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Chapter 1630: sequel battle

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The sequel movie, in Hollywood, is an existence that people hate and love. www.)~ The reason why the sequel film appeared, in fact, the reason is simple, that is, out of the film company's pursuit of interests, after the first film achieved great success, the sequel naturally appeared on the company's conference table. Because the sequel movie is based on the word-of-mouth of the previous work and the previous loyal audience, it is relatively easy for the sequel to create good results.

But at the same time, sequel movies are also irritating, because under the aura of "sequel", screenwriters are prone to inertia, and the story of the sequel cannot escape the framework structure, and the overall quality is very likely to decline. So that's not good news for viewers.

Success is also a sequel, failure is also a sequel, that's what it means. There are not only "The Lord of the Rings", "The Godfather" such a series of movies that are better than one, but also "The Matrix", "First Blood", "Life and Death" such as series of increasingly disappointing sequels, There are also series of works such as "007" and "Harry Potter" with uneven levels of sequels and ups and downs.

All in all, the sequel is indeed an existence worth pondering.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 3" as the final work of this series, the word of mouth actually surpassed the previous one, showing signs of recovery, which is really a happy situation. The comprehensive score of the media is 75 points, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is 82%, and the provisional score of 7.6 points on imdb is better than "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". "Pirates of the Caribbean" is comparable to the posture, which can also see people's love for this movie.

The reason why people are so sensitive to sequels is mainly because the summer season of 2007 kicked off in the melee of the sequels. "Spider-Man 3" came out first, kicking off this year's summer season, followed by "Monster History". Lake 3" strikes, join the fray. Now it's "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" again, and this melee is really dazzling.

In the sequel competition, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" actually has the upper hand in word of mouth!

"Spider-Man 3" was actually criticized as "the worst in the series", and the comprehensive score of the media was only 60 points. Show no mercy. Its story line is complex and chaotic, the characters are more than vivid and profound, and the love between the hero and heroine is protracted... Although it failed miserably in word of mouth, after the film entered the North American film market, it broke a series of records with unprecedented strength. The box office showed a surprising level.

It grossed 59 million at the box office on its opening day. Beating "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", first in film history; opening weekend box office of 155 million, beating "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", first in film history; single-day box office Friday, Saturday and Sunday, beating "Caribbean 2" respectively Pirates 2", "Shrek 2", "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", first in film history; breaking through the speed of 100 million US dollars, defeating "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", first in film history; the difference between the box office champion and the runner-up weekend. Overcoming the gap between "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Superman Returns" last year, the first in film history; the overseas box office premiere day, refreshed South Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Hong Kong, China and other places...

It can be seen from this. Although "Spider-Man 3" suffered a crushing defeat in word of mouth, its box office performance was exceptionally mighty, breaking almost all the records of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" last summer.

The only record that "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" still holds is estimated to be the single-house box office record of more than 3,000 theaters. At that time, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" set a record of $35,714, and "Spider-Man" 3" this time at $35,500, $214 behind and failing to break the record.

Two weeks after the release of "Spider-Man 3", "Shrek 3" was released. Compared with the momentum of "Shrek 2" sweeping records and word of mouth, it is obvious that the third sequel is also under huge pressure.

"Shrek 3" repeated the mistakes of "Spider-Man 3" which failed in word of mouth. The comprehensive score of the media is only 57 points, which is really appalling. All media generally believe that the light of the spoofs in those days has become boring. Whether it is the characters or the stories, they are all on their own, and the decline is really ugly.

And that's why sequels keep studios so happy. Like "Spider-Man 3", "Shrek 3" has been criticized in word of mouth, but its box office performance is still the same. Although it did not break all records like "Spider-Man 3", the overall results still refreshed its own records. Among the rankings of the premiere day, premiere week, single day, and breaking the 100 million mark, all They are the champions in the history of animation, even among all the movies in history, they can rank among the top three, only behind the "Spider-Man 3" that just set the record and the "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" which created countless miracles last year. ".

It can be seen that although the word of mouth of "Shrek 3" has dropped a lot, its performance is still inferior to "Shrek 2", which was crowned the throne. The great success at the box office is enough to make DreamWorks Animation happy. And Paramount Pictures, which has obtained the distribution rights of DreamWorks Animation, is also very happy.

The opening weekend of "Spider-Man 3" was 155 million, and the opening weekend of "Shrek 3" was 122 million, both of which are enough to make the summer of 2007 gorgeous. It's on. And now, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", which unexpectedly has the upper hand in word of mouth, can be seen from the number of theaters released. Disney has tried its best this time, hoping that this film can achieve great results.

Everyone knows that Pixar's first work "Ratatouille" after joining Studio Eleven has been scheduled and will be officially released on June 22, so the performance of "Ratatouille" is bound to affect Disney's vulnerability. Therefore, Disney also hopes that "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" can show the king's domineering under the call of Evan Bell, so that they can look at the next journey of "Ratatouille" with more confidence.

Although "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" was released at 8:00 pm on Thursday, there were only two screenings that night, so strictly speaking, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" officially landed on the North American market on May 25!

"Pirates of the Caribbean 3" opened a big red market on the premiere day, with a score of 59.5 million, with a slight advantage of 500,000 ahead of "Spider-Man 3", the box office record on the premiere day was once again won by Jack S. In the name of Captain Palo, this was indeed a result that made everyone a little astonished.

It's not uncommon to take back records, it's rare that the odds are so slim and it's a competition between them. At the beginning, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" defeated "Spider-Man 2" and won a series of records, and then "Spider-Man 3" avenged his last work and snatched the records from "Pirates of the Caribbean 2"; but Soon, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" succeeded again, and the record was placed under his own name again. This situation makes people really happy.

Afterwards, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" will record one after another from "Spider-Man 3", with the single-day box office record on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, breaking through the speed of 100 million US dollars, the premiere Weekend box office, overseas premiere weekend box office... The only "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" that did not beat "Spider-Man 3" to set a new record, but beat its predecessor "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", which was released in more than 3,000 theaters. In the competition for box office records, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" won $35,800, won "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Spider-Man 3", and replaced its predecessor with an advantage of $86, becoming the First in movie history.

In this case, the number of theaters for "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" far exceeds that of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Spider-Man 3", so the overall box office results are naturally outstanding. With a weekend box office of 156.2 million US dollars, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" topped the North American box office chart with a sweeping value, setting a series of records, and easily won the North American box office in the fourth week of May. Leaderboard Champion!

At the same time, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" held a simultaneous global release this time, and the overseas box office outside North America broke the record of 230 million just created by "Spider-Man 3" three weeks ago, easily grabbing 200 million At the box office of 50 million US dollars, it also won the championship of overseas box office charts.

It is worth mentioning that, due to the strong attack of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" this week's new release is only a horror movie "Rounded with Holes" released by Lionsgate, mainly other Film companies are reluctant to confront Captain Jack Sparrow head-on, otherwise only themselves will suffer. Now that the box office results come out, it also proves this.

"Breakthrough" ended up taking only $3 million at the box office, ranking fourth on the North American box office charts. It can also be seen from this data that in the summer season, the box office predators basically focused everyone's attention. "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" teamed up with "Shrek 3" and "Spider-Man 3" to occupy the top three at the box office, and also The audience of the entire movie market has been concentrated.

Under the oppression of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", "Shrek 3", which was released in the second week of its release, failed to show the strong momentum of the previous episode, and the heroic shortness dropped by 56% and only won five 13 million US dollars, ranking second; and "Spider-Man 3" in the fourth week of its release, the box office drop was once again 50% higher, and it did not have the power of the previous one, and only won the box office of 14 million US dollars. .

It is foreseeable that the competition for the box office charts at the end of 2007 is estimated to be indispensable for these three sequel films.

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