Great Artist

Chapter 1413: A first glimpse of the background

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After the release of Taylor Swift's first single, it was natural to launch related publicity. In this materialistic society, the era of "wine fragrance is not afraid of deep alleys" has long since passed. If you don't learn to grasp the power of the media, the difficulty of achieving success will increase exponentially. Of course, with the development of society, the way of publicity has also become diversified. Linkin Park was a kind of singing in the Yahoo community, Jason-Mayez was a kind of album promotion on tour, Evan- It is also a way for Bell to increase exposure through movies and other methods, and it is the most traditional way to appear on shows and do interviews.

Taylor Swift's first show since her debut, The Ellen DeGeneres Show. After participating in the recording of this talk show, Taylor Swift will participate in multiple radio stations including Ryan Seacrest. According to rumors in the circle, the new season of "Saturday Night Live" will be broadcast at the end of September. ", Taylor Swift was also honored to be a guest on one of the issues.

Although the Ellen DeGeneres Show is a program under Universal Television, and the relationship between Eleven Studios and the current seems to be a bit sensitive, in fact the relationship between the two sides is far from being as severe as the outside world said. Unlike Universal Music and Eleven Studios now feel a little immortal, and Universal Pictures seems to be dismissive of Evan Bell, but if Evan Bell is willing to take Universal Pictures' script, presumably Lang- Mayer would definitely welcome it with arms raised. Originally, interests in the entertainment industry are the first factor, and having Taylor Swift on the show is a win-win situation. Taylor Swift wins attention and wins ratings. Of course, the personal relationship between Ellen DeGeneres and Evan Bell also played a very important role.

As Taylor Swift's first show, Xiao Nizi looked very nervous, as if Evan Bell's first TV show was the Oprah Show. The first time I appeared in front of the audience is such a high-profile stage, and my inner worries will inevitably make my nervousness control my performance. Fortunately, Ellen DeGeneres helped a lot.

"Tell me about your opportunity to study music, are you from Nashville?" Ellen DeGeneres didn't ask questions that needed to be responded to. Instead, start asking questions from the most basic information, which relaxes Taylor Swift a lot.

Taylor-Swift shook her head subconsciously. "No, I'm from Pennsylvania. Just because I was interested in music, my parents decided to move to the suburbs of Nashville when I was eleven." As soon as I heard it, I knew that Taylor Swift was not used to the show, and Ellen DeGeneres just asked a simple question. She confided all her family background, "In Nashville, I met a busker. It was the most amazing scene in my life."

Speaking of this, Taylor Swift suddenly covered her mouth, "Oh, sorry, I seem to say too much, sorry."

Ellen DeGeneres waved with a smile. "I wish you could say a little more so I can rest." This sentence caused a soft laugh from the audience. "So. You go on, busker, and then what?"

"At that time he was playing the guitar, and the golden sunlight was dancing on his long fingers, like a fairy with magic in a fairy tale, and the five strings were changing into magical notes. It almost made me feel Intoxicated, I knew for the first time that a simple guitar could be so beautiful." Taylor Swift recalled the scene that she will never forget, excitedly said, unconsciously. The nervousness disappeared, and he said with a big smile, "That day, he also taught me to make the guitar sound for the first time, and then I entered the world of music."

Ellen DeGeneres looked astonished. "So. This busker is Tim McGraw? That's why you used that name on your first single?"

Taylor Swift was immediately amused by Ellen DeGeneres' expression, "No, no. That busker is Evan Bell."

"What!" The surprise on Ellen DeGeneres' face didn't hide at all, it was presented directly, and the audience collectively let out a gasp of exclamation, "So, what do you mean? , was Evan Bell leading you into the music world, and then you went into Studio Eleven?"

"It was indeed Evan Bell who brought me into the world of music, and then when I wanted to be a singer, I went to Studio Eleven to introduce myself. Luckily, Evan kept me." Taylor Swift honestly explained that there is no sense of humor in the show, it is completely like a simple question and answer, "I learned a lot in Studio Eleven, Jason Mazz, Magic Red, Evan Bell, they all taught me a lot, and I have a lot of great companions, Bruno Mars, Adele Adkins, The Republic... It's a very happy music festival Family." Unconsciously, Taylor Swift exposed the family background of Eleven Studio, but fortunately, there is nothing shameful about these, many competitors have long known the family background of Eleven Studio Gotta be clear.

"Wow wow wow, this is so much information, let me sort it out." Ellen DeGeneres rubbed his forehead, "You mean, Evan Bell became your entry into the music world. Mentor, but your debut album is titled Tim McGraw, it's good, very good, I can't understand it more clearly." At this moment, the audience burst into laughter.

Taylor Swift sat on the couch, nervously trying to open her mouth to explain, but didn't know where to start. Ellen DeGeneres has no plans to let Xiao Nizi explain, because people who have really heard the song "Tim McGraw" know that the title and worship Tim McGraw are not too much. A big relationship is just the sustenance of a young love. She changed the subject with a smile, "So, can you play the song Evan played on the streets of Nashville?"

"Of course." Although Taylor Swift was still concerned about the explanation just now, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard Ellen DeGeneres' words. Playing music is naturally easier than talking. "Actually, everyone should have heard this song. It was Evan's 'Top' song later included in 'Second'.

The song "Top" has a little folk style, but it has a unique flavor under Taylor Swift's interpretation.

The Ellen DeGeneres show's ratings are now steady at around 20 million. Although it is still behind Oprah's talk show, which dropped to 25 million, it has become one of the top talk shows. Taylor Swift's performance on this episode has gathered 19 million viewers to watch, and the first shot of her debut can be described as a remarkable achievement.

For the audience, knowing the story behind a star's debut, which also involves a big star like Evan Bell, is a good source of gossip after dinner, but other than that, there are no more ideas. But for the entertainment industry, Taylor Swift made her debut through the Ellen DeGeneres show, and this incident has reacted too much.

It is not easy for a rookie singer to get a chance on a show. Even a top record company like Warner Records has to spend energy to convince the producers of each show that their own newcomer is worth announcing. Although large record companies have a deep background, it is slightly more convenient to announce and promote newcomers, but it is not easy. Think back to Sean Mayer's efforts to get Evan Bale on the Oprah show.

Now, Taylor Swift's debut has made it easy to get on the stage of the Ellen DeGeneres show, which is also mixed with a TV station problem, then the network of Eleven Studio can be A glimpse of the tip of the iceberg. Although Eleven Studio is bound to have the help of Warner Records, the rise of Eleven Studio, which has only been established for less than six years, is really frightening. Especially in this year's 11th studio's rapid take-off in movies, the re-attack in music really makes people have to pay attention.

After the Ellen DeGeneres Swift's radio appearance went so well, even a veteran show like Saturday Night Live, which aired for more than 30 seasons, paid tribute to the show. Xiao Nizi extended an olive branch, Eleven Studio has occupied a place in the intertwined American entertainment circle, and quietly extended its tentacles to every corner of every field.

This is one of them. In addition, during the interview, Taylor Swift revealed that Eleven Music currently has singers. There are not many people. There are only seven groups of singers before and after. There are already four groups of singers who have debuted. If you are a good singer, then the expectations of the remaining three groups are bound to rise. Eleven Studio's footsteps in music have not been separated by the film at all, and they are advancing at a constant speed that no one can see.

Taylor Swift's debut can be said to have allowed the entire American entertainment industry to truly see the heritage of Eleven Studios this summer. Since the acquisition of Pixar, people seem to be only lamenting the rapid rise of Eleven Studio, and lamenting that Eleven Studio has joined the ranks of disruptors, but now, people have really seen the accumulated heritage of Eleven Studio in the past six years. The successful launch of "High School Musical", "The Devil Wears Prada" and Taylor Swift is exactly the clarion call issued by Eleven Studios.

It seems that the opposition alliance must be re-planned, and in addition to video sites, other parts must also seek ways to save themselves. In the struggle in the entertainment industry, suppressing opponents is one aspect, but in the final analysis, improving one's own strength is the last word.

There will be another update later, and I will beg for the support of the monthly pass! (To be continued) RQ

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