Great Artist

Chapter 1128: friend conflict




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This is the first time Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio have red-faced, but the atmosphere is tense and there is no sign of easing. .

"What, I stabbed the sore spot? Can't speak? So you think you have to rely on your fists to speak?" Evan Bell had to ignore others, pressing step by step, "If you want to hit me, hit me. ! That will only make you more pathetic. When you open your mouth and shut your mouth, all the academies are golden people, oh, just like you, I see..." Evan Bell didn't finish his words, but Leonardo- DiCaprio slammed a punch in the face.

Evan Bell just felt like he wanted to be hit by a truck, and the whole world was spinning. I wonder if the stamina of tequila finally came up. But Evan Bell is not a good stubborn. His fighting experience from childhood to adulthood has taught him that even if his head is not conscious, he can't be caught without his hands. On Prio's chest, Leonardo DiCaprio was unsteady and fell backwards.

Evan Bell then pounced on it and punched Leonardo DiCaprio in the cheek with his right hand, without being polite at all. Then he spat a mouthful of saliva to the side, saying that it was saliva, but it was actually the blood that had just been rubbed out of his mouth, "Wait until the day when all you say in your mouth are 'works', not when you were in the academy or the golden statuette. Then think about whether you can get real recognition!"

Evan Bell didn't raise his voice and yell, but said sarcastically with a contemptuous smile, and then patted Leonardo DiCaprio's cheek lightly with the palm of his hand. With a defiant gesture of defiance, Leonardo DiCaprio kicked Evan Bell over as soon as he got alcohol on his head, and then stepped forward and threw two more punches. . Fortunately, I didn't completely lose my mind and fight like crazy. Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be broken.

After all, Evan Bell was still incapable of drinking. He only felt that his body was limp, his reaction was slow, and he was sitting on the floor. Looking at Leonardo DiCaprio, who was also in a state of embarrassment, he couldn't help laughing.

The two friends looked at each other's embarrassed appearance, both angry and funny, Leonardo DiCaprio looked at Evan Bell's unbridled smile, only felt a breath of air in his chest, unable to vent. Come out, in the end, it's just like a deflated ball. All the momentum disappeared, and he laughed helplessly.

In fact, Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't know what Evan Bell means. All that fills his mind is the work itself, not the box office or awards after the work. This is the most important. From the first day the two met, Evan Bell said this, and Leonardo DiCaprio also agreed with it, and he always thought he thought so. But until today. After being punctuated by Evan Bell in this way, Leonardo DiCaprio discovered that he still regards awards—especially Oscars—as a reference in his heart. For example, "Blood Diamond", that's it. So, Evan Bell is right, his mind is full of things that are not important at all like the Academy statuette, only when he is like Evan Bell, all his mind is the work itself, he is the real 's looked.

Evan Bell rubbed the corner of his mouth and couldn't help complaining, "Why are you hitting so hard, it's not that I robbed your little golden man."

Leonardo DiCaprio didn't even replace it in one breath. He coughed and said intermittently, "Evan Bell! You don't do it lightly, okay? My chest is probably going to be blue." But look at Evan Bell, who is grinning in front of him, with a smile on his face. With his own fist marks, Leonardo DiCaprio couldn't help it. He laughed, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with a "hiss", "Who made you speak so viciously, angered me, and deserved it."

Evan Bell's eyes suddenly widened, "I speak viciously? Did you come out of the orphanage? I just told the truth, it's not vicious at all, okay? If it's really vicious, you should talk to reporters. comminicate."

Evan Bell is an unforgiving man, and Leonardo DiCaprio was choked when he said again and again. Leonardo DiCaprio also knows that he can't speak well of Evan Bell, so he can only give up, "Then you say, 'Blood Diamond' can you accept it?"

"Yes, why not, a good script." Evan Bell looked like a condescending man, but the marks of being beaten on his face were really unpretentious, "I just said, when you accept the script, you shouldn't think about it. What kind of **** like box office awards is to read the script and see the characters, I have told you this... It must have been 2,000 times, and I still don't understand it. Brother, it seems that you should go to the hospital." Incidentally At the same time, Evan Bell also pointed to his head, suggesting that Leonardo DiCaprio had a broken brain.

Leonardo DiCaprio rolled his eyes and ignored Evan Bell's sarcasm, "I know how to do it, but every time I take a new script, I always think, 'What if...' Alas, I just can't control myself. Especially after the failure of 'The Aviator', when I had you by my side, after enlightenment, I felt nothing. But after I came back, I felt uncomfortable. When filming 'The Departed', I always wonder, where did I lose..."

"If you lose by luck, what else can you do. Jamie's performance is so good, you are not wronged." Evan Bell directly interrupted Leonardo DiCaprio's words, Jamie Foxx The performance in "Soul Singer" is indeed very good, and this year's Oscar winner is well deserved. "If I always think about why, about box office, and about awards, 'Mysterious Skin' can't be made at all. The script itself, the story itself, and everyone in the story is what we need to consider.' Mysterious Skin 'Won the Silver Lion, that's my luck; similarly, 'Mysterious Skin' didn't get the best director, and I feel like I'm going with the flow. Because at least I've dedicated a great story to the audience, and when the audience sees it When 'Mystic Skin' is silent for three minutes without saying a word, I enjoy it, that's a blessing. It's as simple as that."

Evan Bell glanced at Leonardo DiCaprio who smiled wryly in front of him, and then said, "You are a knot in your heart, don't be in a hurry, take your time. The next time you take the script, If you don't mind, let me see it for you. You don't care about the director or producer, just read the script, just read the script and the characters, this is the first step." It is estimated that in the entertainment industry, people like Evan Bell Such actors who do whatever they want and don't care about, that is, this family, have no semicolons. Look at the actors in Eleven Studio, Ryan Gosling, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Evan Bell are all virtues, and now it is estimated that Leonardo DiCaprio will also join This ranks up.

Leonardo DiCaprio was silent for a while and didn't answer. After a while, he said, "When will your next director's work start, show me the script?"

"Want to appear in my work? The competition for my work is very fierce. I don't know if you can choose." Evan Bell's prelude made Leonardo DiCaprio kick Evan again. -Bell kicks. Evan Bell chuckled, "I don't know in the near future. I haven't started the editing of 'Perfume' yet. I don't think I have any plans for a short time. Let's see. If there is a suitable script, I will find you later."

Evan Bell kicked Leonardo DiCaprio's foot, "Go to the bar and get two glasses and have another drink?" The depression has really eased a lot. In life, it is one day to be sad, and one day to be happy, so why not choose the way to make yourself happy?

"Why me?" Leonardo DiCaprio said, but he stood up actively, and then rubbed his chest in pain.

Evan Bell just pretended that he didn't see it, and Shi Shiran whistled, looking like he didn't want to be beaten. After Leonardo DiCaprio left, Evan Bell got up and fell on the sofa, hurting here and there. I don't know if it's because my muscles are sore after drinking, and the pain is more obvious. I had a fight just now, but I didn't feel the wound, but my whole body was sore.

Leonardo DiCaprio only went out for a while and came back empty-handed, followed by a waiter behind him. Leonardo DiCaprio and Evan Bell had a fight just now, knocking down the only round table in the room, the wine bottle rolled on the floor, the cup was smashed, and the waiter came in easily Packed up a bit and backed out.

"The media has been talking about what's going on with your lawsuit these days?" Leonardo DiCaprio also sat back on the sofa and chatted with Evan Bell. These two people, as if the fight just now had never happened at all.

Evan Bell felt a little sleepy, but he also knew that it was probably because alcohol had begun to get on his head. His alcohol intake was not good. It's a matter of hype. It is estimated that these days will start to hype up the feud between the two of us." The two were fighting in the bar, and there are so many pairs of eyes here, which will be spread out sooner or later.

Leonardo DiCaprio laughed, "What the media likes to say is up to them."

The two were chatting, the waiter came in with two brand new glasses and a bottle of red wine, followed by an uninvited guest, "Hey, Evan, I heard you're here, come and say hello. "

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