Great Artist

Chapter 1696: ups and downs

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On Thursday, July 1st, the North American movie box office chart is in full swing, and the North American music market is about to usher in a rare war! Because Evan Bell's third album is finally about to be officially released after a lapse of 21 months, the music market is suddenly surging!

Evan Bell is about to release a new album, which was supposed to be just **** news, exciting news for professional music critics and fans alike. But it seems that because of the arrival of the summer vacation, there are a lot of singers who are about to release albums, which immediately makes the music market lively.

In the music market, although the release schedule is not as mature as the movie market, generally speaking, avoiding the album release schedule of big-name singers is helpful for sales. To give a simple example, when Amy Nam released an album, other singers would try to avoid releasing the album within a week or two, otherwise it would be easy to lose attention, and further, it would lose sales. Delay for a while, which is good for sales and publicity.

As a singer of two albums, Evan Bell is also well-known in the music industry, but his appeal is mainly reflected in the album "Two", so his "shock" to other music companies and other singers Still not enough. When Warner Records announced that Evan Bell's third album "Three" was about to be released, other singers had no plans to avoid the schedule, which also created a hot summer music market in July.

At the end of 2003 and the beginning of 2004, the biggest event in the world music industry was the second of the five major record companies: the merger of Sony and Bertelsmann. In one fell swoop, it surpassed Universal Music and became the largest record company in the world. In the past few years, Universal Music has always been the company with the highest market share in the global music market, and Warner Music has been pressing closer because of its keen tentacles on the commercialization of digital music. Now, the merger of the music companies to become Sony Bertelsmann Records (Sony bmg) presents a more serious challenge to Universal Music's kingship.

This year, the market share of Universal Music, Warner Music and Sony Bertelsmann Music has become the biggest attraction, while EMI Music, which is declining day by day, has failed to make the two mergers and acquisitions with Warner Music. Continue to slide. Before Warner Music successfully acquired EMI, it not only had to beware of the rapid alliance between EMI and Universal Music, but also to be wary of the two rivals in the competition. It was a long way to go.

In the first half of the year, Sony Bertelsmann's blockbuster release successfully dominated the music market in the first half of the year. Sonny Bertelsmann released the fourth studio album "Confessions of Love (ns by Usher on April 23. album.

"Confessions of Love" sold 1.1 million in its first week of release, breaking the sales record for a rhythm-and-blues artist in thirteen years, and without a doubt, topped the Billboard album chart.

To make a comparison, Evan Bell's acclaimed album "Two" sold only 400,000 in the first week, which is a big gap. However, the situation of Evan Bell at the beginning is different from the situation of Usher now, and there is no comparison.

If the first song of the album "Two" was outstanding, then although the album "Confessions of Love" cannot be said to be a single album, the value of the title song "yeah!" will definitely occupy this place. Halfway through the album, there has never been anything else on this album as good as this song.

"Yeah!" This single was released at the same time as "Confessions of Love". It also debuted at the number one spot on the Billboard singles chart in the first week of its release. Together with the album, it topped the double chart and opened the single "Yeah!" Song's sweeping trend on the charts, as of the end of June, won the championship for eight consecutive weeks and failed to find any opponent, so the momentum is close to the historical record of Evan Bell's "Tianguang (ent at the end of 2002. .

In fact, when it comes to the album "Confessions of Love" and the title song "Yeah!", Evan Bell is very impressed, because this is the most successful and brilliant album since Usher's debut, although he can't remember it The exact numbers are clear, but Evan Bell vaguely remembers whether "Confessions of Love" stayed at the top of the album chart for seven or eight weeks, and finally seemed to have won the year-end championship in 2004. Usher's new realm in singing and creative maturity, this transformation and progress has received overwhelming and enthusiastic responses from all over the world.

And "Yeah!" also created the peak of Usher's entire music career - until Evan Bell's rebirth - and topped the singles chart for 12 consecutive weeks: this number Evan Bell's The memory is also uncertain, but ** is not far away. At that time, this single can be said to be sweeping the world, no one knows it, no one knows it, it is really memorable. Even after many years, Usher himself has not been able to break through the peak of "Yeah!" again.

In addition to the title song "Yeah!", the second single "Burning (burn and the third single "Confession of Love part2 (ns.part2 also perfectly took over the strength after "Yeah!", Among them, "Burning" stayed at the top of the singles chart for eight weeks. Maybe Evan Bell doesn't remember these numbers very accurately, but in the summer of 2004, the situation of Usher's complete dominance couldn't be clearer.

Now, it is the moment when "Confessions of Love" and "Yeah!" are sweeping, and the number one album and single double chart is still firmly in Usher's hands. Usher's outstanding performance also allowed Sony Bertelsmann Records to successfully surpass Warner Records in the first half of the year and compete with Universal Music.

In early June, Sony Bertelsmann Records struck again, releasing the second album "" by 2002's rock elf Avril Lavigne. After Avril Lavigne released her debut album in 2002, it sold nearly 15 million copies worldwide and won eight Grammy Award nominations: this achievement compared to Evan Bell's debut. time is no less. And this time, after nearly two years of preparation, Avril Lavigne struck again with her second album.

Although "Cool to the Bone" failed to shake Usher's position as "Confessions of Love", it won 380,000 copies in the first week of its release in the United States, successfully airborne to the runner-up position, and stayed there. for three full weeks. In addition, this album of Avril Lavigne has also won the sales champion in ten countries and regions including the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Australia, and Canada, which can be described as a strong attack.

However, relatively speaking, Avril Lavigne's impact on the singles chart is relatively weak. The album has been released for a month, but the best score is only tenth.

Sony Bertelsmann Records has built on the momentum of Usher and Avril Lavigne this summer to have a solid North American market. In this case, Universal Music and Warner Records also responded accordingly!

Universal Music and Warner Music chose to attack at the end of June and early July, Universal Music chose Melancholy and Shania Twain, while Warner Music chose Evan Bell! This made the media have to think about it. Everyone knows about Evan Bell and Universal Music. Even if Evan Bell and Melancholy are no longer on the same level, this is after the two sides completely fell out. In the past three years The first head-to-head matchup: The single matchup at the end of last year really didn't get any media attention.

In addition, Universal Pictures has recently had a heated battle with Evan Bell, and now let's look at Universal Music's choice: on the one hand, it does not shy away from Evan Bell's album release time, which means head-to-head; Shania - Dunn's album was released at this time, can be described as meaningful.

Needless to say, the melancholy mood is inextricably linked with Evan Bell. Although the media has long stopped hyping the antagonistic relationship between the two sides, this time the albums of the two sides appeared in the same schedule to compete, which is still full of interest. , it's like watching an eight o'clock soap opera again.

Canadian country singer Shania Twain is definitely a legend. She has sold 10 million albums for three consecutive albums, which makes her the only person in history to have three diamond albums in the United States. Female singer! Among them, her album "e.on.over" released in 1997 achieved 20 million sales in the United States and 36 million global cumulative sales, making it the second-highest-selling album by a female singer in the history of American and world music— —The current historical sales champion is the album "Bodyguard" from Whitney Houston, and it is also the soundtrack of the movie "Bodyguard", which is more often recognized as an original soundtrack, so Shania Twain's album can also be Considered to be the highest-selling work in history by a female singer.

This time, Universal Music will release Shania Twain's first best album since her debut, and is widely praised by the media as the most favorable alternate seed to defeat Usher's dominance.

Melancholy's album was released a week earlier than Evan Bell, and it hit the market and promoted it Shania Twain's best collection "Greatest Hits (greatest.ts will be released Evan Bell's new album "Three" is out on the front and back, with the release date of "Three" on July 1, and the release date of the "Best Hits" collection on July 2.

The confrontation between Universal Music and Warner Records is also too obvious. Unlike Universal Pictures, which is still secretive and unwilling to admit, Universal Music has no way to hide its intentions. In the face of the reporter's question about "the release date of Evan Bell's album coincides", Universal Music said, "We just released the album according to the plan, without considering any objective situation." Although this meaningful sentence has no positive response, it smells like gunpowder. It's already very clear.

It seems that the battle in the movie market has just begun, and the grudge between Universal Music and Evan Bell in the music market is about to begin again.

There are Usher, Avril Lavigne in the front, Melancholy, Shania Twain, and Evan Bell's third album release, it can be described as turbulent!

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