Great Artist

Chapter 1550: apprehensive mars

On February 14th, a group of lonely bachelors gathered in the studio at 11 Princes Street in New York. There was no one to date on Valentine's Day, so work was the perfect choice. www.) Ryan Ted, Drew Brown, Brant Cortez and Bruno Mars stayed in the studio to prepare for the new album of Republic Age, as for Eddie Fisher, the other two members of the band Ernest and Zach Filkins missed tonight's recording because they had a date.

The members of the Republican era did not appear. Instead, Bruno Mars, who played soy sauce, stayed with great loyalty. As for Bruno Mars, he couldn't help but tease and said, "I'll just release the album as your reserve member."

Ryan Ted has no pressure on this at all. "Are you going to compete with me for the lead vocal position? Phew, I finally breathed a sigh of relief." Ryan Ted also relaxed his shoulders very cooperatively, letting Bruno Mars haha Laugh out loud. The recording of this album in the Republic era took a very long time. They were recording while writing. The entire album ten songs were recorded intermittently. It was almost a year before and after, but the production was still not completed. So Ryan Ted is under a lot of pressure.

"I've already started worrying about what to do when I record the album. Seeing Evan's stinky face in the studio, it's scary to think about it." Bruno Mars frowned with a helpless expression on his face.

Brant Cortez sat next to him and asked aloud, "Bruno, when did you make eleven?"

"After the September 11th anniversary in 2003. I met Evan after the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Freedom Tower." Bruno Mars no longer looked like the shy and nervous boy three years ago. Now he sees Evan. Wen Bell is no longer nervous, and has fully adapted to the life in Eleven Studio.

"Wow, it's been a long time." Brant Cortez was more straightforward, and he blurted out with a sigh, "No offense, but Bruno, you never got the chance to make an album, you don't Will you be impatient or unable to hold back?" Although the question is relatively straightforward, Brant Cortez's expression is very serious, without any additional meaning, and it will not make people uncomfortable.

Bruno Mars was not angry either, he smiled and cast his eyes on Ryan Ted. If we want to talk about the waiting time, it should be Ryan Ted who has worked hard. This is already the seventh year he has waited. Leaving aside the time full of dawn in Eleven Studios, it was six years ago.

Ryan Ted raised his hands, raised his brow, and said honestly, "Don't look at me, I'm already impatient in my second year and can't wait to have a go. At that time, I felt that my creative talent was not appreciated. , Although I didn't say it on the surface, I was very anxious. But I still can't get the opportunity, that's a torment. Even after I won the opportunity to start recording the album, my inner impatience never diminished, so the ones I recorded before The songs were too edgy, and it's not worth mentioning now."

Bruno Mars laughed, "I had just joined the company at that time, and I didn't know anything about music. I just wanted to break into the music industry with a passion and a little talent. But I saw people like Evan at the beginning. I still remember the shock I felt at the time, it was an indescribable feeling. Therefore, I have always seen my shortcomings clearly, and I have been studying honestly, and the whole mentality is not so anxious. "

Young people are always flamboyant and easily irritable. They always feel that their abilities are not only limited to this, but also that this society is restricting their performance, but as everyone knows, there are people in people, and there are heavens outside. Only when you really see a powerful character and get hit can you feel the impact.

Ryan Ted started from the grassroots level in Timbaland's company, and didn't have direct contact with music. Even though Timbaland wanted to polish Ryan Ted's spirit, he didn't use the right method. It's perfectly normal to imagine Ryan Ted getting into the company on the title of the Creation Contest champion. But as a result, Timbaland has been refusing to let Ryan Ted officially start writing. For most young people, the transition from heaven to **** is really difficult to accept. So impatience is inevitable.

Bruno Mars is different. As soon as he came in, he saw a character like Evan Bell. After suffering the blow, all his pride and sharpness were put away. In addition, he was originally a down-to-earth honest man, so the result was completely Not the same.

"What did you see that was so shocking?" Drew Brown, who had been sitting next to him without speaking, suddenly became interested. When they met Evan Bell, Evan Bell was already a member of the music industry that could not be ignored. And the intuitive shock of the concert came to the face. But in 2003, although Evan Bell had a classic work like "Tianguang", he only released two albums after all. It should be said that he is a very promising newcomer, and he is still a long way from the master. Nomars shrugged. "I watched the recording of 'Agent', and Evan and Chester almost got into a fight."

"Oh..." The three of Ryan Ted suddenly realized that the collision between Evan Bell and Linkin Park, and it was such an intense song by "Catalyst", the shock was indeed very powerful, just sketch it in my mind. I think the picture should be amazing.

Bruno Mars laughed, "At that time, Tyler and I were sitting in the recording studio, and we didn't even dare to breathe, because we were afraid that we would be caught by the storm like glass and would not be able to walk out alive." Described, let Ryan Ted and others laugh out loud, imagine when Evan Bell recorded an album for the Republican era not long ago, the scene is indeed empathetic!

"But it's definitely false to say that I'm not impatient." Bruno Mars went on to say that for the past three years, Bruno Mars has been learning musical instruments and has made great progress in writing. Now he has begun to write for other singers. The song is provided. "After I came in, Magic Red, Jason, and Taylor all released albums one after another. I was relatively calm until Taylor released the album. But then you guys started recording albums, although I don't know yet. When will Adele's album start recording, but I'm still worried, will all Adele albums start recording, I still haven't started anything, so it's inevitable that there will be some impatience.


No matter how honest people are, seeing that their friends who practiced with them successfully handed in their music answers, and even started preparing for them than their partners who joined the company later, how can they not be in a hurry, unless they are people who have no desire at all. Otherwise, even honest people will be impatient, but this kind of impatience will not be displayed directly.

Hearing Bruno Mars say this, Ryan Ted asked curiously, "Then why don't you go to Evan? When I was impatient, I asked Timbaland directly." The result is predictable You know, of course it hit a wall.

Hearing this, Bruno Mars couldn't help but hesitate for a while. "Actually, Evan Bell has always said that as long as I'm ready, Eleven will provide me with a stage for me to record an album."

A few lads in the Republican era didn't know much about it, but Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift, the first members of Studio Eleven, couldn't know better about Evan Bell's spontaneity. Evan Bell never specifically dictated when they would release the album, just letting them make their own judgement.

"Well then, you just tell Evan that you want to make an album." Brant Cortez felt that it couldn't be easier, he really didn't understand the reason why Bruno Mars was still timid.

Bruno Mars opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just slumped his shoulders in frustration. What Bruno Mars wants to say is that Evan Bell hasn't said "yes" to him yet.

Although in Eleven Studios, the platform to show oneself has always existed, but if you stand on the stage without being prepared, the person who will lose face and fail is only yourself. Bruno Mars does not want to be an idol singer, he really likes his music and can resonate with the audience, and wants to be a singer like Evan Bell. Therefore, he also hopes that he can come up with a satisfactory answer sheet, and then officially appear in front of all the audience.

In fact, both Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars have a blind trust in Evan If Evan Bell says no, it won't work. And Evan Bell said "yes" to Taylor Swift, but not Bruno Mars. This makes Bruno Mars always lack of confidence and dare not take that step.

Ryan Ted and the others don't know Bruno Mars' inner entanglement. In their view, Evan Bell is an easy-going and friendly musical partner - they completely forgot how nervous they were when they saw Evan Bell at the Rose Bowl Stadium. Embarrassed, since Evan Bell said that he can release an album as long as he wants, why can't Bruno Mars say it?

"If you don't tell Evan, Evan won't know what you think, and he can't read minds." Although Ryan Ted's sentence is very simple and popular, but in Bruno Mars' ears, he Don't have a taste.

Originally, Ryan Ted wanted to continue to say something, but was planned by the sudden ringing of the phone 97net. Their phones were muted in the recording studio, but it was a break just now, and Ryan Ted also ordered takeout, so I put it on the phone. The bell was on so as not to miss the takeaway call 97net. Picking up the phone, Ryan Ted said, "It's Timbaland," obviously a little surprised by Timbaland's call, and then picked up 97net.

Asking for a ticket for the first time in the new year, haha, I will send it to you in the fourth edition, asking for a monthly ticket! .

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