Great Artist

Chapter 1591: great match

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This scene is the first outbreak of conflict between Eli Sandy and Daniel Plevy in the script.

Daniel Plevy's confidence and desire for the future, and this ambition is expanding in the process, so that Daniel Plevy will not allow others to point fingers at him. The polite priest was very repulsive, because Eli Sandy always tried to infiltrate religion into Daniel Plewie's group of miners, which, for Daniel Plevey, was not allowed.

And Eli Sandy, a young man who used the image of a priest to cover up his ambitions to control all his ambitions, is also taking advantage of the kindness and ignorance of the townspeople, relying on his eloquence and acting talent to control the hearts and minds of the whole town, and the church is getting bigger and bigger. Big, but also makes him have more and more desire for Daniel - Plevy's career.

In fact, the contradiction between Daniel Prevey and Eli Sandy is more a competition between big capital forces and religious forces. These two forces compete with each other and depend on each other, and interests are actually the focus of competition between each other. One second they were enemies, and the next second they might put down their weapons and make peace. This kind of relationship with interests as the core is a kind of game.

The first outbreak of the two people came from the first conflict of interests. Before the oil well officially began to operate, Eli Sandy hoped to perform a blessing ceremony on the spot, which was actually a way to open up believers among the miners. , But how could Daniel Plevy be captured, so he promised on the surface, but he broke the contract directly at the groundbreaking ceremony, leaving Eli Sandy stunned.

But then there was an accident at Daniel Plevy's oil well that killed a worker and lost his hearing to his son, H. Plevy. In a situation of panic, Daniel Plevy needs Eli Sandy to use the power of religion to calm people's hearts. Eli Sandy agreed, but he took the opportunity to ask Daniel Prevey for $5,000 in church sponsorships. Daniel Plevy agreed. This is the exchange of benefits.

afterwards. Daniel Prevy was unwilling to make the promise, and he had no plans to pay Eli Sandy the five thousand dollars, and he was even more irritated by Prevy's deafness. In this situation, Eli Sandy confidently came to ask for his own sponsorship fee. I didn't want to, just said the first sentence "When can we get the money? Daniel", and was slapped back by Daniel Prevey, who didn't give Eli Sandy at all The plan to breathe, the slap in the face is harder than the other.

During the filming process, slapping this type of scene is actually the most troublesome. Actors are often too unfamiliar or too familiar to start. After all, it is not an elegant thing to slap the other person inexplicably. But the problem is that if the slap is not thrown in place, re-shooting is inevitable, but it is easy to make both sides of the opposite scene suffer more. Therefore, it is the best choice to enter the play from the beginning.

In fact, in the script, Evan Bell just wrote one sentence: Daniel Prevey gave Eli Sandy a slap in the face, and there was a fierce conflict between the two. But such a simple sentence in the script, "fierce conflict". Literally, the meaning is very rich, but it is not so easy to present it on the screen. The director's task is to construct simple words into pictures, and transform the power of words into the power of combining pictures, sounds, etc., and present them.

After two rehearsals just now, Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio had a good show. The main thing was to get the rhythm and lines of the two people right, but after the real shooting started, Leonardo DiCaprio Caprio's ruthlessness suddenly erupted, and the loud slaps directly silenced the scene.

Leonardo DiCaprio is completely in the game, and he slaps even Evan Bell's lines into pieces. But the confrontation scene between the two people with swords drawn and hand-to-hand fighting makes it really scary.

"If you asked me to pray for the oil well, this kind of thing would never happen..." Before Eli Sandy could finish his words, Daniel Prevey slapped him again, "You shouldn't Say something like that." That line was not in the script, and it came out of nowhere when Leonardo DiCaprio heard Evan Bell's line.

To be precise, the two people at this time are not Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio. It was Eli Sandy and Daniel Prevey. Both of them seemed to be possessed by characters.

Although Eli Sandy was slapped in the face, his vicious and cruel eyes made Daniel Prevey's anger rush upward. It's impossible that this **** priest wants to control everything about him! Daniel Plewie knows all about Eli Sandy's tricks. There is no God in this world, and there is no Holy Spirit possessed. The means of controlling the miners at the level, and he, Daniel Prevey, is impossible for this kind of thing to happen! Only he can call the shots of his oil field!

Another slap in the face, Eli Sandy was lying on the ground like a puppy, he was angry, he was angry when he left the ground, are all capitalists like this? This wicked Daniel Plevy agreed to sponsor the Third Apocalypse Church for $5,000. With the $5,000, he could build a bigger church, and his congregation would grow more and more. There will be more and more residents who come to listen to his speeches and ask him to pray, and his power will grow bigger and bigger! He absolutely won't allow Daniel Prevey to break his word and sabotage everything he's orchestrated.

"Ow! You still owe the Third Apocalypse Church five thousand dollars!" Eli Sandy's angry voice came out from the depths of his throat. He couldn't beat Daniel Prevey, but he would never catch it.

"Bang", Eli Sandy's **** came a heavy blow, it was Daniel Prevey! He actually kicked his own ass, like a hound chasing a flock, this is a shame, this is a huge shame! But what can Eli Sandy do? The anger in his chest was burning, but he lost the opportunity at the beginning, and now he has no chance to resist, he can only crawl forward with his hands and feet, and Daniel Prevey still does not let him go , kicked him twice, the shame almost drowned him, his voice completely out of control.

"Is it? Is it?" Daniel Prevey took two strides forward, bent over and grabbed Eli Sandy's short-medium hair, and dragged it on the ground like a corpse. "We agreed!" Eli Sandy was still shouting, but soon his genius language skills were useless, and he could only wailing like a bereaved dog.

Daniel Plevy has fallen into a frenzy. He grabbed Eli Sandy's hair and dragged it into the muddy depression next to him. Eli Sandy was struggling frantically, but the pain from his head and The enormous power made him unable to resist.

When Daniel Prevey dragged Eli Sandy into the mud, he pressed down and tried to grab Eli Sandy's neck, Eli Sandy launched a violent counterattack, his hands and feet use together. The two were like beggars fighting in the street, without any routines or effort, just fighting with primitive instincts, and in the end, Daniel Prevey, who had the upper hand, won again.

Daniel Plevy pinned Eli Sandy in the mud, finally depriving Eli Sandy of all his language abilities, and left Eli Sandy in the mud, exhausted left.

"Ka!" Teddy Bell's voice came over, and although he heard this sentence, Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio neither moved nor recovered. , because they were too involved in the drama just now. The physical confrontation and the mental investment made the two of them need a little leeway.

After a while, Leonardo DiCaprio returned to his senses and stretched out his hand to pull Evan Bell out of the mud. Teddy Bell ran over and handed over the bath towel. Evan Bell shook his head and refused. "Look at the monitor first, and then if you want to reshoot it." If you want to reshoot the scenes in the mud, you can just continue to shoot, saving trouble.

Although the scene just now was a physical conflict, in fact, the expressions are not delicate, but the information revealed by the two people in the lines is crucial. Every change of tone, pause and connection of every line can make the whole scene The conflict is vividly presented.

Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio looked at the monitor and watched the scene seriously. I have to say that there is an excellent opponent, which can completely make the actor play 120% of his skill.

The scene just DiCaprio's powerful momentum like a poisonous snake erupted vividly on the entire screen. This scene alone, It is enough to see that Leonardo DiCaprio has changed dramatically in less than ten days in the past ten days. Language, expression, movement, and integration; and Evan Bell, he plays the weak side, but he The wolf's ambition hidden under the sheep's skin showed a monstrous aura. Even though he was beaten in a dreadful manner, the tense and full sense of conflict was outlined in his every move.

After watching the monitor, Evan Bell breathed a long sigh of relief. Apart from the need to make up a few shots from other angles, the scene just now was perfect. "Leo, you were really ruthless just now. I suspect that I have tinnitus in my ears. What should I do?"

Leonardo DiCaprio didn't seem to have completely stepped out of the role of Daniel Prevey at this time, panting and calm, showing ruthlessness, "Then you want to do it again? "

Evan Bell shook his head with a smile, "Are you addicted to hitting people? It's a pity that this set is what I say, not you." In a word, everyone around him laughed.

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