Great Artist

Chapter 1087: Hitchhiker's Guide

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"I want a Bell, thanks." Javier Dolan said with a smile, standing in front of the table. Styles-Lawrence is in front of him and is buying tickets.

"Do you want Bell, or Li and Bell." The conductor asked skillfully, and took the list handed over by Javier Dolan, "Oh, I see, Bell has one. The second choice is Assayas. , and the third choice is Dane."

Javier Dolan nodded, and seemed to think of something again, "Does Charles need to be on the volunteer list?"

"Larry Charles?" The conductor looked up at Javier Dolan, but he didn't slow down. Seeing Javier Dolan nodding in confirmation, the conductor continued, "No. You need to One?"

"Yeah, one." Javier Dolan nodded, then started pulling money out of his pants pocket.

At the Toronto Film Festival, everyone will not call the film directly by its name, but refer to the film by the director's name, which also shows respect for the director. Evan Bell has two films released at this film festival, "Brokeback Mountain" and "Little Miss Sunshine", but as the current well-deserved popularity king in North America, everyone is used to calling both films "Bell". Therefore, the conductor often needs to ask whether it is "Bell" or "Lee and Bell", the former refers to "Little Sunshine" and the latter refers to "Brokeback Mountain".

Assayas means Olivier-Assayas. A cutting-edge French director who emerged in the 1990s. His most famous work at the moment is "Cleaning", which made Zhang Man Yu a successful Cannes actress. This "clean" will also land on the Toronto stage.

Dane refers to the famous Belgian brothers directors, the Dane brothers, whose works include "One Promise", "Rosetta" and so on. This year's "Children" won them a second Palme d'Or at Cannes, and it's also coming to Toronto.

As for Larry Charles, it refers to the director of "Borat", which will premiere in Toronto. The director is more often known as a screenwriter, and his name can be seen in the lineup of writers for the first five seasons of the famous TV series Seinfeld.

Javier Dolan just handed in a so-called "Volunteer List," one of the features of the Toronto Film Festival. Because the number of films shown here every year is huge, and the audience is huge, even the most obscure ones. It will also be sold out in Toronto, so don't take it by chance. Naturally, popular movies are the target of the audience, so tickets for popular movies need to be drawn by lottery. The last "lucky winner" is selected. This is a test for the audience. The degree of entanglement in choosing the first and second viewing volunteers is enough to pull out all the hair. In addition, pray that you have enough luck.

Movies like "Brokeback Mountain," "Little Miss Sunshine," "Cleaning," "The Kids" are all hits, so Javier Dolan has to be in order, and "Borat" isn't listed as a hit , he successfully bought the film on the spot.

After the ticket purchase, Javier Dolan glanced at Styles Lawrence, who was still struggling, stepped aside and stood at the door to wait for the new friend he had just met. After about five minutes, Styles-Lawrence came out with a tangled face. Depressed, he said, "I think, I may not see Brokeback Mountain, nor can I see Little Sunshine Beauty, God."

"What's wrong?" Javier Dolan took out today's movie schedule from his backpack again. All the tickets he just bought were not today's, but Styles Lawrence seemed to have bought today's movie tickets.

Styles Lawrence took the thick schedule in Javier Doron's hand and found the location of "Brokeback Mountain" on the last few pages, the movie will be released at 8 o'clock tonight, "Hope There were 7,000 spectators watching 'Brokeback Mountain'. There were only 1,200 seats at the scene, after deducting the press booth and p seats, there were only about 1,000 seats. What does this mean? It means an average of seven seats. Individuals are competing for a spot, God. I'm sure I can't get it."

Javier Dolan was speechless, and he didn't expect it. "Brokeback Mountain" has been so enthusiastically sought after, aren't **** movies unpopular in North America? Did he remember wrong? "What about 'Little Sunshine'?" Javier Dolan could only ask dryly.

"Three thousand people, but the venue is also smaller and can only seat 800 people." Styles-Lawrence felt very depressed and looked depressed. Javier Dolan knew that Styles Lawrence came over on the opening day and stood in line for three hours, finally signed up, but now he can only hope for luck, which is really bad.

"I really envy you. It would be great if I could make a good video too." Styles Lawrence looked at Javier Dolan, who was sullen next to him, with an expression of envy. Javier Dolan got tickets to the Toronto Film Festival after participating in the "fact-fiction (t-n video production event, which is "Brokeback Mountain". So, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to see this work at all.

Facing the wolf-like gaze of Styles Lawrence, Javier Dolan shook his head resolutely, "I can't give you this movie ticket, I came to Toronto this time, the biggest purpose is also Just watch the movie."

"Please, Javier, you know how eager I am for this opportunity. Besides this movie, don't you have a lot of interesting works, I'm only here for Evan..." Styles-Lawrence caught up After Javier Dolan, who turned and ran away, the two young people chased after the crowd of people watching the movie.

The twilight soon fell, and more and more people were waiting at the entrance of the cinema. Although it was only a quarter past six, everyone knew that it was less than two hours before the release of "Brokeback Mountain". , whether it's Evan Bell, or the acclaim and awards that "Brokeback Mountain" won in Venice, Toronto audiences are full of anticipation for the film. The young people waiting at the door were holding fast food, waiting beside the red carpet, quietly waiting for the premiere time to arrive.

Javier Dolan and Styles Lawrence were among the crowd waiting. This afternoon, the time passed quickly. After deducting the more than two hours in line, the two first settled their stomachs with hamburgers and Coke, and then watched a Canadian short film, "Mom's Boyfriend". By the time we got out, it was almost four o'clock. They went to the gate of the arena to wait for the result of the lottery for "Brokeback Mountain" tickets. Fortunately, Styles Lawrence emerged from the fierce competition of seven to one and won the "Brokeback Mountain" tickets.

This thin ticket made Styles-Lawrence ecstatic, and almost rushed to express his joy under the audience in the hall.

Then Styles Lawrence accompanied Javier Dolan to see Jean-Marc Valet, the director of "Love Crazy". Javier Dolan gave up "Love Crazy" for "Little Sunshine" - although there is no vote for "Little Sunshine", he still made this difficult decision. So Javier Dolan decided to try his luck at the audience meeting to see if he could meet the director himself and have a chat.

But unfortunately, all luck seems to have been spent by the tickets for "Brokeback Mountain" in the hands of Styles Lawrence. The two did not see Jean-Marc Valet, but they did not gain anything at all. They did. "Gangsters" director Gavin Hood.

After six o'clock, the two of them rushed to the venue where "Brokeback Mountain" was about to be screened with their freshly baked pizza. At this time, the "Song of Everlasting Regret", which had won a lot of praise at the Venice Film Festival, was playing, and there were many media and fans at the door.

Javier Dolan sat in the first row on the left side of the red carpet. In fact, the red carpet in front of you is not atmospheric at all. It can only accommodate three people walking side by side, and the person on the outermost side will mingle with the reporter's camera. The right side of the red carpet is the wall, which is printed with the logo of the Toronto Film Festival. Pattern on white. Coupled with the fact that this is an indoor red carpet, it brings a feeling of depression. No wonder some people complain that Toronto's red carpet is like a blood-red passage to the slaughterhouse.

"Is that Roger Ebert? Why is he standing at the entrance waiting, shouldn't he walk the red carpet?" Javier Dolan saw the figure of an old man at the entrance of the audience, but at this time the volunteers at the entrance Stopping him is explaining the fact that the movie has not yet begun to enter.

Roger Ebert, one of the most famous film critics in the world, is also a historical witness to the gradual rise of the Toronto Film Festival.

Styles-Lauren (fastest update) Stiles looked at his watch, it was already 8:15, "Normal, he came as a spectator, naturally like us, waiting for admission, showing Movie tickets. If Evan is willing to invite him into the cinema with him and give his seat to Roger, that's another matter." After speaking, Styles-Lawrence couldn't help showing a bright smile, " This is Toronto, even if you are a big star, as long as you appear as an 'audience', you must accept the same treatment as an audience."

Javier Dolan reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth, "Why do I think you, an American, know more about the Toronto Film Festival than I do." Styles Lawrence showed a smug smile. But after doing enough homework, "So, it's already past the scheduled admission time, and we are still waiting in place. Is this also a feature of Toronto?"

Styles-Lawrence shrugged. "I'm afraid, yes."

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