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Chapter 1168: 1 move here

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DreamWorks is on the verge of bankruptcy and is about to be acquired; Eleven Studios has risen strongly and completed the acquisition of Pixar; Paramount is in chaos. Having a plan to prepare for the future, at the same time, we must go through the pain of changing the dynasty." "It seems that Hollywood film companies have indeed begun to shuffle the cards. It's just that after the shuffle of the cards, what will be the outcome of this game, only time will tell the answer. .

Although Robert Iger is still struggling, the acquisition of Pixar is a certainty, and it is impossible for Eleven Studios, which has succeeded with a small amount of money, to lose its fat. Therefore, everyone knows that the success or failure of "Four-eyed Chicken" will determine Disney's development plan for the next one to three years to a certain extent. Success is naturally the best, and the pain of losing Pixar will not be so tragic. ; If it fails, then the irreversible Disney will be pushed to the brink.

When opening the November film schedule of the North American film market, "Cars", which was originally scheduled to be released on November 10, is gone, but on November 4, it is "Four-Eyed Chicken"; On the timetable for January 4th, the name "Little Sunshine" is on the list. In fact, this film schedule was already arranged before the Toronto Film Festival ended, and Kechi-Laporte only arranged the film according to the time points of "Little Sunshine" and "Brokeback Mountain". Limited screenings begin on the 9th. However, at this special point in time, "Four-Eyed Chicken" and "Little Sunshine" chose to be released on the same day, which is very intriguing. The media, who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos, will naturally not let this hype go. Chance.

As a result, the news of "Eleven Studios is unreasonable, the acquisition of Pixar has not been settled yet, and they are thinking about getting rid of the four-eyed chicken". Of course, a sane person thinks about it and knows that this news is definitely hype. "Four-Eyed Chicken" was broadcast in 3,600 theaters on the day of its premiere, while "Little Sunshine" was only screened in 200 theaters. This is no competition, let alone absurd remarks such as blocking. . But the fact is that at this sensitive point in time, the hyped news will become full of authenticity.

Later, when Evan Bell was filming the sequel to "Pirates of the Caribbean", the news of his feud with Michael Inas was again revealed. The media seemed to think that Eleven Studios only had Huanzhu Pictures as an enemy at present. Pulls Disney to the opposite of Eleven Studios. Even the fact that "Grey's Anatomy" was coldly received on TV was portrayed as the result of a game between Evan Bell and Michael Inas.

Now, it's up to Robert Eagle to deal with his relationship with Evan Bell, and even his relationship with Eleven Studios. Of course, everything has to wait for the release of "Four Eyed Chicken" today, as well as "Little Sunshine Beauty" and Universal Pictures' "Pot Cover Head".

On November 4th, a total of 12 new works were released, of which only two were released on a large scale, namely Disney's "Four-Eyed Chicken" and Universal Pictures' "Pot Cover Head". Of course, it goes without saying that the former, Disney’s computer 3D animation for the first time, invested 150 million US dollars, and now it has been dubbed the “Disney Savior”, and the attention is absolutely enthusiastic; the latter is one of the ambitions of Huanzhu Pictures. The film is directed by Sam Mendes, who won the Oscar for best director with his debut film "American Beauty", and Jake Gyllenhaal, who made his name with "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Brokeback Mountain" on the list of protagonists. There is new Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, and this work about the Gulf War is clearly hoping to win again in the upcoming awards season.

Coupled with a group of independent films led by "Little Sunshine", this Thanksgiving schedule is very lively.

Leaving aside the sensitive competitive relationship between Eleven Studios, Disney, and Huanzhu Pictures, the North American film market in the first week of November is indeed full of interesting things. For example, "The Chainsaw", "The Legend of Zorro", "Spring Heart, Ripple", and "Weatherman", which were screened in the second week, are also strong competitors.

Needless to say, Lionsgate's "Chainsaw 2", the first part of the series won $55 million at the box office with an investment of one million, and this sequel hit last week as well. With a box office of 43 million yuan, it successfully won the championship; "Spring Heart", which is jointly played by Birdma-Thurman and Meryl-Stielip, is another masterpiece of Universal Pictures; with "Pirates of the Caribbean" The famous director Gore-Verbinski, this time together with Nicolas-Cage and Michael-Kane to present "The Weatherman" is obviously planning to hit the awards season.

Therefore, even if "Little Sunshine" is only limited to 200 theaters, the competition in the first week of November is not weak at all, and the task of "Four Eyed Chickens" is arduous.

On November 4th, a series of films kicked off and debuted, and began to compete fiercely for box office and word of mouth. "Four-Eyed Chicken" has gathered countless efforts of Disney, and now it is more and more desperate because of the acquisition of Pixar. The film held a grand premiere at Luo Guifan's Chinese Theater. Attracted nearly 300 journalists to the scene to promote the film.

Relatively speaking, Universal Pictures' "pot head" has been robbed of a lot of style, and "Little Sunshine", which lacks Evan Bell's attendance, is even less popular. The world premiere of "Little Sunshine" has already been held in Toronto, so the official release this time was only in New York and Luo Xiufan where the actors in the play attended the scene, which boosted the atmosphere of the scene, and there was nothing to do. Big propaganda. Originally, the decision to limit the screening was to rely on the audience's word of mouth to promote the film's route, so the capital invested in publicity was not so much.

This is the first film released by Eleven Studios after the establishment of the distribution department. Thomas Lansing, Kurt Porter, and Ikes all appeared at the public screening of Luo Xiu Fan. "Little Miss Sunshine" took the lead; and Teddy Bell appeared at the New York screening with four members of the Outlaws, hoping that the first release could be successfully completed. After all, "Brokeback Mountain", which will be released in a month, is a daunting task.

Although the box office statistics for the three weekend days will not be announced until next Monday, November 4th is Friday, and as soon as the screening of each film ends, the American media will give a hot evaluation of the film.

The most eye-catching are naturally "Four Eyed Chicken" and "Little Sunshine Beauty", but obviously, these two films have received very different evaluations.

"Four-eyed Tianji" failed to meet expectations under the condition of carrying great hopes, and ushered in a wave of cursing from the media.

"It's almost as good as a TV animation." This is the New York Times comment. The "movie review" believes that "even if the visual effects of the film are superb, it is in vain without the ultimate ingenious soul". "Variety" had the harshest evaluation, "After losing Pixar, Disney's CGI looks cheap, boring and distorted."

The overall score of the 26 media outlets is only 63 points, which just passed the passing line; the score on Rotten Tomatoes is only 58%, obviously the audience does not like this work either; It's a tragedy. The score of only 5.8 makes people not want to watch it. Of course, this is just the beginning. As the audience increases, this score will still change.

Where there is a comparison, there is a difference.

The score of "Little Sunshine" becomes even more valuable under such circumstances. The score on Rotten Tomatoes has reached 93%, which is the highest approval rate so far in the 2005 conference year; eight media outlets have given a full score of 100%, while the comprehensive score of 17 media outlets The score is as high as 91 points; the instant score on the 4 MP is even 8 points, and it successfully broke into the top 250 movie list.

As the third work directed by Evan Bell, "Little Miss Sunshine" has received numerous accolades, continuing the previous acclaim from Toronto. "The first thing I saw was Oliver's blue eyes, she seemed to see right into our souls. It's a movie about dreams and fantasies, the casting and performance are the best, they give you a taste It turns out that the performance without dialogue can be so interesting. Evan Bell has created a realistic and beautiful world for us, and we are like a member of the Laugh and cry with the story, as Director, Bell's ability is showing the most dazzling light little by little." This is from the "Luo Xiu Fan Times"'s comment on the film, and it can also be said to be the general reflection of the North American media after the film was released.

At the beginning, Focus Pictures took four years before and after, but in the end, Yili chose not to invest in this work, and let the despairing Michael and Amat go to the ocean to go to Dubai to visit Evan and Bell in person, and finally achieved "" Little Miss Sunshine" movie.

Although the "Little Miss Sunshine" received enthusiastic follow-up at the Toronto Film Festival, some people said that Focus Pictures had no time to regret it. But now, after the release of "Little Sunshine", Focus Pictures has been ruined, especially since Focus Pictures is a subsidiary of Universal Pictures, which makes the popularity of "Little Sunshine" even more dazzling. . And those producers who rejected Michael-Amter were even more speechless. They could only say that Evan-Bell's unique vision made people envious, envious and hateful.

The huge gap in word-of-mouth between "Four-eyed Chicken" and "Little Sunshine Beauty" is already a huge gap for Disney, especially when many media have even said, "Without Pixar, Disney is in its own animation. It is also in trouble in the field." This definitely angered Disney, but it was still full of fire!

What about the box office? What will be the result of the box office?

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