Great Artist

Chapter 1090: calm power


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As all viewers know, Ennis and Jack fell in love, and they fell in love. They fought violently in the camp, but then kissed passionately. Life is simple, but full of beauty.

All of this was noticed by the farmer Joe Arguier. He came to the mountains to inform Jack that something was wrong. His contemptuous gaze was not only his own thoughts, but also the thoughts of the society.

With a storm coming and seasonal grazing being forced to an early end, Ennis and Jack's most beautiful summer vacation on Brokeback is coming to an end. The dazed Ennis didn't know what to do, and he couldn't tell whether he was worried that he didn't have enough money to marry Emma after going down the mountain, or regretted the separation from Jack.

In order to let Ennis relax, Jack joked with Ennis with a lasso. Jack broke Ennis' nose with a punch, and the nosebleed soaked the cuff of Ennis' white plaid shirt; the angry Ennis found an outlet for his emotions and punched Jack back, making Jack's denim blue shirt also Covered with drops of serum.

Leaving Brokeback Mountain, Ennis fixed Jack's trailer, saying "I can't believe I left that **** shirt on the mountain."

Jack stepped out of the car and stared at Ennis, "Are you going to come back in the summer?" Ennis said probably not, because he was going to marry Emma, ​​so he might go to the farm to find a regular job. Jack said he might have come if he hadn't been called up. But Ennis didn't respond. They all know that maybe the parting this time is forever parting.

Jie Lu watched Ennis' figure getting smaller and smaller in the rear mirror of the car, and his eyes were full of reluctance. Ennis watched Jack's car leave with great sadness. He crouched in the corner and retched, but he couldn't spit out anything or shed tears. The pain was burning in his internal organs, but he couldn't find a way to vent. Ennis angrily slammed his fist against the wall. This kind of pain without tears echoed leisurely with the strings of the guitar under the clean and bright sky of Wyoming.

Those good summers at Brokeback Mountain are over, and after coming down the mountain, Ennis and Emma are married and have children soon. The next summer, Jack returned to Joe Arguier to seek a job. Unfortunately, Ennis didn't show up, and Joe Arguier naturally knew the "secret" of Jack and Ennis and used a "get out". Gone Jack.

Ennis's life fell into infinite fatigue. The pressure of his two daughters and family made Ennis exhausted. He couldn't even provide his family with a place to live in the city, so he could only live in the suburbs. However, when he was having a good time with Emma, ​​he still habitually turned his wife over and entered from behind.

Jack's rodeo life is not going well, he tries to find a new boyfriend, but unfortunately after that generation is not going well he meets Lulin' the daughter of the farm machinery tycoon. They "fall in love" and get married. Soon, Jack also had a son. But compared to Ennis's poor life, Jack's life is not difficult because of his father-in-law's wealth.

Four years passed quickly, and Ennis' peaceful marriage was shattered by a postcard sent by Jack from afar. Facing Emma's doubts, Ennis used "fishing buddies" to define Jack. Soon came the day Jack had booked to see Ennis.

Ennis stared out the window waiting for Jack to arrive, cigarette after cigarette, beer after bottle, not even thinking of dinner. It was these little actions that revealed the restlessness in his heart. His gloomy expression only became clear when he saw the arrival of Jack.

Ennis walked downstairs happily and gave Jack a doctor's, heavy hug, and then pushed Jack enthusiastically to the top of the stairs, and kissed him fiercely, as if all his thoughts and emotions were here. Vent out in a moment. This is the first time that Ennis has taken the initiative to express his inner emotions. Although he still cares about whether anyone sees him or not, his impatience and his emotional outburst are so real and profound.

Emma, ​​who pushed the door and came out to greet her husband, saw this scene, she stood there stupidly, then closed the door with conditional launch, and walked quickly to the kitchen, at a loss.

Ennis introduced Jack to his wife, and the two simply talked about their lives as if they were always there, but Emma just stood there stupidly, the expression on her face seemed to be uncontrollable, and she stopped talking. , The shocking emotions surged under the slightly fluctuating eyes. Facing her husband, who was about to leave with Lao Zai, Emma took a few steps forward in a panic. "Ennis, can you bring me a pack of cigarettes?" She hoped that her husband would at least remember himself, and at least remember that he still had someone at home. Waiting for his wife to come back, but Ennis's answer was "If you want a cigarette, the pocket on my blue shirt." Then it disappeared.

After four years of depression, Ennis and Jack spent the night in the motel. After fighting to the death, the two embraced each other and talked about everything that had happened in the past four years.

The next day, Emma was worried at home, and when she heard the sound of Ennis coming back, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Watching Ennis talk about going fishing, even at the expense of innocence. I was something he had never done for the family before, and Emma tried hard to get Ennis to stay, but she failed. She could only hold her eldest daughter, looking helplessly and dumbly at Ennis, who was buried in her daughter's shoulder, sobbing softly.

Jack and Ennis, reunited, had a wonderful day. Jack believes that the two of them can run a ranch together, and he is willing to divorce his wife for this. But Ennis felt that the two of them could have time together, which was very rare. Because, when he was a child, there were two men running a ranch in his hometown, but one of them died unexpectedly. His father forced Ennis, who was only nine years old at the time, to witness it with his own eyes, and his father also participated in it.

For Ennis, his father's iron-fisted education from a young age told him that it was impossible for two men to be together, and even to lose their lives, and that his father would do it himself. Therefore, Ennis is only willing to win with Jack in Brokeback Mountain, which is his bottom line.

For this love, Jack regularly runs to Wyoming every year just to meet Ennis. Why can't Ennis come to Texas, his wife Lulin complained? In this regard, Jack was speechless.

After learning about her husband's "deeds", Emma and Ennis's married life is getting worse and worse. Every time Emma hopes that her husband is really going fishing, and asks him to bring fish back, but every time he is disappointed. In the end, they ended in divorce. After learning that Ennis was divorced, Jack thought that their happy life was finally coming, and he couldn't wait to drive to Wyoming. But Jack is disappointed again, and Ennis has a bunch of excuses to get away with. This almost destroyed Jack, and he was grief-stricken~~.shushuw.-update start~~ drove away, and this one went straight to Mexico. He found a male aunt to solve his physical needs.

Emma remarries, to her overworked manager, and they invite Ennis over for dinner at Christmas. At the end of dinner, Emma finally couldn't take it anymore, and when she was alone with Ennis in the kitchen, she uncovered the madness, she always knew that they weren't going fishing-because it was a cry from beginning to end. new while she placed. The note in its box has never been passive, "I know what this means, Jack Twist? It should make Jack disgusting!"

Ennis-Delma, in a rage, raised his fist, but he couldn't smash it down. Ennis, in anger, walked into the street to do nothing but was beaten badly by someone else. In this violence, Ennis was venting, whether it was his inner anguish or his unexpressed emotion, only Ennis knew.

When they meet again, Ennis asks how Jack's relationship is, because Ennis starts to worry that Emma already knows, and does the rest of the town know, which makes him panic. His father's nightmare haunts him, so he fears that his truth will be known to people other than Emma.

Jack thinks Ennis is too suspicious and suggests that he come to Texas. But Ennis rejected the proposal again. He mocked Jack's proposal to his heart's content, thinking that Jack's idea was naive and ridiculous. If the two of them appeared in the same town, maybe their affairs would be exposed in broad daylight. under.

This time the encounter was unhappy.

Ennis meets a waitress and the two develop a relationship. But his eldest daughter Emma II doesn't like the waitress Emma II is too watched over by her mother and stepfather, and she wants Tanji to move in with Ennis, but Ennis, however, used a bunch of excuses to reject the proposal.

Jake and Lurin's married life is also at an impasse, and they don't even see each other much. At a dance, Jack and Lurin meet a couple Randall and Nashaun who just came to town. Jack invites Nashaun to dance with him, but then gets more eyes on Randall. touch. The conversation between the two men was full of hints, and Randall even invited Jack to take a vacation at the lake house. It seems that Jack's life has also begun to look forward.

But when they met again, in the conversation beside the fire, Jack joked that he and Nashaun had an affair, but from the look in his eyes, it seemed that there was something in the words. Unfortunately, Ennis did not respond to this. Jack gave up and said calmly, "Sometimes I think you can't take it."

This sentence was said calmly and peacefully, but the power contained in the words surprised all the audience. This kind of deep and heavy love, without the twists and turns of strong winds and waves, but unknowingly, makes people sink. In the whole cinema, there was no sound, just listening to the sound of the fire raising and burning the branches, but it was like an overwhelming feeling in my heart.


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