all terrible because he can't enjoy it for a second, he hates everyone here, he can't wait to get rid of all the people who stink, how much these people find themselves hating them, he So that these people can tear off the mask he made with a girl, body and incense, and discover his true face. He wants someone to discover his existence, but he fails. Because everyone is fascinated by this perfume, everyone succumbs to their inner desires, and he, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, does not exist after all.

This time, it was not Evan Bell who shouted "card", but Teddy Bell who was standing next to him and felt that something was wrong. Teddy Bell saw a kind of madness in Evan Bell's close-up expression, the kind of madness that was almost swallowed up and destroyed by darkness, the slowly falling tears, in the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, let Tai Di Bell sensed something was wrong.

Evan Bell is really into the drama. The madness of this scene was shown by Evan Bell in the most direct and impactful way. Teddy Bell knew it was time to shout "ka".

This scene took eight days to shoot before and after, and the filming was finally completed in less than ten minutes.

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