Great Artist

Chapter 1118: sunshine beauty

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At the beginning of the movie, as soon as the title of Studio Eleven passed, the picture actually started, which caught many viewers by surprise. Didn't expect this title to be so fast.

A pair of large gray-blue eyes appeared on the screen, with a pair of thick square glasses, which looked like a cute and lively little girl. The little girl is watching the picture of the Miss America selection on the TV screen, and then pauses and rewinds. She raised her left hand on her cute little belly, and supported her cheeks with her right hand, imitating the Miss America on the TV screen. After winning the prize, the ecstatic movements, the tender and cute movements, with the longing of the childlike innocence, make people smile involuntarily.

The narration sounded "There are two kinds of people in this world, winners and losers". When the scene changed, a middle-aged man stood on the podium and gave a speech with high spirits, as if there were tens of thousands of people in the audience. The light of the slides shone on his face, making him look like a successful person. Slides were projected on the screen showing the subject of his presentation: the nine-step "refusal to fail" project. When the picture turned, it was an empty small classroom, and no one was listening to his theory at all. The conflict between winners and losers is particularly ironic in this picture.

A teenager is doing the exercise of pushing the barbell, and there is a large sketch portrait on the wall - familiar people immediately recognize it, this is Nietzsche! The teenager is doing all kinds of sports, skipping rope, sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and he seems to have an endless passion for exercising. Then he wrote the number "473" on a huge table on the wall. Draw a big cross - there are already rows and rows of numbers on the table that are crossed, densely packed and neatly arranged.

An old man wearing a huā shirt with thin hair locked the bathroom door and took out Hai Luo Yin from his pocket. Skillfully the author prepares for work, then sits on the toilet and begins to enjoy the ecstatic pleasure.

The woman who was driving, lit a cigarette in her hand, said impatiently, "I don't smoke." As if afraid of being discovered, she threw the cigarette out of the car window in a panic, "I'm already at the hospital. Okay. Let's talk about it." A haggard man in a wheelchair appeared in the hospital ward, with a beard and tears in his eyes. The deep dark circles under his eyes look very embarrassed, and that decadent look complements the dazzling white of the hospital.

At this time, the name of the movie "Little Miss Sunshine ( appeared on the screen. This title is not unique. The shooting method similar to "The Simpsons" is not new, but it shows the most important keywords of each character.

The woman who was driving just now was walking down the hallway of the hospital. Her name was Cher Hoover. She saw the doctor, who said her brother was fine. It can be understood from the doctor's words that her brother tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists. But failed. And Cher became her brother's temporary guardian - her brother was the man in the wheelchair just now, Frank.

Cher walked cautiously into the ward. But still unable to restrain the excitement in his heart, he hugged Frank from behind, and choked out, "I'm glad you're still here."

Frank said boringly, "At least one of us is happy." That sentence made the hospital's white glow with a faint blue light.

Cher took Frank back to the house. The house was quiet, and no one seemed to come out to welcome Frank. Cher led Frank to the door of the eldest son Dwayne's room - this is the hardworking boy just now. Frank needs to share a dorm with Dwyane to make sure he's not left alone. Frank was a little repulsive. He didn't seem to want to have contact with anyone, but Cher's insistence made him give in.

Dwayne took the novel he was reading and went to the table to continue reading. Cher, who is preparing dinner, asks Dwayne to go into the car to get the fried chicken, but Dwayne is unmoved. At this time, Cher's husband Richard came back - the man who was talking about the law of success just now. Richard didn't seem to care about Frank's arrival, he asked directly "Did Stan Grossman call?"

"Look at the answering machine yourself," Cher replied, urging Dwayne to get the fried chicken again. Richard, who was checking the answering machine, didn't find the message he was looking for. He just said loudly to his wife, "Your sister has a message." Then he picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Hi, I'm Richard. -Hoover, please find Stan Grossman." Unfortunately, Stan Grossman doesn't seem to be there. From Richard's words, we can understand that this Stan has something to do with the book he is going to publish, but the other party has gone on a business trip to Scottsdale and has not replied.

Cher casually asked her husband what was going on with Stan, but Richard didn't seem to want to talk about it, and just prevaricates his wife with the phrase "I worry about it myself." Cher walks away without a reaction, leaving Dwayne to let Frank out to dinner.

Dwayne walked to the room and made a gesture to let Frank out. Frank found Dwayne's anomaly "Why, why don't you talk? You can talk, but don't want to?" Dwayne pointed to the portrait of Nietzsche on the wall and expressed his wishes, which made Frank understand immediately come over.

Frank walked out and sat down beside Dwyane. He asked tentatively, "Who do you usually play with?" Dwyane's answer to this was that he took out his small notebook and put it on it. Write "I hate everyone (i.. Frank saw the note, then asked, "What about your family?" Dwayne paused, drawing a line under "Everyone (ne.

Richard sat down, but after saying hello, he didn't know what to say, so he got up and called his little daughter Oliver and his father out for dinner.

When Frank asked Cher about Dwyane, Cher explained that "he swore a dumb oath because he was going to join the Air Force Academy and become a pilot, and he wouldn't say anything until he got his goal."

At this time, the cute little belly girl at the beginning of the movie ran out, she was Oliver, she kissed Frank on the cheek, and then walked to the seat opposite Dwayne. Little Oliver found the gauze on Frank's hand and said with a distressed look, "What's wrong with your hand?"

Although Cher tried to stop the younger daughter, Frank didn't mind "I had a little accident, it's not a big deal." Richard diverted Oliver's attention with the rehearsal and also interrupted Frank's words. At this time, Grandpa appeared, as the audience guessed, it was the old man who was taking drugs in the bathroom just now. Oliver is being trained by his grandfather, rehearsing a show.

Grandpa thought Oliver needed more practice. He walked to the table, saw the fried chicken, and immediately frowned, "What is it? Fried chicken again? Eat fried chicken every day? Someday..." Grandpa's rudeness surprised Frank, who had just arrived here, Richard couldn't help shouting "Dad!" But he couldn't stop the old man, "Eat something else every day, every day is **** fried chicken. "

If Richard hadn't raised his voice, Grandpa would probably have continued to complain. From the conversation, we can tell that grandpa originally lived in a nursing home, but he did something and was kicked out of the nursing home, so he could only live in his son's house.

In order to lighten the mood, Frank asked Dwayne how long he had been swearing, Richard replied "nine months" and then he said it. Richard began to explain his nine-step plan again. Even though Cher was impatient, Dwayne was stunned, and his grandfather called God directly, Richard still explained himself relentlessly. concept. As you can see, Richard's idea of ​​success doesn't seem popular at home.

Oliver looked at Uncle Frank and asked him what the **** was wrong with his hand. After Cher asked Frank's permission, she told her younger daughter that Frank had attempted suicide. This immediately made Richard panic, and he wanted to stop the conversation, but Cher thought that Oliver should know about these things, and Frank didn't mind. In order to stop Frank, Richard even said that Frank was mentally ill, which really angered Cher. After Cher stopped Richard, Frank told the truth under Oliver's guidance.

First, Frank fell in love with a man who didn't love him, his student; second, the student he fell in love with not only didn't love him, but Larry Sugarman - Proust like Frank A research scholar, his direct competitor; then Frank was expelled from school and even moved out of his apartment; then Larry Sugarman was awarded a scholarship that Frank coveted. So, Frank finally decided to take his own life.

During the whole elaboration process, Grandpa's sarcasm, even snorting freely; Dwayne's silence, is not as good as Oliver's childish "that'lly" that makes people smile.

Richard, on the other hand, was always on lest Frank say something inappropriate, but fortunately there was none. After Frank finished speaking, Richard began to explain his successful nine-step plan again, thinking that the reason why Frank did not succeed was that he did not follow the nine-step plan.

Frank looked at Richard in astonishment, and then said to Dwayne, "He's always been like this? How can you take it?" This not only got Dwayne's nod approval, but also made the audience chuckle. up.

Under Richard's guidance, the conversation turned to Oliver. Oliver had previously participated in the Miss Pepper beauty pageant and won the runner-up. This suddenly filled the little girl with confidence - she watched the Miss America pageant video at the beginning and got a reasonable explanation - Oliver knew that she had a lot of shortcomings, but she has been practicing very seriously, thinking that she still has the possibility of winning .

Frank said "good luck" to Oliver, which led to a whole lot of sermons about strength and luck from Richard, Cher interrupting her husband impatiently again, and Frank and Dwayne's speechless exchange. Glancing at it, a burst of laughter broke out in the cinema.

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