Great Artist

Chapter 1426: Coincidence with chaos

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

Leaving the Key Arena, Teddy Bell did not drive towards the hotel, but drove in the direction of the Space Needle that the city of Seattle won.

Evan Bell just told Simon Cowell and Nigel Lessig that he had an appointment at night, it was not polite. Evan Bell was scheduled to visit the cast of "Grey's Anatomy" today.

After "Grey's Anatomy" premiered in March last year, only a few weeks later, it has become a top drama series comparable to "Desperate Housewives", and "Grey's Anatomy" is entering its third season premiere this week. At present, it has surpassed many competitors such as "Desperate Housewives", "Prison Break" and "Lost", and has become the most popular drama work by advertisers at a price of $450,000 per 30 seconds. This result is really gratifying .

However, Evan Bell, a busy man, has never appeared on the crew of "Grey's Anatomy". Even the producers of the show, Shonda Rhimes, Evan Bell have never officially met. , has always only heard the sound but not the person. Eleven Studios joked that Evan Bell was the father of the "Naval Criminal Investigative Service", because Evan Bell obviously spent the most effort in this drama; as for "Grey's Anatomy", Evan Bell is the stepmother, the grandfather does not love the grandmother does not love.

Of course, this is just a joke, but Evan Bell has never been on the set of "Grey's Anatomy", which is a hard truth. Evan Bell will naturally not miss it again when he comes to Seattle this time.

The city of Seattle is like an emerald surrounded by azure waters, surrounded by the Olympic Mountains in the east and the peaks of the Cascade Mountains in the west, while the Porte Bay and Lake Washington meet at Lake Union in the city center, with rainy weather. The weather makes Seattle always covered with a layer of dreamlike fog, which makes it even more emerald green against the green eyes, which has also earned Seattle the reputation of the evergreen city.

Walking along the river bank of the canal all the way to the Space Needle, people can't help but sigh that this is not a city at all, but more like a paradise located in a mountain nest, which perfectly combines the prosperity of the city with the comfort of nature. Even just looking at the large expanse of thick green shrouded in fog outside the car window, the lights of the stars began to light up one after another, gradually lighting up the hazy foggy world, it was so beautiful that people were speechless.

When Evan Bell arrived on the set, the sky was still not completely dark, a hazy fog, but it made this evening more and more beautiful. However, the situation to meet Evan Bell was not so good.

Evan Bell walked into the Seattle Mercy Hospital building built by the crew when he saw a large group of people inside and outside the lobby on the first floor. The face of the staff who led the two Bell brothers into the crew was obviously not very good. He was just a security guard outside, not a management team, so he didn't know the situation inside, and there was no news of Evan Bell's arrival. With advance notice, he recklessly brought in Evan Bell.

"Grass, you bastard... pervert, you should get out of this crew..." A series of foul language burst out in the crowd, and the people around were quiet for a while, and then they heard another A voice rang out, "Damn it, what did you say?" But before the voice was finished, a muffled "bang" sounded, it sounded like the sound of fists and cheeks touching, Then it was a mess.

Teddy Bell's brows immediately wrinkled. It's not a good thing for the crew to make trouble in itself, not to mention that it would be bad if the reporter broke the news.

Think about it, when Evan Bell was in the "Enemies of the Machine" crew, he just didn't get along with Bridget Mouna, and the media was so noisy there. And now, the new season of "Grey's Anatomy" is about to start, and the focus is even more numerous. When I came in just now, I could see that there were many reporters outside. Now it is homophobic discrimination, and there are disputes and fights, which are definitely only negative effects for the show.

However, when Teddy Bell was about to scold him twice, Evan Bell stopped him, "What's the use of blocking, the fight has started, let them have a good time and then talk about it." Evan Bell faintly In fact, Jojo had already guessed what was going on, and couldn't help but have a headache. What should have happened finally happened.

Teddy Bell still frowned, nodded sullenly, and glanced at the group of chaos. At this time, everyone in the surrounding circle was involved, and he probably couldn't understand who was beating whom. In fact, who is causing the trouble, what is the reason, and who is gay, these things have not yet been figured out, but the chaos in front of them makes people uncomfortable.

"Do you want to tell Thomas?" Thomas Lansing and the others are now in charge of Eleven Productions. As their direct bosses, Thomas Lansing and the others must know the status of their crews. Unlike movies, TV dramas are long-term battles. If there is discord within the crew, it will be fatal. When Teddy Bell was in charge of Eleven production, there was no such thing at all. It can be said that Eleven Studios has always been very harmonious. Now, there is an infighting, which is absolutely intolerable.

Evan Bell smiled, "We're all here, do you think we can hide it?"

Teddy Bell was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but laugh. If the two brothers didn't show up, then you can see how Shonda Rhimes dealt with it, and how Thomas Lansing would deal with it; but now that their highest-level boss has appeared, it is estimated that nothing has been hidden. No longer.

The staff who led the way stood by, looking at Teddy Bell and Evan Bell, with uneasy expressions on their faces, but in their hearts they were always thinking of bad luck. He just came to lead a way, and as a result, he encountered something he had never seen before, and, seeing Teddy Bell's face was very bad, he couldn't help but start to worry about how the two young bosses would deal with this matter. The staff member kept rolling his eyes and wanted to raise his voice to remind the crowd in front of him that the fight was lively, but he didn't dare to speak. He was not sure if he would please Shonda Rhimes after speaking, and whether he would offend the Bell brothers again. This is too bad.

At this time, the fighting situation was actually under control. The other actors next to him swarmed forward and pulled the fighters away. Several old and respected actors shouted loudly, "Stop, you all stop." So that the chaos did not expand further, but the shouting and scolding continued incessantly.

As a result, the staff heard the following conversation between the Bell brothers.

"Who is this fighting? I really don't have the skills. If I want to, I'll just take a fancy to one person and throw my punches to the death. At least one person is killed." This was Evan Bell's voice.

"As soon as they saw it, they knew that they had never mixed before. It was just thunder and rain, and it was boring." This is Teddy Bell.

"It is estimated that they are usually filming, and they don't have time to exercise. If you change it up, a fist is enough for the other party."

"I think you haven't exercised much, and your ability to hit people is not weak at all. Oh, look, you've been pulled away now, and you can't fight anymore."

The staff member stood beside him dumbfounded, his jaw almost dislocated. Are these two brothers watching a good show?

At this time, the chaos finally calmed down a little, and when someone saw the Bell brothers standing at the door of the hospital, they were all stunned. The first person to see the Bell Brothers was Ellen Pompeo, who played the heroine Meredith Grey. She couldn't even pull a girl, and yelling "Stop" by the side didn't do much good. She glanced to the side and saw the two Bell brothers who were chatting with laughter. At first she thought she was wrong, but after rubbing her eyes stupidly, she realized that it was true.

"Hey, Evan Bell, Teddy Bell!" Ellen Pompeo pulled his partner, who should be the Asian actor Sandra Ou who played Kristina Yang. She also deliberately The full names of the two Bell brothers are listed in the hope of reminding those around them.

But unfortunately, the confusion has not completely subsided at this time, and not many people noticed. Sandra Ou was also pulled twice before he reacted. After seeing the Bell brothers, he immediately shouted, "Alan, look, it's Evan Bell and Teddy Bell." Two people His eyes were already on the Bell brothers, and while he came over, he kept saying, "Evan I finally waited for you to come to the crew, it's really been too long, we still I've always wondered when Evan Bell will be on set."

In this polite remark, every sentence is "Evan Bell", lest others not know that the Bell brothers are here.

Aaron Pompeo and Sandra Ou both walked up to the Bell brothers, Evan Bell said with a smile, "Don't greet us, what are you doing keep busy. I see you," Evan Bell looked Looking at the chaos, "I'm quite busy." Those words were enough to make people break out in a cold sweat.

The two stood in Yuande, not knowing what to answer for a while, Evan Bell looked back and said to the staff next to him, "Let the reporters outside stop for a while, and there will be a small news report later. Press conference, explain together." Some reporters have already begun to try to break through the blockade and rush into the set. This is big news, how could they not be active. The staff member who led the way seemed to hear the sound of heaven and rushed out.

"Teddy Bell, why are you here, aren't you participating in the audition for 'American Idol' today?" Ellen Pompeo shouted loudly, she had to do this, otherwise things would only get worse.

Evan Bell laughed heartily, "Don't shout, they've reacted. You guys can go there first, and you can stand wherever you need to be."

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