Great Artist

Chapter 1149: Graduation Project


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Muller-Lance knew that Evan Bell finally went back to school once, and that it was impossible to tell everything about the thesis through email, so he carefully read Evan Bell's subject outline and discussed the research questions, research Methodological aspects were discussed with Evan Bell.

Because Evan Bell chose a very difficult topic this time, even Muller-Lance felt that it was very large and cumbersome, so they had to determine the research question clearly, from which aspects and angles, and what content to discuss. In particular, this kind of exploratory research must rely on the support of huge literature and detailed social surveys to provide evidence, and the preliminary preparation work has become very difficult.

Evan Bell and Muller-Lance discussed for nearly two hours, and eventually Evan Bell left Muller-Lance's office with a long list of books. Although there is no detailed list, there are at least two hundred literatures on the reference list. This is only the first step, which shows the difficulty of this graduation thesis.

After leaving Muller-Lance, Evan Bell stayed in the library for a long time. It was not until after 3 o'clock in the afternoon that he left the library with a bag of books and walked to the Department of Architecture. The campus is still lush and lush, and the maple leaves have not had time to dye red and yellow, which makes the campus in September still fresh with the tail of summer.

Among the trees, squirrels jumped freely, not at all timid about the busy figures passing by; the girl in the sweater and the boy in shorts and slippers kissed freely on the lawn. Leaving the college life bound by high school, people open their arms to embrace freedom; the world-famous key laboratories are scattered on both sides of the corridor of the building, and all the precision inside can be clearly seen through the large glass in the corridor, and classes are taking place inside. of students are clearly engaged...

Evan Bell walked expertly into the teaching building of the Department of Architecture, where the works of the students were displayed in the exhibition space on the first floor. The second one on the left is the Burj Khalifa designed by Evan Bell. The wall also has a design rendering of the Freedom Tower. Several students were standing beside the model and gesturing, expressing their opinions. Evan Bell didn't stop, and walked up the second floor along the black iron stairs. This design space is like a stadium grandstand. Half is a coffee casual meal service center, and the other half is a learning space. Evan Bell also spent a lot of time here. The huge building space, free communication environment, orderly layout of compartments, and perfect supporting services can easily allow architecture students to stay here for several days and devote themselves to their design work.

On the corner of the second floor near the maple forest, there is a workshop occupied by Evan Bell for a long time, and it is full of decorations, accessories, pictures and models designed by Evan Bell himself. Although there is no nameplate attached, the Architecture Department basically defaults that it belongs to Evan Bell's workshop. From a distance, it seemed that the workshop was still empty and unoccupied.

Continuing to climb the stairs, Evan Bell came to the space above, which also belongs to the second floor, but extends up in the form of a stadium grandstand, dividing about seven different spaces for the use of faculty, staff and students. . Evan Bell easily found the office belonging to Richard Wendy.

It was an open workshop, Evan Bell looked. Only Richard Wendy was inside, and there were no other visitors, and he knocked on the door that was almost never closed. As soon as Richard Wendy looked up, he saw Evan Bell, "Why are you here now? Didn't you go to Mueller's place in the morning?"

Evan Bell walked in directly, pointed to his backpack, "Go to the library."

"Are you planning to write your graduation thesis in psychology first, and then do your graduation design in architecture?" Richard Wendy seemed very dissatisfied. When he was studying at the undergraduate level, Evan Bell arranged it like this. He didn't expect this. Again and again. "You can do your graduation project first. I heard Mueller say that this time you have chosen a very difficult and difficult graduation thesis topic, which will cost you a lot of time..."

"Isn't it time-consuming for graduation projects?" Evan Bell's laughing words made Richard Wendy choked, "It's just that I have an idea about psychology and I can implement it, so Just going to write my dissertation first. I don't have much inspiration for the architectural graduation project, and you know, the Burj Khalifa is still going on..."

"Hey, what else is there to do in Burj Khalifa. It's been a year now, and all the problems that should have been solved have been solved. It's all about pouring cement. You designer is very leisurely, otherwise this year you will So busy, it's Venice and Toronto." Richard Wendy couldn't help complaining, like a child who couldn't get candy, which made Evan Bell laugh dumbly, "Evan, it's like this, if I give you For a project, if you have some ideas, you will do the graduation project first, how about it?”

Seeing Richard Wendy's warm smile, Evan Bell suddenly became vigilant, "Professor, have you received another project?" The previous Freedom Tower and Burj Khalifa were both Richard Wendy Referred to Evan Bell. In fact, Richard Wendy is equivalent to the boss of the "Harvard" architectural firm, constantly taking in cases and letting his designers go out.

In the time after the design of the Burj Khalifa, Evan Bell did not continue to take over the project, but in order to complete the master's program of the Department of Architecture, Evan Bell still participated in the design and rest of several schemes, but he was not dominant. , just send your plans and plans by email. In addition, the credits are completed by writing the thesis. But so far, Evan Bell still has several credits to complete his master's course in architecture, which is one of the reasons why he is not in a hurry for his graduation project.

Richard Wendy twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw Evan Bell's expression, "What kind of expression do you have? It's like I'm going to frame you. After listening to the design proposal, if you have no inspiration, just push it. Anyway, it's been a while. You also rejected three proposals in 2010, didn't you?" Evan Bell also realized that he was a little allergic, originally the graduation project was to have a theme, since he had no idea at the moment, Richard Wendy gave him a project Guiding is also a good choice. Besides, it is actually an honor for Evan Bell for a professor to give a master's student so many opportunities. There are definitely not a few people in the architecture department who envy Evan Bell.

"It's like this, Boston got state funding and plans to build another courthouse next to the John Adams Court Building, and then build a plaza together, not only to improve the building of the judicial system, but also to improve the urban landscape of Boston." Richard Wendy has only got the project for two weeks, and even if he doesn't talk to Evan Bell today, he plans to send an email to see if Evan Bell is interested. "I think, don't you have research on Chinese-style gardens, you can make a design from this perspective."

"Garden?" Evan Bell was a little surprised. Building a garden in the center of the city with architecture as the core is indeed a big move to beautify the city's landscape, but this funding is definitely not cheap, "When did Massachusetts become so generous? Allocating so much money to the state court."

Unlike federal courts, state courts are funded by states, so state courts have always been subject to the state government. The two sides are not incompatible, but the relationship is not harmonious. This time Massachusetts is willing to improve the courthouse that Boston has inherited for more than a century. It is really rare.

"These are matters of their government, and it is estimated that it has an inseparable relationship with next year's primary election." Last year's general election did not seem to have gone very far, and the pace of the primary election is coming again, and the time feels really fast. "This time In fact, the funding is not as sufficient as imagined. It is said to build a garden, but it is actually more macroscopic than the green belt. If you really want to build a Chinese-style garden, it is estimated that the state government might as well move Central Park to Boston.”

Evan Bell curled his lips. People who play politics are more complicated and darker than the business world. He doesn't intend to go into details.

"Less than five thousand square feet (less than five hundred square meters), including the John Adams Court Building." Richard Wendy's answer just came out, Evan Bell was dumbfounded, "What? Space to build a garden? Just plant a large piece of trees, and what kind of garden is there?" The John Adams Courthouse and the new office building alone are estimated to take up at least four-fifths of the space. It means that the space left for the designer is less than 1,000 square feet, which is still the most ideal state. If it is more pitiful, it is unknown whether it can have 800 square feet (70 square meters).

Richard Wendy smiled reluctantly, "They hope to provide citizens and government personnel with rest, and the visual effects can also beautify the city."

"It's really greedy. They want to be beautiful, practical and save money. They just go grab it." Evan Bell grumbled, obviously dissatisfied with this project. UU Reading

Richard Wendy naturally knew the difficulties here, "If it's not difficult, it's not without challenges, so I'm looking for you." Evan Bell rolled his eyes directly, and Richard Wendy also knew the sugar coating The cannonball didn't work for Evan Bell, so he said directly, "Then do you want to take it? As your graduation project."

Evan Bell didn't think too much. "I'll go back and think about it. If I have inspiration, I'll try it, but I can't guarantee it. I'll give you the answer within a week."

"Five days." Richard Wendy immediately shortened the time by two days. He knew Evan Bell well, and if he didn't force him, he would definitely not be in a hurry. Evan Bell stared at Richard Wendy with rounded eyes, and finally left a sentence, "six days." Then he got up and left, and when he said the phrase "email me the topographic map", everyone was already out the door.

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